float GetMagnification(Graphics g, int width, int height)
            float r = (float)height / (float)width;

            if (r <= BarCode128.AspectRatio)
            {   // height is the limiting value
                r = BarCode128.MmYFromPixel(g, height) / BarCode128.OptimalHeight;
            {   // width is the limiting value
                r = BarCode128.MmXFromPixel(g, width) / BarCode128.OptimalWidth;
            // Set the magnification limits
            //    Specification says 80% to 200% magnification allowed
            if (r < .8f)
                r = .8f;
            else if (r > 2f)
                r = 2;

 internal BarCodeProperties(BarCode128 bc, XmlNode node)
     _bc   = bc;
     _node = node;