public void ADD_GivenARecipe_WhenTheRecipeIsAdded_BeSureThatItReturnsAnId()
            //Need to key in both Nutritional Information AND Recipe when adding now 
            //Due to 1 to 1 constraint.....but recipe Id is comming back blank
            //May need to build this into business rules.
            Recipe newRecipe = new Recipe
                CookingTime = new TimeSpan(3, 00, 00),
                CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByAuthor = "Terry Mcpherson",
                Difficulty = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.Difficulty.Difficult,
                Method = "1. Whip the cream",
                ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                PreparationTime = new TimeSpan(2, 00, 00),
                Serves = 6,
                Title = "Shepherd Pie",
                RecipeType = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.RecipeType.Main

            NutritionalInformation newNutritionalInfo = new NutritionalInformation
                CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                Calories = 3,
                Carbs = 6,
                CreatedByAuthor = "Sally Harding",
                Fat = 6,
                Fibre = 6,
                Protein = 11,
                Salt = 8,

            newRecipe.NutritionalInformation = newNutritionalInfo;
            var result = repository.Add<Recipe>(newRecipe);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(Recipe));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Id > 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Title != null);
        public void ADD_GivenNutritionalInformation_CheckThatTheNewNutritionalInfoIsAdded()
            NutritionalInformation newNutritionalInformation = new NutritionalInformation
                Calories = 650,
                Carbs = 20.00,
                CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByAuthor = "Terry McPherson",
                Fat = 3.00,
                Fibre = 20,
                ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                Protein = 4,
                Salt = 6,
                Saturates = 12,
                Sugar = 7

            Recipe newRecipe = new Recipe
                    CookingTime = new TimeSpan(3, 00, 00),
                    CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CreatedByAuthor = "Terry Mcpherson",
                    Difficulty = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.Difficulty.Difficult,
                    Method = "1. Whip the cream",
                    ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    PreparationTime = new TimeSpan(2, 00, 00),
                    Serves = 6,
                    Title = "Chicken Pie",
                    RecipeType = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.RecipeType.Main

            newNutritionalInformation.Recipe = newRecipe;
            var result = repository.Add<NutritionalInformation>(newNutritionalInformation);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(NutritionalInformation));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Id > 0);
        public void DELETE_GivenARecipeId_DeleteTheRecipe()
            Recipe existingRecipe = new Recipe
                Id = 17,
                CookingTime = new TimeSpan(3, 00, 00),
                CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByAuthor = "Terry Mcpherson",
                Difficulty = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.Difficulty.Difficult,
                Method = "2. Whip the cream",
                ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                PreparationTime = new TimeSpan(2, 00, 00),
                Serves = 6,
                Title = "NOTShepherd Pie",
                RecipeType = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.RecipeType.Main

            int deleted = repository.Delete(existingRecipe);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(deleted, typeof(int));
        public void UPDATE_GivenARecipe_WhenUpdateIsCalled_UpdateTheDescription()
            Recipe existingRecipe = new Recipe
                Id = 12,
                CookingTime = new TimeSpan(3, 00, 00),
                CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByAuthor = "Terry Mcpherson",
                Difficulty = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.Difficulty.Difficult,
                Method = "2. Whip the cream",
                ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                PreparationTime = new TimeSpan(2, 00, 00),
                Serves = 6,
                Title = "NOTShepherd Pie",
                RecipeType = Recipes.DataAccess.Enums.RecipeType.Main

            var result = repository.Update<Recipe>(existingRecipe).Id;