Example #1
 public static Point4d ToCore(this RG.Point4d pt)
     return(new Point4d(pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z, pt.W));
Example #2
        public CurveConverter(Point3dConverter ptConv, ArcConverter arcConv, LineConverter lineConv)
            //to convert ArcCurves
            AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rh.ArcCurve, pp.Arc>(
                             (rhArc) => { return(arcConv.ToPipe <rh.Arc, pp.Arc>(rhArc.Arc)); },
                             (ppArc) => { return(new rh.ArcCurve(arcConv.FromPipe <rh.Arc, pp.Arc>(ppArc))); }
            //to convert LineCurves
            AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rh.LineCurve, pp.Line>(
                             (rhLine) => { return(lineConv.ToPipe <rh.Line, pp.Line>(rhLine.Line)); },
                             (ppLine) => { return(new rh.LineCurve(lineConv.FromPipe <rh.Line, pp.Line>(ppLine))); }
            //to convert polyline curves
            AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rh.PolylineCurve, pp.Polyline>(
                             (rhpl) =>
                List <ppg.Vec> ptList = new List <ppg.Vec>();
                int ptCount           = rhpl.PointCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; i++)
                    ptList.Add(ptConv.ToPipe <rh.Point3d, ppg.Vec>(rhpl.Point(i)));
                return(new pp.Polyline(ptList));
                             (ppl) =>
                List <rh.Point3d> ptList = new List <rh.Point3d>();
                foreach (var pt in ppl.Points)
                    ptList.Add(ptConv.FromPipe <rh.Point3d, ppg.Vec>(pt));
                return(new rh.PolylineCurve(ptList));
            //to convert nurbs curves
            AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rh.NurbsCurve, pp.NurbsCurve>(
                             (rhc) => {
                pp.NurbsCurve curve;

                 * if the curve is closed, the internal NurbsCurve datastructure stores too many points in the
                 * array, in order to loop around to the next knot, we want to take a smaller list in that case
                //rebuilding the curve just in case.. if there is something weird about the curve
                var rhc2 = rhc.Rebuild(rhc.Points.Count, rhc.Degree, true);
                rhc      = rhc2 ?? rhc;

                int controlPtsNum = rhc.IsClosed ? rhc.Points.Count - (rhc.IsPeriodic ? rhc.Degree : 1)
                            : rhc.Points.Count;
                List <ppg.Vec> ptList = rhc.Points.Take(controlPtsNum).Select(
                    (pt) => ptConv.ToPipe <rh.Point3d, ppg.Vec>(pt.Location)).ToList();

                //normalizing the knots to be between 0 and 1
                List <double> knotList = rhc.Knots.Select((k) => (k - rhc.Domain.Min) / (rhc.Domain.Length)).ToList();
                curve = new pp.NurbsCurve(ptList, rhc.Degree,
                                          rhc.Points.Take(controlPtsNum).Select((pt) => pt.Weight).ToList(), knotList, rhc.IsClosed);
                curve.IsPeriodic = rhc.IsPeriodic;

                             (ppc) => {
                List <rh.Point3d> ptList = ppc.ControlPoints.Select(
                    (pt) => ptConv.FromPipe <rh.Point3d, ppg.Vec>(pt)).ToList();

                 * If the curve is closed, then rhino expects the first point to appear at the end of the
                 * control point list again, so we add it.
                if (ppc.IsClosed)
                rh.NurbsCurve curve = rh.NurbsCurve.Create(ppc.IsPeriodic, ppc.Degree, ptList);
                if (ppc.IsClosed && ppc.ControlPoints.Count > 3 && !curve.IsClosed)

                if (!ppc.IsRational)
                    for (int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++)
                        var pt    = curve.Points.ElementAt(i);
                        var newPt = new rh.Point4d(pt.Location.X, pt.Location.Y, pt.Location.Z, ppc.Weights[i % ppc.Weights.Count]);
                        curve.Points.SetPoint(i, newPt);
                //setting knots after scaling them to the domain
                if (ppc.Knots.Count == curve.Knots.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ppc.Knots.Count; i++)
                        curve.Knots[i] = ppc.Knots[i] * (curve.Domain.Length) + curve.Domain.Min;

                string msg;
                if (!curve.IsValidWithLog(out msg))
                    if (curve.IsPeriodic)
                        curve.Knots.CreatePeriodicKnots(1.0 / (curve.Points.Count));
                        curve.Knots.CreateUniformKnots(1.0 / (curve.Points.Count));
                    if (!curve.IsValid)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create a valid curve with " +
                                                            "received data because: \n" + msg);


            //to convert polycurves
            AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rh.PolyCurve, pp.PolyCurve>(
                             (rhc) => {
                List <pp.Curve> curves = new List <pp.Curve>();
                for (int i = 0; i < rhc.SegmentCount; i++)
                    curves.Add(ToPipe <rh.Curve, pp.Curve>(rhc.SegmentCurve(i)));
                return(new pp.PolyCurve(curves));
                             (ppc) => {
                var curve = new rh.PolyCurve();
                foreach (var segment in ppc.Segments)
                    curve.Append(FromPipe <rh.Curve, pp.Curve>(segment));