Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main Roboto process. Connects to Telegram and processes any updates.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Process()
            DateTime lastUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;

            while (!endLoop)
                //store the time to prevent hammering the service when its down. Pause for a couple of seconds if things are getting toasty
                if (lastUpdate > DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                    Roboto.Settings.stats.logStat(new statItem("Hammering Prevention", typeof(Roboto)));
                    log.log("Too quick, sleeping", logging.loglevel.warn);
                lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

                //TODO - move this code to the webADI class
                string updateURL = Settings.telegramAPIURL + Settings.telegramAPIKey + "/getUpdates" +
                                   "?offset=" + Settings.getUpdateID() +
                                   "&timeout=" + Settings.waitDuration +

                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(updateURL);
                log.log(".", logging.loglevel.low, ConsoleColor.White, true);
                request.Method      = "GET";
                request.ContentType = "application/json";

                    WebResponse webResponse = request.GetResponse();
                    using (Stream webStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream())
                        if (webStream != null)
                            using (StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(webStream))
                                string response = responseReader.ReadToEnd();

                                JObject jo = JObject.Parse(response);

                                string path   = jo.First.Path;
                                string result = jo.First.First.Value <string>();

                                if (path != "ok" || result != "True")
                                    endLoop = true;
                                    log.log("Failure code from web service", logging.loglevel.high);
                                    throw new WebException("Failure code from web service");
                                    int resultID = 0;
                                    //open the response and parse it using JSON. Probably only one result, but should be more?
                                    foreach (JToken token in jo.SelectTokens("result.[*]"))//jo.Children()) //) records[*].data.importedPath"
                                        string logText = Regex.Replace(token.ToString(), @"(\s|\n|\r|\r\n)+", " ");
                                        log.log(logText, logging.loglevel.verbose);

                                        //Find out what kind of message this is.

                                        //TOP LEVEL TOKENS
                                        JToken updateID_TK = token.First;
                                        JToken update_TK   = updateID_TK.Next.First;

                                        //Flag the update ID as processed.
                                        int updateID = updateID_TK.First.Value <int>();
                                        Settings.lastUpdate = updateID;

                                        //is this for a group chat?

                                        long chatID = update_TK.SelectToken("chat.id").Value <long>();

                                        chat chatData = null;
                                        if (chatID < 0)
                                            //find the chat
                                            chatData = Settings.getChat(chatID);
                                            string chatTitle = update_TK.SelectToken("chat.title").Value <string>();
                                            //new chat, add
                                            if (chatData == null)
                                                chatData = Settings.addChat(chatID, chatTitle);
                                            if (chatData == null)
                                                throw new DataMisalignedException("Something went wrong creating the new chat data");

                                        //Do we have an incoming message?
                                        if (update_TK.Path == "result[" + resultID.ToString() + "].message" && update_TK.SelectToken(".text") != null)
                                            //prevent delays - its sent something valid back to us so we are probably OK.
                                            lastUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                            if (chatData != null)

                                            message m = new message(update_TK);

                                            //now decide what to do with this stuff.
                                            bool processed = false;

                                            //check if this is an expected reply, and if so route it to the

                                            //TODO - call plugins in some kind of priority order
                                            foreach (Modules.RobotoModuleTemplate plugin in settings.plugins)
                                                //Skip this message if the chat is muted.
                                                if (plugin.chatHook && (chatData == null || (chatData.muted == false || plugin.chatIfMuted)))
                                                    if ((!processed || plugin.chatEvenIfAlreadyMatched))
                                                        processed = plugin.chatEvent(m, chatData);
                                            log.log("No text in update", logging.loglevel.verbose);
                                        //dont know what other update types we want to monitor?
                                        //TODO - leave / kicked / chat deleted

                                    //check that all players have been sent a message, if there is one in the stack. This is to double check that if e.g. a game is cancelled the player doesnt get stuck
                catch (System.Net.WebException e)
                    log.log("Web Service Timeout during getUpdates: " + e.ToString(), logging.loglevel.high);
                    Settings.stats.logStat(new statItem("BotAPI Timeouts", typeof(Roboto)));

                catch (Exception e)
                        log.log("Exception caught at main loop. " + e.ToString(), logging.loglevel.critical, ConsoleColor.White, false, false, false, false, 2);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Error During LOGGING! Original Error was");
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Logging Error was");
