Data access/service for Rock.Model.AttributeValue entity objects.
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns Global Attributes from cache.  If they are not already in cache, they
        /// will be read and added to cache
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalAttributesCache Read()
            string cacheKey = GlobalAttributesCache.CacheKey();

            ObjectCache           cache            = MemoryCache.Default;
            GlobalAttributesCache globalAttributes = cache[cacheKey] as GlobalAttributesCache;

            if (globalAttributes != null)
                globalAttributes                 = new GlobalAttributesCache();
                globalAttributes.Attributes      = new List <AttributeCache>();
                globalAttributes.AttributeValues = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

                var attributeService      = new Rock.Model.AttributeService();
                var attributeValueService = new Rock.Model.AttributeValueService();

                foreach (Rock.Model.Attribute attribute in attributeService.GetGlobalAttributes())
                    var attributeCache = AttributeCache.Read(attribute);

                    var    attributeValue = attributeValueService.GetByAttributeIdAndEntityId(attribute.Id, null).FirstOrDefault();
                    string value          = (attributeValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeValue.Value)) ? attributeValue.Value : attributeCache.DefaultValue;
                    globalAttributes.AttributeValues.Add(attributeCache.Key, new KeyValuePair <string, string>(attributeCache.Name, value));

                cache.Set(cacheKey, globalAttributes, new CacheItemPolicy());

Example #2
        protected Person GetPersonFromForm(string formId)
            AttributeValueService attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);
            PersonService personService = new PersonService(rockContext);
            PersonAliasService personAliasService = new PersonAliasService(rockContext);

            var formAttribute = attributeValueService.Queryable().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Value == formId);
            var person = personService.Queryable().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == formAttribute.EntityId);

            return person;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the missing synced content channel items for all <see cref="MediaElement"/>
        /// items in the folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaFolderId">The media folder identifier.</param>
        public static void AddMissingSyncedContentChannelItems(int mediaFolderId)
            List <int> mediaElementIds;

            using (var rockContext = new RockContext())
                var mediaFolder = new MediaFolderService(rockContext).Get(mediaFolderId);

                // If the folder wasn't found or syncing isn't enabled then exit early.
                if (mediaFolder == null || !mediaFolder.IsContentChannelSyncEnabled)

                var contentChannelId = mediaFolder.ContentChannelId;
                var attributeId      = mediaFolder.ContentChannelAttributeId;

                // If we don't have required information then exit early.
                if (!contentChannelId.HasValue || !attributeId.HasValue)

                // Build a query of all attribute values for the given attribute
                // that are not null or empty.
                var attributeValueQuery = new AttributeValueService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                          .Where(a => a.AttributeId == attributeId.Value && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Value));

                // Build a query of all content channel items for the channel.
                var contentChannelItemQuery = new ContentChannelItemService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                              .Where(i => i.ContentChannelId == contentChannelId.Value);

                // Join the two so we end up just content channel items that
                // have a non-null and non-empty attribute value. Finally
                // select just the value so we get a list of MediaElement Guid
                // values that have already been synced.
                var syncedMediaElementValues = contentChannelItemQuery.Join(attributeValueQuery, i => i.Id, v => v.EntityId, (i, v) => v.Value);

                // Our final query is to get all MediaElements that do not
                // exist in the previous query. That gives us a final list
                // of items that need to be synced still.
                mediaElementIds = new MediaElementService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                  .Where(e => e.MediaFolderId == mediaFolderId &&
                                  .Select(e => e.Id)

            // Add the content channel item for each media element.
            foreach (var mediaElementId in mediaElementIds)
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes the attribute values of the original blocks, and creates copies of them that point to the copied blocks.
        /// In addition, any block attribute value pointing to a page in the original page tree is now updated to point to the
        /// corresponding page in the copied page tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageGuidDictionary">The dictionary containing the original page guids and the corresponding copied page guids.</param>
        /// <param name="blockGuidDictionary">The dictionary containing the original block guids and the corresponding copied block guids.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="currentPersonAliasId">The current person alias identifier.</param>
        private void GenerateBlockAttributeValues(Dictionary <Guid, Guid> pageGuidDictionary, Dictionary <Guid, Guid> blockGuidDictionary, RockContext rockContext, int?currentPersonAliasId = null)
            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);
            var pageService           = new PageService(rockContext);
            var blockService          = new BlockService(rockContext);
            var pageGuid  = Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.PAGE.AsGuid();
            var blockGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.BLOCK.AsGuid();

            Dictionary <Guid, int> blockIntDictionary = blockService.Queryable()
                                                        .Where(p => blockGuidDictionary.Keys.Contains(p.Guid) || blockGuidDictionary.Values.Contains(p.Guid))
                                                        .ToDictionary(p => p.Guid, p => p.Id);

            var attributeValues = attributeValueService.Queryable().Where(a =>
                                                                          a.Attribute.EntityType.Guid == blockGuid && blockIntDictionary.Values.Contains(a.EntityId.Value))

            foreach (var attributeValue in attributeValues)
                var attribute    = AttributeCache.Get(attributeValue.AttributeId);
                var fieldType    = attribute?.FieldType.Field as Field.FieldType;
                var currentValue = attributeValue;

                var newAttributeValue = attributeValue.Clone(false);
                newAttributeValue.CreatedByPersonAlias    = null;
                newAttributeValue.CreatedByPersonAliasId  = currentPersonAliasId;
                newAttributeValue.CreatedDateTime         = RockDateTime.Now;
                newAttributeValue.ModifiedByPersonAlias   = null;
                newAttributeValue.ModifiedByPersonAliasId = currentPersonAliasId;
                newAttributeValue.ModifiedDateTime        = RockDateTime.Now;
                newAttributeValue.Id       = 0;
                newAttributeValue.Guid     = Guid.NewGuid();
                newAttributeValue.EntityId = blockIntDictionary[blockGuidDictionary[blockIntDictionary.Where(d => d.Value == attributeValue.EntityId.Value).FirstOrDefault().Key]];

                if (fieldType != null && currentValue != null && currentValue.Value != null)
                    newAttributeValue.Value = fieldType.GetCopyValue(currentValue.Value, rockContext);

                if (attributeValue.Attribute.FieldType.Guid == Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.PAGE_REFERENCE.AsGuid())
                    if (pageGuidDictionary.ContainsKey(attributeValue.Value.AsGuid()))
                        newAttributeValue.Value = pageGuidDictionary[attributeValue.Value.AsGuid()].ToString();


Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the root matrix attribute value that ties the matrix values to a person or other entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private AttributeValue GetRootMatrixAttributeValue()
            var rockContext            = new RockContext();
            var attributeMatrixService = new AttributeMatrixService(rockContext);
            var attributeValueService  = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);

            var matrixGuidQuery = attributeMatrixService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(am =>
                                                                                          am.AttributeMatrixItems.Any(ami => ami.Id == EntityId)
                                                                                          ).Select(am => am.Guid.ToString());

            var attributeValue = attributeValueService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(av =>

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the activity ministry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void MapActivityMinistry( IQueryable<Row> tableData )
            int groupEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Group" ).Id;
            var attributeService = new AttributeService();

            // Add an Attribute for the unique F1 Ministry Id
            var ministryAttributeId = attributeService.Queryable().Where( a => a.EntityTypeId == groupEntityTypeId
                && a.Key == "F1MinistryId" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
            if ( ministryAttributeId == 0 )
                var newMinistryAttribute = new Rock.Model.Attribute();
                newMinistryAttribute.Key = "F1MinistryId";
                newMinistryAttribute.Name = "F1 Ministry Id";
                newMinistryAttribute.FieldTypeId = IntegerFieldTypeId;
                newMinistryAttribute.EntityTypeId = groupEntityTypeId;
                newMinistryAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;
                newMinistryAttribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                newMinistryAttribute.Description = "The FellowshipOne identifier for the ministry that was imported";
                newMinistryAttribute.DefaultValue = string.Empty;
                newMinistryAttribute.IsMultiValue = false;
                newMinistryAttribute.IsRequired = false;
                newMinistryAttribute.Order = 0;

                attributeService.Add( newMinistryAttribute, ImportPersonAlias );
                attributeService.Save( newMinistryAttribute, ImportPersonAlias );
                ministryAttributeId = newMinistryAttribute.Id;

            // Get previously imported Ministries
            var importedMinistries = new AttributeValueService().GetByAttributeId( ministryAttributeId )
                .Select( av => new { RLCId = av.Value.AsType<int?>(), LocationId = av.EntityId } )
                .ToDictionary( t => t.RLCId, t => t.LocationId );

            foreach ( var row in tableData )
                int? ministryId = row["Ministry_ID"] as int?;
                if ( ministryId != null && !importedMinistries.ContainsKey( ministryId ) )
                    // Activity_ID
                    // Ministry_Name
                    // Activity_Name
                    // Ministry_Active
                    // Activity_Active
        protected void btnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            pnlOpportunities.Visible = true;
            pnlSignature.Visible = false;
            pnlSuccess.Visible = true;

            AttributeValueService attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);
            PersonService personService = new PersonService(rockContext);

            List<Guid> personGuidList = new List<Guid>();

            var p = attributeValueService.GetByAttributeIdAndEntityId(906, _targetPerson.Id);
            var p2 = attributeValueService.GetByAttributeIdAndEntityId(1434, _targetPerson.Id);

            var personFromService = personService.GetByGuids(personGuidList).FirstOrDefault();

            DateTime dateToSave = DateTime.Now.AddYears(CurrentYearAdd);

            p.Value = dateToSave.ToString();

            if (p2.Value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                p2.Value = dateToSave.Year.ToString();
                if (!p2.Value.Contains(dateToSave.Year.ToString()))
                    p2.Value = p2.Value + "," + dateToSave.Year.ToString();


            personFromService.ConnectionStatusValue.Value = "Partner";
            personFromService.ConnectionStatusValueId = 65;



            if (GetAttributeValue("SendConfirmationEmail") == "True")
                SendEmail(personFromService.Email, CurrentDateTime.Year.ToString() + " Partnership Covenant", rockContext);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="Rock.Model.Person"/> user preference value by preference setting's key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person">The <see cref="Rock.Model.Person"/> to retrieve the preference value for.</param>
        /// <param name="key">A <see cref="System.String"/> representing the key name of the preference setting.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of <see cref="System.String"/> containing the values associated with the user's preference setting.</returns>
        public static List<string> GetUserPreference( Person person, string key )
            int? PersonEntityTypeId = Rock.Web.Cache.EntityTypeCache.Read( Person.USER_VALUE_ENTITY ).Id;

            var rockContext = new Rock.Data.RockContext();
            var attributeService = new Model.AttributeService( rockContext );
            var attribute = attributeService.Get( PersonEntityTypeId, string.Empty, string.Empty, key );

            if (attribute != null)
                var attributeValueService = new Model.AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                var attributeValues = attributeValueService.GetByAttributeIdAndEntityId(attribute.Id, person.Id);
                if (attributeValues != null && attributeValues.Count() > 0)
                    return attributeValues.Select( v => v.Value).ToList();

            return null;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the root matrix attribute value that ties the matrix values to a person or other entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private AttributeValue GetRootMatrixAttributeValue()
            var rockContext            = new RockContext();
            var attributeMatrixService = new AttributeMatrixService(rockContext);
            var attributeService       = new AttributeService(rockContext);
            var attributeValueService  = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);

            var matrixGuidQuery = attributeMatrixService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(am =>
                                                                                          am.AttributeMatrixItems.Any(ami => ami.Id == EntityId))
                                  .Select(am => am.Guid.ToString());

            var matrixFieldType  = FieldTypeCache.Get(SystemGuid.FieldType.MATRIX);
            var attributeIdQuery = attributeService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(a =>
                                                                                     a.FieldTypeId == matrixFieldType.Id)
                                   .Select(a => a.Id);

            var attributeValue = attributeValueService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(av =>
                                                                                                 attributeIdQuery.Contains(av.AttributeId) && matrixGuidQuery.Contains(av.Value));

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Global Attribute values for the specified key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetValue( string key )
            if ( AttributeValues.Keys.Contains( key ) )
                return AttributeValues[key].Value;

                var attributeCache = Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key.Equals(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                if ( attributeCache != null )
                    var attributeValue = new AttributeValueService().GetByAttributeIdAndEntityId( attributeCache.Id, null ).FirstOrDefault();
                    string value = ( attributeValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( attributeValue.Value ) ) ? attributeValue.Value : attributeCache.DefaultValue;
                    AttributeValues.Add( attributeCache.Key, new KeyValuePair<string, string>( attributeCache.Name, value ) );

                    return value;

                return string.Empty;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the environment data as json.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a JSON formatted string</returns>
        public static string GetEnvDataAsJson( System.Web.HttpRequest request, string rockUrl )
            var envData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            envData.Add( "AppRoot", rockUrl );
            envData.Add( "Architecture", ( IntPtr.Size == 4 ) ? "32bit" : "64bit" );
            envData.Add( "AspNetVersion", Environment.Version.ToString() );
            envData.Add( "IisVersion", request.ServerVariables["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] );
            envData.Add( "ServerOs", Environment.OSVersion.ToString() );

            try { envData.Add( "SqlVersion", Rock.Data.DbService.ExecuteScaler( "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion')" ).ToString() ); }
            catch {}

                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Security.BackgroundCheck.ProtectMyMinistry", false, rockContext );
                    if ( entityType != null )
                        var pmmUserName = new AttributeValueService( rockContext )
                            .Where( v =>
                                v.Attribute.EntityTypeId.HasValue &&
                                v.Attribute.EntityTypeId.Value == entityType.Id &&
                                v.Attribute.Key == "UserName" )
                            .Select( v => v.Value )
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( pmmUserName ) )
                            envData.Add( "PMMUserName", pmmUserName );
            catch { }

            return envData.ToJson();
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds an expression for an attribute field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">The service instance.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The parameter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="entityField">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="values">The values.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Expression GetAttributeExpression( IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, EntityField entityField, List<string> values )
            ComparisonType comparisonType = ComparisonType.EqualTo;

            var service = new AttributeValueService( (RockContext)serviceInstance.Context );
            var attributeValues = service.Queryable().Where( v =>
                v.Attribute.Guid == entityField.AttributeGuid &&
                v.EntityId.HasValue &&
                v.Value != string.Empty );

            ParameterExpression attributeValueParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter( typeof( AttributeValue ), "v" );
            var filterExpression = entityField.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( entityField.FieldConfig, values, attributeValueParameterExpression );
            if ( filterExpression != null )
                attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( attributeValueParameterExpression, filterExpression, null );

            IQueryable<int> ids = attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId.Value );

            if ( ids != null )
                MemberExpression propertyExpression = Expression.Property( parameterExpression, "Id" );
                ConstantExpression idsExpression = Expression.Constant( ids.AsQueryable(), typeof( IQueryable<int> ) );
                Expression expression = Expression.Call( typeof( Queryable ), "Contains", new Type[] { typeof( int ) }, idsExpression, propertyExpression );
                if ( comparisonType == ComparisonType.NotEqualTo ||
                    comparisonType == ComparisonType.DoesNotContain ||
                    comparisonType == ComparisonType.IsBlank )
                    return Expression.Not( expression );
                    return expression;

            return null;
Example #13
        public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;
            string livePlatformUrl = dataMap.GetString("Address") ?? "";

            //Check ChurchOnline Platform API to see if there is a live event

            using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
                LivePlatformUrlJson = wc.DownloadString(livePlatformUrl);

            dynamic isServiceLive = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(LivePlatformUrlJson);

            string isLive = isServiceLive.response.item.isLive.ToString();

            // specify which attribute key we want to work with
            var attributeKey = "LiveService";  //production

            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);

            // specify NULL as the EntityId since this is a GlobalAttribute
            var globalAttributeValue = attributeValueService.GetGlobalAttributeValue(attributeKey);

            if (globalAttributeValue != null)
                // save updated value to database
                globalAttributeValue.Value = isLive;

                // flush the attributeCache for this attribute so it gets reloaded from the database

                // flush the GlobalAttributeCache since this attribute is a GlobalAttribute
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the registrants grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindRegistrantsGrid()
            int? instanceId = hfRegistrationInstanceId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( instanceId.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    // Start query for registrants
                    var qry = new RegistrationRegistrantService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers.NumberTypeValue,Fees.RegistrationTemplateFee,GroupMember.Group" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.Registration.RegistrationInstanceId == instanceId.Value &&
                            r.PersonAlias != null &&
                            r.PersonAlias.Person != null );

                    // Filter by daterange
                    if ( drpRegistrantDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value >= drpRegistrantDateRange.LowerValue.Value );
                    if ( drpRegistrantDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value <= drpRegistrantDateRange.UpperValue.Value );

                    // Filter by first name
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrantFirstName.Text ) )
                        string rfname = tbRegistrantFirstName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName.StartsWith( rfname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.FirstName.StartsWith( rfname ) );

                    // Filter by last name
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrantLastName.Text ) )
                        string rlname = tbRegistrantLastName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName.StartsWith( rlname ) );

                    bool preloadCampusValues = false;
                    var registrantAttributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                    var personAttributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                    var groupMemberAttributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                    var registrantAttributeIds = new List<int>();
                    var personAttributesIds = new List<int>();
                    var groupMemberAttributesIds = new List<int>();

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Filter by any selected
                        foreach ( var personFieldType in RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonField &&
                                f.PersonFieldType.HasValue )
                            .Select( f => f.PersonFieldType.Value ) )
                            switch ( personFieldType )
                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Campus:
                                        preloadCampusValues = true;

                                        var ddlCampus = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "ddlCampus" ) as RockDropDownList;
                                        if ( ddlCampus != null )
                                            var campusId = ddlCampus.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                                            if ( campusId.HasValue )
                                                var familyGroupTypeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.Members.Any( m =>
                                                        m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid &&
                                                        m.Group.CampusId.HasValue &&
                                                        m.Group.CampusId.Value == campusId ) );


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Email:
                                        var tbEmailFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "tbEmailFilter" ) as RockTextBox;
                                        if ( tbEmailFilter != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbEmailFilter.Text ) )
                                            qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.Email != null &&
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.Email.Contains( tbEmailFilter.Text ) );


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Birthdate:
                                        var drpBirthdateFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "drpBirthdateFilter" ) as DateRangePicker;
                                        if ( drpBirthdateFilter != null )
                                            if ( drpBirthdateFilter.LowerValue.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.HasValue &&
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.Value >= drpBirthdateFilter.LowerValue.Value );
                                            if ( drpBirthdateFilter.UpperValue.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.HasValue &&
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.BirthDate.Value <= drpBirthdateFilter.UpperValue.Value );

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.Gender:
                                        var ddlGenderFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "ddlGenderFilter" ) as RockDropDownList;
                                        if ( ddlGenderFilter != null )
                                            var gender = ddlGenderFilter.SelectedValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull<Gender>();
                                            if ( gender.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.Gender == gender );


                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.MaritalStatus:
                                        var ddlMaritalStatusFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "ddlMaritalStatusFilter" ) as RockDropDownList;
                                        if ( ddlMaritalStatusFilter != null )
                                            var maritalStatusId = ddlMaritalStatusFilter.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                                            if ( maritalStatusId.HasValue )
                                                qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.MaritalStatusValueId.HasValue &&
                                                    r.PersonAlias.Person.MaritalStatusValueId.Value == maritalStatusId.Value );

                                case RegistrationPersonFieldType.MobilePhone:
                                        var tbPhoneFilter = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "tbPhoneFilter" ) as RockTextBox;
                                        if ( tbPhoneFilter != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbPhoneFilter.Text ) )
                                            string numericPhone = tbPhoneFilter.Text.AsNumeric();

                                            qry = qry.Where( r =>
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers != null &&
                                                r.PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers.Any( n => n.Number.Contains( numericPhone ) ) );


                        // Get all the registrant attributes selected to be on grid
                        registrantAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.RegistrationAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        registrantAttributeIds = registrantAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Filter query by any configured registrant attribute filters
                        if ( registrantAttributes != null && registrantAttributes.Any() )
                            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                            var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;
                            foreach ( var attribute in registrantAttributes )
                                var filterControl = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                                if ( filterControl != null )
                                    var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                    var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                    if ( expression != null )
                                        var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                            .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );
                                        attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );
                                        qry = qry
                                            .Where( r => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( r.Id ) );

                        // Get all the person attributes selected to be on grid
                        personAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        personAttributesIds = personAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Filter query by any configured person attribute filters
                        if ( personAttributes != null && personAttributes.Any() )
                            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                            var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;
                            foreach ( var attribute in personAttributes )
                                var filterControl = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                                if ( filterControl != null )
                                    var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                    var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                    if ( expression != null )
                                        var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                            .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );
                                        attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );
                                        qry = qry
                                            .Where( r => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( r.PersonAlias.PersonId ) );

                        // Get all the group member attributes selected to be on grid
                        groupMemberAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.GroupMemberAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        groupMemberAttributesIds = groupMemberAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Filter query by any configured person attribute filters
                        if ( groupMemberAttributes != null && groupMemberAttributes.Any() )
                            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                            var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;
                            foreach ( var attribute in groupMemberAttributes )
                                var filterControl = phRegistrantFormFieldFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                                if ( filterControl != null )
                                    var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                    var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                    if ( expression != null )
                                        var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                            .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );
                                        attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );
                                        qry = qry
                                            .Where( r => r.GroupMemberId.HasValue &&
                                            attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( r.GroupMemberId.Value ) );

                    // Sort the query
                    IOrderedQueryable<RegistrationRegistrant> orderedQry = null;
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gRegistrants.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        orderedQry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                        orderedQry = qry
                            .OrderBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                            .ThenBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName );

                    // Set the grids LinqDataSource which will run query and set results for current page
                    gRegistrants.SetLinqDataSource<RegistrationRegistrant>( orderedQry );

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Get the query results for the current page
                        var currentPageRegistrants = gRegistrants.DataSource as List<RegistrationRegistrant>;
                        if ( currentPageRegistrants != null )
                            // Get all the registrant ids in current page of query results
                            var registrantIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.Id )

                            // Get all the person ids in current page of query results
                            var personIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId )

                            // Get all the group member ids and the group id in current page of query results
                            var groupMemberIds = new List<int>();
                            GroupLinks = new Dictionary<int,string>();
                            foreach( var groupMember in currentPageRegistrants
                                .Where( m =>
                                    m.GroupMember != null &&
                                    m.GroupMember.Group != null )
                                .Select( m => m.GroupMember ) )
                                groupMemberIds.Add( groupMember.Id );
                                GroupLinks.AddOrIgnore( groupMember.GroupId,
                                    string.Format( "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>",
                                        LinkedPageUrl( "GroupDetailPage", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "GroupId", groupMember.GroupId.ToString() } } ),
                                        groupMember.Group.Name ) );

                            // If the campus column was selected to be displayed on grid, preload all the people's
                            // campuses so that the databind does not need to query each row
                            if ( preloadCampusValues )
                                PersonCampusIds = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

                                Guid familyGroupTypeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                                foreach ( var personCampusList in new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                                    .Where( m =>
                                        m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid &&
                                        personIds.Contains( m.PersonId ) )
                                    .GroupBy( m => m.PersonId )
                                    .Select( m => new
                                        PersonId = m.Key,
                                        CampusIds = m
                                            .Where( g => g.Group.CampusId.HasValue )
                                            .Select( g => g.Group.CampusId.Value )
                                    } ) )
                                    PersonCampusIds.Add( personCampusList.PersonId, personCampusList.CampusIds );

                            // If there are any attributes that were selected to be displayed, we're going
                            // to try and read all attribute values in one query and then put them into a
                            // custom grid ObjectList property so that the AttributeField columns don't need
                            // to do the LoadAttributes and querying of values for each row/column
                            if ( personAttributesIds.Any() || groupMemberAttributesIds.Any() || registrantAttributeIds.Any() )

                                // Query the attribute values for all rows and attributes
                                var attributeValues = new AttributeValueService( rockContext )
                                    .Queryable( "Attribute" ).AsNoTracking()
                                    .Where( v =>
                                        v.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                                personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                personIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                groupMemberIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                registrantIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )

                                // Get the attributes to add to each row's object
                                var attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeCache>();
                                        .Where( f => f.Attribute != null )
                                        .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                                    .ForEach( a => attributes
                                        .Add( a.Id.ToString() + a.Key, a ) );

                                // Initialize the grid's object list
                                gRegistrants.ObjectList = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                                // Loop through each of the current page's registrants and build an attribute
                                // field object for storing attributes and the values for each of the registrants
                                foreach ( var registrant in currentPageRegistrants )
                                    // Create a row attribute object
                                    var attributeFieldObject = new AttributeFieldObject();

                                    // Add the attributes to the attribute object
                                    attributeFieldObject.Attributes = attributes;

                                    // Add any person attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.PersonAlias.PersonId )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, v ) );

                                    // Add any group member attribute values to object
                                    if ( registrant.GroupMemberId.HasValue )
                                            .Where( v =>
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                v.EntityId.Value == registrant.GroupMemberId.Value )
                                            .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                                .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, v ) );

                                    // Add any registrant attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.PersonAlias.PersonId )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, v ) );

                                    // Add row attribute object to grid's object list
                                    gRegistrants.ObjectList.Add( registrant.Id.ToString(), attributeFieldObject );

Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            int entityTypeIdBlock = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Block ), true, rockContext ).Id;
            string entityTypeQualifier = BlockTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.BlockType.HTML_CONTENT.AsGuid(), rockContext ).Id.ToString();
            var htmlContentService = new HtmlContentService( rockContext );
            var attributeValueQry = new AttributeValueService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                .Where( a => a.Attribute.Key == "RequireApproval" && a.Attribute.EntityTypeId == entityTypeIdBlock )
                .Where( a => a.Attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn == "BlockTypeId" && a.Attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue == entityTypeQualifier )
                .Where( a => a.Value == "True" )
                .Select( a => a.EntityId );

            var qry = htmlContentService.Queryable().Where( a => attributeValueQry.Contains( a.BlockId ) );

            // Filter by approved/unapproved
            if ( ddlApprovedFilter.SelectedIndex > -1 )
                if ( ddlApprovedFilter.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "unapproved" )
                    qry = qry.Where( a => a.IsApproved == false );
                else if ( ddlApprovedFilter.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "approved" )
                    qry = qry.Where( a => a.IsApproved == true );

            // Filter by the person that approved the content
            if ( _canApprove )
                int? personId = gContentListFilter.GetUserPreference( "Approved By" ).AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( personId.HasValue )
                    qry = qry.Where( a => a.ApprovedByPersonAliasId.HasValue && a.ApprovedByPersonAlias.PersonId == personId );

            SortProperty sortProperty = gContentList.SortProperty;
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                qry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                qry = qry.OrderByDescending( a => a.ModifiedDateTime );

            var selectQry = qry.Select( a => new
                SiteName = a.Block.PageId.HasValue ? a.Block.Page.Layout.Site.Name : a.Block.Layout.Site.Name,
                PageName = a.Block.Page.InternalName,
                ApprovedDateTime = a.IsApproved ? a.ApprovedDateTime : null,
                ApprovedByPerson = a.IsApproved ? a.ApprovedByPersonAlias.Person : null,
                BlockPageId = a.Block.PageId,
                BlockLayoutId = a.Block.LayoutId,
            } );

            gContentList.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read<HtmlContent>().Id;

            // Filter by Site
            if ( ddlSiteFilter.SelectedIndex > 0 )
                if ( ddlSiteFilter.SelectedValue.ToLower() != "all" )
                    selectQry = selectQry.Where( h => h.SiteName == ddlSiteFilter.SelectedValue );

            gContentList.DataSource = selectQry.ToList();
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the <see cref="P:IHasAttributes.Attributes" /> and <see cref="P:IHasAttributes.AttributeValues" /> of any <see cref="IHasAttributes" /> object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        public static void LoadAttributes( Rock.Attribute.IHasAttributes entity, RockContext rockContext )
            if ( entity != null )
                Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> properties = new Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo>();

                Type entityType = entity.GetType();
                if ( entityType.Namespace == "System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies" )
                    entityType = entityType.BaseType;

                rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();

                // Check for group type attributes
                var groupTypeIds = new List<int>();
                if ( entity is GroupMember || entity is Group || entity is GroupType )
                    // Can't use GroupTypeCache here since it loads attributes and would result in a recursive stack overflow situation
                    var groupTypeService = new GroupTypeService( rockContext );
                    GroupType groupType = null;

                    if ( entity is GroupMember )
                        var group = ( (GroupMember)entity ).Group ?? new GroupService( rockContext )
                            .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == ( (GroupMember)entity ).GroupId );
                        if ( group != null )
                            groupType = group.GroupType ?? groupTypeService
                                .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault( t => t.Id == group.GroupTypeId );
                    else if ( entity is Group )
                        groupType = ( (Group)entity ).GroupType ?? groupTypeService
                            .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault( t => t.Id == ( (Group)entity ).GroupTypeId );
                        groupType = ( (GroupType)entity );

                    while ( groupType != null )
                        groupTypeIds.Insert( 0, groupType.Id );

                        // Check for inherited group type id's
                        if ( groupType.InheritedGroupTypeId.HasValue )
                            groupType = groupType.InheritedGroupType ?? groupTypeService
                                .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault( t => t.Id == ( groupType.InheritedGroupTypeId ?? 0 ) );
                            groupType = null;


                foreach ( PropertyInfo propertyInfo in entityType.GetProperties() )
                    properties.Add( propertyInfo.Name.ToLower(), propertyInfo );

                Rock.Model.AttributeService attributeService = new Rock.Model.AttributeService( rockContext );
                Rock.Model.AttributeValueService attributeValueService = new Rock.Model.AttributeValueService( rockContext );

                var inheritedAttributes = new Dictionary<int, List<Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>>();
                if ( groupTypeIds.Any() )
                    groupTypeIds.ForEach( g => inheritedAttributes.Add( g, new List<Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>() ) );
                    inheritedAttributes.Add( 0, new List<Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>() );

                var attributes = new List<Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>();

                // Get all the attributes that apply to this entity type and this entity's properties match any attribute qualifiers
                var entityTypeCache = Rock.Web.Cache.EntityTypeCache.Read( entityType);
                if ( entityTypeCache != null )
                    int entityTypeId = entityTypeCache.Id;
                    foreach ( var attribute in attributeService.Queryable()
                        .Where( a => a.EntityTypeId == entityTypeCache.Id )
                        .Select( a => new
                        ) )
                        // group type ids exist (entity is either GroupMember, Group, or GroupType) and qualifier is for a group type id
                        if ( groupTypeIds.Any() && (
                                ( entity is GroupMember && string.Compare( attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn, "GroupTypeId", true ) == 0 ) ||
                                ( entity is Group && string.Compare( attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn, "GroupTypeId", true ) == 0 ) ||
                                ( entity is GroupType && string.Compare( attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn, "Id", true ) == 0 ) ) )
                            int groupTypeIdValue = int.MinValue;
                            if ( int.TryParse( attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue, out groupTypeIdValue ) && groupTypeIds.Contains( groupTypeIdValue ) )
                                inheritedAttributes[groupTypeIdValue].Add( Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache.Read( attribute.Id ) );

                        else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn ) ||
                            ( properties.ContainsKey( attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn.ToLower() ) &&
                            ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue ) ||
                            ( properties[attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn.ToLower()].GetValue( entity, null ) ?? "" ).ToString() == attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue ) ) )
                            attributes.Add( Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache.Read( attribute.Id ) );

                var allAttributes = new List<Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>();

                foreach ( var attributeGroup in inheritedAttributes )
                    foreach ( var attribute in attributeGroup.Value )
                        allAttributes.Add( attribute );
                foreach ( var attribute in attributes )
                    allAttributes.Add( attribute );

                var attributeValues = new Dictionary<string, Rock.Model.AttributeValue>();

                if ( allAttributes.Any() )
                    foreach ( var attribute in allAttributes )
                        // Add a placeholder for this item's value for each attribute
                        attributeValues.Add( attribute.Key, null );

                    // If loading attributes for a saved item, read the item's value(s) for each attribute 
                    if ( !entityTypeCache.IsEntity || entity.Id != 0 )
                        List<int> attributeIds = allAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).ToList();
                        foreach ( var attributeValue in attributeValueService.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                            .Where( v => v.EntityId == entity.Id && attributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) ) )
                            var attributeKey = AttributeCache.Read( attributeValue.AttributeId ).Key;
                            attributeValues[attributeKey] = attributeValue.Clone( false ) as Rock.Model.AttributeValue;

                    // Look for any attributes that don't have a value and create a default value entry
                    foreach ( var attribute in allAttributes )
                        if ( attributeValues[attribute.Key] == null )
                            var attributeValue = new Rock.Model.AttributeValue();
                            attributeValue.AttributeId = attribute.Id;
                            if ( entity.AttributeValueDefaults != null && entity.AttributeValueDefaults.ContainsKey( attribute.Name ) )
                                attributeValue.Value = entity.AttributeValueDefaults[attribute.Name];
                                attributeValue.Value = attribute.DefaultValue;
                            attributeValues[attribute.Key] = attributeValue;
                            if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( attribute.DefaultValue ) &&
                                String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( attributeValues[attribute.Key].Value ) )
                                attributeValues[attribute.Key].Value = attribute.DefaultValue;

                entity.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, Web.Cache.AttributeCache>();
                allAttributes.ForEach( a => entity.Attributes.Add( a.Key, a ) );

                entity.AttributeValues = attributeValues;
Example #17
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var shapePageReference = new Rock.Web.PageReference(GetAttributeValue("SHAPEAssessmentPage"));
            var discPageReference = new Rock.Web.PageReference(GetAttributeValue("DISCAssessmentPage"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PageParameter("FormId")))
                    //Load the person based on the FormId
                    var personInUrl = PageParameter("FormId");
                    SelectedPerson = GetPersonFromForm(personInUrl);
                    PersonEncodedKey = SelectedPerson.UrlEncodedKey;

                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PageParameter("PersonId")))
                    //Load the person based on the PersonId
                    SelectedPerson = GetPersonFromId(PageParameter("PersonId"));
                    PersonEncodedKey = SelectedPerson.UrlEncodedKey;

                else if (CurrentPerson != null)
                    //Load the person based on the currently logged in person
                    SelectedPerson = CurrentPerson;
                    PersonEncodedKey = SelectedPerson.UrlEncodedKey;

                    //Show Error Message
                    nbNoPerson.Visible = true;
                    Response.Redirect(shapePageReference.BuildUrl(), true);

            // Load the attributes

            AttributeValueService attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);
            DefinedValueService definedValueService = new DefinedValueService(rockContext);

            string spiritualGift1 = "";
            string spiritualGift2 = "";
            string spiritualGift3 = "";
            string spiritualGift4 = "";
            string heartCategories = "";
            string heartCauses = "";
            string heartPassion = "";
            string ability1 = "";
            string ability2 = "";
            string people = "";
            string places = "";
            string events = "";

            var spiritualGift1AttributeValue =
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "SpiritualGift1" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

            // Redirect if they haven't taken the Assessment
            if (spiritualGift1AttributeValue == null)
                Response.Redirect(shapePageReference.BuildUrl(), true);

                var spiritualGift2AttributeValue =
                  .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "SpiritualGift2" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var spiritualGift3AttributeValue =
                  .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "SpiritualGift3" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var spiritualGift4AttributeValue =
                  .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "SpiritualGift4" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var ability1AttributeValue =
                        .Queryable().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "Ability1" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var ability2AttributeValue =
                        .Queryable().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "Ability2" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var peopleAttributeValue = attributeValueService
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "SHAPEPeople" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var placesAttributeValue = attributeValueService
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "SHAPEPlaces" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var eventsAttributeValue = attributeValueService
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "SHAPEEvents" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var heartCategoriesAttributeValue = attributeValueService
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "HeartCategories" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var heartCausesAttributeValue = attributeValueService
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "HeartCauses" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                var heartPassionAttributeValue = attributeValueService
                    .FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute.Key == "HeartPassion" && a.EntityId == SelectedPerson.Id);

                if (spiritualGift1AttributeValue.Value != null) spiritualGift1 = spiritualGift1AttributeValue.Value;
                if (spiritualGift2AttributeValue.Value != null) spiritualGift2 = spiritualGift2AttributeValue.Value;
                if (spiritualGift3AttributeValue.Value != null) spiritualGift3 = spiritualGift3AttributeValue.Value;
                if (spiritualGift4AttributeValue.Value != null) spiritualGift4 = spiritualGift4AttributeValue.Value;
                if (heartCategoriesAttributeValue.Value != null) heartCategories = heartCategoriesAttributeValue.Value;
                if (heartCausesAttributeValue.Value != null) heartCauses = heartCausesAttributeValue.Value;
                if (heartPassionAttributeValue.Value != null) heartPassion = heartPassionAttributeValue.Value;
                if (ability1AttributeValue.Value != null) ability1 = ability1AttributeValue.Value;
                if (ability2AttributeValue.Value != null) ability2 = ability2AttributeValue.Value;
                if (peopleAttributeValue.Value != null) people = peopleAttributeValue.Value;
                if (placesAttributeValue.Value != null) places = placesAttributeValue.Value;
                if (eventsAttributeValue.Value != null) events = eventsAttributeValue.Value;

                string spiritualGift1Guid;
                string spiritualGift2Guid;
                string spiritualGift3Guid;
                string spiritualGift4Guid;
                string ability1Guid;
                string ability2Guid;

                // Check to see if there are already values saved as an ID.  If so, convert them to GUID
                if (spiritualGift1.ToString().Length < 5)
                    if (spiritualGift1 != null) SpiritualGift1 = Int32.Parse(spiritualGift1);
                    if (spiritualGift2 != null) SpiritualGift2 = Int32.Parse(spiritualGift2);
                    if (spiritualGift3 != null) SpiritualGift3 = Int32.Parse(spiritualGift3);
                    if (spiritualGift4 != null) SpiritualGift4 = Int32.Parse(spiritualGift4);
                    if (ability1 != null) Ability1 = Int32.Parse(ability1);
                    if (ability2 != null) Ability2 = Int32.Parse(ability2);

                    var intsOfGifts =
                        definedValueService.GetByIds(new List<int>

                    spiritualGift1Guid = intsOfGifts.ToList()[SpiritualGift1].Guid.ToString();
                    spiritualGift2Guid = intsOfGifts.ToList()[SpiritualGift2].Guid.ToString();
                    spiritualGift3Guid = intsOfGifts.ToList()[SpiritualGift3].Guid.ToString();
                    spiritualGift4Guid = intsOfGifts.ToList()[SpiritualGift4].Guid.ToString();
                    ability1Guid = intsOfGifts.ToList()[Ability1].Guid.ToString();
                    ability2Guid = intsOfGifts.ToList()[Ability2].Guid.ToString();
                    spiritualGift1Guid = spiritualGift1;
                    spiritualGift2Guid = spiritualGift2;
                    spiritualGift3Guid = spiritualGift3;
                    spiritualGift4Guid = spiritualGift4;
                    ability1Guid = ability1;
                    ability2Guid = ability2;

                // Get all of the data about the assiciated gifts and ability categories
                var shapeGift1Object = definedValueService.GetListByGuids(new List<Guid> { new Guid(spiritualGift1Guid) }).FirstOrDefault();
                var shapeGift2Object = definedValueService.GetListByGuids(new List<Guid> { new Guid(spiritualGift2Guid) }).FirstOrDefault();
                var shapeGift3Object = definedValueService.GetListByGuids(new List<Guid> { new Guid(spiritualGift3Guid) }).FirstOrDefault();
                var shapeGift4Object = definedValueService.GetListByGuids(new List<Guid> { new Guid(spiritualGift4Guid) }).FirstOrDefault();
                var ability1Object = definedValueService.GetListByGuids(new List<Guid> { new Guid(ability1Guid) }).FirstOrDefault();
                var ability2Object = definedValueService.GetListByGuids(new List<Guid> { new Guid(ability2Guid) }).FirstOrDefault();


                // Get heart choices Values from Guids
                string heartCategoriesString = "";
                if (!heartCategories.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                    string[] heartCategoryArray = heartCategories.Split(',');
                    foreach (string category in heartCategoryArray)
                        var definedValueObject =
                            definedValueService.Queryable().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Guid == new Guid(category));

                        if (category.Equals(heartCategoryArray.Last()))
                            heartCategoriesString += definedValueObject.Value;
                            heartCategoriesString += definedValueObject.Value + ", ";


                // Get Volunteer Opportunities

                string gift1AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities =
                string gift2AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities =
                string gift3AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities =
                string gift4AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities =

                string allAssociatedVolunteerOpportunities = gift1AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities + "," +
                                                             gift2AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities + "," +
                                                             gift3AssociatedVolunteerOpportunities + "," +

                if (allAssociatedVolunteerOpportunities != ",,,")
                    List<int> associatedVolunteerOpportunitiesList =
                        allAssociatedVolunteerOpportunities.Split(',').Select(t => int.Parse(t)).ToList();
                    Dictionary<int, int> VolunteerOpportunities = new Dictionary<int, int>();

                    var i = 0;
                    var q = from x in associatedVolunteerOpportunitiesList
                            group x by x
                        into g
                            let count = g.Count()
                            orderby count descending
                            select new { Value = g.Key, Count = count };
                    foreach (var x in q)
                        VolunteerOpportunities.Add(i, x.Value);

                    ConnectionOpportunityService connectionOpportunityService = new ConnectionOpportunityService(rockContext);
                    List<ConnectionOpportunity> connectionOpportunityList = new List<ConnectionOpportunity>();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> entry in VolunteerOpportunities.Take(4))
                        var connection = connectionOpportunityService.GetByIds(new List<int> { entry.Value }).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Only display connection if it is marked Active
                        if (connection.IsActive == true)


                    rpVolunteerOpportunities.DataSource = connectionOpportunityList;

                //Get DISC Info

                DiscService.AssessmentResults savedScores = DiscService.LoadSavedAssessmentResults(SelectedPerson);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savedScores.PersonalityType))
                    DISCResults.Visible = true;
                    NoDISCResults.Visible = false;

                    discPageReference.Parameters = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
                    discPageReference.Parameters.Add("rckipid", SelectedPerson.UrlEncodedKey);
                    Response.Redirect(discPageReference.BuildUrl(), true);

                // Build the UI

                lbPersonName.Text = SelectedPerson.FullName;

                lbGift1Title.Text = shapeGift1Object.Value;
                lbGift1BodyHTML.Text = shapeGift1Object.GetAttributeValue("HTMLDescription");

                lbGift2Title.Text = shapeGift2Object.Value;
                lbGift2BodyHTML.Text = shapeGift2Object.GetAttributeValue("HTMLDescription");

                lbGift3Title.Text = shapeGift3Object.Value;
                lbGift3BodyHTML.Text = shapeGift3Object.GetAttributeValue("HTMLDescription");

                lbGift4Title.Text = shapeGift4Object.Value;
                lbGift4BodyHTML.Text = shapeGift4Object.GetAttributeValue("HTMLDescription");

                lbAbility1Title.Text = ability1Object.Value;
                lbAbility1BodyHTML.Text = ability1Object.GetAttributeValue("HTMLDescription");

                lbAbility2Title.Text = ability2Object.Value;
                lbAbility2BodyHTML.Text = ability2Object.GetAttributeValue("HTMLDescription");

                lbPeople.Text = people;
                lbPlaces.Text = places;
                lbEvents.Text = events;

                lbHeartCategories.Text = heartCategoriesString;
                lbHeartCauses.Text = heartCauses;
                lbHeartPassion.Text = heartPassion;

                if (spiritualGift1AttributeValue.ModifiedDateTime != null)
                    lbAssessmentDate.Text = spiritualGift1AttributeValue.ModifiedDateTime.Value.ToShortDateString();
                    lbAssessmentDate.Text = spiritualGift1AttributeValue.CreatedDateTime.Value.ToShortDateString();

                // Show create account panel if this person doesn't have an account
                if (SelectedPerson.Users.Count == 0)
                    pnlAccount.Visible = true;

Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowResults()
            // Get the group types that we're interested in
            Guid? groupTypeGuid = GetAttributeValue( "GroupType" ).AsGuidOrNull();
            if ( !groupTypeGuid.HasValue )
                ShowError( "A valid Group Type is required." );

            gGroups.Columns[1].Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowDescription" ).AsBoolean();
            gGroups.Columns[2].Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowSchedule" ).AsBoolean();
            gGroups.Columns[3].Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowCount" ).AsBoolean();
            gGroups.Columns[4].Visible = GetAttributeValue( "ShowAge" ).AsBoolean();

            bool showProximity = GetAttributeValue( "ShowProximity" ).AsBoolean();
            gGroups.Columns[5].Visible = showProximity;  // Distance

            // Get query of groups of the selected group type
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );
            var groupQry = groupService
                .Queryable( "GroupLocations.Location" )
                .Where( g => g.IsActive && g.GroupType.Guid.Equals( groupTypeGuid.Value ) && g.IsPublic );

            var groupParameterExpression = groupService.ParameterExpression;
            var schedulePropertyExpression = Expression.Property( groupParameterExpression, "Schedule" );

            var dowFilterControl = phFilterControls.FindControl( "filter_dow" );
            if ( dowFilterControl != null )
                var field = FieldTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DAY_OF_WEEK ).Field;

                var filterValues = field.GetFilterValues( dowFilterControl, null, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                var expression = field.PropertyFilterExpression( null, filterValues, schedulePropertyExpression, "WeeklyDayOfWeek", typeof( DayOfWeek? ) );
                groupQry = groupQry.Where( groupParameterExpression, expression, null );

            var timeFilterControl = phFilterControls.FindControl( "filter_time" );
            if ( timeFilterControl != null )
                var field = FieldTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.TIME ).Field;

                var filterValues = field.GetFilterValues( timeFilterControl, null, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                var expression = field.PropertyFilterExpression( null, filterValues, schedulePropertyExpression, "WeeklyTimeOfDay", typeof( TimeSpan? ) );
                groupQry = groupQry.Where( groupParameterExpression, expression, null );

            // Filter query by any configured attribute filters
            if ( AttributeFilters != null && AttributeFilters.Any() )
                var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;

                foreach ( var attribute in AttributeFilters )
                    var filterControl = phFilterControls.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                    if ( filterControl != null )
                        var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                        var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                        if ( expression != null )
                            var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );

                            attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );

                            groupQry = groupQry.Where( w => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( w.Id ) );

            List<GroupLocation> fences = null;
            List<Group> groups = null;

            // Run query to get list of matching groups
            SortProperty sortProperty = gGroups.SortProperty;
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                groups = groupQry.Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                groups = groupQry.OrderBy( g => g.Name ).ToList();

            int? fenceGroupTypeId = GetGroupTypeId( GetAttributeValue( "GeofencedGroupType" ).AsGuidOrNull() );
            bool showMap = GetAttributeValue( "ShowMap" ).AsBoolean();
            bool showFences = showMap && GetAttributeValue( "ShowFence" ).AsBoolean();

            var distances = new Dictionary<int, double>();

            // If we care where these groups are located...
            if ( fenceGroupTypeId.HasValue || showMap || showProximity )
                // Get the location for the address entered
                Location personLocation = null;
                if ( fenceGroupTypeId.HasValue || showProximity )
                    personLocation = new LocationService( rockContext )
                        .Get( acAddress.Street1, acAddress.Street2, acAddress.City,
                            acAddress.State, acAddress.PostalCode, acAddress.Country );

                // If showing a map, and person's location was found, save a mapitem for this location
                FinderMapItem personMapItem = null;
                if ( showMap && personLocation != null && personLocation.GeoPoint != null )
                    var infoWindow = string.Format( @"
            <div style='width:250px'>
            <div class='clearfix'>
            <strong>Your Location</strong>
            ", personLocation.FormattedHtmlAddress );

                    personMapItem = new FinderMapItem( personLocation );
                    personMapItem.Name = "Your Location";
                    personMapItem.InfoWindow = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( infoWindow.Replace( Environment.NewLine, string.Empty ).Replace( "\n", string.Empty ).Replace( "\t", string.Empty ) );

                // Get the locations, and optionally calculate the distance for each of the groups
                var groupLocations = new List<GroupLocation>();
                foreach ( var group in groups )
                    foreach ( var groupLocation in group.GroupLocations
                        .Where( gl => gl.Location.GeoPoint != null ) )
                        groupLocations.Add( groupLocation );

                        if ( showProximity && personLocation != null && personLocation.GeoPoint != null )
                            double meters = groupLocation.Location.GeoPoint.Distance( personLocation.GeoPoint ) ?? 0.0D;
                            double miles = meters * Location.MilesPerMeter;

                            // If this group already has a distance calculated, see if this location is closer and if so, use it instead
                            if ( distances.ContainsKey( group.Id ) )
                                if ( distances[group.Id] < miles )
                                    distances[group.Id] = miles;
                                distances.Add( group.Id, miles );

                // If groups should be limited by a geofence
                var fenceMapItems = new List<MapItem>();
                if ( fenceGroupTypeId.HasValue )
                    fences = new List<GroupLocation>();
                    if ( personLocation != null && personLocation.GeoPoint != null )
                        fences = new GroupLocationService( rockContext )
                            .Queryable( "Group,Location" )
                            .Where( gl =>
                                gl.Group.GroupTypeId == fenceGroupTypeId &&
                                gl.Location.GeoFence != null &&
                                personLocation.GeoPoint.Intersects( gl.Location.GeoFence ) )

                    // Limit the group locations to only those locations inside one of the fences
                    groupLocations = groupLocations
                        .Where( gl =>
                            fences.Any( f => gl.Location.GeoPoint.Intersects( f.Location.GeoFence ) ) )

                    // Limit the groups to the those that still contain a valid location
                    groups = groups
                        .Where( g =>
                            groupLocations.Any( gl => gl.GroupId == g.Id ) )

                    // If the map and fences should be displayed, create a map item for each fence
                    if ( showMap && showFences )
                        foreach ( var fence in fences )
                            var mapItem = new FinderMapItem( fence.Location );
                            mapItem.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Group" ).Id;
                            mapItem.EntityId = fence.GroupId;
                            mapItem.Name = fence.Group.Name;
                            fenceMapItems.Add( mapItem );

                // if not sorting by ColumnClick and SortByDistance, then sort the groups by distance
                if ( gGroups.SortProperty == null && GetAttributeValue( "SortByDistance" ).AsBoolean() )
                    // only show groups with a known location, and sort those by distance
                    groups = groups.Where( a => distances.Select( b => b.Key ).Contains( a.Id ) ).ToList();
                    groups = groups.OrderBy( a => distances[a.Id] ).ThenBy( a => a.Name ).ToList();

                // if limiting by PageSize, limit to the top X groups
                int? pageSize = ddlPageSize.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( pageSize.HasValue && pageSize > 0 )
                    groups = groups.Take( pageSize.Value ).ToList();

                // If a map is to be shown
                if ( showMap && groups.Any() )

                    Template template = Template.Parse( GetAttributeValue( "MapInfo" ) );

                    bool showDebug = UserCanEdit && GetAttributeValue( "MapInfoDebug" ).AsBoolean();
                    lMapInfoDebug.Visible = showDebug;

                    // Add mapitems for all the remaining valid group locations
                    var groupMapItems = new List<MapItem>();
                    foreach ( var gl in groupLocations )
                        var group = groups.Where( g => g.Id == gl.GroupId ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( group != null )
                            // Resolve info window lava template
                            var linkedPageParams = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "GroupId", group.Id.ToString() } };
                            var mergeFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            mergeFields.Add( "Group", gl.Group );
                            mergeFields.Add( "Location", gl.Location );

                            Dictionary<string, object> linkedPages = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            linkedPages.Add( "GroupDetailPage", LinkedPageRoute( "GroupDetailPage" ) );

                            if ( _targetPersonGuid != Guid.Empty )
                                linkedPages.Add( "RegisterPage", LinkedPageUrl( "RegisterPage", _urlParms ) );
                                linkedPages.Add( "RegisterPage", LinkedPageUrl( "RegisterPage", null ) );

                            mergeFields.Add( "LinkedPages", linkedPages );

                            // add collection of allowed security actions
                            Dictionary<string, object> securityActions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            securityActions.Add( "View", group.IsAuthorized( Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson ) );
                            securityActions.Add( "Edit", group.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson ) );
                            securityActions.Add( "Administrate", group.IsAuthorized( Authorization.ADMINISTRATE, CurrentPerson ) );
                            mergeFields.Add( "AllowedActions", securityActions );

                            string infoWindow = template.Render( Hash.FromDictionary( mergeFields ) );

                            if ( showDebug )
                                lMapInfoDebug.Text = mergeFields.lavaDebugInfo( null, "<span class='label label-info'>Lava used for the map window.</span>", "" );
                                showDebug = false;

                            // Add a map item for group
                            var mapItem = new FinderMapItem( gl.Location );
                            mapItem.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Group" ).Id;
                            mapItem.EntityId = group.Id;
                            mapItem.Name = group.Name;
                            mapItem.InfoWindow = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( infoWindow.Replace( Environment.NewLine, string.Empty ).Replace( "\n", string.Empty ).Replace( "\t", string.Empty ) );
                            groupMapItems.Add( mapItem );

                    // Show the map
                    Map( personMapItem, fenceMapItems, groupMapItems );
                    pnlMap.Visible = true;
                    pnlMap.Visible = false;
                pnlMap.Visible = false;

            // Should a lava output be displayed
            if ( GetAttributeValue( "ShowLavaOutput" ).AsBoolean() )
                string template = GetAttributeValue( "LavaOutput" );

                var mergeFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                if ( fences != null )
                    mergeFields.Add( "Fences", fences.Select( f => f.Group ).ToList() );
                    mergeFields.Add( "Fences", new Dictionary<string, object>() );

                mergeFields.Add( "Groups", groups );

                Dictionary<string, object> linkedPages = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                linkedPages.Add( "GroupDetailPage", LinkedPageUrl( "GroupDetailPage", null ) );

                if ( _targetPersonGuid != Guid.Empty )
                    linkedPages.Add( "RegisterPage", LinkedPageUrl( "RegisterPage", _urlParms ) );
                    linkedPages.Add( "RegisterPage", LinkedPageUrl( "RegisterPage", null ) );

                mergeFields.Add( "LinkedPages", linkedPages );

                lLavaOverview.Text = template.ResolveMergeFields( mergeFields );

                bool showDebug = UserCanEdit && GetAttributeValue( "LavaOutputDebug" ).AsBoolean();
                lLavaOutputDebug.Visible = showDebug;
                if ( showDebug )
                    lLavaOutputDebug.Text = mergeFields.lavaDebugInfo( null, "<span class='label label-info'>Lava used for the summary info.</span>" );

                pnlLavaOutput.Visible = true;
                pnlLavaOutput.Visible = false;

            // Should a grid be displayed
            if ( GetAttributeValue( "ShowGrid" ).AsBoolean() )
                pnlGrid.Visible = true;

                // Save the groups into the grid's object list since it is not being bound to actual group objects
                gGroups.ObjectList = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                groups.ForEach( g => gGroups.ObjectList.Add( g.Id.ToString(), g ) );

                // Bind the grid
                gGroups.DataSource = groups.Select( g =>
                    var qryMembers = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable().Where( a => a.GroupId == g.Id );
                    var groupType = GroupTypeCache.Read( g.GroupTypeId );

                    return new
                        Id = g.Id,
                        Name = g.Name,
                        GroupTypeName = groupType.Name,
                        GroupOrder = g.Order,
                        GroupTypeOrder = groupType.Order,
                        Description = g.Description,
                        IsSystem = g.IsSystem,
                        IsActive = g.IsActive,
                        GroupRole = string.Empty,
                        DateAdded = DateTime.MinValue,
                        Schedule = g.Schedule,
                        MemberCount = qryMembers.Count(),
                        AverageAge = Math.Round( qryMembers.Select( m => m.Person.BirthDate ).ToList().Select( a => Person.GetAge( a ) ).Average() ?? 0.0D ),
                        Distance = distances.Where( d => d.Key == g.Id )
                            .Select( d => d.Value ).FirstOrDefault()
                } ).ToList();
                pnlGrid.Visible = false;

            // Show the results
            pnlResults.Visible = true;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the group members grid.
        /// </summary>
        protected void BindGroupMembersGrid()
            if ( _group != null )
                pnlGroupMembers.Visible = true;

                lHeading.Text = string.Format( "{0} {1}", _group.GroupType.GroupTerm, _group.GroupType.GroupMemberTerm.Pluralize() );

                if ( _group.GroupType.Roles.Any() )
                    nbRoleWarning.Visible = false;
                    rFilter.Visible = true;
                    gGroupMembers.Visible = true;

                    var rockContext = new RockContext();

                    GroupMemberService groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );
                    var qry = groupMemberService.Queryable( "Person,GroupRole", true ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( m => m.GroupId == _group.Id );

                    // Filter by First Name
                    string firstName = tbFirstName.Text;
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( firstName ) )
                        qry = qry.Where( m => m.Person.FirstName.StartsWith( firstName ) );

                    // Filter by Last Name
                    string lastName = tbLastName.Text;
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( lastName ) )
                        qry = qry.Where( m => m.Person.LastName.StartsWith( lastName ) );

                    // Filter by role
                    var validGroupTypeRoles = _group.GroupType.Roles.Select( r => r.Id ).ToList();
                    var roles = new List<int>();
                    foreach ( string role in cblRole.SelectedValues )
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( role ) )
                            int roleId = int.MinValue;
                            if ( int.TryParse( role, out roleId ) && validGroupTypeRoles.Contains( roleId ) )
                                roles.Add( roleId );

                    if ( roles.Any() )
                        qry = qry.Where( m => roles.Contains( m.GroupRoleId ) );

                    // Filter by Status
                    var statuses = new List<GroupMemberStatus>();
                    foreach ( string status in cblStatus.SelectedValues )
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( status ) )
                            statuses.Add( status.ConvertToEnum<GroupMemberStatus>() );

                    if ( statuses.Any() )
                        qry = qry.Where( m => statuses.Contains( m.GroupMemberStatus ) );

                    // Filter query by any configured attribute filters
                    if ( AvailableAttributes != null && AvailableAttributes.Any() )
                        var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                        var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;

                        foreach ( var attribute in AvailableAttributes )
                            var filterControl = phAttributeFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                            if ( filterControl != null )
                                var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                if ( expression != null )
                                    var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                        .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );

                                    attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );

                                    qry = qry.Where( w => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( w.Id ) );

                    _inactiveStatus = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_INACTIVE );

                    SortProperty sortProperty = gGroupMembers.SortProperty;

                    bool hasGroupRequirements = new GroupRequirementService( rockContext ).Queryable().Where( a => a.GroupId == _group.Id ).Any();

                    // If there are group requirements that that member doesn't meet, show an icon in the grid
                    bool includeWarnings = false;
                    var groupMemberIdsThatLackGroupRequirements = new GroupService( rockContext ).GroupMembersNotMeetingRequirements( _group.Id, includeWarnings ).Select( a => a.Key.Id );

                    List<GroupMember> groupMembersList = null;

                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        groupMembersList = qry.Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                        groupMembersList = qry.OrderBy( a => a.GroupRole.Order ).ThenBy( a => a.Person.LastName ).ThenBy( a => a.Person.FirstName ).ToList();

                    // Since we're not binding to actual group member list, but are using AttributeField columns,
                    // we need to save the workflows into the grid's object list
                    gGroupMembers.ObjectList = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    groupMembersList.ForEach( m => gGroupMembers.ObjectList.Add( m.Id.ToString(), m ) );
                    gGroupMembers.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.GROUP_MEMBER.AsGuid() ).Id;

                    gGroupMembers.DataSource = groupMembersList.Select( m => new
                        Name = m.Person.NickName + " " + m.Person.LastName
                            + ( hasGroupRequirements && groupMemberIdsThatLackGroupRequirements.Contains( m.Id )
                                ? " <i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle text-warning'></i>"
                                : string.Empty )
                            + ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( m.Note )
                            ? " <i class='fa fa-file-text-o text-info'></i>"
                            : string.Empty ),
                        GroupRole = m.GroupRole.Name,
                        RecordStatusValueId = m.Person.RecordStatusValueId,
                        IsDeceased = m.Person.IsDeceased
                    } ).ToList();

                    nbRoleWarning.Text = string.Format(
                        "{0} cannot be added to this {1} because the '{2}' group type does not have any roles defined.",
                        _group.GroupType.Name );

                    nbRoleWarning.Visible = true;
                    rFilter.Visible = false;
                    gGroupMembers.Visible = false;
                pnlGroupMembers.Visible = false;
        private void Map()
            string mapStylingFormat = @"
                            #map_wrapper {{
                                height: {0}px;

                            #map_canvas {{
                                width: 100%;
                                height: 100%;
                                border-radius: 8px;

            lMapStyling.Text = string.Format( mapStylingFormat, GetAttributeValue( "MapHeight" ) );

            string settingGroupTypeId = GetAttributeValue( "GroupType" );
            string queryStringGroupTypeId = PageParameter( "GroupTypeId" );

            if ( ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settingGroupTypeId) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryStringGroupTypeId) )  )
                pnlMap.Visible = false;
                lMessages.Text = "<div class='alert alert-warning'><strong>Group Mapper</strong> Please configure a group type to display as a block setting or pass a GroupTypeId as a query parameter.</div>";
                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                pnlMap.Visible = true;

                int groupsMapped = 0;
                int groupsWithNoGeo = 0;

                StringBuilder sbGroupJson = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder sbGroupsWithNoGeo = new StringBuilder();

                Guid? groupType = null;
                int groupTypeId = -1;

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( settingGroupTypeId ) )
                    groupType = new Guid( settingGroupTypeId );
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( queryStringGroupTypeId ) && Int32.TryParse( queryStringGroupTypeId, out groupTypeId ) )
                        groupType = new GroupTypeService( rockContext ).Get( groupTypeId ).Guid;

                if ( groupType != null )

                    Template template = null;
                    if ( GetAttributeValue( "ShowMapInfoWindow" ).AsBoolean() )
                        template = Template.Parse( GetAttributeValue( "InfoWindowContents" ).Trim() );
                        template = Template.Parse( string.Empty );

                    var groupPageRef = new PageReference( GetAttributeValue( "GroupDetailPage" ) );

                    // create group detail link for use in map's info window
                    var personPageParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    personPageParams.Add( "PersonId", string.Empty );
                    var personProfilePage = LinkedPageUrl( "PersonProfilePage", personPageParams );

                    var groupEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Group ) );
                    var dynamicGroups = new List<dynamic>();

                    // Create query to get attribute values for selected attribute keys.
                    var attributeKeys = GetAttributeValue( "Attributes" ).SplitDelimitedValues().ToList();
                    var attributeValues = new AttributeValueService( rockContext ).Queryable( "Attribute" )
                        .Where( v =>
                            v.Attribute.EntityTypeId == groupEntityType.Id &&
                            attributeKeys.Contains( v.Attribute.Key ) );

                    GroupService groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );
                    var groups = groupService.Queryable()
                        .Where( g => g.GroupType.Guid == groupType )
                        .Select( g => new
                            Group = g,
                            GroupId = g.Id,
                            GroupName = g.Name,
                            GroupGuid = g.Guid,
                            GroupMemberTerm = g.GroupType.GroupMemberTerm,
                            GroupCampus = g.Campus.Name,
                            IsActive = g.IsActive,
                            GroupLocation = g.GroupLocations
                                                .Where( l => l.Location.GeoPoint != null )
                                                .Select( l => new
                                                    PostalCode = l.Location.PostalCode,
                                                    Latitude = l.Location.GeoPoint.Latitude,
                                                    Longitude = l.Location.GeoPoint.Longitude,
                                                    Name = l.GroupLocationTypeValue.Value
                                                } ).FirstOrDefault(),
                            GroupMembers = g.Members,
                            AttributeValues = attributeValues
                                                .Where( v => v.EntityId == g.Id )
                        } );

                    if ( GetAttributeValue( "IncludeInactiveGroups" ).AsBoolean() == false )
                        groups = groups.Where( g => g.IsActive == true );

                    // Create dynamic object to include attribute values
                    foreach ( var group in groups )
                        dynamic dynGroup = new ExpandoObject();
                        dynGroup.GroupId = group.GroupId;
                        dynGroup.GroupName = group.GroupName;

                        // create group detail link for use in map's info window
                        if ( groupPageRef.PageId > 0 )
                            var groupPageParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                            groupPageParams.Add( "GroupId", group.GroupId.ToString() );
                            groupPageRef.Parameters = groupPageParams;
                            dynGroup.GroupDetailPage = groupPageRef.BuildUrl();
                            dynGroup.GroupDetailPage = string.Empty;

                        dynGroup.PersonProfilePage = personProfilePage;
                        dynGroup.GroupMemberTerm = group.GroupMemberTerm;
                        dynGroup.GroupCampus = group.GroupCampus;
                        dynGroup.GroupLocation = group.GroupLocation;

                        var groupAttributes = new List<dynamic>();
                        foreach ( AttributeValue value in group.AttributeValues )
                            var attrCache = AttributeCache.Read( value.AttributeId );
                            var dictAttribute = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            dictAttribute.Add( "Key", attrCache.Key );
                            dictAttribute.Add( "Name", attrCache.Name );

                            if ( attrCache != null )
                                dictAttribute.Add( "Value", attrCache.FieldType.Field.FormatValueAsHtml( null, value.Value, attrCache.QualifierValues, false ) );
                                dictAttribute.Add( "Value", value.Value );

                            groupAttributes.Add( dictAttribute );

                        dynGroup.Attributes = groupAttributes;

                        var groupMembers = new List<dynamic>();
                        foreach ( GroupMember member in group.GroupMembers )
                            var dictMember = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            dictMember.Add( "Id", member.Person.Id );
                            dictMember.Add( "GuidP", member.Person.Guid );
                            dictMember.Add( "NickName", member.Person.NickName );
                            dictMember.Add( "LastName", member.Person.LastName );
                            dictMember.Add( "RoleName", member.GroupRole.Name );
                            dictMember.Add( "Email", member.Person.Email );
                            dictMember.Add( "PhotoGuid", member.Person.Photo != null ? member.Person.Photo.Guid : Guid.Empty );

                            var phoneTypes = new List<dynamic>();
                            foreach ( PhoneNumber p in member.Person.PhoneNumbers )
                                var dictPhoneNumber = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                dictPhoneNumber.Add( "Name", p.NumberTypeValue.Value );
                                dictPhoneNumber.Add( "Number", p.ToString() );
                                phoneTypes.Add( dictPhoneNumber );

                            dictMember.Add( "PhoneTypes", phoneTypes );

                            groupMembers.Add( dictMember );

                        dynGroup.GroupMembers = groupMembers;

                        dynamicGroups.Add( dynGroup );

                    // enable showing debug info
                    if ( GetAttributeValue( "EnableDebug" ).AsBoolean() && IsUserAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT ) )
                        lDebug.Visible = true;
                        lDebug.Text = dynamicGroups.Take( 5 ).lavaDebugInfo();
                        lDebug.Visible = false;
                        lDebug.Text = string.Empty;

                    foreach ( var group in dynamicGroups )
                        if ( group.GroupLocation != null && group.GroupLocation.Latitude != null )
                            var groupDict = group as IDictionary<string, object>;
                            string infoWindow = template.Render( Hash.FromDictionary( groupDict ) ).Replace( "\n", string.Empty );
                            sbGroupJson.Append( string.Format(
                                                    @"{{ ""name"":""{0}"" , ""latitude"":""{1}"", ""longitude"":""{2}"", ""infowindow"":""{3}"" }},",
                                                    HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( group.GroupName ),
                                                    HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( infoWindow ) ) );

                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( group.GroupDetailPage ) )
                                sbGroupsWithNoGeo.Append( string.Format( @"<li><a href='{0}'>{1}</a></li>", group.GroupDetailPage, group.GroupName ) );
                                sbGroupsWithNoGeo.Append( string.Format( @"<li>{0}</li>", group.GroupName ) );

                    string groupJson = sbGroupJson.ToString();

                    // remove last comma
                    if ( groupJson.Length > 0 )
                        groupJson = groupJson.Substring( 0, groupJson.Length - 1 );

                    // add styling to map
                    string styleCode = "null";
                    string markerColor = "FE7569";

                    DefinedValueCache dvcMapStyle = DefinedValueCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( "MapStyle" ).AsGuid() );
                    if ( dvcMapStyle != null )
                        styleCode = dvcMapStyle.GetAttributeValue( "DynamicMapStyle" );
                        var colors = dvcMapStyle.GetAttributeValue( "Colors" ).Split( new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ).ToList();
                        if ( colors.Any() )
                            markerColor = colors.First().Replace( "#", "" );

                    // write script to page
                    string mapScriptFormat = @" <script>
                                                Sys.Application.add_load(function () {{
                                                    var groupData = JSON.parse('{{ ""groups"" : [ {0} ]}}');
                                                    var showInfoWindow = {1};
                                                    var mapStyle = {2};
                                                    var pinColor = '{3}';
                                                    var pinImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage('|' + pinColor,
                                                        new google.maps.Size(21, 34),
                                                        new google.maps.Point(0,0),
                                                        new google.maps.Point(10, 34));
                                                    var pinShadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage('',
                                                        new google.maps.Size(40, 37),
                                                        new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
                                                        new google.maps.Point(12, 35));


                                                    function initializeMap() {{
                                                        var map;
                                                        var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
                                                        var mapOptions = {{
                                                            mapTypeId: 'roadmap',
                                                            styles: mapStyle

                                                        // Display a map on the page
                                                        map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions);

                                                        // Display multiple markers on a map
                                                        if (showInfoWindow) {{
                                                            var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(), marker, i;

                                                        // Loop through our array of markers & place each one on the map
                                                        $.each(groupData.groups, function (i, group) {{

                                                            var position = new google.maps.LatLng(group.latitude, group.longitude);

                                                            marker = new google.maps.Marker({{
                                                                position: position,
                                                                map: map,
                                                                title: htmlDecode(,
                                                                icon: pinImage,
                                                                shadow: pinShadow

                                                            // Allow each marker to have an info window
                                                            if (showInfoWindow) {{
                                                                google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function (marker, i) {{
                                                                    return function () {{
                                                              , marker);
                                                                }})(marker, i));



                                                        // Override our map zoom level once our fitBounds function runs (Make sure it only runs once)
                                                        var boundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener((map), 'bounds_changed', function (event) {{

                                                    function htmlDecode(input) {{
                                                        var e = document.createElement('div');
                                                        e.innerHTML = input;
                                                        return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? """" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

                    string mapScript = string.Format(
                                            GetAttributeValue( "ShowMapInfoWindow" ).AsBoolean().ToString().ToLower(),
                                            markerColor );

                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( pnlMap, pnlMap.GetType(), "group-mapper-script", mapScript, false );

                    if ( groupsMapped == 0 )
                        pnlMap.Visible = false;
                        lMessages.Text = @" <p>
                                                <div class='alert alert-warning fade in'>No groups were able to be mapped. You may want to check your configuration.</div>
                        // output any warnings
                        if ( groupsWithNoGeo > 0 )
                            string messagesFormat = @" <p>
                                                <div class='alert alert-warning fade in'>Some groups could not be mapped.
                                                    <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></button>
                                                    <small><a data-toggle='collapse' data-parent='#accordion' href='#map-error-details'>Show Details</a></small>
                                                    <div id='map-error-details' class='collapse'>
                                                        <p class='margin-t-sm'>
                                                            <strong>Groups That Could Not Be Mapped</strong>
                            lMessages.Text = string.Format( messagesFormat, sbGroupsWithNoGeo.ToString() );
                    pnlMap.Visible = false;
                    lMessages.Text = "<div class='alert alert-warning'><strong>Group Mapper</strong> Please configure a group type to display and a location type to use.</div>";
        /// <summary>
        /// Job that will run quick SQL queries on a schedule.
        /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
        /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
        /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Execute( IJobExecutionContext context )
            JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

            Guid? entryWorkflowType = dataMap.GetString( "EraEntryWorkflow" ).AsGuidOrNull();
            Guid? exitWorkflowType = dataMap.GetString( "EraExitWorkflow" ).AsGuidOrNull();
            bool updateVisitDates = dataMap.GetBooleanValue( "SetVisitDates" );
            var groupTypeList = dataMap.GetString( "GroupTypes" );

            // configuration

            // giving
            int exitGivingCount = 1;

            // attendance
            int exitAttendanceCountShort = 1;
            int exitAttendanceCountLong = 8;

            // get era dataset from stored proc
            var resultContext = new RockContext();

            var eraAttribute = AttributeCache.Read( SystemGuid.Attribute.PERSON_ERA_CURRENTLY_AN_ERA.AsGuid() );
            var eraStartAttribute = AttributeCache.Read( SystemGuid.Attribute.PERSON_ERA_START_DATE.AsGuid() );
            var eraEndAttribute = AttributeCache.Read( SystemGuid.Attribute.PERSON_ERA_END_DATE.AsGuid() );

            resultContext.Database.CommandTimeout = 3600;

            var results = resultContext.Database.SqlQuery<EraResult>( "spCrm_FamilyAnalyticsEraDataset" ).ToList();

            int personEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Person" ).Id;
            int attributeEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.Attribute" ).Id;
            int eraAttributeId = AttributeCache.Read( SystemGuid.Attribute.PERSON_ERA_CURRENTLY_AN_ERA.AsGuid() ).Id;
            int personAnalyticsCategoryId = CategoryCache.Read( SystemGuid.Category.HISTORY_PERSON_ANALYTICS.AsGuid() ).Id;

            foreach (var result in results )
                // create new rock context for each family (
                RockContext updateContext = new RockContext();
                var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( updateContext );
                var historyService = new HistoryService( updateContext );

                // if era ensure it still meets requirements
                if ( result.IsEra )
                    if (result.ExitGiftCountDuration < exitGivingCount && result.ExitAttendanceCountDurationShort < exitAttendanceCountShort && result.ExitAttendanceCountDurationLong < exitAttendanceCountLong )
                        // exit era (delete attribute value from each person in family)
                        var family = new GroupService( updateContext ).Queryable( "Members, Members.Person" ).AsNoTracking().Where( m => m.Id == result.FamilyId ).FirstOrDefault();

                        if ( family != null ) {
                            foreach ( var person in family.Members.Select( m => m.Person ) ) {

                                // remove the era flag
                                var eraAttributeValue = attributeValueService.Queryable().Where( v => v.AttributeId == eraAttribute.Id && v.EntityId == person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                                if ( eraAttributeValue != null )
                                    attributeValueService.Delete( eraAttributeValue );

                                // set end date
                                var eraEndAttributeValue = attributeValueService.Queryable().Where( v => v.AttributeId == eraEndAttribute.Id && v.EntityId == person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                                if ( eraEndAttributeValue == null )
                                    eraEndAttributeValue = new AttributeValue();
                                    eraEndAttributeValue.EntityId = person.Id;
                                    eraEndAttributeValue.AttributeId = eraEndAttribute.Id;
                                    attributeValueService.Add( eraEndAttributeValue );
                                eraEndAttributeValue.Value = RockDateTime.Now.ToString();

                                // add a history record
                                if ( personAnalyticsCategoryId != 0 && personEntityTypeId != 0 && attributeEntityTypeId != 0 && eraAttributeId != 0 )
                                    History historyRecord = new History();
                                    historyService.Add( historyRecord );
                                    historyRecord.EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId;
                                    historyRecord.EntityId = person.Id;
                                    historyRecord.CreatedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                                    historyRecord.CreatedByPersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId;
                                    historyRecord.Caption = "eRA";
                                    historyRecord.Summary = "Exited eRA Status";
                                    historyRecord.Verb = "EXITED";
                                    historyRecord.RelatedEntityTypeId = attributeEntityTypeId;
                                    historyRecord.RelatedEntityId = eraAttributeId;
                                    historyRecord.CategoryId = personAnalyticsCategoryId;


                            // launch exit workflow
                            if ( exitWorkflowType.HasValue )
                                LaunchWorkflow( exitWorkflowType.Value, family );
                    // entered era
                    var family = new GroupService( updateContext ).Queryable( "Members" ).AsNoTracking().Where( m => m.Id == result.FamilyId ).FirstOrDefault();

                    if ( family != null )
                        foreach ( var person in family.Members.Select( m => m.Person ) )
                            // set era attribute to true
                            var eraAttributeValue = attributeValueService.Queryable().Where( v => v.AttributeId == eraAttribute.Id && v.EntityId == person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            if ( eraAttributeValue == null )
                                eraAttributeValue = new AttributeValue();
                                eraAttributeValue.EntityId = person.Id;
                                eraAttributeValue.AttributeId = eraAttribute.Id;
                                attributeValueService.Add( eraAttributeValue );
                            eraAttributeValue.Value = bool.TrueString;

                            // add start date
                            var eraStartAttributeValue = attributeValueService.Queryable().Where( v => v.AttributeId == eraStartAttribute.Id && v.EntityId == person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (eraStartAttributeValue == null )
                                eraStartAttributeValue = new AttributeValue();
                                eraStartAttributeValue.EntityId = person.Id;
                                eraStartAttributeValue.AttributeId = eraStartAttribute.Id;
                                attributeValueService.Add( eraStartAttributeValue );
                            eraStartAttributeValue.Value = RockDateTime.Now.ToString();

                            // delete end date if it exists
                            var eraEndAttributeValue = attributeValueService.Queryable().Where( v => v.AttributeId == eraEndAttribute.Id && v.EntityId == person.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            if ( eraEndAttributeValue != null )
                                attributeValueService.Delete( eraEndAttributeValue );

                            // add a history record
                            if ( personAnalyticsCategoryId != 0 && personEntityTypeId != 0 && attributeEntityTypeId != 0 && eraAttributeId != 0 )
                                History historyRecord = new History();
                                historyService.Add( historyRecord );
                                historyRecord.EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId;
                                historyRecord.EntityId = person.Id;
                                historyRecord.CreatedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                                historyRecord.CreatedByPersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId;
                                historyRecord.Caption = "eRA";
                                historyRecord.Summary = "Entered eRA Status";
                                historyRecord.Verb = "ENTERED";
                                historyRecord.RelatedEntityTypeId = attributeEntityTypeId;
                                historyRecord.RelatedEntityId = eraAttributeId;
                                historyRecord.CategoryId = personAnalyticsCategoryId;


                        // launch entry workflow
                        if ( entryWorkflowType.HasValue )
                            LaunchWorkflow( entryWorkflowType.Value, family );

                // update stats

            // load giving attributes
            resultContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "spCrm_FamilyAnalyticsGiving" );

            // load attendance attributes
            resultContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "spCrm_FamilyAnalyticsAttendance" );

            // process history for group types
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( groupTypeList ) )
                string[] groupTypeGuids = groupTypeList.Split( ',' );

                var inactiveRecordValue = DefinedValueCache.Read( SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_INACTIVE );

                var groupTypeEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.GroupType" ).Id;

                foreach ( var groupTypeGuid in groupTypeGuids )
                    var groupType = GroupTypeCache.Read( groupTypeGuid.AsGuid() );

                    if ( groupType != null )
                        // if the person is in a group of that type and the last history record for that group type isn't START write a start
                        RockContext rockContext = new RockContext();

                        // get history for this group type
                        var historyRecords = new HistoryService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                                            .Where( h =>
                                                 h.EntityTypeId == personEntityTypeId
                                                 && h.RelatedEntityTypeId == groupTypeEntityTypeId
                                                 && h.RelatedEntityId == groupType.Id
                                             .GroupBy( h => h.EntityId )
                                             .Select( g => g.OrderByDescending( h => h.CreatedDateTime ).Select( h => new { h.EntityId, h.Verb } ).FirstOrDefault() )

                        // get group member information
                        var groupMemberInfo = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                                            .Where( m =>
                                                 m.Group.GroupTypeId == groupType.Id
                                                 && m.GroupMemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Active
                                                 && m.Group.IsActive
                                                 //&& m.Person.RecordStatusValueId != inactiveRecordValue.Id
                                             .GroupBy( m => m.PersonId )
                                             .Select( g => g.OrderBy( m => m.CreatedDateTime ).Select( m => new { m.PersonId, m.CreatedDateTime, PersonAliasId = m.Person.Aliases.Select( p => p.Id ).FirstOrDefault() } ).FirstOrDefault() )

                        var needsStartDate = groupMemberInfo.Where( m => !historyRecords.Any( h => h.EntityId == m.PersonId && h.Verb == "STARTED" ) );

                        foreach ( var startItem in needsStartDate )
                            using ( RockContext updateContext = new RockContext() )
                                var historyService = new HistoryService( updateContext );
                                History history = new History();
                                historyService.Add( history );
                                history.EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId;
                                history.EntityId = startItem.PersonId;
                                history.RelatedEntityTypeId = groupTypeEntityTypeId;
                                history.RelatedEntityId = groupType.Id;
                                history.Caption = groupType.Name;
                                history.Summary = "Started Membership in Group Of Type";
                                history.Verb = "STARTED";
                                history.CreatedDateTime = startItem.CreatedDateTime;
                                history.CreatedByPersonAliasId = startItem.PersonAliasId;
                                history.CategoryId = personAnalyticsCategoryId;


                        var needsStoppedDate = historyRecords.Where( h => h.Verb == "STARTED" && !groupMemberInfo.Any( m => m.PersonId == h.EntityId ) );

                        foreach ( var stopItem in needsStoppedDate )
                            using ( RockContext updateContext = new RockContext() )
                                var person = new PersonService( updateContext ).Get( stopItem.EntityId );

                                if ( person != null )
                                    var historyService = new HistoryService( updateContext );
                                    History history = new History();
                                    historyService.Add( history );
                                    history.EntityTypeId = personEntityTypeId;
                                    history.EntityId = person.Id;
                                    history.RelatedEntityTypeId = groupTypeEntityTypeId;
                                    history.RelatedEntityId = groupType.Id;
                                    history.Caption = groupType.Name;
                                    history.Summary = "Stopped Membership in Group Of Type";
                                    history.Verb = "STOPPED";
                                    history.CreatedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                                    history.CreatedByPersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId;
                                    history.CategoryId = personAnalyticsCategoryId;



            // process visit dates
            if ( updateVisitDates )
                resultContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand( "spCrm_FamilyAnalyticsUpdateVisitDates" );
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the <see cref="P:IHasAttributes.Attributes" /> and <see cref="P:IHasAttributes.AttributeValues" /> of any <see cref="IHasAttributes" /> object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        public static void LoadAttributes(Rock.Attribute.IHasAttributes entity, RockContext rockContext)
            if (entity != null)
                Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> properties = new Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo>();

                Type entityType = entity.GetType();
                if (entityType.Namespace == "System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies")
                    entityType = entityType.BaseType;

                rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();

                // Check for group type attributes
                var groupTypeIds = new List <int>();
                if (entity is GroupMember || entity is Group || entity is GroupType)
                    // Can't use GroupTypeCache here since it loads attributes and would result in a recursive stack overflow situation
                    var       groupTypeService = new GroupTypeService(rockContext);
                    GroupType groupType        = null;

                    if (entity is GroupMember)
                        var group = ((GroupMember)entity).Group ?? new GroupService(rockContext)
                                    .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == ((GroupMember)entity).GroupId);
                        if (group != null)
                            groupType = group.GroupType ?? groupTypeService
                                        .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == group.GroupTypeId);
                    else if (entity is Group)
                        groupType = ((Group)entity).GroupType ?? groupTypeService
                                    .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == ((Group)entity).GroupTypeId);
                        groupType = ((GroupType)entity);

                    while (groupType != null)
                        groupTypeIds.Insert(0, groupType.Id);

                        // Check for inherited group type id's
                        if (groupType.InheritedGroupTypeId.HasValue)
                            groupType = groupType.InheritedGroupType ?? groupTypeService
                                        .Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == (groupType.InheritedGroupTypeId ?? 0));
                            groupType = null;

                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in entityType.GetProperties())
                    properties.Add(propertyInfo.Name.ToLower(), propertyInfo);

                Rock.Model.AttributeService      attributeService      = new Rock.Model.AttributeService(rockContext);
                Rock.Model.AttributeValueService attributeValueService = new Rock.Model.AttributeValueService(rockContext);

                var inheritedAttributes = new Dictionary <int, List <Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache> >();
                if (groupTypeIds.Any())
                    groupTypeIds.ForEach(g => inheritedAttributes.Add(g, new List <Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>()));
                    inheritedAttributes.Add(0, new List <Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>());

                var attributes = new List <Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>();

                // Get all the attributes that apply to this entity type and this entity's properties match any attribute qualifiers
                var entityTypeCache = Rock.Web.Cache.EntityTypeCache.Read(entityType);
                if (entityTypeCache != null)
                    int entityTypeId = entityTypeCache.Id;
                    foreach (var attribute in attributeService.Queryable()
                             .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == entityTypeCache.Id)
                             .Select(a => new
                        // group type ids exist (entity is either GroupMember, Group, or GroupType) and qualifier is for a group type id
                        if (groupTypeIds.Any() && (
                                (entity is GroupMember && string.Compare(attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn, "GroupTypeId", true) == 0) ||
                                (entity is Group && string.Compare(attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn, "GroupTypeId", true) == 0) ||
                                (entity is GroupType && string.Compare(attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn, "Id", true) == 0)))
                            int groupTypeIdValue = int.MinValue;
                            if (int.TryParse(attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue, out groupTypeIdValue) && groupTypeIds.Contains(groupTypeIdValue))

                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn) ||
                                 (properties.ContainsKey(attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn.ToLower()) &&
                                  (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue) ||
                                   (properties[attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn.ToLower()].GetValue(entity, null) ?? "").ToString() == attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue)))

                var allAttributes = new List <Rock.Web.Cache.AttributeCache>();

                foreach (var attributeGroup in inheritedAttributes)
                    foreach (var attribute in attributeGroup.Value)
                foreach (var attribute in attributes)

                var attributeValues = new Dictionary <string, Rock.Model.AttributeValue>();

                if (allAttributes.Any())
                    foreach (var attribute in allAttributes)
                        // Add a placeholder for this item's value for each attribute
                        attributeValues.Add(attribute.Key, null);

                    // If loading attributes for a saved item, read the item's value(s) for each attribute
                    if (!entityTypeCache.IsEntity || entity.Id != 0)
                        List <int> attributeIds = allAttributes.Select(a => a.Id).ToList();
                        foreach (var attributeValue in attributeValueService.Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                 .Where(v => v.EntityId == entity.Id && attributeIds.Contains(v.AttributeId)))
                            var attributeKey = AttributeCache.Read(attributeValue.AttributeId).Key;
                            attributeValues[attributeKey] = attributeValue.Clone(false) as Rock.Model.AttributeValue;

                    // Look for any attributes that don't have a value and create a default value entry
                    foreach (var attribute in allAttributes)
                        if (attributeValues[attribute.Key] == null)
                            var attributeValue = new Rock.Model.AttributeValue();
                            attributeValue.AttributeId = attribute.Id;
                            if (entity.AttributeValueDefaults != null && entity.AttributeValueDefaults.ContainsKey(attribute.Name))
                                attributeValue.Value = entity.AttributeValueDefaults[attribute.Name];
                                attributeValue.Value = attribute.DefaultValue;
                            attributeValues[attribute.Key] = attributeValue;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attribute.DefaultValue) &&
                                attributeValues[attribute.Key].Value = attribute.DefaultValue;

                entity.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, Web.Cache.AttributeCache>();
                allAttributes.ForEach(a => entity.Attributes.Add(a.Key, a));

                entity.AttributeValues = attributeValues;
Example #23
        protected void CalulateMetrics(int CampusId)
            // specify which attribute key we want to work with
            var attributeKeyCompositeUseGlobalValue = "CompositeUseGlobalValue";
            var attributeKeyCompositeGoalMultiplier = "CompositeGoalMultiplier";

            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);

            // specify NULL as the EntityId since this is a GlobalAttribute
            var compositeUseGlobalValue = attributeValueService.GetGlobalAttributeValue(attributeKeyCompositeUseGlobalValue);
            var compositeGoalMultiplier = attributeValueService.GetGlobalAttributeValue(attributeKeyCompositeGoalMultiplier);

            if (bool.Parse(compositeUseGlobalValue.ToString()) == true)
                UseGlobalAttributeGoal = true;
                GoalMultiplier = Convert.ToDouble(compositeGoalMultiplier.ToString());

            //Set Last Sunday Date
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.StartOfWeek(DayOfWeek.Sunday);
            SundayDate = dt.ToShortDateString();
            SundayDateSQLFormatted = dt.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            DateTime lastTuesday = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
            while (lastTuesday.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
                lastTuesday = lastTuesday.AddDays(-1);

            DateTime lastWednesday = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
            while (lastWednesday.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
                lastWednesday = lastWednesday.AddDays(-1);

            FinancialStartDate = lastTuesday.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            FinancialEndDate = lastWednesday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            FinancialStartDateLastWeek = lastTuesday.AddDays(-14).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            FinancialEndDateLastWeek = lastWednesday.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            sMonth = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
            sYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
            int iMonth = Int32.Parse(sMonth);
            int iYear = Int32.Parse(sYear);

            int lastDayOfCurrentMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(iYear, iMonth);
            int lastDayOfLastMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(iYear, iMonth - 1);

            DateTime fiscalYearStartDate = new DateTime(iYear, 9, 1);
            DateTime fiscalYearEndDate = new DateTime(iYear + 1, 8, 31);
            DateTime lastFiscalYearStartDate = new DateTime(iYear - 1, 9, 1);
            DateTime lastFiscalYearEndDate = new DateTime(iYear, 8, 31);

            DateTime start2020 = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
            DateTime end2020 = new DateTime(2020, 12, 31);

            if (iMonth < 9)
                fiscalYearStartDate = fiscalYearStartDate.AddYears(-1);
                fiscalYearEndDate = fiscalYearEndDate.AddYears(-1);
                lastFiscalYearStartDate = lastFiscalYearStartDate.AddYears(-1);
                lastFiscalYearEndDate = lastFiscalYearEndDate.AddYears(-1);

            DateTime periodEndDate = new DateTime(iYear, iMonth - 1, lastDayOfLastMonth);
            DateTime lastPeriodEndDate = new DateTime(iYear - 1, iMonth - 1, lastDayOfLastMonth);

            FiscalYearStartDate = fiscalYearStartDate.ToShortDateString();
            FiscalYearEndDate = fiscalYearEndDate.ToShortDateString();
            PeriodStartDate = fiscalYearStartDate.ToShortDateString();
            PeriodEndDate = periodEndDate.ToShortDateString();
            LastPeriodStartDate = lastFiscalYearStartDate.ToShortDateString();
            LastPeriodEndDate = lastPeriodEndDate.ToShortDateString();

            Last8WkStartDate = now.AddDays(-57).ToShortDateString();
            Last8WkEndDate = now.ToShortDateString();
            Last8WkStartDateLy = now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1).ToShortDateString();
            Last8WkEndDateLy = now.AddYears(-1).ToShortDateString();

            Last6WkStartDate = now.AddDays(-43).ToShortDateString();
            Last6WkEndDate = now.ToShortDateString();
            Last6WkStartDateLy = now.AddDays(-43).AddYears(-1).ToShortDateString();
            Last6WkEndDateLy = now.AddYears(-1).ToShortDateString();

            DateTime last6WkStartDate = now.AddDays(-43);
            DateTime last6WkEndDate = now;
            DateTime last6WkStartDateLy = now.AddDays(-43).AddYears(-1);
            DateTime last6WkEndDateLy = now.AddYears(-1);

            switch (iMonth)
                case 09:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 1;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .083;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .89;
                case 10:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 2;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .167;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .90;
                case 11:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 3;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .25;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .91;
                case 12:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 4;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .333;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .92;
                case 01:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 5;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .417;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .93;
                case 02:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 6;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .5;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .94;
                case 03:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 7;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .583;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .95;
                case 04:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 8;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .667;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .96;
                case 05:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 9;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .75;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .97;
                case 06:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 10;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .883;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .98;
                case 07:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 11;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = .917;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = .99;
                case 08:
                    CurrentMonthInFiscalYear = 12;
                    GoalOffsetMultiplier = 1;
                    SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier = 1;


            iAttendanceAud = Get6WkAttendanceAuditorium(CampusId, last6WkStartDate, last6WkEndDate);
            iAttendanceAudLastYear = Get6WkAttendanceAuditorium(CampusId, last6WkStartDateLy, last6WkEndDateLy);
            iAttendanceAudGoal2020 = GetMetrics(2, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iAttendanceKids = Get6WkAttendanceKids(CampusId, last6WkStartDate, last6WkEndDate);
            iAttendanceKidsLastYear = Get6WkAttendanceKids(CampusId, last6WkStartDateLy, last6WkEndDateLy);
            iAttendanceChildGoal2020 = GetMetrics(3, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iAttendanceStudents = Get6WkAttendanceStudents(CampusId, last6WkStartDate, last6WkEndDate);
            iAttendanceStudentsLastYear = Get6WkAttendanceStudents(CampusId, last6WkStartDateLy, last6WkEndDateLy);
            iAttendanceStudentGoal2020 = GetMetrics(5, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iAttendanceHighSchool = Get6WkAttendanceHighSchool(CampusId, last6WkStartDate, last6WkEndDate);
            iAttendanceHighSchoolLastYear = Get6WkAttendanceHighSchool(CampusId, last6WkStartDateLy, last6WkEndDateLy);
            iAttendanceStudentGoal2020 = GetMetrics(5, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            if (UseGlobalAttributeGoal == true)
                iAttendanceAudGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iAttendanceAudLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iAttendanceChildGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iAttendanceKidsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iAttendanceStudentGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iAttendanceStudentsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iAttendanceAudGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(2, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iAttendanceChildGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(3, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iAttendanceStudentGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(5, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            iAttendanceAll = Get6WkAttendanceAll(CampusId, last6WkStartDate, last6WkEndDate);
            iAttendanceAllLastYear = Get6WkAttendanceAll(CampusId, last6WkStartDateLy, last6WkEndDateLy);
            iAttendanceAllGoalCurrent = iAttendanceAudGoalCurrent + iAttendanceChildGoalCurrent + iAttendanceStudentGoalCurrent;
            iAttendanceAllGoal2020 = iAttendanceAudGoal2020 + iAttendanceChildGoal2020 + iAttendanceStudentGoal2020;

            //Calculate attendance goal progress
            iAttendanceAudGoalProgress = (double?)iAttendanceAud / ((double?)iAttendanceAudGoalCurrent * SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iAttendanceChildGoalProgress = (double?)iAttendanceKids / ((double?)iAttendanceChildGoalCurrent * SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iAttendanceStudentGoalProgress = (double?)iAttendanceStudents / ((double?)iAttendanceStudentGoalCurrent * SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iAttendanceHighSchoolGoalProgress = (double?)iAttendanceHighSchool / ((double?)iAttendanceHighSchoolGoalCurrent * SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iAttendanceAllGoalProgress = (double?)iAttendanceAll / ((double?)iAttendanceAllGoalCurrent * SecondaryGoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;


            iBaptisms = GetMetrics(11, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iBaptismsLastYear = GetMetrics(11, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iBaptismsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(11, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iBaptismsGoal2020 = GetMetrics(11, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iBaptisms8Wk = GetMetrics(11, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57), now, 0);
            iBaptisms8WkLy = GetMetrics(11, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1), now.AddYears(-1), 0);
            iBaptisms8WkProgress = (((double)iBaptisms8Wk - (double)iBaptisms8WkLy) / (double)iBaptisms8WkLy) * 100;


            iPartners = GetMetricsLatest(20, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iPartnersLastYear = GetMetricsLatest(20, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iPartnersGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(20, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iPartnersGoal2020 = GetMetricsLatest(20, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);


            iCommitments = GetMetrics(12, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iCommitmentsLastYear = GetMetrics(12, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iCommitmentsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(12, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iCommitmentsGoal2020 = GetMetrics(12, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iCommitments8Wk = GetMetrics(12, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57), now, 0);
            iCommitments8WkLy = GetMetrics(12, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1), now.AddYears(-1), 0);


            iRecommitments = GetMetrics(13, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iRecommitmentsLastYear = GetMetrics(13, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iRecommitmentsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(13, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iRecommitmentsGoal2020 = GetMetrics(13, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iRecommitments8Wk = GetMetrics(13, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57), now, 0);
            iRecommitments8WkLy = GetMetrics(13, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1), now.AddYears(-1), 0);


            iVolunteers = GetMetricsLatest(16, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iVolunteersLastYear = GetMetricsLatest(16, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iVolunteersGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(16, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iVolunteersGoal2020 = GetMetricsLatest(16, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);


            iSmallGroupParticipants = GetMetricsLatest(17, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iSmallGroupParticipantsLastYear = GetMetricsLatest(17, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iSmallGroupParticipantsGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(17, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iSmallGroupParticipantsGoal2020 = GetMetricsLatest(17, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);


            iSmallGroupLeaders = GetMetricsLatest(18, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iSmallGroupLeadersLastYear = GetMetricsLatest(18, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iSmallGroupLeadersGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(18, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iSmallGroupLeadersGoal2020 = GetMetricsLatest(18, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);


            iSmallGroups = GetMetricsLatest(34, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iSmallGroupsLastYear = GetMetricsLatest(34, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iSmallGroupsGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(34, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iSmallGroupsGoal2020 = GetMetricsLatest(34, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);


            iNewtoNewPointe = GetMetrics(21, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iNewtoNewPointeLastYear = GetMetrics(21, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iNewtoNewPointeGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(21, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iNewtoNewPointeGoal2020 = GetMetrics(21, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iNewtoNewPointe8Wk = GetMetrics(21, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57), now, 0);
            iNewtoNewPointe8WkLy = GetMetrics(21, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1), now.AddYears(-1), 0);
            dNewtoNewPointe8WkProgress = (((double)iNewtoNewPointe8Wk - (double)iNewtoNewPointe8WkLy) / (double)iNewtoNewPointe8WkLy) * 100;


            iDiscoverGroups = GetMetrics(22, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iDiscoverGroupsLastYear = GetMetrics(22, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iDiscoverGroupsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(22, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iDiscoverGroupsGoal2020 = GetMetrics(2, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iDiscoverGroups8Wk = GetMetrics(22, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57), now, 0);
            iDiscoverGroups8WkLy = GetMetrics(22, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1), now.AddYears(-1), 0);
            dDiscoverGroups8WkProgress = (((double)iDiscoverGroups8Wk - (double)iDiscoverGroups8WkLy) / (double)iDiscoverGroups8WkLy) * 100;


            iCampusGroups = GetMetrics(24, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iCampusGroupsLastYear = GetMetrics(24, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iCampusGroupsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(24, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iCampusGroupsGoal2020 = GetMetrics(24, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iCampusGroups8Wk = GetMetrics(24, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57), now, 0);
            iCampusGroups8WkLy = GetMetrics(24, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1), now.AddYears(-1), 0);
            dCampusGroups8WkProgress = (((double)iCampusGroups8Wk - (double)iCampusGroups8WkLy) / (double)iCampusGroups8WkLy) * 100;


            iNewHere = GetMetrics(14, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iNewHereLastYear = GetMetrics(14, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, lastPeriodEndDate, 0);

            //Current Goal
            iNewHereGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(14, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);

            //2020 Goal
            iNewHereGoal2020 = GetMetrics(14, CampusId, start2020, end2020, 1);

            iNewHere8Wk = GetMetrics(14, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57), now, 0);
            iNewHere8WkLy = GetMetrics(14, CampusId, now.AddDays(-57).AddYears(-1), now.AddYears(-1), 0);
            dNewHere8WkProgress = (((double)iNewHere8Wk - (double)iNewHere8WkLy) / (double)iNewHere8WkLy) * 100;

            //-------Inactive Followups-------

            iInactiveFollowup = GetMetrics(35, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iInactiveFollowupComplete = GetMetrics(38, CampusId, fiscalYearStartDate, periodEndDate, 0);

            iInactiveFollowupIncomplete = iInactiveFollowup - iInactiveFollowupComplete;

            iInactiveFollowupProgress = (double)iInactiveFollowupComplete / (double)iInactiveFollowup * 100;


            expenses = .99;
            giving = .95;

            //TODO: need to make a method to get these as a double (not an int)

            //Get Goals based on Global Attribute Multiplier or values stored in metrics table

            if (UseGlobalAttributeGoal == true)
                iBaptismsGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iBaptismsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iPartnersGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iPartnersLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iCommitmentsGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iCommitmentsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iRecommitmentsGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iRecommitmentsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iVolunteersGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iVolunteersLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iSmallGroupParticipantsGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iSmallGroupParticipantsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iSmallGroupLeadersGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iSmallGroupLeadersLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iNewtoNewPointeGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iNewtoNewPointeLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iDiscoverGroupsGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iDiscoverGroupsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iCampusGroupsGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iCampusGroupsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iNewHereGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iNewHereLastYear * GoalMultiplier);
                iSmallGroupsGoalCurrent = Convert.ToInt32((double?)iSmallGroupsLastYear * GoalMultiplier);

                iBaptismsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(11, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iPartnersGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(20, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iCommitmentsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(12, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iRecommitmentsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(13, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iVolunteersGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(16, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iSmallGroupParticipantsGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(17, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iSmallGroupLeadersGoalCurrent = GetMetricsLatest(17, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iNewtoNewPointeGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(21, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iDiscoverGroupsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(22, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iCampusGroupsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(24, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iNewHereGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(14, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);
                iSmallGroupsGoalCurrent = GetMetrics(34, CampusId, lastFiscalYearStartDate, fiscalYearEndDate, 1);


            iAllCommitments = iCommitments + iRecommitments;

            iAllCommitmentsLastYear = iCommitmentsLastYear + iRecommitmentsLastYear;

            //Current Goal
            iAllCommitmentsGoalCurrent = iCommitmentsGoalCurrent + iRecommitmentsGoalCurrent;

            //2020 Goal
            iAllCommitmentsGoal2020 = iCommitmentsGoal2020 + iRecommitmentsGoal2020;

            //Current Goal Progress
            iAllCommitmentsGoalProgress = ((double)iCommitments + (double)iRecommitments) / (((double)iCommitmentsGoalCurrent + (double)iRecommitmentsGoalCurrent) * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;

            iAllCommitments8Wk = iCommitments8Wk + iRecommitments8Wk;
            iAllCommitments8WkLy = iCommitments8WkLy + iRecommitments8WkLy;
            dAllCommitments8WkProgress = (((double)iAllCommitments8Wk - (double)iAllCommitments8WkLy) / (double)iAllCommitments8WkLy) * 100;

            // Caculate the progress toeards the goals
            iBaptismsGoalProgress = (double)iBaptisms / ((double)iBaptismsGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iPartnersGoalProgress = (double)iPartners / ((double)iPartnersGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iCommitmentsGoalProgress = (double)iCommitments / ((double)iCommitmentsGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iRecommitmentsGoalProgress = (double)iRecommitments / ((double)iRecommitmentsGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iVolunteersGoalProgress = (double)iVolunteers / ((double)iVolunteersGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iSmallGroupParticipantsGoalProgress = (double)iSmallGroupParticipants / ((double)iSmallGroupParticipantsGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iSmallGroupLeadersGoalProgress = (double)iSmallGroupLeaders / ((double)iSmallGroupLeadersGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iNewtoNewPointeGoalProgress = (double)iNewtoNewPointe / ((double)iNewtoNewPointeGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iDiscoverGroupsGoalProgress = (double)iDiscoverGroups / ((double)iDiscoverGroupsGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iCampusGroupsGoalProgress = (double)iCampusGroups / ((double)iCampusGroupsGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iNewHereGoalProgress = (double)iNewHere / ((double)iNewHereGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;
            iSmallGroupsGoalProgress = (double)iSmallGroups / ((double)iSmallGroupsGoalCurrent * GoalOffsetMultiplier) * 100;

            //Calculate the Composite Score
            CompositeScore = CalculateCompositeScore();

            //Save to the database

            if (CompositeScore > 0 && CompositeScore < 1000)
                MetricValueService metricValueService = new MetricValueService(rockContext);

                MetricValue metricValue;

                metricValue = new MetricValue();
                metricValue.MetricId = 39;
                metricValue.Metric = metricValue.Metric ?? new MetricService(rockContext).Get(metricValue.MetricId);

                metricValue.MetricValueType = (MetricValueType)0;
                metricValue.XValue = null;
                metricValue.YValue = (decimal)CompositeScore;
                metricValue.Note = "";
                metricValue.MetricValueDateTime = dt;
                metricValue.EntityId = CampusId;

        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the group placement grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isExporting">if set to <c>true</c> [is exporting].</param>
        private void BindGroupPlacementGrid( bool isExporting = false )
            int? groupId = gpGroupPlacementParentGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();
            int? instanceId = hfRegistrationInstanceId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( instanceId.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    // Start query for registrants
                    var qry = new RegistrationRegistrantService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias.Person.PhoneNumbers.NumberTypeValue,Fees.RegistrationTemplateFee,GroupMember.Group" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.Registration.RegistrationInstanceId == instanceId.Value &&
                            r.PersonAlias != null &&
                            r.PersonAlias.Person != null );

                    if ( groupId.HasValue )
                        var validGroupIds = new GroupService( rockContext ).GetAllDescendents( groupId.Value )
                            .Select( g => g.Id )

                        var existingPeopleInGroups = new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                            .Where( m => validGroupIds.Contains( m.GroupId ) )
                            .Select( m => m.PersonId )

                        qry = qry.Where( r => !existingPeopleInGroups.Contains( r.PersonAlias.PersonId ) );

                    bool preloadCampusValues = false;
                    var registrantAttributeIds = new List<int>();
                    var personAttributesIds = new List<int>();
                    var groupMemberAttributesIds = new List<int>();

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Check if campus is used
                        preloadCampusValues = RegistrantFields
                            .Any( f =>
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonField &&
                                f.PersonFieldType.HasValue &&
                                f.PersonFieldType.Value == RegistrationPersonFieldType.Campus );

                        // Get all the registrant attributes selected
                        var registrantAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.RegistrationAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        registrantAttributeIds = registrantAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Get all the person attributes selected
                        var personAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.PersonAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        personAttributesIds = personAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                        // Get all the group member attributes selected to be on grid
                        var groupMemberAttributes = RegistrantFields
                            .Where( f =>
                                f.Attribute != null &&
                                f.FieldSource == RegistrationFieldSource.GroupMemberAttribute )
                            .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                        groupMemberAttributesIds = groupMemberAttributes.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList();

                    // Sort the query
                    IOrderedQueryable<RegistrationRegistrant> orderedQry = null;
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gGroupPlacements.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        orderedQry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                        orderedQry = qry
                            .OrderBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                            .ThenBy( r => r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName );

                    // Set the grids LinqDataSource which will run query and set results for current page
                    gGroupPlacements.SetLinqDataSource<RegistrationRegistrant>( orderedQry );

                    if ( RegistrantFields != null )
                        // Get the query results for the current page
                        var currentPageRegistrants = gGroupPlacements.DataSource as List<RegistrationRegistrant>;
                        if ( currentPageRegistrants != null )
                            // Get all the registrant ids in current page of query results
                            var registrantIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.Id )

                            // Get all the person ids in current page of query results
                            var personIds = currentPageRegistrants
                                .Select( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId )

                            // Get all the group member ids and the group id in current page of query results
                            var groupMemberIds = new List<int>();
                            GroupLinks = new Dictionary<int, string>();
                            foreach ( var groupMember in currentPageRegistrants
                                .Where( m =>
                                    m.GroupMember != null &&
                                    m.GroupMember.Group != null )
                                .Select( m => m.GroupMember ) )
                                groupMemberIds.Add( groupMember.Id );
                                GroupLinks.AddOrIgnore( groupMember.GroupId,
                                    isExporting ? groupMember.Group.Name :
                                        string.Format( "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>",
                                            LinkedPageUrl( "GroupDetailPage", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "GroupId", groupMember.GroupId.ToString() } } ),
                                            groupMember.Group.Name ) );

                            // If the campus column was selected to be displayed on grid, preload all the people's
                            // campuses so that the databind does not need to query each row
                            if ( preloadCampusValues )
                                PersonCampusIds = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();

                                Guid familyGroupTypeGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                                foreach ( var personCampusList in new GroupMemberService( rockContext )
                                    .Where( m =>
                                        m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupTypeGuid &&
                                        personIds.Contains( m.PersonId ) )
                                    .GroupBy( m => m.PersonId )
                                    .Select( m => new
                                        PersonId = m.Key,
                                        CampusIds = m
                                            .Where( g => g.Group.CampusId.HasValue )
                                            .Select( g => g.Group.CampusId.Value )
                                    } ) )
                                    PersonCampusIds.Add( personCampusList.PersonId, personCampusList.CampusIds );

                            // If there are any attributes that were selected to be displayed, we're going
                            // to try and read all attribute values in one query and then put them into a
                            // custom grid ObjectList property so that the AttributeField columns don't need
                            // to do the LoadAttributes and querying of values for each row/column
                            if ( personAttributesIds.Any() || groupMemberAttributesIds.Any() || registrantAttributeIds.Any() )
                                // Query the attribute values for all rows and attributes
                                var attributeValues = new AttributeValueService( rockContext )
                                    .Queryable( "Attribute" ).AsNoTracking()
                                    .Where( v =>
                                        v.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                                personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                personIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                groupMemberIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )
                                            ) ||
                                                registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                registrantIds.Contains( v.EntityId.Value )

                                // Get the attributes to add to each row's object
                                var attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeCache>();
                                        .Where( f => f.Attribute != null )
                                        .Select( f => f.Attribute )
                                    .ForEach( a => attributes
                                        .Add( a.Id.ToString() + a.Key, a ) );

                                // Initialize the grid's object list
                                gGroupPlacements.ObjectList = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                                // Loop through each of the current page's registrants and build an attribute
                                // field object for storing attributes and the values for each of the registrants
                                foreach ( var registrant in currentPageRegistrants )
                                    // Create a row attribute object
                                    var attributeFieldObject = new AttributeFieldObject();

                                    // Add the attributes to the attribute object
                                    attributeFieldObject.Attributes = attributes;

                                    // Add any person attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            personAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.PersonAlias.PersonId )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, new AttributeValueCache( v ) ) );

                                    // Add any group member attribute values to object
                                    if ( registrant.GroupMemberId.HasValue )
                                            .Where( v =>
                                                groupMemberAttributesIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                                v.EntityId.Value == registrant.GroupMemberId.Value )
                                            .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                                .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, new AttributeValueCache( v ) ) );

                                    // Add any registrant attribute values to object
                                        .Where( v =>
                                            registrantAttributeIds.Contains( v.AttributeId ) &&
                                            v.EntityId.Value == registrant.Id )
                                        .ForEach( v => attributeFieldObject.AttributeValues
                                            .Add( v.AttributeId.ToString() + v.Attribute.Key, new AttributeValueCache( v ) ) );

                                    // Add row attribute object to grid's object list
                                    gGroupPlacements.ObjectList.Add( registrant.Id.ToString(), attributeFieldObject );

Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles adding families from the given XML element snippet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elemFamilies">The xml element containing all the families.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        private void AddFamilies( XElement elemFamilies, RockContext rockContext )
            if ( elemFamilies == null )

            // Persist the storage type's settings specific to the photo binary file type
            var settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if ( _personImageBinaryFileType.Attributes == null )
            foreach ( var attributeValue in _personImageBinaryFileType.AttributeValues )
                settings.Add( attributeValue.Key, attributeValue.Value.Value );
            _personImageBinaryFileTypeSettings = settings.ToJson();

            bool fabricateAttendance = GetAttributeValue( "FabricateAttendance" ).AsBoolean();
            GroupService groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );
            var allFamilies = rockContext.Groups;

            List<Group> allGroups = new List<Group>();
            var attendanceData = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Attendance>>();

            // Next create the family along with its members and related data
            foreach ( var elemFamily in elemFamilies.Elements( "family" ) )
                Guid guid = elemFamily.Attribute( "guid" ).Value.Trim().AsGuid();
                var familyMembers = BuildFamilyMembersFromXml( elemFamily.Element( "members" ), rockContext );

                // Call replica of groupService's SaveNewFamily method in an attempt to speed things up
                Group family = CreateNewFamily( familyMembers, campusId: 1 );
                family.Guid = guid;

                // add the family to the context's list of groups
                allFamilies.Add( family );

                // add the families address(es)
                AddFamilyAddresses( groupService, family, elemFamily.Element( "addresses" ), rockContext );

                // add their attendance data
                if ( fabricateAttendance )
                    AddFamilyAttendance( family, elemFamily, rockContext, attendanceData );

                allGroups.Add( family );

                AppendFormat( "{0:00}:{1:00}.{2:00} added {3}<br/>", _stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 10, family.Name );
            rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

            // Now save each person's attributevalues (who had them defined in the XML)
            // and add each person's ID to a dictionary for use later.
            AppendFormat( "{0:00}:{1:00}.{2:00} saving attributes for everyone...<br/>", _stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 10 );
            AttributeValueService attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
            foreach ( var gm in allGroups.SelectMany( g => g.Members ) )
                // Put the person's id into the people dictionary for later use.
                if ( !_peopleDictionary.ContainsKey( gm.Person.Guid ) )
                    _peopleDictionary.Add( gm.Person.Guid, gm.Person.Id );

                // Only save if the person had attributes, otherwise it will error.
                if ( _personWithAttributes.ContainsKey( gm.Person.Guid ) )
                    foreach ( var attributeCache in gm.Person.Attributes.Select( a => a.Value ) )
                        var newValue = gm.Person.AttributeValues[attributeCache.Key];
                        if ( newValue != null )
                            var attributeValue = new AttributeValue();
                            attributeValue.AttributeId = newValue.AttributeId;
                            attributeValue.EntityId = gm.Person.Id;
                            attributeValue.Value = newValue.Value;
                            rockContext.AttributeValues.Add( attributeValue );
            rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

            AppendFormat( "{0:00}:{1:00}.{2:00} attributes saved<br/>", _stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 10 );

            // Create person alias records for each person manually since we set disablePrePostProcessing=true on save
            PersonService personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            foreach ( var person in personService.Queryable( "Aliases", true )
                .Where( p =>
                    _peopleDictionary.Keys.Contains( p.Guid ) &&
                    !p.Aliases.Any() ) )
                person.Aliases.Add( new PersonAlias { AliasPersonId = person.Id, AliasPersonGuid = person.Guid } );
            rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

            AppendFormat( "{0:00}:{1:00}.{2:00} added person aliases<br/>", _stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 10 );

            // Put the person alias ids into the people alias dictionary for later use.
            PersonAliasService personAliasService = new PersonAliasService( rockContext );
            foreach ( var personAlias in personAliasService.Queryable( "Person" )
                .Where( a =>
                    _peopleDictionary.Keys.Contains( a.Person.Guid ) &&
                    a.PersonId == a.AliasPersonId ) )
                _peopleAliasDictionary.Add( personAlias.Person.Guid, personAlias.Id );

            // Now that person aliases have been saved, save the attendance records
            var attendanceService = new AttendanceService( rockContext );
            var attendanceGuids = attendanceData.Select( a => a.Key ).ToList();
            foreach ( var aliasKeyValue in _peopleAliasDictionary
                .Where( a => attendanceGuids.Contains( a.Key )) )
                foreach ( var attendance in attendanceData[aliasKeyValue.Key] )
                    attendance.PersonAliasId = aliasKeyValue.Value;
                    attendanceService.Add( attendance );
            rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

            AppendFormat( "{0:00}:{1:00}.{2:00} added attendance records<br/>", _stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds, _stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds / 10 );

            // Now re-process the family section looking for any giving data.
            // We do this last because we need the personAliases that were just added.
            // Persist the storage type's settings specific to the contribution binary file type
            settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if ( _checkImageBinaryFileType.Attributes == null )
            foreach ( var attributeValue in _checkImageBinaryFileType.AttributeValues )
                settings.Add( attributeValue.Key, attributeValue.Value.Value );
            _checkImageBinaryFileTypeSettings = settings.ToJson();

            foreach ( var elemFamily in elemFamilies.Elements( "family" ) )
                // add the families giving data
                if ( GetAttributeValue( "EnableGiving" ).AsBoolean() )
                    // Support multiple giving elements per family
                    foreach ( var elementGiving in elemFamily.Elements( "giving" ) )
                        AddFamilyGiving( elementGiving, elemFamily.Attribute( "name" ).Value, rockContext );

            if ( GetAttributeValue( "EnableGiving" ).AsBoolean() )
                // Now add the batches to the service to be persisted
                var financialBatchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
                foreach ( var financialBatch in _contributionBatches )
                    financialBatchService.Add( financialBatch.Value );
            rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Generic method to delete the members of a group and then the group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Unable to delete group:  + group.Name</exception>
        private void DeleteGroupAndMemberData( Group group, RockContext rockContext )
            GroupService groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );

            // delete addresses
            GroupLocationService groupLocationService = new GroupLocationService( rockContext );
            if ( group.GroupLocations.Count > 0 )
                foreach ( var groupLocations in group.GroupLocations.ToList() )
                    group.GroupLocations.Remove( groupLocations );
                    groupLocationService.Delete( groupLocations );

            // delete members
            var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );
            var members = group.Members;
            foreach ( var member in members.ToList() )
                group.Members.Remove( member );
                groupMemberService.Delete( member );

            // delete attribute values
            group.LoadAttributes( rockContext );
            if ( group.AttributeValues != null )
                var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                foreach ( var entry in group.AttributeValues )
                    var attributeValue = attributeValueService.GetByAttributeIdAndEntityId( entry.Value.AttributeId, group.Id );
                    if ( attributeValue != null )
                        attributeValueService.Delete( attributeValue );

            // now delete the group
            if ( groupService.Delete( group ) )
                // ok
                throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to delete group: " + group.Name );
        private void GetData()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var itemService = new ContentChannelItemService(rockContext);

            int personId = CurrentPerson != null ? CurrentPerson.Id : 0;

            // Get all of the content channels
            var allChannels = new ContentChannelService( rockContext ).Queryable( "ContentChannelType" )
                .OrderBy( w => w.Name )

            // Create variable for storing authorized channels and the count of active items
            var channelCounts = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            foreach ( var channel in allChannels )
                if ( channel.IsAuthorized( Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson))
                    channelCounts.Add( channel.Id, 0);

            // Get the pending approval item counts for each channel (if the channel requires approval)
                .Where( i =>
                    channelCounts.Keys.Contains( i.ContentChannelId ) &&
                    i.Status == ContentChannelItemStatus.PendingApproval && i.ContentChannel.RequiresApproval )
                .GroupBy( i => i.ContentChannelId )
                .Select( i => new {
                    Id = i.Key,
                    Count = i.Count()
                .ForEach( i => channelCounts[i.Id] = i.Count );

            // Create a query to return channel, the count of items, and the selected class
            var qry = allChannels
                .Where( c => channelCounts.Keys.Contains( c.Id ) )
                .Select( c => new
                    Channel = c,
                    Count = channelCounts[c.Id],
                    Class = ( SelectedChannelId.HasValue && SelectedChannelId.Value == c.Id ) ? "active" : ""
                } );

            // If displaying active only, update query to exclude those content channels without any items
            if ( tglStatus.Checked )
                qry = qry.Where( c => c.Count > 0 );

            var contentChannels = qry.ToList();

            rptChannels.DataSource = contentChannels;

            ContentChannel selectedChannel = null;
            if ( SelectedChannelId.HasValue )
                selectedChannel = allChannels
                    .Where( w =>
                        w.Id == SelectedChannelId.Value &&
                        channelCounts.Keys.Contains( SelectedChannelId.Value ) )

            if ( selectedChannel != null && contentChannels.Count > 0 )
                // show the content item panel
                divItemPanel.Visible = true;

                BindAttributes( selectedChannel );
                AddDynamicControls( selectedChannel );

                var itemQry = itemService.Queryable()
                    .Where( i => i.ContentChannelId == selectedChannel.Id );

                var drp = new DateRangePicker();
                drp.DelimitedValues = gfFilter.GetUserPreference( "Date Range" );
                if ( drp.LowerValue.HasValue )
                    if ( selectedChannel.ContentChannelType.DateRangeType == ContentChannelDateType.SingleDate )
                        itemQry = itemQry.Where( i => i.StartDateTime >= drp.LowerValue.Value );
                        itemQry = itemQry.Where( i => i.ExpireDateTime.HasValue && i.ExpireDateTime.Value >= drp.LowerValue.Value );
                if ( drp.UpperValue.HasValue )
                    DateTime upperDate = drp.UpperValue.Value.Date.AddDays( 1 );
                    itemQry = itemQry.Where( i => i.StartDateTime <= upperDate );

                var status = gfFilter.GetUserPreference( "Status" ).ConvertToEnumOrNull<ContentChannelItemStatus>();
                if ( status.HasValue )
                    itemQry = itemQry.Where( i => i.Status == status );

                string title = gfFilter.GetUserPreference( "Title" );
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title))
                    itemQry = itemQry.Where( i => i.Title.Contains( title ) );

                // Filter query by any configured attribute filters
                if ( AvailableAttributes != null && AvailableAttributes.Any() )
                    var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                    var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;

                    foreach ( var attribute in AvailableAttributes )
                        var filterControl = phAttributeFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                        if ( filterControl != null )
                            var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                            var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                            if ( expression != null )
                                var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                    .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );

                                attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );

                                itemQry = itemQry.Where( w => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( w.Id ) );

                var items = new List<ContentChannelItem>();
                foreach ( var item in itemQry.ToList() )
                    if ( item.IsAuthorized( Rock.Security.Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson ) )
                        items.Add( item );

                SortProperty sortProperty = gContentChannelItems.SortProperty;
                if ( sortProperty != null )
                    items = items.AsQueryable().Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                    items = items.OrderByDescending( p => p.StartDateTime ).ToList();

                gContentChannelItems.ObjectList = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                items.ForEach( i => gContentChannelItems.ObjectList.Add( i.Id.ToString(), i ) );

                gContentChannelItems.DataSource = items.Select( i => new
                    Status = DisplayStatus( i.Status ),
                    Occurrences = i.EventItemOccurrences.Any()
                } ).ToList();

                lContentChannelItems.Text = selectedChannel.Name + " Items";
                divItemPanel.Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the SaveClick event of the dlgSearch control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void dlgSearch_SaveClick( object sender, EventArgs e )
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var connectionRequestService = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext );
                var connectionRequest = connectionRequestService.Get( hfConnectionRequestId.ValueAsInt() );
                if ( connectionRequest != null &&
                    connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity != null &&
                    connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType != null )
                    var qrySearch = connectionRequest.ConnectionOpportunity.ConnectionType.ConnectionOpportunities.ToList();

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbSearchName.Text ) )
                        var searchTerms = tbSearchName.Text.ToLower().SplitDelimitedValues( true );
                        qrySearch = qrySearch.Where( o => searchTerms.Any( t => t.Contains( o.Name.ToLower() ) || o.Name.ToLower().Contains( t ) ) ).ToList();

                    var searchCampuses = cblCampus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if ( searchCampuses.Count > 0 )
                        qrySearch = qrySearch.Where( o => o.ConnectionOpportunityCampuses.Any( c => searchCampuses.Contains( c.CampusId ) ) ).ToList();

                    // Filter query by any configured attribute filters
                    if ( SearchAttributes != null && SearchAttributes.Any() )
                        var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                        var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;

                        foreach ( var attribute in SearchAttributes )
                            var filterControl = phAttributeFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                            if ( filterControl != null )
                                var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                if ( expression != null )
                                    var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                        .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );

                                    attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );

                                    qrySearch = qrySearch.Where( w => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( w.Id ) ).ToList();
                    rptSearchResult.DataSource = qrySearch;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns Global Attributes from cache.  If they are not already in cache, they
        /// will be read and added to cache
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static GlobalAttributesCache Read( RockContext rockContext = null )
            string cacheKey = GlobalAttributesCache.CacheKey();

            ObjectCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;
            GlobalAttributesCache globalAttributes = cache[cacheKey] as GlobalAttributesCache;

            if ( globalAttributes != null )
                return globalAttributes;
                globalAttributes = new GlobalAttributesCache();
                globalAttributes.Attributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                globalAttributes.AttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

                rockContext = rockContext ?? new RockContext();
                var attributeService = new Rock.Model.AttributeService( rockContext );
                var attributeValueService = new Rock.Model.AttributeValueService( rockContext );

                foreach ( Rock.Model.Attribute attribute in attributeService.GetGlobalAttributes() )
                    var attributeCache = AttributeCache.Read( attribute );
                    globalAttributes.Attributes.Add( attributeCache );

                    var attributeValue = attributeValueService.GetByAttributeIdAndEntityId( attribute.Id, null ).FirstOrDefault();
                    string value = ( attributeValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( attributeValue.Value ) ) ? attributeValue.Value : attributeCache.DefaultValue;
                    globalAttributes.AttributeValues.Add( attributeCache.Key, new KeyValuePair<string, string>( attributeCache.Name, value ) );

                cache.Set( cacheKey, globalAttributes, new CacheItemPolicy() );

                return globalAttributes;
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds an expression for an attribute field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">The service instance.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The parameter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="entityField">The property.</param>
        /// <param name="values">The values.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Expression GetAttributeExpression( IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, EntityField entityField, List<string> values )
            var service = new AttributeValueService( (RockContext)serviceInstance.Context );

            var attributeValues = service.Queryable().Where( v =>
                v.EntityId.HasValue &&
                v.Value != string.Empty );

            if ( entityField.AttributeGuid.HasValue )
                attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( v => v.Attribute.Guid == entityField.AttributeGuid );
                attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( v => v.Attribute.Key == entityField.Name && v.Attribute.FieldTypeId == entityField.FieldType.Id );

            ParameterExpression attributeValueParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter( typeof( AttributeValue ), "v" );

            // Determine the appropriate comparison type to use for this Expression.
            // Attribute Value records only exist for Entities that have a value specified for the Attribute.
            // Therefore, if the specified comparison works by excluding certain values we must invert our filter logic:
            // first we find the Attribute Values that match those values and then we exclude the associated Entities from the result set.
            var comparisonType = ComparisonType.EqualTo;
            ComparisonType evaluatedComparisonType = comparisonType;

            if ( values.Count >= 2 )
                string comparisonValue = values[0];
                if ( comparisonValue != "0" )
                    comparisonType = comparisonValue.ConvertToEnum<ComparisonType>( ComparisonType.EqualTo );

                switch ( comparisonType )
                    case ComparisonType.DoesNotContain:
                        evaluatedComparisonType = ComparisonType.Contains;
                    case ComparisonType.IsBlank:
                        evaluatedComparisonType = ComparisonType.IsNotBlank;
                    case ComparisonType.LessThan:
                        evaluatedComparisonType = ComparisonType.GreaterThanOrEqualTo;
                    case ComparisonType.LessThanOrEqualTo:
                        evaluatedComparisonType = ComparisonType.GreaterThan;
                    case ComparisonType.NotEqualTo:
                        evaluatedComparisonType = ComparisonType.EqualTo;
                        evaluatedComparisonType = comparisonType;

                values[0] = evaluatedComparisonType.ToString();

            var filterExpression = entityField.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( entityField.FieldConfig, values, attributeValueParameterExpression );
            if ( filterExpression != null )
                attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( attributeValueParameterExpression, filterExpression, null );

            IQueryable<int> ids = attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId.Value );

            MemberExpression propertyExpression = Expression.Property( parameterExpression, "Id" );
            ConstantExpression idsExpression = Expression.Constant( ids.AsQueryable(), typeof( IQueryable<int> ) );
            Expression expression = Expression.Call( typeof( Queryable ), "Contains", new Type[] { typeof( int ) }, idsExpression, propertyExpression );

            // If we have used an inverted comparison type for the evaluation, invert the Expression so that it excludes the matching Entities.
            if ( comparisonType != evaluatedComparisonType )
                return Expression.Not( expression );
                return expression;
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value.</param>
        /// <param name="saveValue">if set to <c>true</c> [save value].</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        public void SetValue( string key, string value, bool saveValue, RockContext rockContext = null )
            if ( saveValue )
                if ( rockContext == null )
                    rockContext = new RockContext();

                // Save new value
                var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                var attributeValue = attributeValueService.GetGlobalAttributeValue( key );

                if ( attributeValue == null )
                    var attributeService = new AttributeService( rockContext );
                    var attribute = attributeService.GetGlobalAttribute( key );
                    if ( attribute == null )
                        attribute = new Rock.Model.Attribute();
                        attribute.FieldTypeId = FieldTypeCache.Read( new Guid( SystemGuid.FieldType.TEXT ) ).Id;
                        attribute.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                        attribute.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;
                        attribute.Key = key;
                        attribute.Name = key.SplitCase();
                        attributeService.Add( attribute );

                        Attributes.Add( AttributeCache.Read( attribute.Id ) );

                    attributeValue = new AttributeValue();
                    attributeValueService.Add( attributeValue );
                    attributeValue.IsSystem = false;
                    attributeValue.AttributeId = attribute.Id;

                    if ( !AttributeValues.Keys.Contains( key ) )
                        AttributeValues.Add( key, new KeyValuePair<string, string>( attribute.Name, value ) );

                attributeValue.Value = value;

            var attributeCache = Attributes.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Key.Equals( key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
            if ( attributeCache != null ) // (Should never be null)
                if ( AttributeValues.Keys.Contains( key ) )
                    AttributeValues[key] = new KeyValuePair<string, string>( attributeCache.Name, value );
                    AttributeValues.Add( key, new KeyValuePair<string, string>( attributeCache.Name, value ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            var workflowActivityGuid = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue( GetAttributeValue( action, "Activity" ).AsGuid() ).AsGuid();
            if ( workflowActivityGuid.IsEmpty() )
                action.AddLogEntry( "Invalid Activity Property", true );
                return false;

            var attributeKey = GetAttributeValue( action, "WorkflowAttributeKey", true );
            var attributeValue = GetAttributeValue( action, "WorkflowAttributeValue", true );
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( attributeKey) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeValue) )
                action.AddLogEntry( "Invalid Workflow Property", true );
                return false;

            var activityType = new WorkflowActivityTypeService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                .Where( a => a.Guid.Equals( workflowActivityGuid ) ).FirstOrDefault();

            if ( activityType == null )
                action.AddLogEntry( "Invalid Activity Property", true );
                return false;

            var entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Workflow ) );

            var workflowIds = new AttributeValueService( rockContext )
                .Where( a => a.Attribute.Key == attributeKey && a.Value == attributeValue && a.Attribute.EntityTypeId == entityType.Id )
                .Select(a => a.EntityId);

            var workflows = new WorkflowService( rockContext )
                .Where( w => w.WorkflowType.ActivityTypes.Any( a => a.Guid == activityType.Guid ) && workflowIds.Contains(w.Id) )

            foreach (var workflow in workflows )
                WorkflowActivity.Activate( activityType, workflow );
                action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "Activated new '{0}' activity in {1} {2}", activityType.ToString(), workflow.TypeName, workflow.WorkflowId ) );

            return true;
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes the attribute values of the original blocks, and creates copies of them that point to the copied blocks. 
        /// In addition, any block attribute value pointing to a page in the original page tree is now updated to point to the
        /// corresponding page in the copied page tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageGuidDictionary">The dictionary containing the original page guids and the corresponding copied page guids.</param>
        /// <param name="blockGuidDictionary">The dictionary containing the original block guids and the corresponding copied block guids.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="currentPersonAliasId">The current person alias identifier.</param>
        private void GenerateBlockAttributeValues( Dictionary<Guid, Guid> pageGuidDictionary, Dictionary<Guid, Guid> blockGuidDictionary, RockContext rockContext, int? currentPersonAliasId = null )
            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
            var pageService = new PageService( rockContext );
            var blockService = new BlockService( rockContext );
            var pageGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.PAGE.AsGuid();
            var blockGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.BLOCK.AsGuid();

            Dictionary<Guid, int> blockIntDictionary = blockService.Queryable()
                .Where( p => blockGuidDictionary.Keys.Contains( p.Guid ) || blockGuidDictionary.Values.Contains( p.Guid ) )
                .ToDictionary( p => p.Guid, p => p.Id );

            var attributeValues = attributeValueService.Queryable().Where( a =>
                a.Attribute.EntityType.Guid == blockGuid && blockIntDictionary.Values.Contains( a.EntityId.Value ) )

            foreach ( var attributeValue in attributeValues )
                var newAttributeValue = attributeValue.Clone( false );
                newAttributeValue.CreatedByPersonAlias = null;
                newAttributeValue.CreatedByPersonAliasId = currentPersonAliasId;
                newAttributeValue.CreatedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                newAttributeValue.ModifiedByPersonAlias = null;
                newAttributeValue.ModifiedByPersonAliasId = currentPersonAliasId;
                newAttributeValue.ModifiedDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                newAttributeValue.Id = 0;
                newAttributeValue.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                newAttributeValue.EntityId = blockIntDictionary[blockGuidDictionary[blockIntDictionary.Where( d => d.Value == attributeValue.EntityId.Value ).FirstOrDefault().Key]];

                if ( attributeValue.Attribute.FieldType.Guid == Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.PAGE_REFERENCE.AsGuid() )
                    if ( pageGuidDictionary.ContainsKey( attributeValue.Value.AsGuid() ) )
                        newAttributeValue.Value = pageGuidDictionary[attributeValue.Value.AsGuid()].ToString();

                attributeValueService.Add( newAttributeValue );

        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            if ( _workflowType != null )
                pnlWorkflowList.Visible = true;

                if ( _workflowType != null )
                    var rockContext = new RockContext();
                    var workflowService = new WorkflowService( rockContext );

                    var qry = workflowService
                        .Queryable( "Activities.ActivityType,InitiatorPersonAlias.Person" ).AsNoTracking()
                        .Where( w => w.WorkflowTypeId.Equals( _workflowType.Id ) );

                    // Activated Date Range Filter
                    if ( drpActivated.LowerValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( w => w.ActivatedDateTime >= drpActivated.LowerValue.Value );
                    if ( drpActivated.UpperValue.HasValue )
                        DateTime upperDate = drpActivated.UpperValue.Value.Date.AddDays( 1 );
                        qry = qry.Where( w => w.ActivatedDateTime.Value < upperDate );

                    // State Filter
                    List<string> states = cblState.SelectedValues;
                    if ( states.Count == 1 )    // Don't filter if none or both options are selected
                        if ( states[0] == "Active" )
                            qry = qry.Where( w => !w.CompletedDateTime.HasValue );
                            qry = qry.Where( w => w.CompletedDateTime.HasValue );

                    // Completed Date Range Filter
                    if ( drpCompleted.LowerValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( w => w.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && w.CompletedDateTime.Value >= drpCompleted.LowerValue.Value );
                    if ( drpCompleted.UpperValue.HasValue )
                        DateTime upperDate = drpCompleted.UpperValue.Value.Date.AddDays( 1 );
                        qry = qry.Where( w => w.CompletedDateTime.HasValue && w.CompletedDateTime.Value < upperDate );

                    string name = tbName.Text;
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( name ) )
                        qry = qry.Where( w => w.Name.StartsWith( name ) );

                    int? personId = ppInitiator.SelectedValue;
                    if ( personId.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( w => w.InitiatorPersonAlias.PersonId == personId.Value );

                    string status = tbStatus.Text;
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( status ) )
                        qry = qry.Where( w => w.Status.StartsWith( status ) );

                    // Filter query by any configured attribute filters
                    if ( AvailableAttributes != null && AvailableAttributes.Any() )
                        var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                        var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;

                        foreach ( var attribute in AvailableAttributes )
                            var filterControl = phAttributeFilters.FindControl( "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString() );
                            if ( filterControl != null )
                                var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                if ( expression != null )
                                    var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                        .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );

                                    attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );

                                    qry = qry.Where( w => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( w.Id ) );

                    IQueryable<Workflow> workflows = null;

                    var sortProperty = gWorkflows.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        if ( sortProperty.Property == "Initiator" )
                            if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                workflows = qry
                                    .OrderBy( w => w.InitiatorPersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                                    .ThenBy( w => w.InitiatorPersonAlias.Person.NickName );
                                workflows = qry
                                    .OrderByDescending( w => w.InitiatorPersonAlias.Person.LastName )
                                    .ThenByDescending( w => w.InitiatorPersonAlias.Person.NickName );
                            workflows = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                        workflows = qry.OrderByDescending( s => s.CreatedDateTime );

                    // Since we're not binding to actual workflow list, but are using AttributeField columns,
                    // we need to save the workflows into the grid's object list
                    var workflowObjectQry = workflows;
                    if ( gWorkflows.AllowPaging )
                        workflowObjectQry = workflowObjectQry.Skip( gWorkflows.PageIndex * gWorkflows.PageSize ).Take( gWorkflows.PageSize );

                    gWorkflows.ObjectList = workflowObjectQry.ToList().ToDictionary( k => k.Id.ToString(), v => v as object );

                    gWorkflows.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read<Workflow>().Id;
                    var qryGrid = workflows.Select( w => new
                        Initiator = w.InitiatorPersonAlias.Person,
                        Activities = w.Activities.Where( a => a.ActivatedDateTime.HasValue && !a.CompletedDateTime.HasValue ).OrderBy( a => a.ActivityType.Order ).Select( a => a.ActivityType.Name ),
                        Status = w.Status,
                        IsCompleted = w.CompletedDateTime.HasValue
                    } );

                    gWorkflows.SetLinqDataSource( qryGrid );
                    pnlWorkflowList.Visible = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the list.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateList()
            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var searchSelections = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                var connectionTypeId = GetAttributeValue( "ConnectionTypeId" ).AsInteger();
                var connectionType = new ConnectionTypeService( rockContext ).Get( connectionTypeId );
                var connectionOpportunityService = new ConnectionOpportunityService( rockContext );

                var qrySearch = connectionOpportunityService.Queryable().Where( a => a.ConnectionTypeId == connectionTypeId && a.IsActive == true ).ToList();

                if ( GetAttributeValue( "DisplayNameFilter" ).AsBoolean() )
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbSearchName.Text ) )
                        searchSelections.Add( "tbSearchName", tbSearchName.Text );
                        var searchTerms = tbSearchName.Text.ToLower().SplitDelimitedValues( true );
                        qrySearch = qrySearch.Where( o => searchTerms.Any( t => t.Contains( o.Name.ToLower() ) || o.Name.ToLower().Contains( t ) ) ).ToList();

                if ( GetAttributeValue( "DisplayCampusFilter" ).AsBoolean() )
                    var searchCampuses = cblCampus.SelectedValuesAsInt;
                    if ( searchCampuses.Count > 0 )
                        searchSelections.Add( "cblCampus", searchCampuses.AsDelimited("|") );
                        qrySearch = qrySearch.Where( o => o.ConnectionOpportunityCampuses.Any( c => searchCampuses.Contains( c.CampusId ) ) ).ToList();

                if ( GetAttributeValue( "DisplayAttributeFilters" ).AsBoolean() )
                    // Filter query by any configured attribute filters
                    if ( AvailableAttributes != null && AvailableAttributes.Any() )
                        var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService( rockContext );
                        var parameterExpression = attributeValueService.ParameterExpression;

                        foreach ( var attribute in AvailableAttributes )
                            string filterControlId = "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString();
                            var filterControl = phAttributeFilters.FindControl( filterControlId );
                            if ( filterControl != null )
                                var filterValues = attribute.FieldType.Field.GetFilterValues( filterControl, attribute.QualifierValues, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                                var expression = attribute.FieldType.Field.AttributeFilterExpression( attribute.QualifierValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );
                                if ( expression != null )
                                    searchSelections.Add( filterControlId, filterValues.ToJson() );
                                    var attributeValues = attributeValueService
                                        .Where( v => v.Attribute.Id == attribute.Id );

                                    attributeValues = attributeValues.Where( parameterExpression, expression, null );

                                    qrySearch = qrySearch.Where( o => attributeValues.Select( v => v.EntityId ).Contains( o.Id ) ).ToList();

                string sessionKey = string.Format( "ConnectionSearch_{0}", this.BlockId );
                Session[sessionKey] = searchSelections;

                var opportunities = qrySearch.OrderBy( s => s.PublicName ).ToList();

                var mergeFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                mergeFields.Add( "Opportunities", opportunities);
                mergeFields.Add( "CurrentPerson", CurrentPerson );

                var pageReference = new PageReference( GetAttributeValue( "DetailPage" ), null );
                mergeFields.Add( "DetailPage", BuildDetailPageUrl(pageReference.BuildUrl()) );

                lOutput.Text = GetAttributeValue( "LavaTemplate" ).ResolveMergeFields( mergeFields );

                if ( GetAttributeValue( "SetPageTitle" ).AsBoolean() )
                    string pageTitle = "Connection";
                    RockPage.PageTitle = pageTitle;
                    RockPage.BrowserTitle = String.Format( "{0} | {1}", pageTitle, RockPage.Site.Name );
                    RockPage.Header.Title = String.Format( "{0} | {1}", pageTitle, RockPage.Site.Name );

                // show debug info
                if ( GetAttributeValue( "EnableDebug" ).AsBoolean() && IsUserAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT ) )
                    lDebug.Visible = true;
                    lDebug.Text = mergeFields.lavaDebugInfo();
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a filter expression for an attribute value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurationValues">The configuration values.</param>
        /// <param name="filterValues">The filter values.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The parameter expression.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression AttributeFilterExpression( Dictionary<string, ConfigurationValue> configurationValues, List<string> filterValues, ParameterExpression parameterExpression )
            bool allowMultiple = configurationValues != null && configurationValues.ContainsKey( ALLOW_MULTIPLE_KEY ) && configurationValues[ALLOW_MULTIPLE_KEY].Value.AsBoolean();
            List<string> selectedValues;
            if ( allowMultiple || filterValues.Count != 1 )
                ComparisonType comparisonType = filterValues[0].ConvertToEnum<ComparisonType>( ComparisonType.Contains );

                // if it isn't either "Contains" or "Not Contains", just use the base AttributeFilterExpression
                if ( !( new ComparisonType[] { ComparisonType.Contains, ComparisonType.DoesNotContain }).Contains(comparisonType))
                    return base.AttributeFilterExpression( configurationValues, filterValues, parameterExpression );

                //// OR up the where clauses for each of the selected values
                // and make sure to wrap commas around things so we don't collide with partial matches
                // so it'll do something like this:
                // WHERE ',' + Value + ',' like '%,bacon,%'
                // OR ',' + Value + ',' like '%,lettuce,%'
                // OR ',' + Value + ',' like '%,tomato,%'

                if ( filterValues.Count > 1 )
                    selectedValues = filterValues[1].Split( new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ).ToList();
                    selectedValues = new List<string>();

                Expression comparison = null;

                foreach ( var selectedValue in selectedValues )
                    var searchValue = "," + selectedValue + ",";
                    var qryToExtract = new AttributeValueService( new Data.RockContext() ).Queryable().Where( a => ( "," + a.Value + "," ).Contains( searchValue ) );
                    var valueExpression = FilterExpressionExtractor.Extract<AttributeValue>( qryToExtract, parameterExpression, "a" );

                    if ( comparisonType != ComparisonType.Contains )
                        valueExpression = Expression.Not( valueExpression );

                    if ( comparison == null )
                        comparison = valueExpression;
                        comparison = Expression.Or( comparison, valueExpression );

                return comparison;

            selectedValues = filterValues[0].Split( new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ).ToList();
            if ( selectedValues.Any() )
                MemberExpression propertyExpression = Expression.Property( parameterExpression, "Value" );
                ConstantExpression constantExpression = Expression.Constant( selectedValues, typeof( List<string> ) );
                return Expression.Call( constantExpression, typeof( List<string> ).GetMethod( "Contains", new Type[] { typeof( string ) } ), propertyExpression );

            return null;
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called in the
        /// <see cref="M:Rock.Data.Model`1.PreSaveChanges(Rock.Data.DbContext,System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbEntityEntry,System.Data.Entity.EntityState)" />
        /// method. Use it to populate <see cref="P:Rock.Data.Model`1.HistoryItems" /> if needed.
        /// These history items are queued to be written into the database post save (so that they
        /// are only written if the save actually occurs).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbContext">The database context.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The entry.</param>
        /// <param name="state">The state.</param>
        protected override void BuildHistoryItems(Data.DbContext dbContext, DbEntityEntry entry, EntityState state)
             * 12/18/2019 BJW
             * We want to log the history of attribute values within a person matrix. Most of this logging occurs from
             * the attribute value model. However, when a matrix item (row in the table) is deleted, the pre-save event
             * of the attribute values is not called. Therefore, the delete event needs to be logged here. Additionally,
             * when the matrix item is added, the history is much cleaner when added here so that all the values of the
             * row are consolidated to one history item.  Modified state is not possible to log here because the
             * matrix item is not actually modified when its attributes change.
             * Task:

            if (state != EntityState.Deleted && state != EntityState.Added)

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var matrixId    = AttributeMatrixId != default ?
                              AttributeMatrixId :

            var matrix = AttributeMatrix;

            if (matrix == null && matrixId.HasValue)
                var matrixService = new AttributeMatrixService(rockContext);
                matrix = matrixService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(am => am.Id == matrixId);

            if (matrix == null)

            // The root attribute matrix attribute value is linked to the matrix by the guid as the attribute value
            var matrixGuidString      = matrix.Guid.ToString();
            var personEntityTypeId    = EntityTypeCache.Get(typeof(Person)).Id;
            var attributeValueService = new AttributeValueService(rockContext);
            var rootAttributeValue    = attributeValueService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(av =>
                                                                                                        av.Value.Equals(matrixGuidString, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                                                                                        av.Attribute.EntityTypeId == personEntityTypeId

            if (rootAttributeValue?.EntityId == null)

            var rootAttributeCache = AttributeCache.Get(rootAttributeValue.AttributeId);

            if (rootAttributeCache == null)

            // Evaluate the history changes
            var historyChangeList = new History.HistoryChangeList();

            if (AttributeValues == null || !AttributeValues.Any())

            var isDelete = state == EntityState.Deleted;

            foreach (var attributeValue in AttributeValues.Values)
                var attributeCache    = AttributeCache.Get(attributeValue.AttributeId);
                var formattedOldValue = isDelete ? GetHistoryFormattedValue(attributeValue.Value, attributeCache) : string.Empty;
                var formattedNewValue = isDelete ? string.Empty : GetHistoryFormattedValue(attributeValue.Value, attributeCache);
                History.EvaluateChange(historyChangeList, attributeCache.Name, formattedOldValue, formattedNewValue, attributeCache.FieldType.Field.IsSensitive());

            if (!historyChangeList.Any())
                    isDelete ? History.HistoryVerb.Delete : History.HistoryVerb.Add,
                    $"{rootAttributeCache.Name} Item");

            HistoryItems = HistoryService.GetChanges(