public EntityDefinition getChildDefinition() { int childId = -1; if (varBitId != -1) { VarBit varBit = VarBit.values[varBitId]; int configId = varBit.configId; int lsb = varBit.leastSignificantBit; int msb = varBit.mostSignificantBit; //TODO: Make this config stuff, not something in Client. int bit = ConstantData.GetBitfieldMaxValue(msb - lsb); childId = clientInstance.GetInterfaceSettings(configId) >> lsb & bit; } else if (settingId != -1) { childId = clientInstance.GetInterfaceSettings(settingId); } if (childId < 0 || childId >= childrenIDs.Length || childrenIDs[childId] == -1) { return(null); } else { return(getDefinition(childrenIDs[childId])); } }
public GameObjectDefinition getChildDefinition() { int child = -1; if (varBitId != -1) { VarBit varBit = VarBit.values[varBitId]; int configId = varBit.configId; int lsb = varBit.leastSignificantBit; int msb = varBit.mostSignificantBit; int bit = ConstantData.GetBitfieldMaxValue(msb - lsb); child = clientInstance.GetInterfaceSettings(configId) >> lsb & bit; } else if (configIds != -1) { child = clientInstance.GetInterfaceSettings(configIds); } if (child < 0 || child >= childIds.Length || childIds[child] == -1) { return(null); } else { return(getDefinition(childIds[child])); } }
public static void load(Archive archive) { Default317Buffer buffer = new Default317Buffer(archive.decompressFile("varbit.dat")); int count = buffer.getUnsignedLEShort(); if (values == null) { values = new VarBit[count]; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (values[i] == null) { values[i] = new VarBit(); } values[i].load(buffer); } if (buffer.position != buffer.buffer.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("varbit load mismatch"); } }
public async Task StartupCoroutine() { if (!wasClientStartupCalled) { wasClientStartupCalled = true; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed. Cannot call startup on Client multiple times."); } drawLoadingText(20, "Starting up"); if (clientRunning) { rsAlreadyLoaded = true; return; } clientRunning = true; bool validHost = true; String s = getDocumentBaseHost(); if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (!validHost) { genericLoadingError = true; return; } if (signlink.cache_dat != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { caches[i] = new FileCache(signlink.cache_dat, signlink.cache_idx[i], i + 1); } } connectServer(); archiveTitle = requestArchive(1, "title screen", "title", expectedCRCs[1], 25); fontSmall = new GameFont("p11_full", archiveTitle, false); fontPlain = new GameFont("p12_full", archiveTitle, false); fontBold = new GameFont("b12_full", archiveTitle, false); drawLogo(); loadTitleScreen(); Archive archiveConfig = requestArchive(2, "config", "config", expectedCRCs[2], 30); Archive archiveTextures = requestArchive(6, "textures", "textures", expectedCRCs[6], 45); //Archive archiveWord = requestArchive(7, "chat system", "wordenc", expectedCRCs[7], 50); Archive archiveSounds = requestArchive(8, "sound effects", "sounds", expectedCRCs[8], 55); tileFlags = new byte[4, 104, 104]; intGroundArray = CollectionUtilities.Create3DJaggedArray <int>(4, 105, 105); worldController = new WorldController(intGroundArray); for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++) { currentCollisionMap[z] = new CollisionMap(); } minimapImage = new Sprite(512, 512); Archive archiveVersions = requestArchive(5, "update list", "versionlist", expectedCRCs[5], 60); drawLoadingText(60, "Connecting to update server"); StartOnDemandFetcher(archiveVersions); Animation.init(onDemandFetcher.getAnimCount()); Model.init(onDemandFetcher.fileCount(0), onDemandFetcher); songChanging = true; onDemandFetcher.request(2, nextSong); while (onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount() > 0) { processOnDemandQueue(false); await TaskDelayFactory.Create(1); if (onDemandFetcher.failedRequests > 3) { loadError(); return; } } drawLoadingText(65, "Requesting animations"); int fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(1); for (int id = 0; id < fileRequestCount; id++) { onDemandFetcher.request(1, id); } if (!await ProcessAnimationsAsync(fileRequestCount)) { return; } drawLoadingText(70, "Requesting models"); fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(0); for (int id = 0; id < fileRequestCount; id++) { int modelId = onDemandFetcher.getModelId(id); if ((modelId & 1) != 0) { onDemandFetcher.request(0, id); } } fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); while (onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount() > 0) { int remaining = fileRequestCount - onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); if (remaining > 0) { drawLoadingText(70, "Loading models - " + (remaining * 100) / fileRequestCount + "%"); } processOnDemandQueue(); await TaskDelayFactory.Create(1); } if (caches[0] != null) { drawLoadingText(75, "Requesting maps"); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 47, 48)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 47, 48)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 48, 48)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 48, 48)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 49, 48)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 49, 48)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 47, 47)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 47, 47)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 48, 47)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 48, 47)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 48, 148)); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 48, 148)); fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); while (onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount() > 0) { int remaining = fileRequestCount - onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); if (remaining > 0) { drawLoadingText(75, "Loading maps - " + (remaining * 100) / fileRequestCount + "%"); } processOnDemandQueue(false); await TaskDelayFactory.Create(1); } } fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(0); for (int id = 0; id < fileRequestCount; id++) { int modelId = onDemandFetcher.getModelId(id); byte priority = 0; if ((modelId & 8) != 0) { priority = 10; } else if ((modelId & 0x20) != 0) { priority = 9; } else if ((modelId & 0x10) != 0) { priority = 8; } else if ((modelId & 0x40) != 0) { priority = 7; } else if ((modelId & 0x80) != 0) { priority = 6; } else if ((modelId & 2) != 0) { priority = 5; } else if ((modelId & 4) != 0) { priority = 4; } if ((modelId & 1) != 0) { priority = 3; } if (priority != 0) { onDemandFetcher.setPriority(priority, 0, id); } } //Don't need to even preload. await((WebGLOnDemandFetcher)onDemandFetcher).preloadRegionsAsync(membersWorld); //Remove low memory check. int count = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(2); for (int id = 1; id < count; id++) { if (onDemandFetcher.midiIdEqualsOne(id)) { onDemandFetcher.setPriority((byte)1, 2, id); } } //We don't unpack media here on WebGL because it //causes memory problems. drawLoadingText(83, "Unpacking textures"); Rasterizer.unpackTextures(archiveTextures); Rasterizer.calculatePalette(0.80000000000000004D); Rasterizer.resetTextures(); drawLoadingText(86, "Unpacking config"); AnimationSequence.unpackConfig(archiveConfig); GameObjectDefinition.load(archiveConfig); FloorDefinition.load(archiveConfig); ItemDefinition.load(archiveConfig); EntityDefinition.load(archiveConfig); IdentityKit.load(archiveConfig); SpotAnimation.load(archiveConfig); Varp.load(archiveConfig); VarBit.load(archiveConfig); ItemDefinition.membersWorld = membersWorld; //Removed low memory check drawLoadingText(90, "Unpacking sounds"); //Sound loading disabled in WebGL. byte[] soundData = archiveSounds.decompressFile("sounds.dat"); Effect.load(new Default317Buffer(soundData)); }
public IEnumerator StartupCoroutine() { if (!wasClientStartupCalled) { wasClientStartupCalled = true; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed. Cannot call startup on Client multiple times."); } drawLoadingText(20, "Starting up"); if (clientRunning) { rsAlreadyLoaded = true; yield break; } clientRunning = true; bool validHost = true; String s = getDocumentBaseHost(); if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (s.EndsWith("")) { validHost = true; } if (!validHost) { genericLoadingError = true; yield break; } if (signlink.cache_dat != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { caches[i] = new FileCache(signlink.cache_dat, signlink.cache_idx[i], i + 1); } } connectServer(); archiveTitle = requestArchive(1, "title screen", "title", expectedCRCs[1], 25); fontSmall = new GameFont("p11_full", archiveTitle, false); fontPlain = new GameFont("p12_full", archiveTitle, false); fontBold = new GameFont("b12_full", archiveTitle, false); GameFont fontFancy = new GameFont("q8_full", archiveTitle, true); drawLogo(); loadTitleScreen(); Archive archiveConfig = requestArchive(2, "config", "config", expectedCRCs[2], 30); Archive archiveInterface = requestArchive(3, "interface", "interface", expectedCRCs[3], 35); Archive archiveMedia = requestArchive(4, "2d graphics", "media", expectedCRCs[4], 40); Archive archiveTextures = requestArchive(6, "textures", "textures", expectedCRCs[6], 45); Archive archiveWord = requestArchive(7, "chat system", "wordenc", expectedCRCs[7], 50); Archive archiveSounds = requestArchive(8, "sound effects", "sounds", expectedCRCs[8], 55); tileFlags = new byte[4, 104, 104]; intGroundArray = CollectionUtilities.Create3DJaggedArray <int>(4, 105, 105); worldController = new WorldController(intGroundArray); for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++) { currentCollisionMap[z] = new CollisionMap(); } minimapImage = new Sprite(512, 512); Archive archiveVersions = requestArchive(5, "update list", "versionlist", expectedCRCs[5], 60); drawLoadingText(60, "Connecting to update server"); StartOnDemandFetcher(archiveVersions); Animation.init(onDemandFetcher.getAnimCount()); Model.init(onDemandFetcher.fileCount(0), onDemandFetcher); songChanging = true; onDemandFetcher.request(2, nextSong); while (onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount() > 0) { processOnDemandQueue(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); if (onDemandFetcher.failedRequests > 3) { loadError(); yield break; } } drawLoadingText(65, "Requesting animations"); int fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(1); for (int id = 0; id < fileRequestCount; id++) { onDemandFetcher.request(1, id); } while (onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount() > 0) { int remaining = fileRequestCount - onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); if (remaining > 0) { drawLoadingText(65, "Loading animations - " + (remaining * 100) / fileRequestCount + "%"); } try { processOnDemandQueue(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to process animation demand queue. Reason: {e.Message} \n Stack: {e.StackTrace}"); signlink.reporterror($"Failed to process animation demand queue. Reason: {e.Message} \n Stack: {e.StackTrace}"); throw; } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); if (onDemandFetcher.failedRequests > 3) { loadError(); yield break; } } drawLoadingText(70, "Requesting models"); fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(0); for (int id = 0; id < fileRequestCount; id++) { int modelId = onDemandFetcher.getModelId(id); if ((modelId & 1) != 0) { onDemandFetcher.request(0, id); } } fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); while (onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount() > 0) { int remaining = fileRequestCount - onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); if (remaining > 0) { drawLoadingText(70, "Loading models - " + (remaining * 100) / fileRequestCount + "%"); } processOnDemandQueue(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } GC.Collect(); if (caches[0] != null) { drawLoadingText(75, "Requesting maps"); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 47, 48)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 47, 48)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 48, 48)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 48, 48)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 49, 48)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 49, 48)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 47, 47)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 47, 47)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 48, 47)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 48, 47)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(0, 48, 148)); yield return(null); onDemandFetcher.request(3, onDemandFetcher.getMapId(1, 48, 148)); yield return(null); fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); while (onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount() > 0) { int remaining = fileRequestCount - onDemandFetcher.immediateRequestCount(); if (remaining > 0) { drawLoadingText(75, "Loading maps - " + (remaining * 100) / fileRequestCount + "%"); } processOnDemandQueue(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } } fileRequestCount = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(0); for (int id = 0; id < fileRequestCount; id++) { int modelId = onDemandFetcher.getModelId(id); byte priority = 0; if ((modelId & 8) != 0) { priority = 10; } else if ((modelId & 0x20) != 0) { priority = 9; } else if ((modelId & 0x10) != 0) { priority = 8; } else if ((modelId & 0x40) != 0) { priority = 7; } else if ((modelId & 0x80) != 0) { priority = 6; } else if ((modelId & 2) != 0) { priority = 5; } else if ((modelId & 4) != 0) { priority = 4; } if ((modelId & 1) != 0) { priority = 3; } if (priority != 0) { onDemandFetcher.setPriority(priority, 0, id); } } onDemandFetcher.preloadRegions(membersWorld); //Remove low memory check. int count = onDemandFetcher.fileCount(2); for (int id = 1; id < count; id++) { if (onDemandFetcher.midiIdEqualsOne(id)) { onDemandFetcher.setPriority((byte)1, 2, id); } } drawLoadingText(80, "Unpacking media"); //Default cache can cause some errors, so wecan surpress them here. try { InitializeUnpackedMedia(archiveMedia); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Media Error: {e}"); } drawLoadingText(83, "Unpacking textures"); Rasterizer.unpackTextures(archiveTextures); Rasterizer.calculatePalette(0.80000000000000004D); Rasterizer.resetTextures(); drawLoadingText(86, "Unpacking config"); AnimationSequence.unpackConfig(archiveConfig); GameObjectDefinition.load(archiveConfig); FloorDefinition.load(archiveConfig); ItemDefinition.load(archiveConfig); EntityDefinition.load(archiveConfig); IdentityKit.load(archiveConfig); SpotAnimation.load(archiveConfig); Varp.load(archiveConfig); VarBit.load(archiveConfig); ItemDefinition.membersWorld = membersWorld; //Removed low memory check drawLoadingText(90, "Unpacking sounds"); byte[] soundData = archiveSounds.decompressFile("sounds.dat"); Default317Buffer stream = new Default317Buffer(soundData); Effect.load(stream); drawLoadingText(95, "Unpacking interfaces"); GameFont[] fonts = { fontSmall, fontPlain, fontBold, fontFancy }; RSInterface.unpack(archiveInterface, fonts, archiveMedia); drawLoadingText(100, "Preparing game engine"); for (int _y = 0; _y < 33; _y++) { int firstXOfLine = 999; int lastXOfLine = 0; for (int _x = 0; _x < 34; _x++) { if (minimapBackgroundImage.pixels[_x + _y * minimapBackgroundImage.width] == 0) { if (firstXOfLine == 999) { firstXOfLine = _x; } continue; } if (firstXOfLine == 999) { continue; } lastXOfLine = _x; break; } compassHingeSize[_y] = firstXOfLine; compassWidthMap[_y] = lastXOfLine - firstXOfLine; } for (int _y = 5; _y < 156; _y++) { int min = 999; int max = 0; for (int _x = 25; _x < 172; _x++) { if (minimapBackgroundImage.pixels[_x + _y * minimapBackgroundImage.width] == 0 && (_x > 34 || _y > 34)) { if (min == 999) { min = _x; } continue; } if (min == 999) { continue; } max = _x; break; } minimapLeft[_y - 5] = min - 25; minimapLineWidth[_y - 5] = max - min; } Rasterizer.setBounds(479, 96); chatboxLineOffsets = Rasterizer.lineOffsets; Rasterizer.setBounds(190, 261); sidebarOffsets = Rasterizer.lineOffsets; Rasterizer.setBounds(512, 334); viewportOffsets = Rasterizer.lineOffsets; int[] ai = new int[9]; for (int i8 = 0; i8 < 9; i8++) { int k8 = 128 + i8 * 32 + 15; int l8 = 600 + k8 * 3; int i9 = Rasterizer.SINE[k8]; ai[i8] = l8 * i9 >> 16; } WorldController.setupViewport(500, 800, 512, 334, ai); GameObject.clientInstance = this; GameObjectDefinition.clientInstance = this; EntityDefinition.clientInstance = this; //TODO: Disabled censor //Censor.load(archiveWord); mouseDetection = new MouseDetection(this); //startRunnable(mouseDetection, 10); yield break; }