public void Save(DBConnection conn) { if (Error.Length < 2) { return; } try { if (conn.Connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { // prevent char ' messing up the query Result = Result.Replace("'", "''"); Error = Error.Replace("'", "''"); string query = string.Format("insert into log (time,ip,func,args,result,error) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}')", Logdata.TimeString(DateTime.Now), GetIP(), this.Function, this.Args, this.Result, this.Error); using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, conn.Connection)) { command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public IEnumerable <Ride> GetRecentRides() { // get a list of all dates (in future or recent past) that have rides attached // date represented by days since 01/01/1970 LogEntry log = new LogEntry("GetDatesWithRides", ""); List <Ride> rides = new List <Ride>(); // get JS date for a month ago int appdays = Logdata.NowtoJSDate() - 31; if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { string query = string.Format("SELECT date,leaderName,routeID FROM rides where date > {0}", appdays); using (MySqlDataAdapter routeAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataRoutes = new DataTable(); routeAdapter.Fill(dataRoutes); int length = dataRoutes.Rows.Count; for (int row = 0; row < length; row++) { string leader = ""; int routeID = 0, date = 0; try { DataRow dr = dataRoutes.Rows[row]; routeID = (int)dr["routeID"]; try { date = (int)dr["date"]; } catch { } try { leader = (string)dr["leadername"]; } catch { } //DateTime dt = Logdata.JSDateToDateTime(date); rides.Add(new Ride(routeID, leader, 0, date, 0, "", "", Ride.maxRiders)); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); log.Error = ex.Message; } } } } catch (Exception ex2) { Trace.WriteLine(ex2.Message); log.Error = ex2.Message; } finally { log.Result = rides.Count.ToString() + " future and recent rides found "; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } return(rides); }
public string ChangeAccount(Login login) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry("ChangeAccount", login.Name); string query; string result = ""; if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { if (login.PW != string.Empty) // has actually been changed { string hash = Logdata.GetHash(login.PW); query = string.Format("update logins set pw = '{0}' where id = {1}", hash, login.ID); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (login.Email != string.Empty) // has actually been changed { query = string.Format("update logins set email = '{0}' where id = {1}", login.Email, login.ID); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (login.Name != string.Empty) // has actually been changed { query = string.Format("update logins set name = '{0}' where id = {1}", login.Name, login.ID); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } if (true) { query = string.Format("update logins set units = '{0}', climbs={1} where id = {2}", login.Units, login.Climbs, login.ID); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } result = "OK"; } catch (Exception ex2) { result = "There is a database error, some details not changed, please try again: " + ex2.Message; log.Error = ex2.Message; } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } return(result); }
public string Register(Login login) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry("Register2", login.Name + " " + login.EmailCode); string result = ""; if (login.EmailCode == Logdata.GetHash(login.Name + login.Name)) { string query = string.Format("update logins set role = 1 where name = '{0}'", login.Name); if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); result = "Thank you, you have now registered"; } catch (Exception ex) { result = "There is a database error, please try again:" + ex.Message; log.Error = ex.Message; } finally { log.Result = login.Name; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } return(result); } else { return("Error with email or code, sorry"); } }
public string SaveRide(Ride ride) { // ride.MeetAt = ride.MeetAt.Replace("'", "''"); ride.MeetAt = GetRidOfApostrophes(ride.MeetAt); ride.Descrip = GetRidOfApostrophes(ride.Descrip); LogEntry log = new LogEntry("SaveRide", ride.Date + " " + ride.routeID); //int successRows = 0; string result = ""; if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { // check ride with same leader and date isn't already there *************** string query = string.Format("SELECT dest FROM rides where date= '{0}' and leaderName = '{1}'", ride.Date, ride.LeaderName); bool exists = true; string now = Logdata.TimeString(DateTime.Now); string rideDest = ""; using (MySqlDataAdapter routeAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataRoutes = new DataTable(); routeAdapter.Fill(dataRoutes); if (dataRoutes.Rows.Count == 0) { exists = false; } else { DataRow dr = dataRoutes.Rows[0]; try { rideDest = (string)dr["dest"]; } catch { } } } if (exists) { result = string.Format("There is already a ride with you as leader on the same date. Please choose another date."); } else { //using (System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient()) { query = string.Format("insert into rides (routeID,leaderName,date,time,meetingAt,description,groupSize) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}')", ride.routeID, ride.LeaderName, ride.Date, ride.Time, ride.MeetAt, ride.Descrip, ride.GroupSize); // get new ride ID query += "; SELECT CAST(LAST_INSERT_ID() AS int)"; object rideID = null; using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { rideID = command.ExecuteScalar(); } // return id of new route result = rideID.ToString(); } //} } } catch (Exception ex) { result = string.Format("Database error: ride \"{0}\" not saved: {1}", ride.ID, ex.Message); log.Error = ex.Message; } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } return(result); }
public string LeaveParticipant(Participant pp) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry("LeaveParticipant", pp.Rider + " " + pp.rideID); int successRows = 0; string result = ""; if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { // check this is already there *************** string query = string.Format("SELECT rider FROM Participants where rideID = '{0}' and rider = '{1}'", pp.rideID, pp.Rider); bool exists = true; string now = Logdata.TimeString(DateTime.Now); using (MySqlDataAdapter routeAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataRoutes = new DataTable(); routeAdapter.Fill(dataRoutes); if (dataRoutes.Rows.Count == 0) { exists = false; } } if (exists == false) { result = "Error: You are not booked onto this ride."; } else { query = string.Format("delete from Participants where rider = '{0}'and rideID = {1}", pp.Rider, pp.rideID); using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { successRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } result = "OK"; } } catch (Exception ex) { result = string.Format("Database error: {0}", ex.Message); log.Error = ex.Message; } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } return(result); }
public string SaveParticipant(Participant pp) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry("SaveParticipant", pp.Rider + " " + pp.rideID); int successRows = 0; string result = ""; if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { // check this isn't already there *************** string query = string.Format("SELECT rider FROM Participants where rideID = '{0}' and rider = '{1}'", pp.rideID, pp.Rider); bool exists = true; string now = Logdata.TimeString(DateTime.Now); using (MySqlDataAdapter routeAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataRoutes = new DataTable(); routeAdapter.Fill(dataRoutes); if (dataRoutes.Rows.Count == 0) { exists = false; } } if (exists) { result = "You are aleady booked onto this ride. Please choose another ride"; } else { // todo: this string is now redundant string riders = "*"; query = string.Format("insert into Participants (rider, rideID) values ('{0}','{1}')", pp.Rider, pp.rideID); using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { successRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } result = riders; } } catch (Exception ex) { result = string.Format("Database error: {0}", ex.Message); log.Error = ex.Message; } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } return(result); }
public IEnumerable <Ride> GetRidesForDate(int date) { // get details of routes available for a given date for the next month (but not yet the GPX data) // date represented by days since 01/01/1970 LogEntry log = new LogEntry("GetRidesForDate", Logdata.JSDateToDateTime(date).ToShortDateString()); List <Ride> rides = new List <Ride>(); if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { string query = string.Format("SELECT rideID,routeID,date,time,meetingAt,leaderName,description,groupSize FROM rides where date >= {0} and date <= {1} order by date asc", date - 1, date + 31); using (MySqlDataAdapter routeAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataRoutes = new DataTable(); routeAdapter.Fill(dataRoutes); int length = dataRoutes.Rows.Count; for (int row = 0; row < length; row++) { if (row >= 10) { break; } string meet = "", leader = "", descrip = ""; int time = 0, id, routeID = 0, size = 10; DataRow dr = dataRoutes.Rows[row]; try { id = (int)dr["rideID"]; routeID = (int)dr["routeID"]; meet = (string)dr["meetingAt"]; date = (int)dr["date"]; time = (int)dr["time"]; leader = (string)dr["leadername"]; descrip = (string)dr["description"]; size = (int)dr["groupSize"]; rides.Add(new Ride(routeID, leader, id, date, time, meet, descrip, size)); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); log.Error = ex.Message; } } } } catch (Exception ex2) { Trace.WriteLine(ex2.Message); log.Error = ex2.Message; } finally { log.Result = rides.Count.ToString() + " rides for " + Logdata.JSDateToDateTime(date).ToShortDateString(); log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } return(rides); }
/// <summary> /// Log in to the system /// </summary> /// <param name="login">login object with just a username and password</param> /// <returns>login object with details of role and user id</returns> public Login Login(Login login) { string hash = Logdata.GetHash(login.PW); LogEntry log = new LogEntry("Login", login.Name); string result = ""; // can now login with either username or email string query = string.Format("SELECT Id, name, pw, email, role, units, climbs FROM logins where name = '{0}' or email = '{0}'", login.Name); if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { using (MySqlDataAdapter loginAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataLogins = new DataTable(); loginAdapter.Fill(dataLogins); int length = dataLogins.Rows.Count; for (int row = 0; row < length; row++) { DataRow dr = dataLogins.Rows[row]; string dbname = (string)dr["name"]; dbname = dbname.Trim(); string dbpw = (string)dr["pw"]; dbpw = dbpw.Trim(); string dbemail = (string)dr["email"]; dbemail = dbemail.Trim(); // login with either username or email if ((dbname == login.Name && dbpw == hash) || (dbemail == login.Name && dbpw == hash)) { if (dbemail == login.Name) { // change back to actual login name login.Name = dbname; } login.Role = (int)dr["role"]; login.ID = (int)dr["id"]; login.Email = (string)dr["email"]; login.Units = ((string)dr["units"])[0]; login.Climbs = (int)dr["climbs"]; // don't need to return the password login.PW = String.Empty; break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = "There is a database error, please try again:" + ex.Message; log.Error = ex.Message; } finally { log.Result = login.Name; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } return(login); } return(null); }
public string ForgetPassword(string email) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry("ForgetPassword", email); string result = "OK, now please wait for an email and click the link to set a new password"; string username = ""; MailAddress emailAddr; try { emailAddr = new MailAddress(email); // Valid address } catch { return("This email address appears to be invalid"); } if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { string query = string.Format("SELECT Id, name, email FROM logins where email = '{0}'", email); try { using (MySqlDataAdapter loginAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataLogins = new DataTable(); loginAdapter.Fill(dataLogins); int count = dataLogins.Rows.Count; if (count == 1) { DataRow dr = dataLogins.Rows[0]; string dbname = (string)dr["name"]; username = dbname.Trim(); } else if (count == 0) { return(string.Format("Error: cannot find an account with that email")); } else { return(string.Format("Error: {0} users found with that email", dataLogins.Rows.Count)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error = ex.Message; return("DB error: " + ex.Message); } // create and send an email try { // create a code based on data string emailCode = Logdata.GetHash(username + username); // string URLstr = string.Format("{0}®code={1}", username, emailCode); string URLstr = string.Format(Connections.serviceURL + "?pwuser={0}®code={1}", username, emailCode); EmailConnection ec = new EmailConnection(); MailAddress from = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, emailAddr) { Subject = "TCC rides forgotten password", Body = string.Format("Please click {0} to reset your password or other details.\n\rFor security, this link will expire in 15 minutes!", URLstr) }; try { SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(ec.Server) { Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ec.User, ec.PW) }; client.Send(message); // save the time this message was delivered query = string.Format("update logins set messagetime = '{0}' where email = '{1}'", Logdata.DBTimeString(DateTime.Now), email); try { var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex2) { result = "There is a database error, please try again:" + ex2.Message; log.Error = ex2.Message; } result = "OK, now please wait for an email and click the link to set a new password"; } catch (Exception ex) { result = "Sorry, there is an error with the email service: " + ex.Message; log.Error = ex.Message; } } catch (Exception ex2) { return("Error: " + ex2.Message); } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } return(result); } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } }
public string Signup(Login login) { string hash = Logdata.GetHash(login.PW); LogEntry log = new LogEntry("Signup", login.Name); MailAddress emailAddr; string result = "OK, now please wait for an email and click the link to complete your registration"; try { emailAddr = new MailAddress(login.Email); // Valid address } catch { return("This email address appears to be invalid"); } if (login.PW.Length < 4 || login.PW.Length > 10) { return("Password must be between 4 and 10 characters"); } if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { // check username and email string query = "SELECT Id, name, pw, email FROM logins"; try { using (MySqlDataAdapter loginAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataLogins = new DataTable(); loginAdapter.Fill(dataLogins); int length = dataLogins.Rows.Count; for (int row = 0; row < length; row++) { DataRow dr = dataLogins.Rows[row]; string dbname = (string)dr["name"]; dbname = dbname.Trim(); string dbpw = (string)dr["pw"]; dbpw = dbpw.Trim(); string dbemail = (string)dr["email"]; dbemail = dbemail.Trim(); if (dbname.ToLower() == login.Name.ToLower()) { return("Sorry, this username has already been taken"); } if (dbemail == login.Email) { return("Sorry, only one login allowed per email address"); } if (EmailConnection.IsValidEmail(dbemail) == false) { return("Sorry, this email doesn't appear to be valid"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error = ex.Message; return("DB error: " + ex.Message); } // create and send an email try { // create a code based on data login.EmailCode = Logdata.GetHash(login.Name + login.Name); string URLstr = string.Format(Connections.serviceURL + "?user={0}®code={1}", login.Name, login.EmailCode); //string URLstr = string.Format("http://localhost/routes/www?user={0}®code={1}",login.Name, login.EmailCode); EmailConnection ec = new EmailConnection(); MailAddress from = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, emailAddr) { Subject = "TCC rides signup", Body = string.Format("Please click {0} to complete your registration", URLstr) }; try { SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(ec.Server) { Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ec.User, ec.PW) }; client.Send(message); // save the login details but with role as zero so login won't yet work log = new LogEntry("Register1", login.Name + " " + login.EmailCode); query = string.Format("insert into logins (name, pw, email,role,messagetime,units,climbs) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},'{4}','{5}',{6})", login.Name, hash, login.Email, 0, Logdata.DBTimeString(DateTime.Now), login.Units, login.Climbs); try { var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); result = "Thank you, please wait for an email and click link to complete registration"; } catch (Exception ex2) { result = "There is a database error, please try again:" + ex2.Message;; } } catch (Exception ex) { result = "Sorry, there is an error with the email service: " + ex.Message; } } catch (Exception ex2) { result = "Error: " + ex2.Message; log.Error = ex2.Message; } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } return(result); } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } }
public string DeleteRoute(int routeID) { LogEntry log = new LogEntry("DeleteRoute ", routeID.ToString()); int successRows = 0; string result = ""; if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { // first check that there are no future rides connected with this route // convert to our app date type int appdays = Logdata.NowtoJSDate(); //DateTime today = DateTime.Now; DateTime jan1970 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); //TimeSpan appSpan = today - jan1970; //int appdays = appSpan.Days; string query = string.Format("SELECT rideID,date FROM rides where routeID = {0} and date > {1}", routeID, appdays); int count = 0; string now = Logdata.TimeString(DateTime.Now); using (MySqlDataAdapter routeAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { dataRoutes = new DataTable(); routeAdapter.Fill(dataRoutes); count = dataRoutes.Rows.Count; if (count > 0) { DataRow dr = dataRoutes.Rows[0]; appdays = (int)dr["date"]; } } if (count > 0) { // convert app days back to c# date //TimeSpan days = new TimeSpan(appdays, 0, 0, 0); //DateTime when = jan1970 + days; DateTime when = Logdata.JSDateToDateTime(appdays); result = string.Format("There is at least one ride using this route in the future, on {0}. Please delete the ride first (if there are no riders signed up for it)", when.ToShortDateString()); } else { //using (System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient()) { query = string.Format("delete from routes where id = {0}", routeID); using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { successRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } result = "OK"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = string.Format("Database error: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } return(result); }
public string SaveCafe(Cafe cafe) { cafe.Name = GetRidOfApostrophes(cafe.Name); cafe.Notes = GetRidOfApostrophes(cafe.Notes); cafe.PlaceName = GetRidOfApostrophes(cafe.PlaceName); cafe.TimesOpen = GetRidOfApostrophes(cafe.TimesOpen); cafe.DaysOpen = GetRidOfApostrophes(cafe.DaysOpen); LogEntry log = new LogEntry("SaveCafe", cafe.ID + " " + cafe.Name + " " + cafe.User); string result = ""; if (gpxConnection.IsConnect()) { try { string query; //// check ride with same leader and date isn't already there *************** //string query = string.Format("SELECT dest FROM rides where date= '{0}' and leaderName = '{1}'", ride.Date, ride.LeaderName); //bool exists = true; //string now = Logdata.TimeString(DateTime.Now); //string rideDest = ""; //using (MySqlDataAdapter routeAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) //{ // dataRoutes = new DataTable(); // routeAdapter.Fill(dataRoutes); // if (dataRoutes.Rows.Count == 0) // { // exists = false; // } // else // { // DataRow dr = dataRoutes.Rows[0]; // try { rideDest = (string)dr["dest"]; } catch { } // } //} //if (exists) //{ // result = string.Format("There is already a ride with you as leader on the same date. Please choose another date."); //} // using (System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient()) { if (cafe.ID > 0) { // already exists, just update query = string.Format("update cafes set name = '{0}',placename = '{1}', notes = '{2}',daysopen = '{3}',timesopen ='{4}',user ='******', updated = '{6}' where id = {7} ", cafe.Name, cafe.PlaceName, cafe.Notes, cafe.DaysOpen, cafe.TimesOpen, cafe.User, Logdata.DBTimeString(DateTime.Now), cafe.ID); using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } result = "0"; } else { query = string.Format("insert into cafes (lat,lng,name,placename,notes,daysopen,timesopen,user,updated) values ({0},{1},'{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}')", cafe.Lat, cafe.Lng, cafe.Name, cafe.PlaceName, cafe.Notes, cafe.DaysOpen, cafe.TimesOpen, cafe.User, Logdata.DBTimeString(DateTime.Now)); // get new ride ID query += "; SELECT CAST(LAST_INSERT_ID() AS int)"; object cafeID = null; using (MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, gpxConnection.Connection)) { cafeID = command.ExecuteScalar(); } // return id of new cafe result = cafeID.ToString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = string.Format("Database error: ride \"{0}\" not saved: {1}", cafe.Name, ex.Message); log.Error = ex.Message; } finally { log.Result = result; log.Save(gpxConnection); gpxConnection.Close(); } } else { return(DBConnection.ErrStr); } return(result); }