Example #1
        private Rexp parseEvalResponse(RpacketResponse packet)
            Int32 rxo = 0;

            Byte[] data = packet.Content;

            if (rserveVersion > 100)
                /* since 0101 eval responds correctly by using DT_SEXP type/len header which is 4 bytes long */
                rxo = 4;

                /* we should check parameter type (should be DT_SEXP) and fail if it's not */
                if (data[0] != (byte)DataTypes.SEXP && data[0] != ((byte)DataTypes.SEXP | (byte)DataTypes.LARGE))
                    throw new RconnectionException("Error while processing eval output: SEXP (type " +
                                                   DataTypes.SEXP.ToString() + ") expected but found result type " +
                                                   data[0].ToString() + ".");

                if (data[0] == ((byte)DataTypes.SEXP | (byte)DataTypes.LARGE))
                    rxo = 8; // large data need skip of 8 bytes
                /* warning: we are not checking or using the length - we assume that only the one SEXP is returned. This is true for the current CMD_eval implementation, but may not be in the future. */
            Rexp rx = new Rexp();

            if (data.Length > rxo)
                Rexp.parseREXP(out rx, ref data, rxo);
Example #2
        private static Int32 parseList(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Rlist rl = new Rlist();
            Rexp  tmp;

            rl.Tag = null;

            offset  = parseREXP(out tmp, ref buffer, offset); // CAR
            rl.Head = tmp;

            offset  = parseREXP(out tmp, ref buffer, offset); // CDR
            rl.Body = tmp;

            if (offset != eox)
                // if there is more data then it's presumably the TAG entry
                offset = parseREXP(out tmp, ref buffer, offset);
                rl.Tag = tmp;

                if (offset != eox)
                    //System.out.println("Warning: list SEXP size mismatch\n");
                    offset = eox;
            x.Data = rl;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign a content of a REXP to a symbol in R. The symbol is created if
        /// it doesn't exist already.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">
        /// Symbol name.It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that the symbol
        /// name is valid in R. In fact R will always create the symbol, but it may not
        /// be accessible (examples: "bar\nfoo" or "bar$foo").
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="input">Contents</param>
        public void Assign(String symbol, Rexp input)
            Rmessage Rsymbol = new Rmessage(symbol);
            Rpacket  packet  = new Rpacket(RCommands.assignSEXP, Rsymbol, input);

            sendedBytesCount += s.Send(packet.BinaryPacket, packet.PacketLength, SocketFlags.None);
            RpacketResponse response = new RpacketResponse(GetResponse());

            if (response.IsError)
                throw new RconnectionException(response.ErrorCode);
Example #4
        private static Int32 parseString(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 i = offset;

            while (buffer[i] != 0 && i < eox)
            String value = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, offset, i - offset);

            offset = eox;
            x.Data = value;
Example #5
        public Rpacket(RCommands RCommand, Rmessage Param, Rexp Value)
            /* Create array to message */
            Byte[] binValue = Value.getBinaryRepresentation();

            Int32 ValueLength = binValue.Length;
            Int32 ParamLength = Param.Message.Length;

            message = new Byte[ParamLength + ValueLength];

            header = new Rheader(RCommand, (ParamLength + ValueLength));
            Array.Copy(Param.Message, 0, message, 0, ParamLength);
            Array.Copy(binValue, 0, message, ParamLength, ValueLength);
Example #6
        public Rpacket(RCommands RCommand, Rmessage Param, Rexp Value)
            /* Create array to message */
            Byte[] binValue = Value.getBinaryRepresentation();

            Int32 ValueLength = binValue.Length;
            Int32 ParamLength = Param.Message.Length;

            message = new Byte[ParamLength + ValueLength];

            header = new Rheader(RCommand, (ParamLength + ValueLength));
            Array.Copy(Param.Message, 0, message, 0, ParamLength);
            Array.Copy(binValue, 0, message, ParamLength, ValueLength);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Get xpression given a key
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">key</param>
 /// <returns>xpression which corresponds to the given key or null
 /// if list is not standartized or key not found</returns>
 public Rexp At(String v)
     if (!updateList())
     for (int i = 0; i < h.Length; i++)
         Rexp r = h[i];
         if ((r != null) && (r.Xtype == Xpression.XT_STR) &&
Example #8
        private static Int32 parseDouble(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            x.Data  = BitConverter.ToDouble(buffer, offset);
            offset += 8;
            if (offset != eox)
                throw new RconnectionException("Warning: Double SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            if (offset > buffer.Length)
                throw new Exception("bladdouble");

Example #9
        private static Int32 parseSymbol(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Rexp sym;

            offset = parseREXP(out sym, ref buffer, offset); // PRINTNAME that's all we will use
            String s = null;

            if (sym.Xtype == Xpression.XT_STR)
                s = (String)sym.Data;
                s = sym.ToString();
            x.Data = s; // content of a symbol is its printname string (so far)
            offset = eox;
Example #10
        private static Int32 parseBool(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            x.Data = new Rbool((RBoolValues)buffer[offset]);
            if (offset != eox)
                // o+3 could happen if the result was aligned (1 byte data + 3 bytes padding)
                if (eox != offset + 3)
                    throw new RconnectionException("Warning: bool SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            if (offset > buffer.Length)
                throw new Exception("bladbool");

Example #11
        private static Int32 parseVector(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            List <Rexp> v = new List <Rexp>();

            while (offset < eox)
                Rexp xx;
                offset = parseREXP(out xx, ref buffer, offset);

            if (offset != eox)
                //System.out.println("Warning: int vector SEXP size mismatch\n");
                offset = eox;

            x.Data = v;
            // fixup for lists since they're stored as attributes of vectors
            if ((x.Attrib != null) && (x.Attrib.Xtype == Xpression.XT_LIST) &&
                (x.Attrib.Data != null))
                Rlist l = new Rlist();
                l.Head   = ((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head;
                l.Body   = new Rexp(Xpression.XT_VECTOR, v);
                x.Data   = l;
                x.Xtype  = Xpression.XT_LIST;
                x.Attrib = x.Attrib.Attrib;

                if (l.Head.Xtype == Xpression.XT_STR)
                    List <Rexp> sv = new List <Rexp>();
                    l.Head        = new Rexp(Xpression.XT_VECTOR, sv, l.Head.Attrib);
                    l.Head.Attrib = null;

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the content of the Rexp as a matrix of doubles (2D-array: m[rows][cols]).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>2D array of doubles in the form double[rows][cols] or
        /// <code>null</code> if the contents is no 2-dimensional matrix of doubles
        /// </returns>
        /// <example>Double[,] m=RconnectionObject.Eval("matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),2,3)").AsDoubleMatrix();</example>
        public Double[,] AsDoubleMatrix()
            if ((type != Xpression.XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE) || (rattribute == null) ||
                (rattribute.Xtype != Xpression.XT_LIST))

            Rexp dim = rattribute.AsList().Head;

            if (dim == null || dim.Xtype != Xpression.XT_ARRAY_INT)
                return(null);                                                    // we need dimension attr
            Int32[] ds = dim.AsIntArray();
            if (ds == null || ds.Length != 2)
                return(null);                              // matrix must be 2-dimensional
            Int32 m = ds[0];
            Int32 n = ds[1];

            Double[,] r = new Double[m, n];
            Double[] ct = AsDoubleArray();
            if (ct == null)
            // R stores matrices as matrix(c(1,2,3,4),2,2) = col1:(1,2), col2:(3,4)
            // we need to copy everything, since we create 2d array from 1d array
            Int32 k = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    r[i, j] = ct[k++];
Example #13
        private static Int32 parseList(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Rlist rl = new Rlist();
            Rexp tmp;
            rl.Tag = null;

            offset = parseREXP(out tmp, ref buffer, offset); // CAR
            rl.Head = tmp;

            offset = parseREXP(out tmp, ref buffer, offset); // CDR
            rl.Body = tmp;

            if (offset != eox)
                // if there is more data then it's presumably the TAG entry
                offset = parseREXP(out tmp, ref buffer, offset);
                rl.Tag = tmp;

                if (offset != eox)
                    //System.out.println("Warning: list SEXP size mismatch\n");
                    offset = eox;
            x.Data = rl;
            return offset;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Representation of R-eXpressions.
        /// </summary>
        public static Int32 parseREXP(out Rexp x, ref Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset)
            Int32 xl = getLength(ref buffer, offset);
            Boolean isLong = ((buffer[offset] & 64) != 0);
            Boolean hasAtt = ((buffer[offset] & 128) != 0);
            Xpression xt = (Xpression)(buffer[offset] & 63);

            if (isLong) offset += 4;
            offset += 4;

            Int32 eox = offset + xl;

            x = new Rexp();
            x.Xtype = xt;
            x.Attrib = null;

            Rexp xatrr;
            if (hasAtt)
                offset = parseREXP(out xatrr, ref buffer, offset);
                x.Attrib = xatrr;

            switch (xt)
                case Xpression.XT_NULL:
                    x.Data = null;
                    return offset;

                case Xpression.XT_DOUBLE:
                    return (parseDouble(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE:
                    return (parseDoubleArray(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_INT:
                    return (parseInt(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_UNKNOWN:
                    x.Data = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
                    offset = eox;
                    return offset;

                case Xpression.XT_CLOS:
                    return (parseClosure(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_BOOL:
                    return (parseBool(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_BOOL_UA:
                    return (parseBoolArrayUA(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_BOOL:
                    return (parseBoolArray(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_INT:
                    return (parseIntArray(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_VECTOR:
                    return (parseVector(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_STR:
                    return (parseString(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_SYM:
                    return (parseSymbol(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                case Xpression.XT_LIST:
                case Xpression.XT_LANG:
                    return (parseList(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                    x.Data = null;
                    offset = eox;
            #if WARNING
                    throw new RconnectionException("unhandeld type:" + xt.ToString());
                    return offset;
Example #15
        private static Int32 parseIntArray(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 Count = (eox - offset) / 4;
            Int32[] values = new Int32[Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                values[i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
                offset += 4;

            if (offset != eox)
                //throw new RconnectionException("Warning: int array SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            x.Data = values;

            if (x.Attrib != null)
                if ((x.Attrib.Xtype == Xpression.XT_LIST) && (x.Attrib.Data != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head.Data != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Data != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head.Xtype == Xpression.XT_VECTOR) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Xtype == Xpression.XT_LIST) &&
                    (((Rlist)((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Data).Head != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Data).Head.Xtype == Xpression.XT_STR) &&
                    Rfactor f = new Rfactor(values, (List<Rexp>)((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head.Data);
                    x.Data = f;
                    x.Xtype = Xpression.XT_FACTOR;
                    x.Attrib = null;

            return offset;
Example #16
        private static Int32 parseDoubleArray(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 count = (eox - offset) / 8;
            Double[] values = new Double[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                values[i] = BitConverter.ToDouble(buffer, offset);
                offset += 8;

            if (offset != eox)
            #if WARNINGEXP
                throw new RconnectionException("Warning: Double array SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            x.Data = values;
            return offset;
Example #17
        private static Int32 parseInt(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            x.Data = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
            offset += 4;

            if (offset != eox)
            #if WARNING
                throw new RconnectionException("Warning: int SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            if (offset > buffer.Length) throw new Exception("bladint");

            return offset;
Example #18
        private static Int32 parseVector(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            List<Rexp> v = new List<Rexp>();
            while (offset < eox)
                Rexp xx;
                offset = parseREXP(out xx, ref buffer, offset);

            if (offset != eox)
                //System.out.println("Warning: int vector SEXP size mismatch\n");
                offset = eox;

            x.Data = v;
            // fixup for lists since they're stored as attributes of vectors
            if ((x.Attrib != null) && (x.Attrib.Xtype == Xpression.XT_LIST) &&
                (x.Attrib.Data != null))
                Rlist l = new Rlist();
                l.Head = ((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head;
                l.Body = new Rexp(Xpression.XT_VECTOR, v);
                x.Data = l;
                x.Xtype = Xpression.XT_LIST;
                x.Attrib = x.Attrib.Attrib;

                if (l.Head.Xtype == Xpression.XT_STR)
                    List<Rexp> sv = new List<Rexp>();
                    l.Head = new Rexp(Xpression.XT_VECTOR, sv, l.Head.Attrib);
                    l.Head.Attrib = null;

            return offset;
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Contructs an empty list
 /// </summary>
 public Rlist()
     head = body = tag = null;
Example #20
        private static Int32 parseIntArray(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 Count = (eox - offset) / 4;

            Int32[] values = new Int32[Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                values[i] = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
                offset   += 4;

            if (offset != eox)
                //throw new RconnectionException("Warning: int array SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            x.Data = values;

            if (x.Attrib != null)
                if ((x.Attrib.Xtype == Xpression.XT_LIST) && (x.Attrib.Data != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head.Data != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Data != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head.Xtype == Xpression.XT_VECTOR) &&
                    (((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Xtype == Xpression.XT_LIST) &&
                    (((Rlist)((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Data).Head != null) &&
                    (((Rlist)((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Body.Data).Head.Xtype == Xpression.XT_STR) &&
                    Rfactor f = new Rfactor(values, (List <Rexp>)((Rlist)x.Attrib.Data).Head.Data);
                    x.Data   = f;
                    x.Xtype  = Xpression.XT_FACTOR;
                    x.Attrib = null;

Example #21
        private static Int32 parseClosure(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Rexp form;
            Rexp body;

            offset = parseREXP(out form, ref buffer, offset);
            offset = parseREXP(out body, ref buffer, offset);

            if (offset != eox)
                throw new RconnectionException("Warning: closure SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            x.Data = body;
Example #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of Rexp object which we can send to Rserve
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="XT">Xpression type of object</param>
 /// <param name="Xdata">Object to store</param>
 /// <param name="Att">Attribute of object</param>
 internal Rexp(Xpression XT, Object Xdata, Rexp Att)
     type       = XT;
     data       = Xdata;
     rattribute = Att;
Example #23
        private static Int32 parseBoolArray(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 Count = getLength(ref buffer, offset);

            offset += 4;
            Int32 i = 0;

            Rbool[] values = new Rbool[Count];

            while ((offset < eox) && (i < Count))
                values[i] = new Rbool((RBoolValues)buffer[offset]);

            // skip the padding
            while ((i & 3) != 0)
            x.Data = values;
            if (offset > buffer.Length)
                throw new Exception("bladBArray");

Example #24
        private Rexp parseEvalResponse(RpacketResponse packet)
            Int32 rxo = 0;
            Byte[] data = packet.Content;

            if (rserveVersion > 100)
                /* since 0101 eval responds correctly by using DT_SEXP type/len header which is 4 bytes long */
                rxo = 4;

                /* we should check parameter type (should be DT_SEXP) and fail if it's not */
                if (data[0] != (byte)DataTypes.SEXP && data[0] != ((byte)DataTypes.SEXP | (byte)DataTypes.LARGE))
                    throw new RconnectionException("Error while processing eval output: SEXP (type " +
                        DataTypes.SEXP.ToString() + ") expected but found result type " +
                        data[0].ToString() + ".");

                if (data[0] == ((byte)DataTypes.SEXP | (byte)DataTypes.LARGE))
                    rxo = 8; // large data need skip of 8 bytes
                /* warning: we are not checking or using the length - we assume that only the one SEXP is returned. This is true for the current CMD_eval implementation, but may not be in the future. */
            Rexp rx = new Rexp();
            if (data.Length > rxo)
                Rexp.parseREXP(out rx, ref data, rxo);
            return rx;
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign a content of a REXP to a symbol in R. The symbol is created if 
        /// it doesn't exist already.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">
        /// Symbol name.It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that the symbol 
        /// name is valid in R. In fact R will always create the symbol, but it may not 
        /// be accessible (examples: "bar\nfoo" or "bar$foo").
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="input">Contents</param>
        public void Assign(String symbol, Rexp input)
            Rmessage Rsymbol = new Rmessage(symbol);
            Rpacket packet = new Rpacket(RCommands.assignSEXP, Rsymbol, input);

            sendedBytesCount += s.Send(packet.BinaryPacket, packet.PacketLength, SocketFlags.None);
            RpacketResponse response = new RpacketResponse(GetResponse());

            if (response.IsError)
                throw new RconnectionException(response.ErrorCode);
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an initialized list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Head">Head xpression</param>
 /// <param name="Body">Body xpression</param>
 public Rlist(Rexp Head, Rexp Body)
     head = Head;
     body = Body;
     tag  = null;
Example #27
 private static Int32 parseString(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
     Int32 i=offset;
     while (buffer[i]!=0 && i<eox) i++;
     String value = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, offset, i - offset);
     offset = eox;
     x.Data = value;
     return offset;
Example #28
        private static Int32 parseBoolArrayUA(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 Count = (eox - offset);
            x.Xtype = Xpression.XT_ARRAY_BOOL; // XT_ARRAY_BOOL_UA is only old transport type for XT_ARRAY_BOOL
            Rbool[] values = new Rbool[Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                values[i] = new Rbool((RBoolValues)buffer[offset]);

            x.Data = values;
            if (offset > buffer.Length) throw new Exception("bladBArrayU");

            return offset;
Example #29
        private static Int32 parseSymbol(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Rexp sym;
            offset = parseREXP(out sym, ref buffer, offset); // PRINTNAME that's all we will use
            String s = null;

            if (sym.Xtype == Xpression.XT_STR) s = (String)sym.Data;
            else s = sym.ToString();
            x.Data = s; // content of a symbol is its printname string (so far)
            offset = eox;
            return offset;
Example #30
        private static Int32 parseClosure(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Rexp form;
            Rexp body;
            offset = parseREXP(out form, ref buffer, offset);
            offset = parseREXP(out body, ref buffer, offset);

            if (offset != eox)
            #if WARNING
                throw new RconnectionException("Warning: closure SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            x.Data = body;
            return offset;
Example #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an initialized list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Head">Head xpression</param>
 /// <param name="Body">Body xpression</param>
 public Rlist(Rexp Head, Rexp Body)
     head = Head;
     body = Body;
     tag  = null;
Example #32
        private static Int32 parseDoubleArray(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 count = (eox - offset) / 8;

            Double[] values = new Double[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                values[i] = BitConverter.ToDouble(buffer, offset);
                offset   += 8;

            if (offset != eox)
                throw new RconnectionException("Warning: Double array SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            x.Data = values;
Example #33
        private static Int32 parseBoolArrayUA(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 Count = (eox - offset);

            x.Xtype = Xpression.XT_ARRAY_BOOL; // XT_ARRAY_BOOL_UA is only old transport type for XT_ARRAY_BOOL
            Rbool[] values = new Rbool[Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                values[i] = new Rbool((RBoolValues)buffer[offset]);

            x.Data = values;
            if (offset > buffer.Length)
                throw new Exception("bladBArrayU");

Example #34
        private static Int32 parseBoolArray(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            Int32 Count = getLength(ref buffer, offset);
            offset += 4;
            Int32 i = 0;
            Rbool[] values = new Rbool[Count];

            while ((offset < eox) && (i < Count))
                values[i] = new Rbool((RBoolValues)buffer[offset]);

            // skip the padding
            while ((i & 3) != 0)
            x.Data = values;
            if (offset > buffer.Length) throw new Exception("bladBArray");

            return offset;
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Contructs an empty list
 /// </summary>
 public Rlist()
     head = body = tag = null;
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Representation of R-eXpressions.
        /// </summary>
        public static Int32 parseREXP(out Rexp x, ref Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset)
            Int32     xl     = getLength(ref buffer, offset);
            Boolean   isLong = ((buffer[offset] & 64) != 0);
            Boolean   hasAtt = ((buffer[offset] & 128) != 0);
            Xpression xt     = (Xpression)(buffer[offset] & 63);

            if (isLong)
                offset += 4;
            offset += 4;

            Int32 eox = offset + xl;

            x        = new Rexp();
            x.Xtype  = xt;
            x.Attrib = null;

            Rexp xatrr;

            if (hasAtt)
                offset   = parseREXP(out xatrr, ref buffer, offset);
                x.Attrib = xatrr;

            switch (xt)
            case Xpression.XT_NULL:
                x.Data = null;

            case Xpression.XT_DOUBLE:
                return(parseDouble(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE:
                return(parseDoubleArray(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_INT:
                return(parseInt(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_UNKNOWN:
                x.Data = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, offset);
                offset = eox;

            case Xpression.XT_CLOS:
                return(parseClosure(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_BOOL:
                return(parseBool(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_BOOL_UA:
                return(parseBoolArrayUA(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_BOOL:
                return(parseBoolArray(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_ARRAY_INT:
                return(parseIntArray(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_VECTOR:
                return(parseVector(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_STR:
                return(parseString(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_SYM:
                return(parseSymbol(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

            case Xpression.XT_LIST:
            case Xpression.XT_LANG:
                return(parseList(eox, offset, ref buffer, ref x));

                x.Data = null;
                offset = eox;
                throw new RconnectionException("unhandeld type:" + xt.ToString());
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor of Rexp object which we can send to Rserve
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="XT">Xpression type of object</param>
 /// <param name="Xdata">Object to store</param>
 /// <param name="Att">Attribute of object</param>
 internal Rexp(Xpression XT, Object Xdata, Rexp Att)
     type       = XT;
     data       = Xdata;
     rattribute = Att;
Example #38
        private static Int32 parseBool(Int32 eox, Int32 offset, ref Byte[] buffer, ref Rexp x)
            x.Data = new Rbool((RBoolValues)buffer[offset]);
            if (offset != eox)
                // o+3 could happen if the result was aligned (1 byte data + 3 bytes padding)
                if (eox != offset + 3) throw new RconnectionException("Warning: bool SEXP size mismatch");
                offset = eox;
            if (offset > buffer.Length) throw new Exception("bladbool");

            return offset;