Example #1
 private static void AddDateRangeColumn(DataTable tb, string StartYm, string EndYm)
         int monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(StartYm, EndYm);
         for (int i = 0; i < monthsBetween; i++)
             string text = StringRule.YmAddMonths(StartYm, i);
             tb.Columns.Add("PlanMoneyYm_" + text, typeof(decimal));
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw exception;
Example #2
 public void RefreshDateRange()
         CostBudgetPageRule.ClearFieldValue(this.tb, new string[] { "PlanDataHtml" });
         int num = -1;
         if ((this.StartYm != "") && (this.EndYm != ""))
             foreach (DataRow row in this.tb.Rows)
                 string text          = "";
                 string text2         = row["RecordType"].ToString();
                 string text3         = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]);
                 string text4         = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]);
                 string text5         = ConvertRule.ToString(row["FullCode"]);
                 string text6         = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ParentCode"]);
                 string text7         = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ClassTd"]);
                 int    monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
                 for (int i = 0; i < monthsBetween; i++)
                     string text8  = StringRule.YmAddMonths(this.StartYm, i);
                     string text10 = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}-{1}-01", text8.Substring(0, 4), text8.Substring(4, 2))).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                     string text11 = "PlanMoneyYm_" + text8;
                     string text12 = StringRule.BuildShowNumberString(row[text11]);
                     if (this.ReadOnly)
                         text = text + string.Format("<td align=right nowrap class=\"{1}\">{0}</td>", text12, text7);
                 row["PlanDataHtml"] = text;
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw exception;
Example #3
 public void ResetDateTitleHtml()
         this.m_DateTitleHtml1 = "";
         this.m_DateTitleHtml2 = "";
         if ((this.StartYm != "") && (this.EndYm != ""))
             int monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
             for (int i = 0; i < monthsBetween; i++)
                 string text = StringRule.YmAddMonths(this.StartYm, i);
                 this.m_DateTitleHtml2 = this.m_DateTitleHtml2 + string.Format("<th align=center nowrap>{0}年{1}月</th>", text.Substring(0, 4), text.Substring(4, 2));
             this.m_DateTitleHtml1 = string.Format("<th colspan=\"{0}\">预计发生</th>", monthsBetween);
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw exception;
Example #4
 public void RefreshDateRange()
         CostBudgetPageRule.ClearFieldValue(this.tb, new string[] { "PlanDataHtml" });
         if ((this.StartYm != "") && (this.EndYm != ""))
             foreach (DataRow row in this.tb.Rows)
                 string costCode      = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]);
                 string text2         = "";
                 int    monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
                 for (int i = 0; i < monthsBetween; i++)
                     string text3         = StringRule.YmAddMonths(this.StartYm, i);
                     string s             = string.Format("{0}-{1}-01", text3.Substring(0, 4), text3.Substring(4, 2));
                     string payoutDateEnd = DateTime.Parse(s).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                     string text6         = "PayoutMoneyYm_" + text3;
                     string text8         = GetPayoutHref(StringRule.BuildShowNumberString(row[text6]), costCode, s, payoutDateEnd);
                     if (text8 == "")
                         text2 = text2 + string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", text8);
                         text2 = text2 + string.Format("<td align=right nowrap>{0}</td>", text8);
                 row["PlanDataHtml"] = text2;
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw exception;
Example #5
 private void ReCalcByRelation()
         DataView view = new DataView(this.tb, "", "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
         foreach (DataRowView view2 in view)
             DataRow row = view2.Row;
             if (ConvertRule.ToString(row["FullCode"]) != "")
                 DataRow[] drs           = this.tbPayout.Select("FullCode like '" + ConvertRule.ToString(row["FullCode"]) + "%'");
                 string[]  arrColumnName = new string[] { "PayoutMoney" };
                 decimal[] numArray      = MathRule.SumColumn(drs, arrColumnName);
                 int       index         = -1;
                 foreach (string text in arrColumnName)
                     row[text] = numArray[index];
                 if ((this.StartYm != "") && (this.EndYm != ""))
                     int monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
                     for (int i = 0; i < monthsBetween; i++)
                         string  text2 = StringRule.YmAddMonths(this.StartYm, i);
                         decimal num4  = MathRule.SumColumn(this.tbPayoutYm.Select("FullCode like '" + ConvertRule.ToString(row["FullCode"]) + "%' and PayoutYm = '" + text2 + "'"), "PayoutMoney");
                         row["PayoutMoneyYm_" + text2] = num4;
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw exception;
Example #6
 private void ResetContractDateRange()
         if ((this.StartYm != "") && (this.EndYm != ""))
             string    contractCode;
             string    costCode;
             string    text3;
             string    name;
             DataRow   row3;
             DataRow[] rowArray2;
             int       monthsBetween;
             int       monthCount;
             AddDateRangeColumn(this.tbContract, this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
             AddDateRangeColumn(this.tb, this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
             AddDateRangeColumn(this.tbApportion, this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
             foreach (DataRow row in this.tbContract.Rows)
                 contractCode = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]);
                 costCode     = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]);
                 DataRow[] rowArray = this.tbPayout.Select("ContractCode = '" + contractCode + "' and CostCode='" + costCode + "'");
                 foreach (DataRow row2 in rowArray)
                     text3 = ConvertRule.ToString(row2["PayoutYm"]);
                     name  = "PayoutMoneyYm_" + text3;
                     if (this.tbContract.Columns.Contains(name))
                         decimal totalMoney = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row2["PayoutMoney"]);
                         row[name] = ConvertRule.ToDecimal(row[name]) + totalMoney;
                         this.DoApportion(contractCode, costCode, ConvertRule.ToString(row2["CostBudgetSetCode"]), ConvertRule.ToString(row["RecordType"]), name, totalMoney);
             foreach (DataRow row in this.tbContract.Rows)
                 contractCode = ConvertRule.ToString(row["ContractCode"]);
                 costCode     = ConvertRule.ToString(row["CostCode"]);
                 row3         = null;
                 rowArray2    = this.tb.Select("ContractCode = '" + contractCode + "' and CostCode = '" + costCode + "' and RecordType <> '' and RecordType <> 'Apportion'");
                 if (rowArray2.Length > 0)
                     row3 = rowArray2[0];
                 if (row3 != null)
                     monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
                     for (monthCount = 0; monthCount < monthsBetween; monthCount++)
                         text3      = StringRule.YmAddMonths(this.StartYm, monthCount);
                         name       = "PayoutMoneyYm_" + text3;
                         row3[name] = row[name];
             foreach (DataRow row4 in this.tbApportion.Rows)
                 contractCode = ConvertRule.ToString(row4["ContractCode"]);
                 costCode     = ConvertRule.ToString(row4["CostCode"]);
                 string text5 = ConvertRule.ToString(row4["PBSCode"]);
                 row3      = null;
                 rowArray2 = this.tb.Select("ContractCode = '" + contractCode + "' and CostCode = '" + costCode + "' and PBSCode = '" + text5 + "' and RecordType <> ''");
                 if (rowArray2.Length > 0)
                     row3 = rowArray2[0];
                 if (row3 != null)
                     monthsBetween = StringRule.GetMonthsBetween(this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
                     for (monthCount = 0; monthCount < monthsBetween; monthCount++)
                         text3      = StringRule.YmAddMonths(this.StartYm, monthCount);
                         name       = "PayoutMoneyYm_" + text3;
                         row3[name] = row4[name];
             this.ReCalcByRelation(this.StartYm, this.EndYm);
     catch (Exception exception)
         throw exception;