Example #1
        private static bool Intersects(MyEntity entity, ref LineD localLine, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result, IntersectionFlags flags = DefaultFlags)
            Logger.TraceLog("Checking entity: " + entity.getBestName() + ", line from: " + localLine.From + ", to: " + localLine.To);

            Logger.DebugLog("entity is a MyCubeGrid, please call the appropriate method", Logger.severity.FATAL, condition: entity is MyCubeGrid);

            Matrix  localMatrix = entity.PositionComp.LocalMatrix;
            Matrix  invLocal; Matrix.Invert(ref localMatrix, out invLocal);
            MatrixD invLocalD = invLocal;

            result = entity.ModelCollision.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(entity, ref localLine, ref invLocalD, flags);
            if (result.HasValue)

            if (entity.Subparts != null)
                foreach (MyEntitySubpart part in entity.Subparts.Values)
                    if (Intersects(part, ref localLine, out result, flags))

Example #2
 protected void traceLog(string toLog, Logger.severity level = Logger.severity.TRACE, bool condition = true, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = null, [CallerMemberName] string member = null, [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0)
     if (condition)
         Logger.TraceLog(toLog, level, GetContext(), GetPrimary(), GetSecondary(), condition, filePath, member, lineNumber);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the proximity between a given capsule and a voxel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capsule">The capsule to test for intersection, the points must be at least one metre apart.</param>
        public static double Proximity(ref CapsuleD capsule, MyVoxelBase voxel, ref Vector3D hitPosition, double capsuleLength = -1d)

            if (capsuleLength < 0)
                Vector3D.Distance(ref capsule.P0, ref capsule.P1, out capsuleLength);

            double   halfLength = capsuleLength * 0.5d;
            Vector3D temp; Vector3D.Add(ref capsule.P0, ref capsule.P1, out temp);
            Vector3D middle; Vector3D.Multiply(ref temp, 0.5d, out middle);

            if (capsuleLength < 1d)
                hitPosition = middle;
                Logger.TraceLog("capsule length < 1: " + capsuleLength);

            double          radius      = halfLength + capsule.Radius;
            BoundingSphereD worldSphere = new BoundingSphereD()
                Center = middle, Radius = radius

            if (capsuleLength < Math.Max(capsule.Radius, 1f) * 8f)
                if (!voxel.ContainsOrIntersects(ref worldSphere))
                    Logger.TraceLog("sphere does not intersect voxel: " + worldSphere + ", capsuleLength: " + capsuleLength);
            else if (!voxel.PositionComp.WorldAABB.Intersects(ref worldSphere))
                Logger.TraceLog("sphere does not intersect voxel AABB: " + worldSphere + ", capsuleLength: " + capsuleLength);

            CapsuleD halfCapsule;

            halfCapsule.P0     = capsule.P0;
            halfCapsule.P1     = middle;
            halfCapsule.Radius = capsule.Radius;

            double prox = Proximity(ref halfCapsule, voxel, ref hitPosition, halfLength);

            if (prox < 1f)

            halfCapsule.P0 = middle;
            halfCapsule.P1 = capsule.P1;

            return(Math.Min(prox, Proximity(ref halfCapsule, voxel, ref hitPosition, halfLength)));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the angular difference in X/Z plane from one vector to another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current">The vector that represents the current position.</param>
        /// <param name="target">The vector that represents the target position.</param>
        /// <param name="delta1">The change in angle from current to target, rotating the shorter distance.</param>
        /// <param name="delta2">The change in angle from current to target, rotating the longer distance.</param>
        private static void CalcDelta(Vector3 current, Vector3 target, out float delta1, out float delta2)
            Logger.TraceLog(nameof(current) + " is " + current);
            Logger.TraceLog(nameof(target) + " is " + target);

            current.Y = 0f;
            float temp = current.Normalize();

            if (temp == 0f || !temp.IsValid())
                delta1 = delta2 = temp;
            target.Y = 0f;
            temp     = target.Normalize();
            if (temp == 0f || !temp.IsValid())
                delta1 = delta2 = temp;

            //Debug.Assert(current.Y == 0f, nameof(current) + " does not have Y == 0");
            //Debug.Assert(target.Y == 0f, nameof(target) + " does not have Y == 0");

            Logger.TraceLog("normalized " + nameof(current) + " is " + current);
            Logger.TraceLog("normalized " + nameof(target) + " is " + target);

            float dot; Vector3.Dot(ref current, ref target, out dot);

            if (dot > 0.99999f)
                Logger.TraceLog("Already facing desired direction");
                // already facing the desired direction
                delta1 = delta2 = 0f;

            float angle = (float)Math.Acos(dot);


            if (target.Z * current.X - target.X * current.Z > 0f)             // Y component of cross product > 0
                delta1 = angle;
                delta2 = angle - MathHelper.TwoPi;
                delta1 = -angle;
                delta2 = MathHelper.TwoPi - angle;

            Logger.TraceLog(nameof(delta1) + " is " + delta1);
            Logger.TraceLog(nameof(delta2) + " is " + delta2);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests a line for intersection with models of blocks on the grid.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool Intersects(this MySlimBlock slim, ref LineD localLine, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result, IntersectionFlags flags = DefaultFlags)
            Logger.TraceLog("Checking slim block: " + slim.getBestName() + ", line from: " + localLine.From + ", to: " + localLine.To);

            if (slim.FatBlock != null)
                return(Intersects(slim.FatBlock, ref localLine, out result));

            MyCube cube;

            if (!slim.CubeGrid.TryGetCube(slim.Position, out cube))
                throw new Exception("Failed to get MyCube for " + slim.nameWithId());

            foreach (MyCubePart part in cube.Parts)
                Matrix  localMatrix = part.InstanceData.LocalMatrix;
                Matrix  invLocal; Matrix.Invert(ref localMatrix, out invLocal);
                MatrixD invLocalD = invLocal;

                Logger.TraceLog("Checking part: " + part.Model.AssetName + ", line from " + localLine.From + " to " + localLine.To + " becomes " +
                                Vector3D.Transform(localLine.From, ref invLocalD) + " to " + Vector3D.Transform(localLine.To, ref invLocalD));

                result = part.Model.GetTrianglePruningStructure().GetIntersectionWithLine(slim.CubeGrid, ref localLine, ref invLocalD, flags);
                if (result.HasValue)
                    MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx value = result.Value;
                    Vector3.Transform(ref value.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace, ref localMatrix, out value.IntersectionPointInObjectSpace);
                    Matrix orientation = localMatrix.GetOrientation();
                    Vector3.Transform(ref value.NormalInObjectSpace, ref orientation, out value.NormalInObjectSpace);

                    result = value;

            result = null;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests a line for intersection with models of blocks on the grid.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool Intersects(this MyCubeBlock block, ref LineD localLine, out MyIntersectionResultLineTriangleEx?result, IntersectionFlags flags = DefaultFlags)
            Logger.TraceLog("Checking cube block: " + block.getBestName() + ", line from: " + localLine.From + ", to: " + localLine.To);

            MyCompoundCubeBlock compound = block as MyCompoundCubeBlock;

            if (compound != null)
                foreach (MySlimBlock subBlock in compound.GetBlocks())
                    if (Intersects(subBlock, ref localLine, out result))
                result = null;

            return(Intersects((MyEntity)block, ref localLine, out result, flags));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the proximity between a given capsule and any voxel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capsule">The capsule to test for intersection, the points must be at least one metre apart.</param>
        public static double ProximityToVoxel(ref CapsuleD capsule, out MyVoxelBase hitVoxel, out Vector3D hitPosition, bool checkPlanet, double capsuleLength = -1d)
            if (capsuleLength < 0)
                Vector3D.Distance(ref capsule.P0, ref capsule.P1, out capsuleLength);
            double   halfLength = capsuleLength * 0.5d;
            Vector3D temp; Vector3D.Add(ref capsule.P0, ref capsule.P1, out temp);
            Vector3D middle; Vector3D.Multiply(ref temp, 0.5d, out middle);

            double          radius      = halfLength + capsule.Radius;
            BoundingSphereD worldSphere = new BoundingSphereD()
                Center = middle, Radius = radius

            List <MyVoxelBase> voxels = ResourcePool <List <MyVoxelBase> > .Get();

            MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllVoxelMapsInSphere(ref worldSphere, voxels);

            double closestProx = double.MaxValue;

            hitPosition = Globals.Invalid;
            foreach (MyVoxelBase voxel in voxels)
                if (voxel is MyVoxelMap || voxel is MyPlanet && checkPlanet)
                    if (voxel is MyPlanet)
                        LineSegmentD line;
                        ResourcePool.Get(out line);
                        line.From = capsule.P0;
                        line.To   = capsule.P1;

                        double minDistSq       = line.DistanceSquared(voxel.GetCentre());
                        double maxPlanetRadius = ((MyPlanet)voxel).MaximumRadius;


                        if (minDistSq > maxPlanetRadius * maxPlanetRadius)
                            Logger.DebugLog("Skip planet from: " + line.From + ", to: " + line.To + ", planet centre: " + voxel.GetCentre() + ", min dist sq to centre: " + minDistSq + ", max planet radius: " + maxPlanetRadius);
                        Logger.DebugLog("Check planet from: " + line.From + ", to: " + line.To + ", planet centre: " + voxel.GetCentre() + ", min dist sq to centre: " + minDistSq + ", max planet radius: " + maxPlanetRadius);

                    double proximity = Proximity(ref capsule, voxel, ref hitPosition, capsuleLength);
                    if (proximity < closestProx)
                        Logger.TraceLog("proximity is less than closest. proximity: " + proximity + ", closest: " + closestProx);
                        closestProx = proximity;
                    if (closestProx < 1d)
                        Logger.TraceLog("closest under 1: " + closestProx);
                        hitVoxel = voxel;


            hitVoxel = null;
Example #8
 private static bool ArePerpendicular(IMyMotorStator statorOne, IMyMotorStator statorTwo)
     Logger.TraceLog(nameof(statorOne) + ": " + statorOne.nameWithId() + ", Up: " + statorOne.WorldMatrix.Up + ", " + nameof(statorTwo) + ": " + statorTwo.nameWithId() + ", Up: " + statorTwo.WorldMatrix.Up + ", dot: " + statorOne.WorldMatrix.Up.Dot(statorTwo.WorldMatrix.Up));
     return(Math.Abs(statorOne.WorldMatrix.Up.Dot(statorTwo.WorldMatrix.Up)) < 0.1f);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Yields the first occupied cells encountered when raycasting a grid in a given base direction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">The grid to get blocks from.</param>
        /// <param name="baseDirection">The direction of ray.</param>
        public static IEnumerable <Vector3I> FirstBlocks(this IMyCubeGrid grid, Vector3I baseDirection)
            Logger.DebugLog("baseDirection(" + baseDirection + ") has a magnitude", Logger.severity.FATAL, condition: baseDirection.RectangularLength() != 1);

            BoundingBox localAABB = grid.LocalAABB;

            Vector3I min = grid.Min, max = grid.Max;

            // ???
            //Vector3 minF; Vector3.Divide(ref localAABB.Min, grid.GridSize, out minF);
            //Vector3 maxF; Vector3.Divide(ref localAABB.Max, grid.GridSize, out maxF);
            //Vector3I min, max;

            //Func<float, int> round = f => (int)Math.Round(f);
            //minF.ApplyOperation(round, out min);
            //maxF.ApplyOperation(round, out max);

            Vector3I perp0, perp1;

            perp0 = Base6Directions.GetIntVector(Base6Directions.GetPerpendicular(Base6Directions.GetDirection(baseDirection)));
            Vector3I.Cross(ref baseDirection, ref perp0, out perp1);

            int baseStart; Vector3I.Dot(ref baseDirection, ref min, out baseStart);
            int baseEnd; Vector3I.Dot(ref baseDirection, ref max, out baseEnd);

            if (baseStart > baseEnd)
                int temp = baseStart;
                baseStart = baseEnd;
                baseEnd   = temp;
            bool incrementBase = baseStart <= baseEnd;

            int perp0Min; Vector3I.Dot(ref perp0, ref min, out perp0Min);
            int perp0Max; Vector3I.Dot(ref perp0, ref max, out perp0Max);

            if (perp0Max < perp0Min)
                int temp = perp0Max;
                perp0Max = perp0Min;
                perp0Min = temp;

            int perp1Min; Vector3I.Dot(ref perp1, ref min, out perp1Min);
            int perp1Max; Vector3I.Dot(ref perp1, ref max, out perp1Max);

            if (perp1Max < perp1Min)
                int temp = perp1Max;
                perp1Max = perp1Min;
                perp1Min = temp;

            Logger.TraceLog("min: " + min + ", max: " + max, Logger.severity.DEBUG);
            Logger.TraceLog("base: " + baseDirection + ", perp0: " + perp0 + ", perp1: " + perp1, Logger.severity.DEBUG);
            Logger.TraceLog("base range: " + baseStart + ":" + baseEnd, Logger.severity.DEBUG);
            Logger.TraceLog("perp0 range: " + perp0Min + ":" + perp0Max, Logger.severity.DEBUG);
            Logger.TraceLog("perp1 range: " + perp1Min + ":" + perp1Max, Logger.severity.DEBUG);

            for (int perp0Value = perp0Min; perp0Value <= perp0Max; perp0Value++)
                for (int perp1Value = perp1Min; perp1Value <= perp1Max; perp1Value++)
                    int baseValue = baseStart;
                    while (true)
                        Vector3I cell = baseValue * baseDirection + perp0Value * perp0 + perp1Value * perp1;

                        if (grid.CubeExists(cell))
                            yield return(cell);


                        if (baseValue == baseEnd)
                        if (incrementBase)

            yield break;