public float GetValue(RecordDef def) { float num = records[def]; if (def.type == RecordType.Int || def.type == RecordType.Time) { return(Mathf.Round(num)); } return(num); }
public void Increment(RecordDef def) { if (def.type != RecordType.Int) { Log.Error("Tried to increment record \"" + def.defName + "\" whose record type is \"" + def.type + "\"."); } else { records[def] = Mathf.Round(records[def] + 1f); } }
public void AddTo(RecordDef def, float value) { if (def.type == RecordType.Int) { records[def] = Mathf.Round(records[def] + Mathf.Round(value)); return; } if (def.type == RecordType.Float) { records[def] += value; return; } Log.Error(string.Concat("Tried to add value to record \"", def.defName, "\" whose record type is \"", def.type, "\".")); }
public float GetValue(RecordDef def) { float num = this.records[def]; float result; if (def.type == RecordType.Int || def.type == RecordType.Time) { result = Mathf.Round(num); } else { result = num; } return(result); }
public void AddTo(RecordDef def, float value) { if (def.type == RecordType.Int) { records[def] = Mathf.Round(records[def] + Mathf.Round(value)); } else if (def.type == RecordType.Float) { records[def] += value; } else { Log.Error("Tried to add value to record \"" + def.defName + "\" whose record type is \"" + def.type + "\"."); } }
public void Increment(RecordDef def) { if (def.type != RecordType.Int) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Tried to increment record \"", def.defName, "\" whose record type is \"", def.type, "\"." })); return; } this.records[def] = Mathf.Round(this.records[def] + 1f); }
public void AddTo(RecordDef def, float value) { if (def.type == RecordType.Int) { this.records[def] = Mathf.Round(this.records[def] + Mathf.Round(value)); } else if (def.type == RecordType.Float) { DefMap <RecordDef, float> defMap; RecordDef def2; (defMap = this.records)[def2 = def] = defMap[def2] + value; } else { Log.Error("Tried to add value to record \"" + def.defName + "\" whose record type is \"" + def.type + "\"."); } }
private static float DrawRecord(float x, float y, float width, RecordDef record, Pawn pawn) { float num = width * 0.45f; string text = (record.type != 0) ? pawn.records.GetValue(record).ToString("0.##") : pawn.records.GetAsInt(record).ToStringTicksToPeriod(); Rect rect = new Rect(8f, y, width, Text.CalcHeight(text, num)); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect); } Rect rect2 = rect; rect2.width -= num; Widgets.Label(rect2, record.LabelCap); Rect rect3 = rect; rect3.x = rect2.xMax; rect3.width = num; Widgets.Label(rect3, text); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, new TipSignal(() => record.description, record.GetHashCode())); return(rect.height); }
public void AddTo(RecordDef def, float value) { if (def.type == RecordType.Int) { this.records[def] = Mathf.Round(this.records[def] + Mathf.Round(value)); } else if (def.type == RecordType.Float) { DefMap <RecordDef, float> defMap; (defMap = this.records)[def] = defMap[def] + value; } else { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Tried to add value to record \"", def.defName, "\" whose record type is \"", def.type, "\"." }), false); } }
public int GetAsInt(RecordDef def) { return(Mathf.RoundToInt(this.records[def])); }