/// <summary>
        /// Convert ogg or wave audio files to Wwise 2013 wem audio, including preview wem file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioPath"></param>
        /// <param name="audioQuality"></param>
        /// <param name="previewLength"></param>
        /// <param name="chorusTime"></param>
        /// <returns>wemPath</returns>
        public static string Convert2Wem(string audioPath, int audioQuality = 4, long previewLength = 30000, long chorusTime = 4000)
            // TODO: check for converted wem's from GUI call and ask if we want generate over or use existing files.
            var audioPathNoExt = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(audioPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(audioPath));
            var oggPath        = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + ".ogg");
            var wavPath        = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + ".wav");
            var wemPath        = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + ".wem");
            var oggPreviewPath = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + "_preview.ogg");
            var wavPreviewPath = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + "_preview.wav");
            var wemPreviewPath = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + "_preview.wem");

            //switch to verify headers instead, maybe Plus current implmentation bugged as for me.
            if (audioPath.Substring(audioPath.Length - 4).ToLower() == ".ogg") //in RS1 ogg was actually wwise
                // create ogg preview if it does not exist
                if (!File.Exists(oggPreviewPath))
                    ExternalApps.Ogg2Preview(audioPath, oggPreviewPath, previewLength, chorusTime);

                // convert ogg to wav
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(audioPath, wavPath); //detect quality here
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPreviewPath, wavPreviewPath);
                audioPath = wavPath;

            if (audioPath.Substring(audioPath.Length - 4).ToLower() == ".wav")
                if (!File.Exists(wavPreviewPath))
                    // may cause issues if you've got another guitar.ogg in folder, but it's extremely rare.
                    if (!File.Exists(oggPath))
                        ExternalApps.Wav2Ogg(audioPath, oggPath, audioQuality); // 4
                    // create preview from ogg and then convert back to wav
                    ExternalApps.Ogg2Preview(oggPath, oggPreviewPath, previewLength, chorusTime);
                    ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPreviewPath, wavPreviewPath);

                Wwise.Wav2Wem(audioPath, wemPath, audioQuality);
                audioPath = wemPath;

            if (audioPath.Substring(audioPath.Length - 4).ToLower() == ".wem" && !File.Exists(wemPreviewPath))
                Revorb(audioPath, oggPath, WwiseVersion.Wwise2013);
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPath, wavPath);
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Preview(oggPath, oggPreviewPath, previewLength, chorusTime);
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPreviewPath, wavPreviewPath);
                Wwise.Wav2Wem(wavPath, wemPath, audioQuality);
                audioPath = wemPath;

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert ogg or wave audio files to Wwise 2013 wem audio, including preview wem file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="audioPath"></param>
        /// <param name="audioQuality"></param>
        /// <param name="previewLength"></param>
        /// <param name="chorusTime"></param>
        /// <returns>wemPath</returns>
        public static string Convert2Wem(string audioPath, int audioQuality = 4, long previewLength = 30000, long chorusTime = 4000)
            // ExternalApps.VerifyExternalApps(); // for testing
            var audioPathNoExt = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(audioPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(audioPath));
            var oggPath        = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + ".ogg");
            var wavPath        = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + ".wav");
            var wemPath        = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + ".wem");
            var oggPreviewPath = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + "_preview.ogg");
            var wavPreviewPath = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + "_preview.wav");
            var wemPreviewPath = String.Format(audioPathNoExt + "_preview.wem");

            if (audioPath.Substring(audioPath.Length - 4).ToLower() == ".ogg") //in RS1 ogg was actually wwise
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(audioPath, wavPath);                      //detect quality here
                if (!File.Exists(oggPreviewPath))
                    ExternalApps.Ogg2Preview(audioPath, oggPreviewPath, previewLength, chorusTime);
                    ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPreviewPath, wavPreviewPath);
                audioPath = wavPath;

            if (audioPath.Substring(audioPath.Length - 4).ToLower() == ".wav")
                if (!File.Exists(wavPreviewPath))
                    if (!File.Exists(oggPath))
                        //may cause issues if you've got another guitar.ogg in folder, but it's extremely rare.
                        ExternalApps.Wav2Ogg(audioPath, oggPath, audioQuality); // 4
                    ExternalApps.Ogg2Preview(oggPath, oggPreviewPath, previewLength, chorusTime);
                    ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPreviewPath, wavPreviewPath);
                Wwise.Convert2Wem(audioPath, wemPath, audioQuality);
                audioPath = wemPath;

            if (audioPath.Substring(audioPath.Length - 4).ToLower() == ".wem" && !File.Exists(wemPreviewPath))
                Revorb(audioPath, oggPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), WwiseVersion.Wwise2013);
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPath, wavPath);
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Preview(oggPath, oggPreviewPath, previewLength, chorusTime);
                ExternalApps.Ogg2Wav(oggPreviewPath, wavPreviewPath);
                Wwise.Convert2Wem(wavPath, wemPath, audioQuality);
                audioPath = wemPath;
