Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the image bindings are visible to the host GPU.
        /// Note: this actually performs the binding using the host graphics API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pool">The current texture pool</param>
        /// <param name="stage">The shader stage using the textures to be bound</param>
        /// <param name="stageIndex">The stage number of the specified shader stage</param>
        private void CommitImageBindings(TexturePool pool, ShaderStage stage, int stageIndex)
            if (_imageBindings[stageIndex] == null)

            // Scales for images appear after the texture ones.
            int baseScaleIndex = _textureBindings[stageIndex]?.Length ?? 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < _imageBindings[stageIndex].Length; index++)
                TextureBindingInfo bindingInfo = _imageBindings[stageIndex][index];

                int textureBufferIndex;
                int samplerBufferIndex;

                if (bindingInfo.CbufSlot < 0)
                    textureBufferIndex = _textureBufferIndex;
                    samplerBufferIndex = textureBufferIndex;
                    textureBufferIndex = bindingInfo.CbufSlot & SlotMask;
                    samplerBufferIndex = ((bindingInfo.CbufSlot >> SlotHigh) != 0) ? (bindingInfo.CbufSlot >> SlotHigh) - 1 : textureBufferIndex;

                int packedId  = ReadPackedId(stageIndex, bindingInfo.Handle, textureBufferIndex, samplerBufferIndex);
                int textureId = UnpackTextureId(packedId);

                Texture texture = pool.Get(textureId);

                ITexture hostTexture = texture?.GetTargetTexture(bindingInfo.Target);

                bool isStore = bindingInfo.Flags.HasFlag(TextureUsageFlags.ImageStore);

                if (hostTexture != null && texture.Target == Target.TextureBuffer)
                    // Ensure that the buffer texture is using the correct buffer as storage.
                    // Buffers are frequently re-created to accomodate larger data, so we need to re-bind
                    // to ensure we're not using a old buffer that was already deleted.

                    Format format = bindingInfo.Format;

                    if (format == 0 && texture != null)
                        format = texture.Format;

                    _context.Methods.BufferManager.SetBufferTextureStorage(hostTexture, texture.Range.GetSubRange(0).Address, texture.Size, bindingInfo, format, true);
                else if (isStore)

                if (_imageState[stageIndex][index].Texture != hostTexture || _rebind)
                    if (UpdateScale(texture, bindingInfo, baseScaleIndex + index, stage))
                        hostTexture = texture?.GetTargetTexture(bindingInfo.Target);

                    _imageState[stageIndex][index].Texture = hostTexture;

                    Format format = bindingInfo.Format;

                    if (format == 0 && texture != null)
                        format = texture.Format;

                    _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetImage(bindingInfo.Binding, hostTexture, format);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the image bindings are visible to the host GPU.
        /// Note: this actually performs the binding using the host graphics API.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pool">The current texture pool</param>
        /// <param name="stage">The shader stage using the textures to be bound</param>
        /// <param name="stageIndex">The stage number of the specified shader stage</param>
        private void CommitImageBindings(TexturePool pool, ShaderStage stage, int stageIndex)
            int imageCount = _imageBindingsCount[stageIndex];

            if (imageCount == 0)

            if (pool == null)
                Logger.Error?.Print(LogClass.Gpu, $"Shader stage \"{stage}\" uses images, but texture pool was not set.");

            // Scales for images appear after the texture ones.
            int baseScaleIndex = _textureBindingsCount[stageIndex];

            for (int index = 0; index < imageCount; index++)
                TextureBindingInfo bindingInfo = _imageBindings[stageIndex][index];

                (int textureBufferIndex, int samplerBufferIndex) = TextureHandle.UnpackSlots(bindingInfo.CbufSlot, _textureBufferIndex);

                int packedId  = ReadPackedId(stageIndex, bindingInfo.Handle, textureBufferIndex, samplerBufferIndex);
                int textureId = UnpackTextureId(packedId);

                Texture texture = pool.Get(textureId);

                ITexture hostTexture = texture?.GetTargetTexture(bindingInfo.Target);

                bool isStore = bindingInfo.Flags.HasFlag(TextureUsageFlags.ImageStore);

                if (hostTexture != null && texture.Target == Target.TextureBuffer)
                    // Ensure that the buffer texture is using the correct buffer as storage.
                    // Buffers are frequently re-created to accomodate larger data, so we need to re-bind
                    // to ensure we're not using a old buffer that was already deleted.

                    Format format = bindingInfo.Format;

                    if (format == 0 && texture != null)
                        format = texture.Format;

                    _channel.BufferManager.SetBufferTextureStorage(hostTexture, texture.Range.GetSubRange(0).Address, texture.Size, bindingInfo, format, true);
                    if (isStore)

                    if (_imageState[stageIndex][index].Texture != hostTexture || _rebind)
                        if (UpdateScale(texture, bindingInfo, baseScaleIndex + index, stage))
                            hostTexture = texture?.GetTargetTexture(bindingInfo.Target);

                        _imageState[stageIndex][index].Texture = hostTexture;

                        Format format = bindingInfo.Format;

                        if (format == 0 && texture != null)
                            format = texture.Format;

                        _context.Renderer.Pipeline.SetImage(bindingInfo.Binding, hostTexture, format);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to find an existing texture, or create a new one if not found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">Texture information of the texture to be found or created</param>
        /// <param name="flags">The texture search flags, defines texture comparison rules</param>
        /// <param name="sizeHint">A hint indicating the minimum used size for the texture</param>
        /// <returns>The texture</returns>
        public Texture FindOrCreateTexture(TextureInfo info, TextureSearchFlags flags = TextureSearchFlags.None, Size?sizeHint = null)
            bool isSamplerTexture = (flags & TextureSearchFlags.ForSampler) != 0;

            bool isScalable = IsUpscaleCompatible(info);

            TextureScaleMode scaleMode = TextureScaleMode.Blacklisted;

            if (isScalable)
                scaleMode = (flags & TextureSearchFlags.WithUpscale) != 0 ? TextureScaleMode.Scaled : TextureScaleMode.Eligible;

            int sameAddressOverlapsCount;

            lock (_textures)
                // Try to find a perfect texture match, with the same address and parameters.
                sameAddressOverlapsCount = _textures.FindOverlaps(info.Address, ref _textureOverlaps);

            Texture texture = null;

            TextureMatchQuality bestQuality = TextureMatchQuality.NoMatch;

            for (int index = 0; index < sameAddressOverlapsCount; index++)
                Texture overlap = _textureOverlaps[index];

                TextureMatchQuality matchQuality = overlap.IsExactMatch(info, flags);

                if (matchQuality == TextureMatchQuality.Perfect)
                    texture = overlap;
                else if (matchQuality > bestQuality)
                    texture     = overlap;
                    bestQuality = matchQuality;

            if (texture != null)
                if (!isSamplerTexture)
                    // If not a sampler texture, it is managed by the auto delete
                    // cache, ensure that it is on the "top" of the list to avoid
                    // deletion.

                ChangeSizeIfNeeded(info, texture, isSamplerTexture, sizeHint);



            // Calculate texture sizes, used to find all overlapping textures.
            SizeInfo sizeInfo;

            if (info.Target == Target.TextureBuffer)
                sizeInfo = new SizeInfo(info.Width * info.FormatInfo.BytesPerPixel);
            else if (info.IsLinear)
                sizeInfo = SizeCalculator.GetLinearTextureSize(
                sizeInfo = SizeCalculator.GetBlockLinearTextureSize(

            // Find view compatible matches.
            ulong size = (ulong)sizeInfo.TotalSize;
            int   overlapsCount;

            lock (_textures)
                overlapsCount = _textures.FindOverlaps(info.Address, size, ref _textureOverlaps);

            for (int index = 0; index < overlapsCount; index++)
                Texture overlap = _textureOverlaps[index];
                TextureViewCompatibility overlapCompatibility = overlap.IsViewCompatible(info, size, out int firstLayer, out int firstLevel);

                if (overlapCompatibility == TextureViewCompatibility.Full)
                    TextureInfo oInfo = AdjustSizes(overlap, info, firstLevel);

                    if (!isSamplerTexture)
                        info = oInfo;

                    texture = overlap.CreateView(oInfo, sizeInfo, firstLayer, firstLevel);

                    if (overlap.IsModified)

                    ChangeSizeIfNeeded(info, texture, isSamplerTexture, sizeHint);

                else if (overlapCompatibility == TextureViewCompatibility.CopyOnly)
                    // TODO: Copy rules for targets created after the container texture. See below.

            // No match, create a new texture.
            if (texture == null)
                texture = new Texture(_context, info, sizeInfo, scaleMode);

                // Step 1: Find textures that are view compatible with the new texture.
                // Any textures that are incompatible will contain garbage data, so they should be removed where possible.

                int  viewCompatible = 0;
                bool setData        = isSamplerTexture || overlapsCount == 0 || flags.HasFlag(TextureSearchFlags.ForCopy);

                for (int index = 0; index < overlapsCount; index++)
                    Texture overlap        = _textureOverlaps[index];
                    bool    overlapInCache = overlap.CacheNode != null;

                    TextureViewCompatibility compatibility = texture.IsViewCompatible(overlap.Info, overlap.Size, out int firstLayer, out int firstLevel);

                    if (compatibility != TextureViewCompatibility.Incompatible)
                        if (_overlapInfo.Length != _textureOverlaps.Length)
                            Array.Resize(ref _overlapInfo, _textureOverlaps.Length);

                        _overlapInfo[viewCompatible]       = new OverlapInfo(compatibility, firstLayer, firstLevel);
                        _textureOverlaps[viewCompatible++] = overlap;
                    else if (overlapInCache || !setData)
                        if (info.GobBlocksInZ > 1 && info.GobBlocksInZ == overlap.Info.GobBlocksInZ)
                            // Allow overlapping slices of 3D textures. Could be improved in future by making sure the textures don't overlap.

                        // The overlap texture is going to contain garbage data after we draw, or is generally incompatible.
                        // If the texture cannot be entirely contained in the new address space, and one of its view children is compatible with us,
                        // it must be flushed before removal, so that the data is not lost.

                        // If the texture was modified since its last use, then that data is probably meant to go into this texture.
                        // If the data has been modified by the CPU, then it also shouldn't be flushed.
                        bool modified = overlap.ConsumeModified();

                        bool flush = overlapInCache && !modified && (overlap.Address <texture.Address || overlap.EndAddress> texture.EndAddress) && overlap.HasViewCompatibleChild(texture);

                        setData |= modified || flush;

                        if (overlapInCache)
                            _cache.Remove(overlap, flush);

                // We need to synchronize before copying the old view data to the texture,
                // otherwise the copied data would be overwritten by a future synchronization.
                texture.InitializeData(false, setData);

                for (int index = 0; index < viewCompatible; index++)
                    Texture     overlap = _textureOverlaps[index];
                    OverlapInfo oInfo   = _overlapInfo[index];

                    if (oInfo.Compatibility != TextureViewCompatibility.Full)
                        continue; // Copy only compatibilty.

                    TextureInfo overlapInfo = AdjustSizes(texture, overlap.Info, oInfo.FirstLevel);

                    TextureCreateInfo createInfo = GetCreateInfo(overlapInfo, _context.Capabilities, overlap.ScaleFactor);

                    if (texture.ScaleFactor != overlap.ScaleFactor)
                        // A bit tricky, our new texture may need to contain an existing texture that is upscaled, but isn't itself.
                        // In that case, we prefer the higher scale only if our format is render-target-like, otherwise we scale the view down before copy.


                    ITexture newView = texture.HostTexture.CreateView(createInfo, oInfo.FirstLayer, oInfo.FirstLevel);

                    overlap.HostTexture.CopyTo(newView, 0, 0);

                    // Inherit modification from overlapping texture, do that before replacing
                    // the view since the replacement operation removes it from the list.
                    if (overlap.IsModified)

                    overlap.ReplaceView(texture, overlapInfo, newView, oInfo.FirstLayer, oInfo.FirstLevel);

                // If the texture is a 3D texture, we need to additionally copy any slice
                // of the 3D texture to the newly created 3D texture.
                if (info.Target == Target.Texture3D && viewCompatible > 0)
                    // TODO: This copy can currently only happen when the 3D texture is created.
                    // If a game clears and redraws the slices, we won't be able to copy the new data to the 3D texture.
                    // Disable tracking to try keep at least the original data in there for as long as possible.

                    for (int index = 0; index < viewCompatible; index++)
                        Texture     overlap = _textureOverlaps[index];
                        OverlapInfo oInfo   = _overlapInfo[index];

                        if (oInfo.Compatibility != TextureViewCompatibility.Incompatible)

                            overlap.HostTexture.CopyTo(texture.HostTexture, oInfo.FirstLayer, oInfo.FirstLevel);

                            if (overlap.IsModified)

            // Sampler textures are managed by the texture pool, all other textures
            // are managed by the auto delete cache.
            if (!isSamplerTexture)

            lock (_textures)

