/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the current processing stage should break</returns>
        private bool CheckForNewActionToInit()
            if (this._pendingAction == null)
                IPipelineAction actionToBegin = null;
                // Don't hold the lock any longer than necessary.
                lock (this._queueLock)
                    if (this._actionQueue.Count == 0)
                        return true;

                    actionToBegin = this._actionQueue.Dequeue();

                if (actionToBegin.RequiresExplicitVTState)
                    // Support VT on/off toggling.  The cached scope will not be null when rolling over from a previous action.
                    // In that case, if multiple actions were queued up and both want VT disabled, don't bother turning it back on in between.
                    if (this._cachedVTRunScope != null)
                        // The next action wants a different VTState, so we need to dispose of the current one
                        if (this._cachedVTRunScope.DesiredState != actionToBegin.DesiredVTRunState)
                            this._cachedVTRunScope = null;

                    // If we get here and the sached VT scope is null, it means we need to initialize it
                    if (this._cachedVTRunScope == null)
                        this._cachedVTRunScope = VTRunScope.Enter(actionToBegin.DesiredVTRunState);


                this._pendingActionNeedsBegun = true;

                // If we get this far without any exceptions, then store the action as the pending action.
                // If any exceptions happen before this, we want to make sure we are not stuck in some state where we are waiting
                // on a bugged action to finish
                this._pendingAction = actionToBegin;

                // Don't Begin invoke on the same cycle as init
                return true;

            // We didn't do anything
            return false;
        private bool CheckForActionToBegin()
            if (this._pendingAction != null && this._pendingActionNeedsBegun)
                if (this._pendingAction.RequireIdleToPerform && REPlugin.Instance.MonitorManager.CharacterState.Busy.WaitOne(0))
                    // Can't begin invoke yet because this action wants us to wait until we are idle to invoke
                    return true;

                if (!_pendingAction.Ready())
                    // The action has said that for some reason it is not ready to be performed yet.
                    return true;

                    // First begin invoke the action

                    return true;
                    // If we hit an exception, we don't want to leave VT in an undesired state.  That could lead to a bot getting killed or something
                    if (this._cachedVTRunScope != null)
                        this._cachedVTRunScope = null;

                    // If any exceptions, need to reset our state.
                    this._pendingAction = null;
                    this._backgroundAction = null;
                    this._pendingActionNeedsBegun = false;

            // We didn't do anything
            return false;
 private void DisposeOfVTScopeIfEmptyQueue(bool forceDispose)
     if (this._cachedVTRunScope != null)
         if (forceDispose || this.QueueCount == 0)
             this._cachedVTRunScope = null;