Example #1
        private static Chromosome OnePointBinary(Chromosome mother, Chromosome father)
            // implemented for binary encoding

            Chromosome child = new Chromosome(mother); // for array allocation

            for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                int len   = child.BinaryGenes[i].Length;
                int pivot = (int)(ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() * len);

                if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                    child.BinaryGenes[i] = mother.BinaryGenes[i].Substring(0, pivot) + father.BinaryGenes[i].Substring(pivot);
                else // no crossover, copy one parent
                    if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < 0.5)
                        child.BinaryGenes[i] = mother.BinaryGenes[i];
                        child.BinaryGenes[i] = father.BinaryGenes[i];

Example #2
        private static void ExchangePermutation(Chromosome child)
            // implemented for permutation encoding

            for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                int len = child.PermutationGenes[i].Length;

                if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                    // generate exchange points
                    int p1 = (int)(ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() * len);
                    int p2 = p1;

                    while (p2 == p1)
                        p2 = (int)(ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() * len);

                    int auxi = child.PermutationGenes[i][p1];
                    child.PermutationGenes[i][p1] = child.PermutationGenes[i][p2];
                    child.PermutationGenes[i][p2] = auxi;
Example #3
        private static void ResetBinary(Chromosome child)
            // implemented for binary encoding

            for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                string newGene = "";
                for (int j = 0; j < child.BinaryGenes[i].Length; j++)
                    if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                        if (child.BinaryGenes[i][j] == '0')
                            newGene += "1";
                            newGene += "0";
                        newGene += child.BinaryGenes[i][j];
                child.BinaryGenes[i] = newGene;
Example #4
        private static Chromosome OnePointPermutation(Chromosome mother, Chromosome father)
            // implemented for permutation encoding

            Chromosome child = new Chromosome(mother); // for array allocation

            for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                int len   = child.PermutationGenes[i].Length;
                int pivot = (int)(ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() * len);

                if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                    List <int> values = new List <int>();
                    int        j      = 0;
                    for (; j < pivot; j++)
                        // child.PermutationGenes[i][j] = mother.PermutationGenes[i][j];

                    // add all the values in the father, in order, except those already added from the mother
                    int k = 0;
                    while (j < len)
                        if (values.Contains(father.PermutationGenes[i][k]))
                            child.PermutationGenes[i][j] = father.PermutationGenes[i][k];
                            j++; k++;
                else  // no crossover, copy one parent
                    if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < 0.5)
                        for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                            child.PermutationGenes[i][j] = mother.PermutationGenes[i][j];
                        for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                            child.PermutationGenes[i][j] = father.PermutationGenes[i][j];

Example #5
        private static void ResetReal(Chromosome child, Parameters parameters)
            // implemented for real valued encoding

            for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                    child.RealGenes[i] = parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[i] + ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() *
                                         (parameters.EncodingInfo.MaxValues[i] - parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[i]);
Example #6
        private static Chromosome Arithmetic(Chromosome mother, Chromosome father)
            Chromosome child = new Chromosome(mother);

            if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                    double point = ExtendedRandom.NextUniform();
                    child.RealGenes[i] = point * mother.RealGenes[i] + (1 - point) * father.RealGenes[i];

Example #7
        private static Chromosome ArithmeticInteger(Chromosome mother, Chromosome father)
            Chromosome child = new Chromosome(mother);

            if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                    if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < 0.5)
                        child.RealGenes[i] = father.RealGenes[i];

Example #8
        private static void GaussianReal(Chromosome child, Parameters parameters)
            // implemented for real valued encoding

            for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                    child.RealGenes[i] = ExtendedRandom.NextNormal(child.RealGenes[i], _info.StandardDeviation);
                    if (child.RealGenes[i] < parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[i])
                        child.RealGenes[i] = parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[i];
                    if (child.RealGenes[i] > parameters.EncodingInfo.MaxValues[i])
                        child.RealGenes[i] = parameters.EncodingInfo.MaxValues[i];
Example #9
        private static Chromosome MultiplePoint(Chromosome mother, Chromosome father)
            // implemented for binary encoding

            Chromosome child = new Chromosome(mother); // for array allocation

            for (int i = 0; i < child.NoGenes; i++)
                int len = child.BinaryGenes[i].Length;

                if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < _info.Probability)
                    // generate crossover points
                    bool[] selected = new bool[len];
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                        selected[j] = false;

                    for (int j = 0; j < _info.NoPoints; j++)
                        bool ok = false;
                        while (!ok)
                            int crtSel = (int)(ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() * len);
                            if (!selected[crtSel])
                                selected[crtSel] = true;
                                ok = true;

                    bool selMother = true; // switch between mother genes and father genes

                    string newGene = "";
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                        if (selected[j])
                            selMother = !selMother;

                        if (selMother)
                            newGene += mother.BinaryGenes[i][j];
                            newGene += father.BinaryGenes[i][j];
                    child.BinaryGenes[i] = newGene;
                else // no crossover, copy one parent
                    if (ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() < 0.5)
                        child.BinaryGenes[i] = mother.BinaryGenes[i];
                        child.BinaryGenes[i] = father.BinaryGenes[i];

        public override void Solve(Problem problem)
            if (_initialValue == null)
                throw new Exception("You must provide a starting point for the search");

            _problem = problem;

            _population = new Chromosome[_noNeighbors];

            bool       searchOver  = false;
            int        generations = 0;
            Chromosome best        = new Chromosome(_initialValue);

            while (!searchOver)
                _population[0] = best;

                // generating population by mutation
                for (int i = 1; i < _noNeighbors; i++)
                    _population[i] = new Chromosome(best);

                    double r = _rand.NextDouble();

                    if (r < Settings.pmg)
                        Mutation.PerformMutation(_population[i], _problem.Parameters); // mutatie gaussiana
                    else if (r < Settings.pmg + Settings.pmr)                          // mutatie prin resetare
                        for (int j = 0; j < _population[i].NoGenes; j++)
                            if (_rand.NextDouble() < Settings.pm)
                                _population[i].RealGenes[j] = _problem.Parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[j] + ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() * (_problem.Parameters.EncodingInfo.MaxValues[j] - _problem.Parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[j]);
                        int i1 = _rand.Next(_population[i].RealGenes.Length);
                        int i2 = _rand.Next(_population[i].RealGenes.Length);
                        if (_population[i].RealGenes[i1] >= 2 && _population[i].RealGenes[i2] >= 2)
                            _population[i].RealGenes[i1] -= 1;
                            _population[i].RealGenes[i2] += 1;


                best = Selection.GetBest(_population);

                if (generations > _noIterations)
                    _solution  = best;
                    searchOver = true;