public DB4Thing Post(string title, string text, string subredditName = "")
            var subReddit = _subreddit;

            // Since DB4 posts to another subreddit for DeltaLogs and registering multiple interfaces
            // against the DI container is a bit of a pain, default to main subreddit, but switch
            // to DeltaLog subreddit if passed in
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subredditName))
                subReddit = _reddit.GetSubredditAsync($"/r/{subredditName}").Result;

            // Submit post
            var post = subReddit.SubmitTextPostAsync(title, text).Result;

            // The returned post has basically nothing on it - need to retrieve a post with GetPost
            var oAuthUrl = UrlHelper.ConvertToOAuth(post.Url.AbsoluteUri);
            var fullPost = _reddit.GetPostAsync(new Uri(oAuthUrl)).Result;
