// copy-paste from WorkGiver_CleanFilth public bool HasJobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { bool result; if (pawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { result = false; } else { Filth filth = t as Filth; if (filth == null) { result = false; } else if (!filth.Map.areaManager.Home[filth.Position] || !ForbidUtility.InAllowedArea(filth.Position, pawn)) { result = false; } else { LocalTargetInfo target = t; result = (pawn.CanReserve(target, 1, -1, null, forced) && filth.TicksSinceThickened >= this.MinTicksSinceThickened); } } return(result); }
public static bool IsForbiddenEntirely(this Region r, Pawn pawn) { if (!ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(pawn, true)) { return(false); } if (pawn.playerSettings != null) { Area effectiveAreaRestriction = pawn.playerSettings.EffectiveAreaRestriction; if (effectiveAreaRestriction != null && effectiveAreaRestriction.TrueCount > 0 && effectiveAreaRestriction.Map == r.Map && r.OverlapWith(effectiveAreaRestriction) == AreaOverlap.None) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static bool IsForbidden(this IntVec3 c, Pawn pawn) { if (!ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(pawn, true)) { return(false); } if (!c.InAllowedArea(pawn)) { return(true); } if (pawn.mindState.maxDistToSquadFlag > 0.0 && !c.InHorDistOf(pawn.DutyLocation(), pawn.mindState.maxDistToSquadFlag)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool IsForbiddenToPass(this Thing t, Pawn pawn) { if (!ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(pawn, false)) { return(false); } if (t.Spawned && t.Position.IsForbidden(pawn) && !(t is Building_Door)) { return(true); } if (t.IsForbidden(pawn.Faction)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool IsForbidden(this Thing t, Pawn pawn) { if (!ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(pawn, false)) { return(false); } if (t.Spawned && t.Position.IsForbidden(pawn)) { return(true); } if (t.IsForbidden(pawn.Faction) || t.IsForbidden(pawn.HostFaction)) { return(true); } Lord lord = pawn.GetLord(); return(lord != null && lord.extraForbiddenThings.Contains(t)); }
public static Thing BestFoodSourceOnMap(Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out ThingDef foodDef, FoodPreferability maxPref = FoodPreferability.MealLavish, bool allowPlant = true, bool allowDrug = true, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowDispenserFull = true, bool allowDispenserEmpty = true, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false) { foodDef = null; bool getterCanManipulate = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser && getter.health.capacities.CapableOf(PawnCapacityDefOf.Manipulation); if (!getterCanManipulate && getter != eater) { Log.Error(getter + " tried to find food to bring to " + eater + " but " + getter + " is incapable of Manipulation."); return(null); } FoodPreferability minPref; if (eater.NonHumanlikeOrWildMan()) { minPref = FoodPreferability.NeverForNutrition; } else if (desperate) { minPref = FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly; } else { minPref = (FoodPreferability)(((int)eater.needs.food.CurCategory <= 2) ? 4 : 6); } Predicate <Thing> foodValidator = delegate(Thing t) { if (!allowForbidden && t.IsForbidden(getter)) { return(false); } Building_NutrientPasteDispenser building_NutrientPasteDispenser = t as Building_NutrientPasteDispenser; if (building_NutrientPasteDispenser != null) { if (allowDispenserFull && (int)ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste.ingestible.preferability >= (int)minPref && (int)ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste.ingestible.preferability <= (int)maxPref && getterCanManipulate && !getter.IsWildMan() && (t.Faction == getter.Faction || t.Faction == getter.HostFaction) && building_NutrientPasteDispenser.powerComp.PowerOn && (allowDispenserEmpty || building_NutrientPasteDispenser.HasEnoughFeedstockInHoppers()) && FoodUtility.IsFoodSourceOnMapSociallyProper(t, getter, eater, allowSociallyImproper) && t.InteractionCell.Standable(t.Map) && getter.Map.reachability.CanReachNonLocal(getter.Position, new TargetInfo(t.InteractionCell, t.Map, false), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Some, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false))) { goto IL_025e; } return(false); } if ((int)t.def.ingestible.preferability < (int)minPref) { return(false); } if ((int)t.def.ingestible.preferability > (int)maxPref) { return(false); } if (t.IngestibleNow && t.def.IsNutritionGivingIngestible && (allowCorpse || !(t is Corpse)) && (allowDrug || !t.def.IsDrug) && (desperate || !t.IsNotFresh()) && !t.IsDessicated() && eater.RaceProps.WillAutomaticallyEat(t) && FoodUtility.IsFoodSourceOnMapSociallyProper(t, getter, eater, allowSociallyImproper) && getter.AnimalAwareOf(t) && getter.CanReserve(t, 1, -1, null, false)) { goto IL_025e; } return(false); IL_025e: return(true); }; ThingRequest thingRequest = ((eater.RaceProps.foodType & (FoodTypeFlags.Plant | FoodTypeFlags.Tree)) == FoodTypeFlags.None || !allowPlant) ? ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.FoodSourceNotPlantOrTree) : ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.FoodSource); Thing bestThing; if (getter.RaceProps.Humanlike) { Pawn eater2 = eater; IntVec3 position = getter.Position; List <Thing> searchSet = getter.Map.listerThings.ThingsMatching(thingRequest); PathEndMode peMode = PathEndMode.ClosestTouch; TraverseParms traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); Predicate <Thing> validator = foodValidator; bestThing = FoodUtility.SpawnedFoodSearchInnerScan(eater2, position, searchSet, peMode, traverseParams, 9999f, validator); if (allowHarvest && getterCanManipulate) { Thing thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(getter.Position, getter.Map, ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.HarvestablePlant), PathEndMode.Touch, TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false), 9999f, delegate(Thing x) { Plant plant = (Plant)x; if (!plant.HarvestableNow) { return(false); } ThingDef harvestedThingDef = plant.def.plant.harvestedThingDef; if (!harvestedThingDef.IsNutritionGivingIngestible) { return(false); } if (!getter.CanReserve(plant, 1, -1, null, false)) { return(false); } if (!allowForbidden && plant.IsForbidden(getter)) { return(false); } if (bestThing != null && (int)FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing, false).ingestible.preferability >= (int)harvestedThingDef.ingestible.preferability) { return(false); } return(true); }, null, 0, 30, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, false); if (thing != null) { bestThing = thing; foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing, true); } } if (foodDef == null && bestThing != null) { foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing, false); } } else { int searchRegionsMax = 30; if (getter.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { searchRegionsMax = 100; } FoodUtility.filtered.Clear(); foreach (Thing item in GenRadial.RadialDistinctThingsAround(getter.Position, getter.Map, 2f, true)) { Pawn pawn = item as Pawn; if (pawn != null && pawn != getter && pawn.RaceProps.Animal && pawn.CurJob != null && pawn.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.Ingest && pawn.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).HasThing) { FoodUtility.filtered.Add(pawn.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing); } } bool flag = !allowForbidden && ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(getter, true) && getter.playerSettings != null && getter.playerSettings.EffectiveAreaRestrictionInPawnCurrentMap != null; Predicate <Thing> predicate = delegate(Thing t) { if (!foodValidator(t)) { return(false); } if (FoodUtility.filtered.Contains(t)) { return(false); } if (!(t is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser) && (int)t.def.ingestible.preferability <= 2) { return(false); } if (t.IsNotFresh()) { return(false); } return(true); }; IntVec3 position = getter.Position; Map map = getter.Map; ThingRequest thingReq = thingRequest; PathEndMode peMode = PathEndMode.ClosestTouch; TraverseParms traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); Predicate <Thing> validator = predicate; bool ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions = flag; bestThing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(position, map, thingReq, peMode, traverseParams, 9999f, validator, null, 0, searchRegionsMax, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions); FoodUtility.filtered.Clear(); if (bestThing == null) { desperate = true; position = getter.Position; map = getter.Map; thingReq = thingRequest; peMode = PathEndMode.ClosestTouch; traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.ByPawn, false); validator = foodValidator; ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions = flag; bestThing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(position, map, thingReq, peMode, traverseParams, 9999f, validator, null, 0, searchRegionsMax, false, RegionType.Set_Passable, ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions); } if (bestThing != null) { foodDef = FoodUtility.GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing, false); } } return(bestThing); }
public static bool IsForbiddenToPass(this Building_Door t, Pawn pawn) { return(ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(pawn, false) && t.IsForbidden(pawn.Faction)); }
public static Thing BestFoodSourceOnMap(Pawn getter, Pawn eater, bool desperate, out ThingDef foodDef, FoodPreferability maxPref = FoodPreferability.MealLavish, bool allowPlant = true, bool allowDrug = true, bool allowCorpse = true, bool allowDispenserFull = true, bool allowDispenserEmpty = true, bool allowForbidden = false, bool allowSociallyImproper = false, bool allowHarvest = false, bool forceScanWholeMap = false, bool ignoreReservations = false, FoodPreferability minPrefOverride = FoodPreferability.Undefined) { foodDef = null; bool getterCanManipulate = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser && getter.health.capacities.CapableOf(PawnCapacityDefOf.Manipulation); if (!getterCanManipulate && getter != eater) { Log.Error(string.Concat(getter, " tried to find food to bring to ", eater, " but ", getter, " is incapable of Manipulation.")); return(null); } FoodPreferability minPref; if (minPrefOverride == FoodPreferability.Undefined) { if (eater.NonHumanlikeOrWildMan()) { minPref = FoodPreferability.NeverForNutrition; } else if (desperate) { minPref = FoodPreferability.DesperateOnly; } else { minPref = (((int)eater.needs.food.CurCategory >= 2) ? FoodPreferability.RawBad : FoodPreferability.MealAwful); } } else { minPref = minPrefOverride; } Predicate <Thing> foodValidator = delegate(Thing t) { Building_NutrientPasteDispenser building_NutrientPasteDispenser = t as Building_NutrientPasteDispenser; if (building_NutrientPasteDispenser != null) { if (!allowDispenserFull || !getterCanManipulate || (int)ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste.ingestible.preferability < (int)minPref || (int)ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste.ingestible.preferability > (int)maxPref || !eater.WillEat(ThingDefOf.MealNutrientPaste, getter) || (t.Faction != getter.Faction && t.Faction != getter.HostFaction) || (!allowForbidden && t.IsForbidden(getter)) || !building_NutrientPasteDispenser.powerComp.PowerOn || (!allowDispenserEmpty && !building_NutrientPasteDispenser.HasEnoughFeedstockInHoppers()) || !t.InteractionCell.Standable(t.Map) || !IsFoodSourceOnMapSociallyProper(t, getter, eater, allowSociallyImproper) || !getter.Map.reachability.CanReachNonLocal(getter.Position, new TargetInfo(t.InteractionCell, t.Map), PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseParms.For(getter, Danger.Some))) { return(false); } } else { int stackCount = 1; if (bestFoodSourceOnMap_minNutrition_NewTemp.HasValue) { float statValue = t.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition); stackCount = StackCountForNutrition(bestFoodSourceOnMap_minNutrition_NewTemp.Value, statValue); } if ((int)t.def.ingestible.preferability < (int)minPref || (int)t.def.ingestible.preferability > (int)maxPref || !eater.WillEat(t, getter) || !t.def.IsNutritionGivingIngestible || !t.IngestibleNow || (!allowCorpse && t is Corpse) || (!allowDrug && t.def.IsDrug) || (!allowForbidden && t.IsForbidden(getter)) || (!desperate && t.IsNotFresh()) || t.IsDessicated() || !IsFoodSourceOnMapSociallyProper(t, getter, eater, allowSociallyImproper) || (!getter.AnimalAwareOf(t) && !forceScanWholeMap) || (!ignoreReservations && !getter.CanReserve(t, 10, stackCount))) { return(false); } } return(true); }; ThingRequest thingRequest = ((!((eater.RaceProps.foodType & (FoodTypeFlags.Plant | FoodTypeFlags.Tree)) != 0 && allowPlant)) ? ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.FoodSourceNotPlantOrTree) : ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.FoodSource)); Thing bestThing; if (getter.RaceProps.Humanlike) { bestThing = SpawnedFoodSearchInnerScan(eater, getter.Position, getter.Map.listerThings.ThingsMatching(thingRequest), PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(getter), 9999f, foodValidator); if (allowHarvest && getterCanManipulate) { Thing thing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(searchRegionsMax : (!forceScanWholeMap || bestThing != null) ? 30 : (-1), root : getter.Position, map : getter.Map, thingReq : ThingRequest.ForGroup(ThingRequestGroup.HarvestablePlant), peMode : PathEndMode.Touch, traverseParams : TraverseParms.For(getter), maxDistance : 9999f, validator : delegate(Thing x) { Plant plant = (Plant)x; if (!plant.HarvestableNow) { return(false); } ThingDef harvestedThingDef = plant.def.plant.harvestedThingDef; if (!harvestedThingDef.IsNutritionGivingIngestible) { return(false); } if (!eater.WillEat(harvestedThingDef, getter)) { return(false); } if (!getter.CanReserve(plant)) { return(false); } if (!allowForbidden && plant.IsForbidden(getter)) { return(false); } return((bestThing == null || (int)GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing).ingestible.preferability < (int)harvestedThingDef.ingestible.preferability) ? true : false); }); if (thing != null) { bestThing = thing; foodDef = GetFinalIngestibleDef(thing, harvest: true); } } if (foodDef == null && bestThing != null) { foodDef = GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing); } } else { int maxRegionsToScan = GetMaxRegionsToScan(getter, forceScanWholeMap); filtered.Clear(); foreach (Thing item in GenRadial.RadialDistinctThingsAround(getter.Position, getter.Map, 2f, useCenter: true)) { Pawn pawn = item as Pawn; if (pawn != null && pawn != getter && pawn.RaceProps.Animal && pawn.CurJob != null && pawn.CurJob.def == JobDefOf.Ingest && pawn.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).HasThing) { filtered.Add(pawn.CurJob.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing); } } bool ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions = !allowForbidden && ForbidUtility.CaresAboutForbidden(getter, cellTarget: true) && getter.playerSettings != null && getter.playerSettings.EffectiveAreaRestrictionInPawnCurrentMap != null; Predicate <Thing> validator = delegate(Thing t) { if (!foodValidator(t)) { return(false); } if (filtered.Contains(t)) { return(false); } if (!(t is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser) && (int)t.def.ingestible.preferability <= 2) { return(false); } return((!t.IsNotFresh()) ? true : false); }; bestThing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(getter.Position, getter.Map, thingRequest, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(getter), 9999f, validator, null, 0, maxRegionsToScan, forceAllowGlobalSearch: false, RegionType.Set_Passable, ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions); filtered.Clear(); if (bestThing == null) { desperate = true; bestThing = GenClosest.ClosestThingReachable(getter.Position, getter.Map, thingRequest, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, TraverseParms.For(getter), 9999f, foodValidator, null, 0, maxRegionsToScan, forceAllowGlobalSearch: false, RegionType.Set_Passable, ignoreEntirelyForbiddenRegions); } if (bestThing != null) { foodDef = GetFinalIngestibleDef(bestThing); } } return(bestThing); }