Example #1
        public static ExprGraph Stack(ExprGraph graph)
            var result      = new ExprGraph();
            var srcToDerMap = new Dictionary <Expr, Expr>();
            var srcSplitMap = new Dictionary <Expr, Expr>();
            var stateMap    = new Dictionary <Expr, Expr>();
            var stack       = new Stack <StackedEdge>();
            int stateCnt    = 0;

            void StackEdges(Expr source, Expr derTarget)
                foreach (var edge in graph.OutEdges(source))
                    stack.Push(new StackedEdge(derTarget, edge));

            (Expr derivative, Expr target, bool stackEdges) ProcessSourceVertex(Expr source, Edge <Expr> srcEdge)
                Expr split      = null;
                Expr der        = null;
                bool stackEdges = false;

                if (!srcToDerMap.TryGetValue(source, out der) || source.IsMul)
                    stackEdges = true;
                    der        = GetDerivative(source);

                    if (der != null)

                    var srcOut = graph.OutEdges(source).ToArray();
                    if (srcOut.Length > 1)
                        split = ProcessSourceSplit(source);
                        if (der != null)
                            result.AddEdge(new Edge <Expr>(split, der));
                            der = split;

                    if (!source.IsMul && (split != null || der != null))
                        srcToDerMap[source] = split ?? der;

                if (source.IsMul)
                    ProcessSourceMul(srcEdge, der);

                return(der, split ?? der, stackEdges);

            Expr ProcessSourceSplit(Expr source)
                if (!srcSplitMap.TryGetValue(source, out var splitSum))
                    splitSum            = new Expr(null, ExprType.Add);
                    srcSplitMap[source] = splitSum;


            void ProcessSourceMul(Edge <Expr> srcEdge, Expr der)
                var source = srcEdge.Target;

                if (srcEdge == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Source multiplication edge is null!");

                var inEdges = graph.InEdges(source).ToArray();

                if (inEdges.Length != 2)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Source multiplication has more than 2 in edges!");

                var adj = inEdges.Select(x => x.Source).FirstOrDefault(x => x != srcEdge.Source);

                if (adj == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't get adjacent multilication argument!");

                if (!stateMap.TryGetValue(adj, out var state))
                    state         = new Expr(adj.Name ?? $"State {stateCnt++}", ExprType.State);
                    stateMap[adj] = state;

                result.AddEdge(new Edge <Expr>(state, der));

            var roots = graph.Roots().ToArray();

            foreach (var root in roots)
                StackEdges(root, ProcessSourceVertex(root, null).target);

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var edge = stack.Pop();
                var der  = ProcessSourceVertex(edge.Edge.Target, edge.Edge);

                if (der.derivative != null)
                    result.AddEdge(new Edge <Expr>(der.derivative, edge.DerTarget));

                if (der.stackEdges)
                    StackEdges(edge.Edge.Target, der.target ?? edge.DerTarget);

Example #2
        public static ExprGraph Analyze(ExprGraph graph)
            var result = new ExprGraph();

            var srcToDer    = new Dictionary <Expr, Expr>();
            var stateCopies = new Dictionary <Expr, Expr>();

            var sinks = graph.Sinks().ToArray();

            if (sinks.Length > 0 && sinks.SelectMany(x => graph.InEdges(x).Select(e => e.Source)).Distinct().Count() > 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var queue = new Queue <Expr>();

            foreach (var sink in sinks)

            int stateCnt = 0;

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                var src = queue.Dequeue();

                // Enqueue all nodes that point to current in the source graph
                foreach (var inVert in graph.InEdges(src).Select(x => x.Source))

                var der = GetDerivative(src);
                if (der != null)
                    srcToDer[src] = der;

                Expr derEdgeSource = null;

                // Get all the edges that come out of current node in the source
                var srcOut = graph.OutEdges(src).ToArray();
                if (srcOut.Length == 0) // Source is a leaf
                    // Source graph must terminate with State or Output
                    if (der == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Source graph has Add node as a leaf!");

                    // Just add the vertex and map src to derivative
                else if (srcOut.Length == 1) // Source node has 1 straight connection to another node
                    if (der != null)
                        // This is a regular operation, just place it in the graph and connect with prev operation.
                        derEdgeSource = srcToDer[srcOut[0].Target];
                        // This is summation, which just translates the derivative to subsequent nodes.
                        // We don't need to do anything, just skip the node alltogether.
                        srcToDer[src] = srcToDer[srcOut[0].Target];
                    // Source signal is copied to multiple nodes. We must
                    // sum the sensitivities, so we add a new summation node
                    // and connect it to all previous nodes.
                    var sum = new Expr(null, ExprType.Add);
                    for (int i = 0; i < srcOut.Length; i++)
                        result.AddEdge(new Edge <Expr>(srcToDer[srcOut[i].Target], sum));

                    // If the source operation was not a summation itself,
                    // add the derivative and connect to the new summation node.
                    if (der != null)
                        derEdgeSource = sum;
                        // The source node was a summation with immediate split.
                        // We get a single summation in the derivative graph.
                        srcToDer[src] = sum;

                if (derEdgeSource != null)
                     * And now we need to process multiplications.
                     * Since we are going backwards through the source graph,
                     * each source multiplication gives us two derivative
                     * multiplications.
                    if (derEdgeSource.Type == ExprType.Mul ||
                        derEdgeSource.Type == ExprType.Hadamard)
                        Expr mulExpr;
                        var  inDerSource = result.InEdges(derEdgeSource).ToArray();
                        if (inDerSource.Length > 1)
                            // We already have one multiplication filled, create another
                            mulExpr = new Expr(null, derEdgeSource.Type);

                            var sensSource = inDerSource.Select(x => x.Source).SingleOrDefault(x => x.Type != ExprType.State);
                            if (sensSource == null)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Multiplication derivative must have single non-state input!");
                            result.AddEdge(new Edge <Expr>(sensSource, mulExpr));
                            mulExpr = derEdgeSource;

                        // Now we must find adjacent source node
                        var mulSrc = srcToDer.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == derEdgeSource);
                        if (mulSrc.Key == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find the source for multiplication derivative!");

                        var adj = graph.InEdges(mulSrc.Key).Select(x => x.Source).SingleOrDefault(x => x != src);
                        if (adj == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't find adjacent source node for multiplication!");

                        // And connect its copy to our derivative multiplication.
                        if (!stateCopies.TryGetValue(adj, out var stateCopy))
                            stateCopy        = new Expr(adj.Name ?? $"State {stateCnt++}", ExprType.State);
                            stateCopies[adj] = stateCopy;

                        result.AddEdge(new Edge <Expr>(stateCopy, mulExpr));
                        derEdgeSource = mulExpr;

                    result.AddEdge(new Edge <Expr>(derEdgeSource, der));
