public async void connection_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO game = message as GameDTO; switch (game.GameState) { case "CHAMP_SELECT": if (this.firstTimeInLobby) { QueueFlag = true; firstTimeInLobby = false; updateStatus("In Champion Select", Accountname); object obj = await connection.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(game.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); if (queueType != QueueTypes.ARAM) { if (Program.championId != "" && Program.championId != "RANDOM") { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.rndSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); await connection.SelectChampion(Enums.championToId(Program.championId)); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } else if (Program.championId == "RANDOM") { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.rndSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); var randAvailableChampsArray = availableChampsArray.Shuffle(); await connection.SelectChampion(randAvailableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } else { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.rndSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); await connection.SelectChampion(availableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } } break; } else { break; } case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInLobby = false; this.updateStatus("(Post Champ Select)", Accountname); break; case "PRE_CHAMP_SELECT": this.updateStatus("(Pre Champ Select)", Accountname); break; case "GAME_START_CLIENT": this.updateStatus("Game client ran", Accountname); break; case "GameClientConnectedToServer": this.updateStatus("Client connected to the server", Accountname); break; case "IN_QUEUE": this.updateStatus("In Queue", Accountname); QueueFlag = true; break; case "TERMINATED": this.updateStatus("Re-entering queue", Accountname); this.firstTimeInQueuePop = true; break; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (this.firstTimeInQueuePop && game.StatusOfParticipants.Contains("1")) { this.updateStatus("Accepted Queue", Accountname); this.firstTimeInQueuePop = false; this.firstTimeInLobby = true; object obj = await this.connection.AcceptPoppedGame(true); break; } else { break; } case "LEAVER_BUSTED": this.updateStatus("Leave busted", Accountname); break; } } else if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { string str = Enumerable.Last <string>((IEnumerable <string>)Enumerable.OrderBy <string, DateTime>(Directory.EnumerateDirectories((this.ipath ?? "") + "RADS\\solutions\\lol_game_client_sln\\releases\\"), (Func <string, DateTime>)(f => new DirectoryInfo(f).CreationTime))) + "\\deploy\\"; LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Game.PlayerCredentialsDto credentials = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = str; startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"" + credentials.ServerIp + " " + credentials.ServerPort + " " + credentials.EncryptionKey + " " + credentials.SummonerId + "\""; updateStatus("Launching League of Legends", Accountname); new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); exeProcess.Exited += exeProcess_Exited; while (exeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { ; } exeProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle; exeProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; })).Start(); } else if (!(message is GameNotification) && !(message is SearchingForMatchNotification)) { if (message is EndOfGameStats) { EndOfGameStats msg = message as EndOfGameStats; LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Matchmaking.MatchMakerParams matchParams = new LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Matchmaking.MatchMakerParams(); if (queueType == QueueTypes.INTRO_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "INTRO"; } else if (queueType == QueueTypes.BEGINNER_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "EASY"; } else if (queueType == QueueTypes.MEDIUM_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "MEDIUM"; } if (sumLevel == 3 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.NORMAL_5x5) { queueType = actualQueueType; } else if (sumLevel == 6 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.ARAM) { queueType = actualQueueType; } else if (sumLevel == 7 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.NORMAL_3x3) { queueType = actualQueueType; } matchParams.QueueIds = new Int32[1] { (int)queueType }; LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Matchmaking.SearchingForMatchNotification m = await connection.AttachToQueue(matchParams); if (m.PlayerJoinFailures == null) { this.updateStatus("In Queue: " + queueType.ToString(), Accountname); } else { try { updateStatus( "Couldn't enter Q - " + m.PlayerJoinFailures.Summoner.Name + " : " + m.PlayerJoinFailures.ReasonFailed, Accountname); } catch (Exception) { mMParams = matchParams; AntiBuster(mMParams); } } } else { if (message.ToString().Contains("EndOfGameStats")) { EndOfGameStats eog = new EndOfGameStats(); connection_OnMessageReceived(sender, eog); exeProcess.Exited -= exeProcess_Exited; exeProcess.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(500); if (exeProcess.Responding) { Process.Start("taskkill /F /IM \"League of Legends.exe\""); } loginPacket = await this.connection.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); archiveSumLevel = sumLevel; sumLevel = loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level; if (sumLevel != archiveSumLevel) { levelUp(); } } } } }
public async void connection_OnMessageReceived(object sender, object message) { if (message is GameDTO) { GameDTO game = message as GameDTO; switch (game.GameState) { case "TEAM_SELECT": if (Program.IsGameCreated == true && Program.LobbyPlayers == Program.maxBots && Program.LobbyOwner.Equals(Accountname) && leader) { Thread.Sleep(2000); this.updateStatus("Start Custom Game", Accountname); await connection.StartChampionSelection(Program.GameID, game.OptimisticLock); } break; case "CHAMP_SELECT": if (this.firstTimeInLobby) { firstTimeInLobby = false; updateStatus("In Champion Select", Accountname); object obj = await connection.SetClientReceivedGameMessage(game.Id, "CHAMP_SELECT_CLIENT"); if (queueType != QueueTypes.ARAM) { if (Program.championId != "" && Program.championId != "RANDOM") { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.rndSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); await connection.SelectChampion(Enums.championToId(Program.championId)); this.updateStatus("Champion Pick : " + Program.championId, this.Accountname); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } else if (Program.championId == "RANDOM") { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.rndSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); var randAvailableChampsArray = availableChampsArray.Shuffle(); await connection.SelectChampion(randAvailableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); this.updateStatus("Random Champion", this.Accountname); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } else { int Spell1; int Spell2; if (!Program.rndSpell) { Spell1 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell1); Spell2 = Enums.spellToId(Program.spell2); } else { var random = new Random(); var spellList = new List <int> { 13, 6, 7, 10, 1, 11, 21, 12, 3, 14, 2, 4 }; int index = random.Next(spellList.Count); int index2 = random.Next(spellList.Count); int randomSpell1 = spellList[index]; int randomSpell2 = spellList[index2]; if (randomSpell1 == randomSpell2) { int index3 = random.Next(spellList.Count); randomSpell2 = spellList[index3]; } Spell1 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell1); Spell2 = Convert.ToInt32(randomSpell2); } await connection.SelectSpells(Spell1, Spell2); await connection.SelectChampion(availableChampsArray.First(champ => champ.Owned || champ.FreeToPlay).ChampionId); this.updateStatus("Random Champion", this.Accountname); await connection.ChampionSelectCompleted(); } } break; } else { break; } case "POST_CHAMP_SELECT": firstTimeInLobby = false; this.updateStatus("(Post Champ Select)", Accountname); break; case "PRE_CHAMP_SELECT": this.updateStatus("(Pre Champ Select)", Accountname); break; case "GAME_START_CLIENT": this.updateStatus("Game client ran", Accountname); break; case "GameClientConnectedToServer": this.updateStatus("Client connected to the server", Accountname); break; case "IN_QUEUE": this.updateStatus("In Queue", Accountname); QueueFlag = true; break; case "TERMINATED": this.firstTimeInQueuePop = true; break; case "JOINING_CHAMP_SELECT": if (this.firstTimeInQueuePop && game.StatusOfParticipants.Contains("1")) { this.updateStatus("Accepted Queue", Accountname); this.firstTimeInQueuePop = false; this.firstTimeInLobby = true; object obj = await this.connection.AcceptPoppedGame(true); break; } else { break; } case "LEAVER_BUSTED": this.updateStatus("Leave busted", Accountname); break; } } else if (message is PlayerCredentialsDto) { string str = ipath + "GAME\\"; LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Game.PlayerCredentialsDto credentials = message as PlayerCredentialsDto; System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = str; startInfo.FileName = "League of Legends.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = "\"8394\" \"LoLLauncher.exe\" \"\" \"" + credentials.ServerIp + " " + credentials.ServerPort + " " + credentials.EncryptionKey + " " + credentials.SummonerId + "\""; updateStatus("Launching League of Legends", Accountname); new Thread((ThreadStart)(() => { exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); exeProcess.Exited += exeProcess_Exited; while (exeProcess.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { ; } exeProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Idle; exeProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; })).Start(); p = true; Program.IsGameCreated = false; totalgame++; } else if (message is EndOfGameStats) { EndOfGameStats eog = message as EndOfGameStats; if (p) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; this.updateStatus("========Result========", this.Accountname); var tempxp = eog.ExperienceEarned + eog.BoostXpEarned; var tempip = eog.IpEarned + eog.BoostIpEarned; ip = ip + tempip; xp = xp + tempxp; bool tempvic = false; var allParticipants = new List <PlayerParticipantStatsSummary>(eog.TeamPlayerParticipantStats.ToArray()); foreach (PlayerParticipantStatsSummary summary in allParticipants) { foreach (RawStatDTO stat in summary.Statistics.Where(stat => stat.StatTypeName.ToLower() == "win")) { if (summary.SummonerName == loginPacket.AllSummonerData.Summoner.Name) { win++; tempvic = true; } } } if (tempvic) { this.updateStatus("Victory!", this.Accountname); } else { this.updateStatus("Defeat!", this.Accountname); } this.updateStatus("IP Earned: " + tempip, this.Accountname); this.updateStatus("XP Earned: " + tempxp, this.Accountname); var winrate = (win / totalgame) * 100; this.updateStatus("Win Rate: " + winrate + "%" + "(Win: " + win + " TotalGame: " + totalgame + ")", this.Accountname); if (loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level < 30) { var xpnextlevel = loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.ExpToNextLevel; this.updateStatus("Exp to Next Level : " + xpnextlevel, this.Accountname); } this.updateStatus("====================", this.Accountname); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Title = " Current Connected: " + Program.connectedAccs + " Total IP: " + ip + " Total XP:" + xp + " Total Game: " + totalgame + " WinRate: " + winrate + "%"; exeProcess.Exited -= exeProcess_Exited; exeProcess.Kill(); p = false; loginPacket = await this.connection.GetLoginDataPacketForUser(); archiveSumLevel = sumLevel; sumLevel = loginPacket.AllSummonerData.SummonerLevel.Level; if (sumLevel != archiveSumLevel) { levelUp(); } this.updateStatus("Re-entering queue", Accountname); } if (queueType == QueueTypes.CUSTOM_DOM_3x3 || queueType == QueueTypes.CUSTOM_HA_3x3) { if (Program.IsGameCreated == false && leader) { PracticeGameConfig cfg = new PracticeGameConfig(); BotParticipant bcg = new BotParticipant(); GameMap map = new GameMap(); if (queueType == QueueTypes.CUSTOM_DOM_3x3) { map.Description = "desc"; map.DisplayName = "Crystal Scar"; map.TotalPlayers = 6; map.Name = "Crystal Scar"; map.MapId = (int)GameMode.Dominion; map.MinCustomPlayers = 1; cfg.GameMode = StringEnum.GetStringValue(GameMode.Dominion); } else { map.Description = "desc"; map.DisplayName = "Howling Abyss"; map.TotalPlayers = 6; map.Name = "Howling Abyss"; map.MapId = (int)GameMode.HowlingAbyss; map.MinCustomPlayers = 1; cfg.GameMode = StringEnum.GetStringValue(GameMode.HowlingAbyss); } cfg.GameName = RandomString(10); cfg.GamePassword = "******"; cfg.GameMap = map; cfg.MaxNumPlayers = 6; cfg.GameTypeConfig = 1; cfg.AllowSpectators = "NONE"; GameDTO result = await connection.CreatePracticeGame(cfg); // Custom game has been created; Program.IsGameCreated = true; Program.GameID = result.Id; Program.LobbyOwner = Accountname; Program.LobbyPlayers = 1; // Notify updateStatus(" Game [" + Program.GameID + "] has been created. Lobby password: "******"Waiting Leader Create Room", Accountname); } while (!Program.IsGameCreated); if (Program.IsGameCreated == true && Program.LobbyOwner != Accountname && Program.LobbyPlayers < Program.maxBots && !leader) { Program.LobbyPlayers++; await connection.JoinGame(Program.GameID, "Paruru"); updateStatus(" Player has joined the lobby! Players: [" + Program.LobbyPlayers + "/" + Program.maxBots + "]", Accountname); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } } } else { LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Matchmaking.MatchMakerParams matchParams = new LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Matchmaking.MatchMakerParams(); if (queueType == QueueTypes.INTRO_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "INTRO"; } else if (queueType == QueueTypes.BEGINNER_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "EASY"; } else if (queueType == QueueTypes.MEDIUM_BOT) { matchParams.BotDifficulty = "MEDIUM"; } if (sumLevel == 3 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.NORMAL_5x5) { queueType = actualQueueType; } else if (sumLevel == 6 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.ARAM) { queueType = actualQueueType; } else if (sumLevel == 7 && actualQueueType == QueueTypes.NORMAL_3x3) { queueType = actualQueueType; } matchParams.QueueIds = new Int32[1] { (int)queueType }; LoLLauncher.RiotObjects.Platform.Matchmaking.SearchingForMatchNotification m = await connection.AttachToQueue(matchParams); if (m.PlayerJoinFailures == null) { this.updateStatus("In Queue: " + queueType.ToString(), Accountname); } else { foreach (QueueDodger current in m.PlayerJoinFailures) { if (current.ReasonFailed == "LEAVER_BUSTED") { m_accessToken = current.AccessToken; if (current.LeaverPenaltyMillisRemaining > this.m_leaverBustedPenalty) { this.m_leaverBustedPenalty = current.LeaverPenaltyMillisRemaining; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_accessToken)) { this.updateStatus("Waiting For Leaver Busted: " + (float)(this.m_leaverBustedPenalty / 1000) / 60f + " Minute", this.Accountname); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)this.m_leaverBustedPenalty)); m = await connection.AttachToLowPriorityQueue(matchParams, this.m_accessToken); if (m.PlayerJoinFailures == null) { this.updateStatus("In Queue: " + queueType.ToString(), this.Accountname); } else { this.updateStatus("There was an error in joining lower priority queue.\nDisconnecting.", this.Accountname); this.connection.Disconnect(); } } } } } else { } }