public ProcessDescriptionWrapper(ProcessDescription pdescription, IPAddress ip, string agentName)
     this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
     this.PDescription = pdescription;
     this.Ip = ip;
     this.AgentName = agentName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of the running processes that have a window (except this app's process and explorer.exe).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="previewImageSize">The size of the preview images for the processes.</param>
        private Process_List GetProcessList(Size previewImageSize)
            ScreenCapture capturer = new ScreenCapture();
            Process_List processes = new Process_List();
            processes.Processes = new List<ProcessDescription>();

            foreach (var proc in Process.GetProcesses())
                if (proc.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero || 
                    proc.Id == Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id ||
                    proc.ProcessName == "explorer")

                Bitmap bmp = capturer.SnapshotWindow(proc.MainWindowHandle);
                if (bmp == null)
                    // only give access to processes which provide a window

                // convert the resized picture to bytes
                byte[] picture = ImageHandler.ImageHandler.ImageToBytes(ImageHandler.ImageHandler.Resize(bmp, previewImageSize));

                ProcessDescription desc = new ProcessDescription(picture, proc.Id, proc.ProcessName, proc.MainWindowTitle);

            return processes;