Example #1
File: Page.cs Project: nhtera/Home
        public Component LoadComponent(string componentId, string content = "", string design = "", string id = "", Panel myPanel = null, string workFolder = "", 
            int cIndex = 1, int pageid = 0, int pageType = 1, bool isDropped = false, string position = "", string customCss = "")
            if (myPanel == null){return null;}

            //load component from class
            string cFolder = R.Util.Str.Capitalize(componentId.Replace("-", "/"));
            string className = "Rennder.Components." + cFolder.Replace("/",".");
            Type type = Type.GetType(className, false, true);
            if(type == null) { return null; }
            Component component = (Component)Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { R });

            if (component == null) { return null; }
            //load component content
            component.DataField = content;
            component.DesignField = design;

            //set up component properties
            component.panelName = myPanel.Name;
            component.index = cIndex;
            component.ComponentId = componentId;
            component.LayerId = pageid;
            component.pageId = pageid;
            component.ComponentType = "component";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                id = R.Util.Str.CreateID();

            component.itemId = id;

            //set up component properties
            component.isDropped = isDropped;
            if (isDropped == false)
                component.justLoaded = true;

            if (pageType == 1)
                component.workfolder = "/content/websites/" + websiteId + "/pages/" + pageid + "/";
                component.workfolder = "/content/websites/" + websiteId + "/layers/" + pageid + "/";

            component.Draggable = 1;
            if (componentId.ToLower() == "panel")
                component.ComponentType = "panel";
            else if (myPanel.isPartOfTheme == false)
                component.ComponentType = "panelcomponent";

            //load position CSS properties
            string css = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(position))
                string[] pos = position.Split('|');
                string[] cCss = { "","","","","" };
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customCss))
                    cCss = customCss.Split('|');
                bool firstlvl = true;

                if(pos.Length == 5)
                    //HD screen first
                    if(pos[4] != "" || cCss[4] != "")
                        if(firstlvl == true) { firstlvl = false; css += "#c" + id + ",  "; }
                        css += ".screen.hd #c" + id + ",  .screen.desktop #c" + id + ", .screen.tablet #c" + id + ", .screen.mobile #c" + id + ", .screen.cell #c" + id +
                          "{ " + GetCssForPosition(pos[4]) + "\n" + cCss[4] + "}\n";

                    //Desktop screen
                    if (pos[3] != "" || cCss[3] != "")
                        if (firstlvl == true) { firstlvl = false; css += "#c" + id + ",  "; }
                        css += ".screen.desktop #c" + id + ", .screen.tablet #c" + id + ", .screen.mobile #c" + id + ", .screen.cell #c" + id +
                          "{ " + GetCssForPosition(pos[3]) + "\n" + cCss[3] + "}\n";

                    //Tablet screen
                    if (pos[2] != "" || cCss[2] != "")
                        if (firstlvl == true) { firstlvl = false; css += "#c" + id + ",  "; }
                        css += ".screen.tablet #c" + id + ", .screen.mobile #c" + id + ", .screen.cell #c" + id +
                          "{ " + GetCssForPosition(pos[2]) + "\n" + cCss[2] + "}\n";

                    //Mobile screen
                    if (pos[1] != "" || cCss[1] != "")
                        if (firstlvl == true) { firstlvl = false; css += "#c" + id + ",  "; }
                        css += ".screen.mobile #c" + id + ", .screen.cell #c" + id +
                          "{ " + GetCssForPosition(pos[1]) + "\n" + cCss[1] + "}\n";

                    //Cell screen
                    if (pos[0] != "" || cCss[0] != "")
                        if (firstlvl == true) { firstlvl = false; css += "#c" + id + ",  "; }
                        css += ".screen.cell #c" + id +
                          "{ " + GetCssForPosition(pos[0]) + "\n" + cCss[0] + "}\n";


            if(css != ""){
                RegisterCSS("c" + id, css);

            //finish loading component

            //load component.js once
            if (CheckJSOnceIfLoaded("comp-" + cFolder) == false)
                if (R.Server.Cache.ContainsKey("compjs-" + cFolder) == true & R.isLocal == false) //only cache if on live server
                    //load from cache
                    R.Page.RegisterJSonce("comp-" + cFolder, R.Server.Cache["compjs-" + cFolder].ToString());
                    //load from file
                    string jsp = File.ReadAllText(R.Server.path("/app/components/" + cFolder + "/component.js"));
                    R.Page.RegisterJSonce("comp-" + cFolder, jsp);
                    if (R.isLocal == false)
                        //save to cache
                        R.Server.Cache["compjs-" + cFolder] = jsp;


            return component;
Example #2
File: Page.cs Project: nhtera/Home
        public void LoadTheme()
            //load website theme into Rennder
            if (themeFolder == prevThemeFolder) { return; }
            prevThemeFolder = themeFolder;

            R.Elements = new Elements(R, themeFolder);

            if (R.isFirstLoad == true)
                //load CSS for theme
                R.App.scaffold.Data["theme-css"] = themeFolder + "style.css?v=" + R.Version;
                //load CSS via javascript instead
                RegisterJS("cssfile", "$('#themeCss').href = '" + themeFolder + "style.css?v=" + R.Version + "';");

            int[] start = new int[3];
            string fileHtml = null;
            string fileWebsite = "";
            string headWebsite = "";
            string footWebsite = "";
            string urlDefaultHtm = R.Server.path(themeFolder + "theme.html");
            string urlWebsiteHtm = R.Server.path("/content/websites/" + websiteId + "/website.html");

            //get theme HTML
            if (R.Server.Cache.ContainsKey(themeFolder + "theme.html") == true)
                fileHtml = R.Server.Cache[themeFolder + "theme.html"].ToString();
                fileHtml = File.ReadAllText(urlDefaultHtm);
                R.Server.Cache[themeFolder + "theme.html"] = fileHtml;

            //get website HTML
            if (R.Server.Cache.ContainsKey("/content/websites/" + websiteId + "/website.html") == true)
                fileWebsite = R.Server.Cache["/content/websites/" + websiteId + "/website.html"].ToString();
                if (File.Exists(urlWebsiteHtm) == true)
                    fileWebsite = File.ReadAllText(urlWebsiteHtm);
                R.Server.Cache["/content/websites/" + websiteId + "/website.html"] = fileWebsite;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileWebsite))
                start[0] = fileWebsite.IndexOf("{{body}}");
                if (start[0] >= 0)
                    headWebsite = fileWebsite.Substring(0, start[0]);
                    footWebsite = fileWebsite.Substring(start[0] + 8);
                fileHtml = headWebsite + fileHtml + footWebsite;

            int i = -1;
            List<string> themeHtm = new List<string>();
            start[2] = 0;
                start[0] = fileHtml.IndexOf("{{", start[2]);
                if (start[0] >= 0)
                    //found a panel
                    start[1] = fileHtml.IndexOf("}}", start[0] + 2);
                    if (start[1] >= 0)
                        i += 1;

                        //add chunck of theme html to the page
                        string htm = "";
                        htm = fileHtml.Substring(start[2], start[0] - start[2]);
                        start[2] = start[1] + 2;

                        //create new panel
                        Panel newPanel = new Panel(R);

                        string name = fileHtml.Substring(start[0] + 2, start[1] - (start[0] + 2));
                        newPanel.Name = name;
                        newPanel.ID = "panel" + newPanel.Name.Replace(" ", "");

                        //add attributes to the panel
                        newPanel.isPartOfTheme = true;

                        if (newPanel.Name.ToLower() == "body")
                            //create loading body div
                            htm += "<div class=\"absolute\" style=\"width:100%;\"><div class=\"relative\" id=\"divPageLoad\" style=\"width:100%;\"><div class=\"div-max-width\" style=\"width:250px; margin:0px auto; padding:100px 0px;\">";
                            htm += "Loading content...";
                            htm += "<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div></div></div></div>";

                        htm += "{{panel-" + newPanel.Name.ToLower().Replace(" ", "") + "}}";


                        //add panel to list
            } while (true);

            themeHtml = String.Join("", themeHtm.ToArray());
Example #3
File: Page.cs Project: nhtera/Home
        public Panel GetPanelByName(string name)
            //get panel from viewstate
            if ((PanelViews == null) == false)
                foreach (PanelView pv in PanelViews)
                    if (pv.Name == name | pv.ClassName == name)
                        Panel panel = new Panel(R);
                        return panel;

            //get panel on first page load
            if ((bodyPanels == null) == false)
                for (int x = 0; x <= bodyPanels.Count - 1; x++)
                    if (bodyPanels[x].Name == name)
                        return bodyPanels[x];

            return new Panel(R);
Example #4
File: Page.cs Project: nhtera/Home
 public void AddPanel(Panel panel)
     if (bodyPanels == null)
         bodyPanels = new List<Panel>();
     if ((PanelViews == null) == true)
         PanelViews = new List<PanelView>();