static void Main(string[] args) { GameBoard g = new GameBoard(); g.IsColor(); g.EvenOrOdd(); g.WinningNumber(); g.LowHigh(); g.Thirds(); g.Row(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Player p = new Player(1000); GameBoard g = new GameBoard(p); bool truther = true; string input; while (truther) { Console.Clear(); Ball b = new Ball(); Console.WriteLine("Let's Play! \nType 'red' or 'black', \n'even' or 'odd', \n'low high', \n'column'," + " \n'thirds', \n'row', \n'two rows', \n'split', \n'corner', \n'number',"); Console.WriteLine("What kind of bet would you like to make?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "red": g.IsColor(b, input); break; case "black": g.IsColor(b, input); break; case "even": g.EvenOrOdd(b, input); break; case "odd": g.EvenOrOdd(b, input); break; case "corner": g.Corners(b); break; case "split": g.SplitBet(b); break; case "number": g.WinningNumber(b); break; case "row": g.Row(b); break; case "two rows": g.TwoRows(b); break; case "thirds": g.Thirds(b); break; case "low high": g.LowHigh(b); break; case "column": g.Column(b); break; } Console.WriteLine("\nPress enter to play again or escape to exit\n"); if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { truther = false; } } }