Example #1
        protected async Task InternalCreateIRD(string savePath, CancellationToken cancellation, string isoPath = null)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[Utilities.SectorSize];

            List <FileHash> fileList = new List <FileHash>();

                // First, get the partition table of this iso
                using (Stream fs = Open())
                    if (fs == null)
                    PS3CDReader reader = new PS3CDReader(fs);
                    List <DirectoryMemberInformation> files = reader.Members.Where(d => d.IsFile).Distinct().ToList();
                    StartOfDataSector = files.First().StartSector;
                    EndOfDataSector   = files.Last().StartSector + files.Last().TotalSectors;

                    var updateFile = files.FirstOrDefault(
                        d => d.Path.Equals("/PS3_UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    long updateOffset = updateFile != null ? updateFile.StartSector * Utilities.SectorSize : 0;

                    fileList.AddRange(files.Select(d => new FileHash(d.StartSector, d.Length)));

                    if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)

                    IrdFile irdFile = IrdFile.New();

                    using (Stream s = reader.OpenFile("PS3_GAME\\PARAM.SFO", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        ParamSfo sfo = ParamSfo.Load(s);
                        irdFile.AppVersion  = sfo.GetStringValue("APP_VER");
                        irdFile.GameVersion = sfo.GetStringValue("VERSION");
                        irdFile.GameID      = sfo.GetStringValue("TITLE_ID");
                        irdFile.GameName    = sfo.GetStringValue("TITLE");

                    Interaction.Instance.ReportMessage("Processing " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(irdFile.GameName)
                                                                            ? irdFile.GameID
                                                                            : irdFile.GameName));

                    irdFile.UpdateVersion = Utilities.FindUpdateVersion(fs, updateOffset);

                    using (FileStream isoStream = string.IsNullOrEmpty(isoPath)
                                                      ? null
                                                      : new FileStream(isoPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                        if (isoStream != null)
                            isoStream.SetLength(TotalSectors * Utilities.SectorSize);

                        using (IOStream ioStream = new IOStream(fs, isoStream))
                            ioStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            // Read the header, until StartOfDataSector (in sectors)
                            irdFile.Header = new MemoryStream();
                            for (int i = 0; i < StartOfDataSector; i++)
                                int bytesRead = ioStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                                irdFile.Header.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                                if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)

                            // Fix the regions for the actual interesting data
                            Regions.First().Start   = (uint)StartOfDataSector;
                            Regions.First().Length -= (uint)StartOfDataSector;
                            Regions.Last().Length   = (uint)EndOfDataSector - Regions.Last().Start;

                            // Now, we should calculate the md5 sums of all regions
                            Interaction.Instance.ReportMessage("Calculating hashes for " + Regions.Length + " regions.");
                            for (int i = 0; i < Regions.Length; i++)
                                // Calculate the hash
                                    "Calculate hash for region " + i + " (" + Regions[i].Start.ToString("X2") + "-" +
                                    Regions[i].End.ToString("X2") + ")");

                                ioStream.Seek(Regions[i].Start * Utilities.SectorSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                                using (FileHashStream fhs = new FileHashStream(fileList, Regions[i].Start))
                                    await Regions[i].CopyRegion(cancellation, ioStream, fhs);
                                    if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    Interaction.Instance.ReportMessage("Region " + i + " hash: " +

                            ioStream.Seek(EndOfDataSector * Utilities.SectorSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            irdFile.Footer = new MemoryStream();
                            for (long i = EndOfDataSector; i < TotalSectors; i++)
                                int bytesRead = ioStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                                irdFile.Footer.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                                Interaction.Instance.ReportProgress((int)(ioStream.Position / Utilities.SectorSize));
                                if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                    irdFile.FileHashes = fileList.ToDictionary(t => t.StartSector, t => t.Hash);
                    Interaction.Instance.ReportMessage("All done, IRD file saved to " + savePath);
            catch (BadReadException e)
                Interaction.Instance.ReportMessage(e.Message, ReportType.Fail);
            catch (AuthenticationException e)
                Interaction.Instance.ReportMessage(e.Message, ReportType.Fail);
Example #2
        public static IrdFile Load(string path)
            Exception ex = null;

            bool    update_ird_file = false;
            IrdFile ird             = new IrdFile();

                ird.FullPath = path;
                using (Stream s = Open(path))
                    using (CrcCalculatorStream crc = new CrcCalculatorStream(s, true))
                        using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(crc))
                            // Read magic
                            byte[] magic = br.ReadBytes(4);
                            if (magic.AsString() != MAGIC.AsString())
                                ex = new FileLoadException("Invalid IRD file", path);
                                throw ex;

                            // Read version
                            ird.Version = br.ReadByte();
                            if (ird.Version != IrdVersion)
                                if (!CompatibleVersions.Any(v => v == ird.Version))
                                    ex = new FileLoadException("Unsupported IRD file version (Found version " + ird.Version + ")",
                                    throw ex;
                                update_ird_file = true;

                            ird.gameId   = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(br.ReadBytes(9)).Trim('\0');
                            ird.GameName = br.ReadString();

                            // Read version of update file
                            byte[] update = br.ReadBytes(4);
                            ird.UpdateVersion = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(update).Trim('\0');

                            // Read the gameversion
                            byte[] gameVersion = br.ReadBytes(5);
                            ird.GameVersion = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(gameVersion).Trim('\0');

                            byte[] appVersion = br.ReadBytes(5);
                            ird.AppVersion = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(appVersion).Trim('\0');

                            // Read header and footer sectors
                            ird.Header = br.Uncompress();
                            ird.Footer = br.Uncompress();

                            // Read region hashes
                            int amountOfHashes = br.ReadByte();
                            for (int i = 0; i < amountOfHashes; i++)
                                byte[] hash = br.ReadBytes(0x10);

                            // Read file hashes
                            int amountOfFiles = br.ReadInt32();
                            ird.FileHashes = new Dictionary <long, byte[]>(amountOfFiles);
                            for (int i = 0; i < amountOfFiles; i++)
                                long   sector = br.ReadInt64();
                                byte[] hash   = br.ReadBytes(0x10);

                                ird.FileHashes.Add(sector, hash);

                            // Read amount of attachments and extra config fields
                            int extraConfig = br.ReadUInt16();
                            int attachments = br.ReadUInt16();

                            // Yes, we don't use these for now, but we might in the future

                            ird.Data1 = br.ReadBytes(0x10);
                            ird.Data2 = br.ReadBytes(0x10);
                            ird.PIC   = br.ReadBytes(0x73);
                        ird.Crc = (uint)crc.Crc;
                    byte[] crcValue = new byte[4];
                    s.Read(crcValue, 0, 4);
                    if (ird.Crc != BitConverter.ToUInt32(crcValue, 0))
                        ex = new FileLoadException("Invalid CRC value in the IRD file", path);
                        throw ex;
                if (update_ird_file)
                    Interaction.Instance.ReportMessage("Updating IRD file to latest version: " + Path.GetFileName(path));

            catch (ZlibException)
                // Annoying bug in the zlib decompression of Ionic.Zip
                if (ex != null)
                    throw ex;
            catch (EndOfStreamException e)
                throw new FileLoadException("Unexpected end of IRD file", path, e);