private void SelectInput(FindBy findBy, string input)
			var element = _driver.FindElement(ThisBy).FindElement(findBy);
			element.FindElement(RadioBy).FindElement(ByMethod.XPath, "..").Click();
		private DateSelectPartial SendKeysToField(FindBy typeBy, int index, string input)
			var element = _driver.FindElement(ThisBy)
			return this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves the mouse to the specified element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element"></param>
 public void MoveToElement(FindBy itemby)
     MoveToElement(_driver.FindElement(Common.GetBy(itemby.Method, itemby.Selector)));
 public List <WebElement> FindElements(FindBy findby)
     return(FindElements(findby.Method, findby.Selector));
 public WebElement FindElement(FindBy findby)
     return(FindElement(findby.Method, findby.Selector));
		public List<WebElement> FindElements(FindBy findby)
			return FindElements(findby.Method, findby.Selector);
		public WebElement FindElement(FindBy findby)
			return FindElement(findby.Method, findby.Selector);
		public ToolBarButtonPartial(WebDriver driver, FindBy findBy) : base(driver)
			ThisBy = findBy;
		public FilterPartial(WebDriver driver, FindBy findBy) : base(driver)
			ThisBy = findBy;
		/// <summary>
		/// Moves the mouse to the specified element.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="element"></param>
		public void MoveToElement(FindBy itemby)
			MoveToElement(_driver.FindElement(Common.GetBy(itemby.Method, itemby.Selector)));
Example #11
		public Partial(WebDriver driver, FindBy thisby) : base(driver)
			ThisBy = thisby;
		public SystemMessagesPartial(WebDriver driver) : base(driver)
			ThisBy = new FindBy(ByMethod.CssSelector, "[id^='tabController'] > div:nth-child(1)");
		public CheckedListPartial(WebDriver driver, FindBy thisBy) : base(driver)
			ThisBy = thisBy;
		public NewsFeedPartial(WebDriver driver) : base(driver)
			ThisBy = new FindBy(ByMethod.CssSelector, "[id^='tabController'] > div:nth-child(2)");
		/// <summary>
		/// For use where there is more than one paginator on the page at the same time.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="driver"></param>
		/// <param name="parentBy"></param>
		public PaginationPartial(WebDriver driver, FindBy parentBy) : base(driver)
			ThisBy = new FindBy(ThisBy.Method, parentBy.Selector + " " + ThisBy.Selector);
		private WebElement FindElementBy(FindBy findBy)
			return  _driver.FindElement(ThisBy)
		public FilterPartial Filter(string number)
			var newfindBy = new FindBy(ThisBy.Selector + " " + FiltersBy.Selector + ":nth-child(" + number + ")");
			return new FilterPartial(_driver, newfindBy);