public void ResolveMetadataFile2()
            string fileName = "f.dll";
            string dir = @"C:\dir";
            string subdir = @"C:\dir\subdir";
            string filePath = dir + @"\" + fileName;
            string subFilePath = subdir + @"\" + fileName;

            var fs = new HashSet<string>

            // with no search paths
            var resolver = new VirtualizedRelativePathResolver(
                existingFullPaths: fs,
                baseDirectory: subdir);

            // using base path
            var path = resolver.ResolvePath(fileName, baseFilePath: PathUtilities.CombineAbsoluteAndRelativePaths(dir, "foo.csx"));
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            // using base dir
            path = resolver.ResolvePath(fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(subFilePath, path);

            // search paths
            var resolverSP = new VirtualizedRelativePathResolver(
                existingFullPaths: fs,
                searchPaths: new[] { dir, subdir }.AsImmutableOrNull(),
                baseDirectory: @"C:\foo");

            path = resolverSP.ResolvePath(fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            // null base dir, no search paths
            var resolverNullBase = new VirtualizedRelativePathResolver(
                existingFullPaths: fs,
                baseDirectory: null);

            // relative path
            path = resolverNullBase.ResolvePath(fileName, baseFilePath: null);

            // full path
            path = resolverNullBase.ResolvePath(filePath, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            // null base dir
            var resolverNullBaseSP = new VirtualizedRelativePathResolver(
                existingFullPaths: fs,
                searchPaths: new[] { dir, subdir }.AsImmutableOrNull(),
                baseDirectory: null);

            // relative path
            path = resolverNullBaseSP.ResolvePath(fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            // full path
            path = resolverNullBaseSP.ResolvePath(filePath, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);
        public void ResolveMetadataFile1()
            string fileName = "f.dll";
            string drive = "C";
            string dir = @"C:\dir";
            string subdir = @"C:\dir\subdir";
            string filePath = dir + @"\" + fileName;
            string subFilePath = subdir + @"\" + fileName;
            string dotted = subdir + @"\" + ".x.dll";

            var fs = new HashSet<string>

            var resolver = new VirtualizedRelativePathResolver(
                existingFullPaths: fs,
                searchPaths: ImmutableArray.Create<string>(),
                baseDirectory: subdir);

            // unqualified file name:
            var path = resolver.ResolvePath(fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(subFilePath, path);

            // prefer the base file over base directory:
            path = resolver.ResolvePath(fileName, baseFilePath: PathUtilities.CombineAbsoluteAndRelativePaths(dir, "foo.csx"));
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"\" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(null, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"/" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(null, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@".", baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(null, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@".\" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(subFilePath, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"./" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(subFilePath, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@".x.dll", baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(dotted, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"..", baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(null, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"..\" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"../" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"C:\" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(null, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(@"C:/" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(null, path);

            path = resolver.ResolvePath(filePath, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);

            // drive-relative paths not supported:
            path = resolver.ResolvePath(drive + ":" + fileName, baseFilePath: null);
            Assert.Equal(null, path);

            // \abc\def
            string rooted = filePath.Substring(2);
            path = resolver.ResolvePath(rooted, null);
            Assert.Equal(filePath, path);