Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a Nucleus extrusion volume to a Rhino one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extrusion"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RC.Extrusion Convert(Extrusion extrusion)
            if (extrusion.IsValid)
                Curve           perimeter = extrusion.Profile?.Perimeter;
                CurveCollection voids     = extrusion.Profile?.Voids;
                if (perimeter != null)
                    RC.Curve profile = Convert(perimeter);
                    // var cSystem = new CartesianCoordinateSystem(new Vector(), extrusion.Path);
                    //If a line, create an extrusion:
                    RC.Extrusion ext = new RC.Extrusion();

                    ext.SetPathAndUp(new RC.Point3d(0, 0, 0), Convert(extrusion.Path), RC.Vector3d.YAxis); //TODO: Test!
                    ext.SetOuterProfile(profile, true);
                    if (voids != null)
                        var voidCrvs = Convert(voids);
                        foreach (var rCrv in voidCrvs)
                    //RC.Surface surface = RC.Extrusion.CreateExtrusion(profile, new RC.Vector3d(Convert(element.End.Position - element.Start.Position)));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a Nucleus Linear Element to a Rhino Extrusion, if possible
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RC.Extrusion ConvertToExtrusion(LinearElement element)
            Curve           perimeter = element?.Family?.Profile?.Perimeter;
            CurveCollection voids     = element?.Family?.Profile?.Voids;

            if (perimeter != null && element.Geometry != null)
                RC.Curve profile = Convert(perimeter);
                var      cSystem = element.Geometry.LocalCoordinateSystem(0, element.Orientation);
                if (element.Geometry is Line)
                    //If a line, create an extrusion:
                    RC.Extrusion ext = new RC.Extrusion();
                        Convert(element.Geometry.EndPoint), Convert(element.Geometry.StartPoint),
                    ext.SetOuterProfile(profile, true);
                    if (voids != null)
                        var voidCrvs = Convert(voids);
                        foreach (var rCrv in voidCrvs)
                    //RC.Surface surface = RC.Extrusion.CreateExtrusion(profile, new RC.Vector3d(Convert(element.End.Position - element.Start.Position)));
Example #3
        public SurfaceConverter(CurveConverter curveConv, Vector3DConverter vecConv, Point3dConverter ptConv)
            //extrusion surfaces
            AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rh.Extrusion, pps.Extrusion>(
                             (rhE) => {
                ppc.Line path = (ppc.Line)curveConv.ConvertToPipe <rh.Curve, ppc.Curve>(rhE.PathLineCurve());

                pps.Extrusion extr = new pps.Extrusion(curveConv.ConvertToPipe <rh.Curve, ppc.Curve>(rhE.Profile3d(0, 0)),
                                                       vecConv.ConvertToPipe <rh.Vector3d, pp.Vec>(rhE.PathTangent), path.Length);

                for (int i = 1; i < rhE.ProfileCount; i++)
                    extr.Holes.Add(curveConv.ConvertToPipe <rh.Curve, ppc.Curve>(rhE.Profile3d(i, 0)));

                extr.CappedAtStart = rhE.IsCappedAtBottom;
                extr.CappedAtEnd   = rhE.IsCappedAtTop;
                extr.SurfaceNormal = vecConv.ToPipe <rh.Vector3d, pp.Vec>(rhE.NormalAt(rhE.Domain(0).Mid, rhE.Domain(1).Mid));

                             (ppE) => {
                if (1 - ppE.Direction.Dot(new pp.Vec(0, 0, 1)) > 1e-3)
                    //the extrusion is not vertical
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create this extrusion. " +
                                                        "Try converting it into a polysurface and pushing it again");
                var profile       = curveConv.FromPipe <rh.Curve, ppc.Curve>(ppE.ProfileCurve);
                rh.Extrusion extr = rh.Extrusion.Create(profile, ppE.Height, ppE.CappedAtEnd || ppE.CappedAtStart);
                ppE.Holes.ForEach((h) => extr.AddInnerProfile(curveConv.FromPipe <rh.Curve, ppc.Curve>(h)));
                //extr.SetOuterProfile(profile, false);
                //extr.SetPathAndUp(profile.PointAtStart, profile.PointAtStart + pathVec, pathVec);

                string msg;
                if (!extr.IsValidWithLog(out msg))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create a valid extrusion from the received data: \n" + msg);

                var rhNorm = extr.NormalAt(extr.Domain(0).Mid, extr.Domain(1).Mid);
                if (rh.Vector3d.Multiply(rhNorm, vecConv.FromPipe <rh.Vector3d, pp.Vec>(ppE.SurfaceNormal)) < 0)
                    //extrusions don't need to be flipped;


            AddConverter(new PipeConverter <rh.NurbsSurface, pps.NurbsSurface>(
                             (rns) =>
                pps.NurbsSurface nurbs = new pps.NurbsSurface(rns.Points.CountU, rns.Points.CountV, rns.Degree(0), rns.Degree(1));

                for (int u = 0; u < rns.Points.CountU; u++)
                    for (int v = 0; v < rns.Points.CountV; v++)
                        nurbs.SetControlPoint(ptConv.ToPipe <rh.Point3d, pp.Vec>(rns.Points.GetControlPoint(u, v).Location), u, v);
                        nurbs.SetWeight(rns.Points.GetControlPoint(u, v).Weight, u, v);
                rh.Interval uDomain = rns.Domain(0);
                rh.Interval vDomain = rns.Domain(1);
                Func <double, rh.Interval, double> scaleKnot = (k, domain) => (k - domain.Min) / (domain.Length);
                nurbs.UKnots = rns.KnotsU.Select((k) => scaleKnot.Invoke(k, uDomain)).ToList();
                nurbs.VKnots = rns.KnotsV.Select((k) => scaleKnot.Invoke(k, vDomain)).ToList();

                nurbs.IsClosedInU = rns.IsClosed(0);
                nurbs.IsClosedInV = rns.IsClosed(1);

                nurbs.SurfaceNormal = vecConv.ToPipe <rh.Vector3d, pp.Vec>(rns.NormalAt(rns.Domain(0).Mid, rns.Domain(1).Mid));

                             (pns) => {
                if (pns.IsClosedInU)
                if (pns.IsClosedInV)

                var nurbs = rh.NurbsSurface.Create(3, true, pns.UDegree + 1, pns.VDegree + 1, pns.UCount, pns.VCount);

                for (int u = 0; u < pns.UCount; u++)
                    for (int v = 0; v < pns.VCount; v++)
                        var cp = new rh.ControlPoint(ptConv.FromPipe <rh.Point3d, pp.Vec>(pns.GetControlPointAt(u, v)),
                                                     pns.GetWeightAt(u, v));
                        nurbs.Points.SetControlPoint(u, v, cp);

                rh.Interval uDomain = nurbs.Domain(0);
                rh.Interval vDomain = nurbs.Domain(1);
                Func <double, rh.Interval, double> scaleKnot = (k, domain) => k * (domain.Length) + domain.Min;
                if (nurbs.KnotsU.Count == pns.UKnots.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nurbs.KnotsU.Count; i++)
                        nurbs.KnotsU[i] = scaleKnot.Invoke(pns.UKnots[i], uDomain);
                if (nurbs.KnotsV.Count == pns.VKnots.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nurbs.KnotsV.Count; i++)
                        nurbs.KnotsV[i] = scaleKnot.Invoke(pns.VKnots[i], vDomain);

                string msg;
                if (!nurbs.IsValidWithLog(out msg))
                    if (!nurbs.IsPeriodic(0))
                        nurbs.KnotsU.CreateUniformKnots(1.0 / (nurbs.Points.CountU));
                        nurbs.KnotsU.CreatePeriodicKnots(1.0 / (nurbs.Points.CountU));
                    if (!nurbs.IsPeriodic(1))
                        nurbs.KnotsV.CreateUniformKnots(1.0 / (nurbs.Points.CountV));
                        nurbs.KnotsV.CreatePeriodicKnots(1.0 / (nurbs.Points.CountV));

                    if (!nurbs.IsValid)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create a valid NURBS surface: \n" + msg);

                var rhNorm = nurbs.NormalAt(nurbs.Domain(0).Mid, nurbs.Domain(1).Mid);
                if (rh.Vector3d.Multiply(rhNorm, vecConv.FromPipe <rh.Vector3d, pp.Vec>(pns.SurfaceNormal)) < 0)
                    //need not flip rhino surfaces
