// determines the angle, in radians, between two points. the angle is defined
        // by the circle centered on the start point with a radius to the end point,
        // where 0 radians is straight right from start (+x-axis) and PI/2 radians is
        // straight down (+y-axis).
        public static double AngleInRadians(PointR start, PointR end, bool positiveOnly)
            double radians = 0.0;

            if (start.X != end.X)
                radians = Math.Atan2(end.Y - start.Y, end.X - start.X);
            else // pure vertical movement
                if (end.Y < start.Y)
                    radians = -Math.PI / 2.0; // -90 degrees is straight up
                else if (end.Y > start.Y)
                    radians = Math.PI / 2.0; // 90 degrees is straight down
            if (positiveOnly && radians < 0.0)
                radians += Math.PI * 2.0;
        public static double Distance(PointR p1, PointR p2)
            double dx = p2.X - p1.X;
            double dy = p2.Y - p1.Y;

            return(Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));
        // rotate the points by the given radians about their centroid
        public static ArrayList RotateByRadians(ArrayList points, double radians)
            ArrayList newPoints = new ArrayList(points.Count);
            PointR    c         = Centroid(points);

            double cos = Math.Cos(radians);
            double sin = Math.Sin(radians);

            double cx = c.X;
            double cy = c.Y;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                PointR p = (PointR)points[i];

                double dx = p.X - cx;
                double dy = p.Y - cy;

                PointR q = PointR.Empty;
                q.X = dx * cos - dy * sin + cx;
                q.Y = dx * sin + dy * cos + cy;

        // Rotate a point 'p' around a point 'c' by the given radians.
        // Rotation (around the origin) amounts to a 2x2 matrix of the form:
        //		[ cos A		-sin A	] [ p.x ]
        //		[ sin A		cos A	] [ p.y ]
        // Note that the C# Math coordinate system has +x-axis stright right and
        // +y-axis straight down. Rotation is clockwise such that from +x-axis to
        // +y-axis is +90 degrees, from +x-axis to -x-axis is +180 degrees, and
        // from +x-axis to -y-axis is -90 degrees.
        public static PointR RotatePoint(PointR p, PointR c, double radians)
            PointR q = PointR.Empty;

            q.X = (p.X - c.X) * Math.Cos(radians) - (p.Y - c.Y) * Math.Sin(radians) + c.X;
            q.Y = (p.X - c.X) * Math.Sin(radians) + (p.Y - c.Y) * Math.Cos(radians) + c.Y;
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj is PointR)
         PointR p = (PointR)obj;
         return(X == p.X && Y == p.Y);
 // copy constructor
 public PointR(PointR p)
     //_x = p.X;
     //_y = p.Y;
     //_t = p.T;
     X = p.X;
     Y = p.Y;
     T = p.T;
        // translates the points by the given delta amounts
        public static ArrayList TranslateBy(ArrayList points, SizeR sz)
            ArrayList newPoints = new ArrayList(points.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                PointR p = (PointR)points[i];
                p.X += sz.Width;
                p.Y += sz.Height;
        // scales the points so that the length of their shorter side
        // matches the length of the shorter side of the given box.
        // thus, both dimensions are warped proportionally, rather than
        // independently, like in the function ScaleTo.
        public static ArrayList ScaleToMin(ArrayList points, RectangleR box)
            ArrayList  newPoints = new ArrayList(points.Count);
            RectangleR r         = FindBox(points);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                PointR p = (PointR)points[i];
                p.X *= (box.MinSide / r.MinSide);
                p.Y *= (box.MinSide / r.MinSide);
        // scales by the percentages contained in the 'sz' parameter. values of 1.0 would result in the
        // identity scale (that is, no change).
        public static ArrayList ScaleBy(ArrayList points, SizeR sz)
            ArrayList  newPoints = new ArrayList(points.Count);
            RectangleR r         = FindBox(points);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                PointR p = (PointR)points[i];
                p.X *= sz.Width;
                p.Y *= sz.Height;
Example #10
        // translates the points so that their centroid lies at 'toPt'
        public static ArrayList TranslateCentroidTo(ArrayList points, PointR toPt)
            ArrayList newPoints = new ArrayList(points.Count);
            PointR    centroid  = Centroid(points);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                PointR p = (PointR)points[i];
                p.X += (toPt.X - centroid.X);
                p.Y += (toPt.Y - centroid.Y);
Example #11
        // translates the points so that the upper-left corner of their bounding box lies at 'toPt'
        public static ArrayList TranslateBBoxTo(ArrayList points, PointR toPt)
            ArrayList  newPoints = new ArrayList(points.Count);
            RectangleR r         = Utils.FindBox(points);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                PointR p = (PointR)points[i];
                p.X += (toPt.X - r.X);
                p.Y += (toPt.Y - r.Y);
Example #12
        // scales the points so that they form the size given. does not restore the
        // origin of the box.
        public static ArrayList ScaleTo(ArrayList points, SizeR sz)
            ArrayList  newPoints = new ArrayList(points.Count);
            RectangleR r         = FindBox(points);

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                PointR p = (PointR)points[i];
                if (r.Width != 0d)
                    p.X *= (sz.Width / r.Width);
                if (r.Height != 0d)
                    p.Y *= (sz.Height / r.Height);
Example #13
        // assumes the reader has been just moved to the head of the content.
        private Gesture ReadGesture(XmlTextReader reader)
            Debug.Assert(reader.LocalName == "Gesture");
            string name = reader.GetAttribute("Name");

            ArrayList points = new ArrayList(XmlConvert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("NumPts")));

            reader.Read(); // advance to the first Point
            Debug.Assert(reader.LocalName == "Point");

            while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                PointR p = PointR.Empty;
                p.X = XmlConvert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("X"));
                p.Y = XmlConvert.ToDouble(reader.GetAttribute("Y"));
                p.T = XmlConvert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("T"));

            return(new Gesture(name, points));
Example #14
        public bool SaveGesture(string filename, ArrayList points)
            // add the new prototype with the name extracted from the filename.
            string name = Gesture.ParseName(filename);

            if (_gestures.ContainsKey(name))
            //Gesture newPrototype = new Gesture(name, points);
            //_gestures.Add(name, newPrototype);

            // figure out the duration of the gesture
            PointR p0 = (PointR)points[0];
            PointR pn = (PointR)points[points.Count - 1];

            // do the xml writing
            bool          success = true;
            XmlTextWriter writer  = null;

                // save the prototype as an Xml file
                writer            = new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
                writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                writer.WriteAttributeString("Name", name);
                writer.WriteAttributeString("NumPts", XmlConvert.ToString(points.Count));
                writer.WriteAttributeString("MillSeconds", XmlConvert.ToString(pn.T - p0.T));
                writer.WriteAttributeString("AppName", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name);
                writer.WriteAttributeString("AppVer", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());
                writer.WriteAttributeString("Date", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
                writer.WriteAttributeString("TimeOfDay", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

                // write out the raw individual points
                foreach (PointR p in points)
                    writer.WriteAttributeString("X", XmlConvert.ToString(p.X));
                    writer.WriteAttributeString("Y", XmlConvert.ToString(p.Y));
                    writer.WriteAttributeString("T", XmlConvert.ToString(p.T));
                    writer.WriteEndElement(); // <Point />

                writer.WriteEndDocument(); // </Gesture>
            catch (XmlException xex)
                success = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                success = false;
                if (writer != null)
            return(success); // Xml file successfully written (or not)
Example #15
        // determines the angle, in degrees, between two points. the angle is defined
        // by the circle centered on the start point with a radius to the end point,
        // where 0 degrees is straight right from start (+x-axis) and 90 degrees is
        // straight down (+y-axis).
        public static double AngleInDegrees(PointR start, PointR end, bool positiveOnly)
            double radians = AngleInRadians(start, end, positiveOnly);

        private void MainForm_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                if (_isDown)
                    if (_points.Count >= 2)
                        PointR p = (PointR)_points[_points.Count - 1];
                        //_directionalCodewords = "" + getDirectionalCodewords(e.X, e.Y, p.X, p.Y);
                        _directionalCodewordsQueue.Enqueue(getDirectionalCodewords(e.X, e.Y, p.X, p.Y));
                        if (_directionalCodewordsQueue.Count > _maxCount)
                    _points.Add(new PointR(e.X, e.Y, Environment.TickCount));

                    //info = info + "a";
                    if (_hmmc != null && _directionalCodewordsQueue.Count > 1 && !_recording) // not recording, so testing
                        Queue <int> directionalCodewordsQueueTemp = _directionalCodewordsQueue;
                        while (directionalCodewordsQueueTemp.Count > 40)
                            //lblResult.Text = "Recognizing...";
                            _info = null;
                            _info = _info + _rec.encode(_directionalCodewordsQueue.ToArray()) + "\n";
                            //int[] observations = _rec.decode(_directionalCodewords);
                            int[] observations = directionalCodewordsQueueTemp.ToArray();
                            _info = _info + _hmmc.Compute(observations) + "\n";

                            string gestureName = (string)_hmms[0].Tag;
                            double probTemp    = 0;
                            _hmmc[0].Decode(observations, out probTemp);
                            //double probTemp = hmms[0].Evaluate(observations);
                            foreach (HiddenMarkovModel hmm in _hmms)
                                //double prob = hmm.Evaluate(observations);
                                double prob        = 0;
                                int[]  viterbipath = hmm.Decode(observations, out prob);
                                if (prob > probTemp)
                                    gestureName = (string)hmm.Tag;
                                    probTemp    = prob;
                                //info = info + hmm.Tag + "\t" + hmm.Evaluate(observations) + "\t";
                                _info = _info + hmm.Tag + "\t" + prob + "\t";
                                // = hmm.Decode(observations);
                                foreach (int state in viterbipath)
                                    _info = _info + state + " ";
                                _info = _info + "\n";
                            double probTM        = 0;
                            int[]  viterbipathTM = _hmmc.Threshold.Decode(observations, out probTM);
                            _info = _info + "ThresholdModel\t" + probTM + "\t";
                            foreach (int state in viterbipathTM)
                                _info = _info + state + " ";
                            _info = _info + "\n";

                            if (probTM > probTemp)
                                gestureName = "Threshold";
                                _info       = _info + "\n\n" + gestureName;
                                _info = _info + "\n\n" + gestureName;
                            for (int loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++)
            //Invalidate(new Rectangle(e.X - 2, e.Y - 2, 4, 4));