public void Insert()
            //Inserts the books from the data grid into the db
                Model1Container2 db = new Model1Container2();

                foreach (var book in booksRead)
                    BookTBL newBook = new BookTBL()
                        Author = $"{book.Author}", Title = $"{book.Title}", AuthorTBLId = 1

            catch (NullReferenceException nre)
            catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("An error inserting into the database occurred");
        private void dataGrid_read_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            //select the book as an implicit type
            var bookSelected = dataGrid_read.SelectedItem;


            //checks the type of object the book is
            //this problem arose from making the db in a the EF Designer
            //and not code first
            //this created two similar book classes to work with
            //instead of one
            if (bookSelected is Book)
                Book bR = dataGrid_read.SelectedItem as Book;

                GetBookInfo(bR.Title + " " + bR.Author);
            else if (bookSelected is BookTBL)
                BookTBL b = dataGrid_read.SelectedItem as BookTBL;
                GetBookInfo(b.Title + " " + b.Author);