Example #1
        private void UploadTexture(NvGpuVmm Vmm, long BasePosition, int TexIndex, int HndIndex)
            long Position = BasePosition + HndIndex * 4;

            int TextureHandle = Vmm.ReadInt32(Position);

            int TicIndex = (TextureHandle >> 0) & 0xfffff;
            int TscIndex = (TextureHandle >> 20) & 0xfff;

            long TicPosition = MakeInt64From2xInt32(NvGpuEngine3dReg.TexHeaderPoolOffset);
            long TscPosition = MakeInt64From2xInt32(NvGpuEngine3dReg.TexSamplerPoolOffset);

            TicPosition += TicIndex * 0x20;
            TscPosition += TscIndex * 0x20;

            GalTextureSampler Sampler = TextureFactory.MakeSampler(Gpu, Vmm, TscPosition);

            long TextureAddress = Vmm.ReadInt64(TicPosition + 4) & 0xffffffffffff;

            TextureAddress = Vmm.GetPhysicalAddress(TextureAddress);

            if (IsFrameBufferPosition(TextureAddress))
                //This texture is a frame buffer texture,
                //we shouldn't read anything from memory and bind
                //the frame buffer texture instead, since we're not
                //really writing anything to memory.
                Gpu.Renderer.BindFrameBufferTexture(TextureAddress, TexIndex, Sampler);
                GalTexture Texture = TextureFactory.MakeTexture(Gpu, Vmm, TicPosition);

                Gpu.Renderer.SetTextureAndSampler(TexIndex, Texture, Sampler);