public Showlights(DLCPackageData info)
            : this()
            // using max difficulty level and
            // arrangement with most notes and chords for good results
            // bass arrangement usually has few chords so not much use 
            int maxArrNdx = 0;
            int maxNoteChordCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0, arrCnt = info.Arrangements.Count; i < arrCnt; i++)
                if (info.Arrangements[i].ArrangementType == ArrangementType.Vocal)
                if (info.Arrangements[i].ArrangementType == ArrangementType.ShowLight)
                if (info.Arrangements[i].SongXml.File == null)
                // use max difficulty level with most notes and chords
                var song = Song2014.LoadFromFile(info.Arrangements[i].SongXml.File);
                var mf = new ManifestFunctions(GameVersion.RS2014);
                int maxDif = mf.GetMaxDifficulty(song);
                int noteCount = song.Levels[maxDif].Notes.Count();
                int chordCount = song.Levels[maxDif].Chords.Count();
                int noteChordCount = noteCount + chordCount;
                if (noteChordCount > maxNoteChordCount)
                    maxArrNdx = i;

            DoTheThing(info, info.Arrangements[maxArrNdx]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Showlights Generator Rev2
        /// max difficulty with most notes and chords
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlFile">Xml file.</param>
        public Showlights Generate(string xmlFile)
            var midiNotes = new List<Showlight>();
            var chordNotes = new List<Showlight>();
            var song = Song2014.LoadFromFile(xmlFile);
            // If vocals
            if (song.Phrases == null || song.Tuning == null) return null;
            //Generate ShowlightList
            var tuning = song.Tuning.ToArray();

            if (song.Levels != null)
                var mf = new ManifestFunctions(GameVersion.RS2014);
                int maxDif = mf.GetMaxDifficulty(song);

                for (int i = 0; i < song.Levels[maxDif].Notes.Length; i++)
                    var mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.GetMidiNote(tuning, (Byte)song.Levels[maxDif].Notes[i].String, (Byte)song.Levels[maxDif].Notes[i].Fret, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo);
                    midiNotes.Add(new Showlight { Time = song.Levels[maxDif].Notes[i].Time, Note = mNote });

                for (int i = 0; i < song.Levels[maxDif].Chords.Length; i++)
                    if (song.Levels[maxDif].Chords[i].HighDensity == 1)
                        continue; //speedhack

                    int mNote = Sng2014FileWriter.getChordNote(tuning, song.Levels[maxDif].Chords[i], song.ChordTemplates, song.Arrangement == "Bass", song.Capo);
                    chordNotes.Add(new Showlight { Time = song.Levels[maxDif].Chords[i].Time, Note = mNote });


            return this;