Example #1
    void Update()
        if (targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO && targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.AUTOWARE && targetEnv != ROSTargetEnvironment.LGSVL)

        if (Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Ros.Status.Connected || !PublishMessage)

        if (Time.time < NextSend)

        if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.APOLLO)
            Vector3 vel = mainRigidbody.velocity;
            Vector3 eul = mainRigidbody.rotation.eulerAngles;

            float dir;
            if (eul.y >= 0)
                dir = 45 * Mathf.Round((eul.y % 360) / 45.0f);
                dir = 45 * Mathf.Round((eul.y % 360 + 360) / 45.0f);

            // (TODO) check for leap second issues.
            var gps_time = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds((long)gps.measurement_time).DateTime.ToLocalTime();

            var apolloMessage = new Ros.Apollo.ChassisMsg()
                engine_started      = true,
                engine_rpm          = controller.currentRPM,
                speed_mps           = vel.magnitude,
                odometer_m          = 0,
                fuel_range_m        = 0,
                throttle_percentage = input_controller.throttle * 100,
                brake_percentage    = input_controller.brake * 100,
                steering_percentage = -controller.steerInput * 100,
                // steering_torque_nm
                parking_brake     = controller.handbrakeApplied,
                high_beam_signal  = (controller.headlightMode == 2),
                low_beam_signal   = (controller.headlightMode == 1),
                left_turn_signal  = controller.leftTurnSignal,
                right_turn_signal = controller.rightTurnSignal,
                // horn
                wiper = (controller.wiperStatus != 0),
                // disengage_status
                driving_mode = Ros.Apollo.Chassis.DrivingMode.COMPLETE_AUTO_DRIVE,
                // error_code
                // gear_location
                // steering_timestamp
                // signal
                // engage_advice

                chassis_gps = new Ros.Apollo.Chassis.ChassisGPS()
                    latitude          = gps.latitude_orig,
                    longitude         = gps.longitude_orig,
                    gps_valid         = gps.PublishMessage,
                    year              = gps_time.Year,
                    month             = gps_time.Month,
                    day               = gps_time.Day,
                    hours             = gps_time.Hour,
                    minutes           = gps_time.Minute,
                    seconds           = gps_time.Second,
                    compass_direction = dir,
                    pdop              = 0.1,
                    is_gps_fault      = false,
                    is_inferred       = false,
                    altitude          = gps.height,
                    heading           = eul.y,
                    hdop              = 0.1,
                    vdop              = 0.1,
                    quality           = Ros.Apollo.Chassis.GpsQuality.FIX_3D,
                    num_satellites    = 15,
                    gps_speed         = vel.magnitude,

                header = new Ros.ApolloHeader()
                    timestamp_sec = Ros.Time.Now().secs,
                    module_name   = "chassis",
                    sequence_num  = seq,

            Bridge.Publish(ApolloTopic, apolloMessage);

        if (targetEnv == ROSTargetEnvironment.LGSVL)
            var simulatorMessage = new Ros.TwistStamped()
                header = new Ros.Header()
                    stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                    seq      = seq++,
                    frame_id = "",
                twist = new Ros.Twist()
                    linear = new Ros.Vector3()
                        x = controller.steerInput,
                        y = 0,
                        z = 0,
                    angular = new Ros.Vector3()
                        x = 0,
                        y = 0,
                        z = 0,

            Bridge.Publish(SimulatorTopic, simulatorMessage);
    void FixedUpdate()
        float steerInput = input.SteerInput;
        float accelInput = input.AccelBrakeInput;

        var hasWorkingSteerwheel = (steerwheelInput != null && SteeringWheelInputController.available);

        if (!selfDriving || underKeyboardControl) //manual control or keyboard-interrupted self driving
            //grab input values
            if (!selfDriving)
                steerInput = input.SteerInput;
                accelInput = input.AccelBrakeInput;
            else if (underKeyboardControl)
                steerInput = keyboardInput.SteerInput;
                accelInput = keyboardInput.AccelBrakeInput;

            if (underKeyboardControl || underSteeringWheelControl)
                float k = 0.4f + 0.6f * controller.CurrentSpeed / 30.0f;
                accelInput = accelInput < 0.0f ? accelInput : accelInput *Mathf.Min(1.0f, k);
                accelInput = -1;
                steerInput = 0;

            if (hasWorkingSteerwheel)
        else if (selfDriving && !underKeyboardControl) //autonomous control(uninterrupted)
            if (hasWorkingSteerwheel)
                var diff = Mathf.Abs(autoSteerAngle - steerInput);
                if (autoSteerAngle < steerInput) // need to steer left
                    steerwheelInput.SetAutonomousForce((int)(diff * 10000));
                    steerwheelInput.SetAutonomousForce((int)(-diff * 10000));

            //use autonomous command values
            if (!hasWorkingSteerwheel || steerwheelInput.autonomousBehavior == SteerWheelAutonomousFeedbackBehavior.OutputOnly || steerwheelInput.autonomousBehavior == SteerWheelAutonomousFeedbackBehavior.None)
                accelInput = autoInputAccel;
                steerInput = autoSteerAngle;
                //purpose of this is to use steering wheel as input even when in self-driving state
                accelInput += autoInputAccel;
                steerInput += autoSteerAngle;

        if (controller.driveMode == DriveMode.Controlled)
            controller.accellInput = accelInput;
        controller.steerInput = steerInput;

        if (isControlEnabled == true)  // Publish control command for training
            var simControl = new Ros.TwistStamped()
                header = new Ros.Header()
                    stamp    = Ros.Time.Now(),
                    seq      = seq++,
                    frame_id = "",
                twist = new Ros.Twist()
                    linear = new Ros.Vector3()
                        x = controller.accellInput,
                        y = 0,
                        z = 0,
                    angular = new Ros.Vector3()
                        x = controller.steerInput,
                        y = 0,
                        z = 0,