Example #1
        public MapManager(Intracommunicator comm, string mapFilePath, ActorsDivider divider)
            moveCount = 0;
            this.comm = comm;

            if (!File.Exists(mapFilePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("The map file was not found.");

            map = LoadMapFromFile(mapFilePath);

            if (map.Rats.Count != divider.NumberOfRats || map.Cats.Count != divider.NumberOfCats)
                throw new Exception("Rat or cat counts does not match with map loaded.");


            // Logger
            logger = new Logger(divider.GetProcesTypeByRank);

            // Initialize the message listener task
            messageListenerTask = new Task(ReceiveMessages);
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (new MPI.Environment(ref args))
                Intracommunicator comm = Communicator.world;

                if (args.Length != 3)
                    throw new ArgumentException("You must have 3 command line arguments : the map file path, the number of rats and the number of cats");

                string mapFilePath = args[0];
                int    nbrRats     = Int32.Parse(args[1]);
                int    nbrCats     = Int32.Parse(args[2]);

                if (nbrRats + nbrCats + 1 != comm.Size)
                    throw new ArgumentException("The total number of actors (rats + cats + map) must be equal to the number of processes");

                ActorsDivider divider = new ActorsDivider(nbrRats, nbrCats);

                switch (divider.GetProcesTypeByRank(comm.Rank))
                case ProcessType.Map:
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating Map ... from rank {0}", comm.Rank);
                    new MapManager(comm, mapFilePath, divider).Start();
                    Console.WriteLine("~ Closing Map ... from rank {0}", comm.Rank);

                case ProcessType.Rat:
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating Rat ... from rank {0}", comm.Rank);
                    new Rat(comm).Start();
                    Console.WriteLine("~ Closing Rat ... from rank {0}", comm.Rank);

                case ProcessType.Cat:
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating Cat ... from rank {0}", comm.Rank);
                    new Cat(comm).Start();
                    Console.WriteLine("~ Closing Cat ... from rank {0}", comm.Rank);