/// <summary>
        /// Handle death
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resultSet">Result set</param>
        public override void HandleDeath(ResultSet resultSet)
            var game = (RetroDungeoneerGame)RB.Game;

            var pos = owner.e.pos;

            int attempts  = 40;
            int babyCount = Random.Range(2, 5);

            while (attempts > 0 && babyCount > 0)
                var randomPos = new Vector2i(Random.Range(pos.x - 1, pos.x + 2), Random.Range(pos.y - 1, pos.y + 2));

                if (randomPos.x != pos.x || randomPos.y != pos.y)
                    if (EntityFunctions.GetBlockingEntityAtPos(randomPos).isEmpty&& !game.map.IsBlocked(randomPos))
                        var babySlime = EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(MonsterType.SlimeSmall, randomPos);
                        babySlime.e.Move(Vector2i.zero); // Cause map update

                        SoundBank.Instance.SoundPlayDelayed(game.assets.soundSlime, 1.0f, RandomUtils.RandomPitch(0.1f), (babyCount - 1) * 3);

Example #2
        private void PlaceEntities(Rect2i room, int numOfItems, int numOfMonsters)
            var mMonsterChances = EntityFunctions.GetMonsterChances(dungeonLevel);
            var mItemChances    = EntityFunctions.GetItemChances(dungeonLevel);

            // Place monsters
            var existingMonsterPositions = new List <Vector2i>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfMonsters; i++)
                var randomPos = new Vector2i(
                    Random.Range(room.min.x + 1, room.max.x),
                    Random.Range(room.min.y + 1, room.max.y));

                if (!existingMonsterPositions.Contains(randomPos))
                    var monsterType = (MonsterType)RandomUtils.RandomChoiceIndex(mMonsterChances);
                    var monster     = EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(monsterType, randomPos);

                    if (!monster.isEmpty)

            // Place items
            var existingItemPositions = new List <Vector2i>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfItems; i++)
                var randomPos = new Vector2i(
                    Random.Range(room.min.x + 1, room.max.x),
                    Random.Range(room.min.y + 1, room.max.y));

                if (!existingItemPositions.Contains(randomPos))
                    var itemType = (ItemType)RandomUtils.RandomChoiceIndex(mItemChances);
                    var item     = EntityFunctions.CreateItem(itemType, randomPos);

                    if (!item.isEmpty)
Example #3
        private void MakeForestMap(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, EntityID player)
            backgroundColor = new Color32(0x25, 0x8f, 0x4a, 255);
            mMusic          = C.MUSIC_FOREST;

            var playerEntity = EntityStore.Get(player);

            if (playerEntity == null)

            int width  = Random.Range(14, 18);
            int height = Random.Range(14, 18);

            int x = (mapWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
            int y = (mapHeight / 2) - (height / 2);

            var newRoom = new Rect2i(x, y, width, height);

            CreateRoom(newRoom, RoomShape.EllipseFuzzy);

            var roomCenter = newRoom.center;

            int randExit = Random.Range(0, 4);

            Vector2i blockadePos = Vector2i.zero;
            Vector2i thugPos     = Vector2i.zero;
            Vector2i gameExitPos = Vector2i.zero;
            Vector2i gameExitDir = Vector2i.zero;

            if (randExit == 0)
                CreateHTunnel(roomCenter.x, 0, roomCenter.y);
                blockadePos    = new Vector2i(roomCenter.x - (newRoom.width / 2) - 2, roomCenter.y);
                gameExitPos    = blockadePos;
                gameExitPos.x -= 3;
                gameExitDir    = new Vector2i(-1, 0);
                thugPos        = blockadePos;
                thugPos.x     += 4;
            else if (randExit == 1)
                CreateHTunnel(roomCenter.x, mapWidth - 1, roomCenter.y);
                blockadePos    = new Vector2i(roomCenter.x + (newRoom.width / 2) + 2, roomCenter.y);
                gameExitPos    = blockadePos;
                gameExitPos.x += 3;
                gameExitDir    = new Vector2i(1, 0);
                thugPos        = blockadePos;
                thugPos.x     -= 4;
            else if (randExit == 2)
                CreateVTunnel(0, roomCenter.y, roomCenter.x);
                blockadePos    = new Vector2i(roomCenter.x, roomCenter.y - (newRoom.height / 2) - 2);
                gameExitPos    = blockadePos;
                gameExitPos.y -= 3;
                gameExitDir    = new Vector2i(0, -1);
                thugPos        = blockadePos;
                thugPos.y     += 4;
            else if (randExit == 3)
                CreateVTunnel(mapHeight - 1, roomCenter.y, roomCenter.x);
                blockadePos    = new Vector2i(roomCenter.x, roomCenter.y + (newRoom.height / 2) + 2);
                gameExitPos    = blockadePos;
                gameExitPos.y += 3;
                gameExitDir    = new Vector2i(0, 1);
                thugPos        = blockadePos;
                thugPos.y     -= 4;

            // This is the first room, put the player in the center of it
            playerEntity.pos = RandomUtils.RandomRectPerimeterPos(new Rect2i(roomCenter.x - 1, roomCenter.y - 1, 3, 3));

            EntityID thug = EntityID.empty;

            if (dungeonLevel == 0)
                thug = EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(MonsterType.InvincibleThug, thugPos);
                EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(MonsterType.InvincibleBlockade, blockadePos);
                thug = EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(MonsterType.Thug, thugPos);
                EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(MonsterType.Blockade, blockadePos);

                while (gameExitPos.x > 0 && gameExitPos.y > 0 && gameExitPos.x < size.width && gameExitPos.y < size.height)
                    EntityFunctions.CreateInteractable(InteractableType.GameExit, gameExitPos);
                    gameExitPos += gameExitDir;

            // Give thug a dagger and armor
            var dagger = EntityFunctions.CreateItem(ItemType.Dagger, new Vector2i(-1, -1));

            thug.e.inventory = new Inventory(1);
            thug.e.equipment = new Equipment();
            thug.e.equipment.equipment[(int)dagger.e.equippable.slot] = dagger;

            var armor = EntityFunctions.CreateItem(ItemType.LeatherArmor, new Vector2i(-1, -1));

            thug.e.equipment.equipment[(int)armor.e.equippable.slot] = armor;

            var well = EntityFunctions.CreateInteractable(InteractableType.Well, new Vector2i(roomCenter.x, roomCenter.y + 2));

            well.e.stairs = new Stairs(dungeonLevel + 1);
            if (dungeonLevel == 0)
                well.e.stairs.type = Stairs.StairType.WELL;
                well.e.stairs.type = Stairs.StairType.WELL_CLOSED;



            RecomputeFov(player, C.FOV_RADIUS);

            var game    = (RetroDungeoneerGame)RB.Game;
            var options = new List <SceneMessage.MessageBoxOption>();

            options.Add(new SceneMessage.MessageBoxOption(C.FSTR.Set("Continue"), CloseMessageBox));

            if (dungeonLevel == 0)
                C.FSTR.Append("You've been travelling through the forest for hours and decide to rest at a nearby clearing.");
                C.FSTR.Append("As you settle down a man appears behind you. He swings his sword at a rope tied to a tree beside him. Branches and debris fall onto the path blocking your only exit. It appears you've been ambushed.");
                C.FSTR.Append("\"I'll take what you're carrying, once I'm done carving you up!\"").Append(C.STR_COLOR_DIALOG).Append(" the brigand says with a grimace.");
                C.FSTR.Append("Your eyes dart to an old well in the middle of the clearing. Your options seem clear... jump down the well, or die here.");

                C.FSTR.Append("You open your eyes, the swirling portal closes behind you. You find yourself back where it all started, in the forest clearing.");
                C.FSTR.Append("The brigand who ambushed you is still here, preparing his trap for the next victim.");
                C.FSTR.Append("\"How did you... nevermind, lets finish what we started!\"").Append(C.STR_COLOR_DIALOG).Append(" he says, startled by your sudden appearance.");
                C.FSTR.Append("You tighten your grip on your weapon, you won't be jumping into the well this time...");

                    C.FSTR2.Set("A Sudden Return"),
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Make test final boss room
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="room">Room rect</param>
        public void MakeTestBossRoom(Rect2i room)
            var boss = EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(MonsterType.Golem, new Vector2i(room.center.x, room.center.y - (room.height / 4)));

            boss.e.fighter.hp = 1;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Make final boss room
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="room">Room rect</param>
 public void MakeBossRoom(Rect2i room)
     EntityFunctions.CreateMonster(MonsterType.Golem, new Vector2i(room.center.x, room.center.y - (room.height / 4)));