Example #1
 // the value of epoch is different depending on time zone
 internal static System.DateTime GetEpoch(Time time)
     if (time.gmt)
         return Time.Epoch;
         return Time.Epoch.ToLocalTime();
Example #2
 internal static void GetParts(Time time, out long sec, out long usec)
     long ticks = time.value.Ticks - Time.GetEpoch(time).Ticks;
     Time.GetParts(ticks, out sec, out usec);
Example #3
        internal static Time time_mload(Frame caller, Time time, String str) // author: cjs/war, status: done
            int p, s;
            int sec, usec;
            string buf;
            int i;
            System.DateTime tm;

            time_modify(caller, time);
            buf = str.value;
            if (str.value.Length != 8)
                throw new TypeError("marshaled time format differ").raise(caller);

            p = s = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                p |= buf[i] << (8 * i);
            for (i = 4; i < 8; i++)
                s |= buf[i] << (8 * (i - 4));

            if ((p & (1 << 31)) == 0)
                sec = p;
                usec = s;
                tm = new DateTime(sec * 100000000L + usec * 100L);
                p &= ~(1 << 31);

                tm = new DateTime(
                    ((p >> 14) & 0xffff) + 1900, //year
                    ((p >> 10) & 0xf) + 1,    //month //month is 0-11 in ruby, 1-12 in System.DateTime
                    (p >> 5) & 0x1f,    //day
                    p & 0x1f,           //hour
                    (s >> 26) & 0x3f,   //min
                    (s >> 20) & 0x3f);   //sec
                tm = tm.AddTicks((s & 0xfffff) * 10);//usec - DateTime constructor only supports up to msec

            time.value = tm.ToLocalTime();

            return time;
Example #4
        internal static object time_add(Time tobj, object offset, int sign, Frame caller)
            double v = Numeric.rb_num2dbl(offset, caller);
            double f, d;
            uint sec_off;  //    unsigned_time_t sec_off;
            long usec_off, sec, usec; //time_t
            object result;

            if (v < 0)
                v = -v;
                sign = -sign;
            d = Marshal.modf(v, out f);
            sec_off = (uint)f;
            if (f != (double)sec_off)
                throw new RangeError(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "time {0} {1} out of Time range", sign < 0 ? "-" : "+", v)).raise(caller);
            usec_off = (long)(d * 1e6);

            Time.GetParts(tobj, out sec, out usec);
            if (sign < 0)
                sec -= sec_off;
                usec -= usec_off;
                //wartag: C Ruby uses overflows here to test if the subtraction will fail
                //unfortunately it tests for overflow on a signed 32-bit integer so it won't fail
                //if time is subtracted less than -2^31 before epoch. Rather it will go on to throw
                //a different type of error later on from a different location.
                if (sec < -2147483648)
                    throw new RangeError(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "time - {0} out of Time range", v)).raise(caller);
            else {
                //long tt = new Time(Time.EndTime)._tv_sec();
                sec += sec_off;
                usec += usec_off;
                //wartag: simple rangeerror once we get over (2^31-1)
                if (sec > 2147483647)
                    throw new RangeError(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "time - {0} out of Time range", v)).raise(caller);
            //Time.CheckAddition(tobj.value, Time.GetTicks(sec, usec), caller);
            Time.time_overflow_p(ref sec, ref usec, caller);
            result = new Time(new System.DateTime(Time.GetEpoch(tobj).Ticks + Time.GetTicks(sec, usec), tobj.value.Kind));
            return result;
Example #5
        internal static String time_mdump(Frame caller, Time timeRecv) // author: war, cjs, status: done
            long p, s;

            DateTime time = timeRecv.value.ToUniversalTime();

            int year = time.Year - 1900; //time is stored internally in ruby as years from 1900
            if ((year & 0xffff) != year) //year must be able to be stored in 16-bits for marshalling purposes
                throw new ArgumentError("year too big to marshal").raise(caller);

            p = 0x1 << 31 | /*  1 */
                year << 14 | /* 16 */
                time.Month - 1 << 10 | /*  4 */ //month is 0-11 in ruby, 1-12 in System.DateTime
                time.Day << 5 | /*  5 */
                time.Hour;           /*  5 */

            DateTime usecTime = new DateTime(time.Ticks);
            TimeSpan ts = usecTime.Subtract(new DateTime(time.Year, time.Month, time.Day, time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second));
            int usec = (int)ts.Ticks / 10;

            s = time.Minute << 26 | /*  6 */
                time.Second << 20 | /*  6 */
                usec;               /* 20 */

            char[] buf = new char[8];

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                buf[i] = (char)(p & 0xff);
                p = p >> 8;
            for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++)
                buf[i] = (char)(s & 0xff);
                s = s >> 8;

            return new String(new System.String(buf));
Example #6
 internal static Time time_dup(Time time, Frame caller, Proc block)
     Time dup = (Time)time_s_alloc.singleton.Call0(null, Ruby.Runtime.Init.rb_cTime, caller, null);
     time_init_copy.singleton.Call1(null, dup, caller, block, time);
     return dup;
Example #7
 internal static Time time_get_tm(Time time, bool gmt, Frame caller)
     if (gmt) return (Time)Ruby.Methods.time_gmtime.singleton.Call0(null, time, caller, null);
     return (Time)Ruby.Methods.time_localtime.singleton.Call0(null, time, caller, null);
Example #8
 internal static void time_modify(Frame caller, Time time)
     TypeError.rb_check_frozen(caller, time);
     if (!time.Tainted && Eval.rb_safe_level() >= 4)
         throw new SecurityError("Insecure: can't modify Time").raise(caller);
Example #9
        public override object Call0(Class last_class, object recv, Frame caller, Proc block)
            Time tobj = new Time((Class)recv);
            tobj.tm_got = false;

            return tobj;                     