/// <summary>
        /// Executes one command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <returns>If the command doesn't fail</returns>
        private bool Move(Commands command)
            switch (command)
            case Commands.A:

                /* Check if we have to increase/decrease X or Y coordinate.  */
                int         x     = this.CurrentCardinalPoint == CardinalPoint.West ? -1 : this.CurrentCardinalPoint == CardinalPoint.East ? 1 : 0;
                int         y     = this.CurrentCardinalPoint == CardinalPoint.South ? -1 : this.CurrentCardinalPoint == CardinalPoint.North ? 1 : 0;
                Coordinates toAdd = new Coordinates(x, y);

                Coordinates newCoordinates = this.CurrentCoordinates.Add(toAdd);

                if (this.squareSize.IsWithinBounds(newCoordinates))
                    this.CurrentCoordinates = newCoordinates;


            case Commands.L:
                this.CurrentCardinalPoint = this.CurrentCardinalPoint.Rotate(CardinalPoint.Rotation.CounterClockwise);

            case Commands.R:
                this.CurrentCardinalPoint = this.CurrentCardinalPoint.Rotate(CardinalPoint.Rotation.Clockwise);

        public static CardinalPoint ParseCardinalPoint(string cardinalPointLine)
            if (!CardinalPoint.TryParse(cardinalPointLine, out CardinalPoint parsed))
                throw new ArgumentException($"The orientation must be one of the following values ({string.Join(", ", CardinalPoint.All.Select(cp => cp.ToString()))})!");

        public RoverController(Size squareSize, Coordinates initialCoordinates, CardinalPoint initialOrientation)
            if (squareSize.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(squareSize), "Can't be 0, 0");
            if (initialCoordinates.X < 0 || initialCoordinates.Y < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(initialCoordinates), "Should be 0 or positive.");

            this.squareSize           = squareSize;
            this.CurrentCoordinates   = initialCoordinates;
            this.CurrentCardinalPoint = initialOrientation;
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Rover Controller!");

                /* Ask for the initial values */
                string sizeLine = ReadLine("Enter the size of the square (Width Height):");
                Size   size     = ParseSize(sizeLine);

                string      coordinatesLine = ReadLine("Enter the initial coordinates (X, Y):");
                Coordinates coordinates     = ParseCoordinates(coordinatesLine);

                string        cardinalPointLine = ReadLine($"Enter the initial orientation ({string.Join(", ", CardinalPoint.All.Select(cp => cp.ToString()))}):");
                CardinalPoint cardinalPoint     = ParseCardinalPoint(cardinalPointLine);

                RoverController controller = new RoverController(size, coordinates, cardinalPoint);

                /* Ask for commands until empty line. */
                string commandLine        = null;
                string commandLineMessage = $"Enter one or more commands without any separation ({string.Join(", ", Enum.GetValues<Commands>())}):";
                while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandLine = ReadLine(commandLineMessage)))
                    Commands[] commands = ParseCommands(commandLine);

                    if (!controller.Handle(commands))
                        Console.WriteLine($"False, {controller.CurrentCardinalPoint}, {controller.CurrentCoordinates}.");

                Console.WriteLine($"True, {controller.CurrentCardinalPoint}, {controller.CurrentCoordinates}.");
            catch (Exception ex)