static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter6.member"); } }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var blogpost = new BlogPosting { Title = "ASP.NET MVC", Author = "Steven Grace", Post = "What's New", Comments = "50" }; var story = new Story { Title = "Time in a Bottle", Author = "Emily Jones", Plot = "Murder on the high seas" }; var ed = new EducationalVideo { Instructor = "Joseph Robins", ResourcePath = "\\videos\asp.wmv", Title = "ASP.NET Examples" }; var movie = new RecreationalVideo { Title = "Archie's Place", Rating = 1, ResourcePath = "\\videos\archie.wmv" }; context.Media.AddObject(blogpost); context.Media.AddObject(story); context.Media.AddObject(ed); context.Media.AddObject(movie); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("All of the media..."); foreach (var m in context.Media) { Console.WriteLine(); if (m is BlogPosting) { var post = (BlogPosting)m; Console.WriteLine("Blog Posting"); Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Author: {1}, Post: {2}", post.Title, post.Author, post.Post); } else if (m is Story) { var story = (Story)m; Console.WriteLine("Story"); Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Author: {1}, Plot: {2}", story.Title, story.Author, story.Plot); } else if (m is EducationalVideo) { var edvideo = (EducationalVideo)m; Console.WriteLine("Educational Video"); Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Instructor: {1}", edvideo.Title, edvideo.Instructor); } else if (m is RecreationalVideo) { var video = (RecreationalVideo)m; Console.WriteLine("Recreational Video"); Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Rating: {1}", video.Title, video.Rating.ToString()); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter13.track"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter5.invoice"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter5.client"); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter3.topselling"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter3.product"); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter12.salesorder"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter12.customer"); } }
private static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from chapter5.appointment"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from"); context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("delete from chapter5.patient"); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter15.article"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); } }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var cd1 = context.CreateObject <CD>(); cd1.Title = "Abbey Road"; cd1.Tracks.Add(new Track { Title = "Come Together", Artist = "The Beatles" }); var cd2 = context.CreateObject <CD>(); cd2.Title = "Cowboy Town"; cd2.Tracks.Add(new Track { Title = "Cowgirls Don't Cry", Artist = "Brooks & Dunn" }); var cd3 = context.CreateObject <CD>(); cd3.Title = "Long Black Train"; cd3.Tracks.Add(new Track { Title = "In My Dreams", Artist = "Josh Turner" }); cd3.Tracks.Add(new Track { Title = "Jacksonville", Artist = "Josh Turner" }); context.CDs.AddObject(cd1); context.CDs.AddObject(cd2); context.CDs.AddObject(cd3); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { // trigger proxy generation context.CreateProxyTypes(new Type[] { typeof(CD), typeof(Track) }); Console.WriteLine("{0} proxies generated!", EFRecipesEntities.GetKnownProxyTypes().Count()); var cds = context.CDs.Include("Tracks"); foreach (var cd in cds) { Console.WriteLine("Album: {0}", cd.Title); foreach (var track in cd.Tracks) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0} by {1}", track.Title, track.Artist); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var teen = new Teen { Name = "Steven Keller", Age = 17, Phone = "817 867-5309" }; var adult = new Adult { Name = "Margret Jones", Age = 53, Phone = "913 294-6059" }; var senior = new Senior { Name = "Roland Park", Age = 71, Phone = "816 353-4458" }; context.Members.AddObject(teen); context.Members.AddObject(adult); context.Members.AddObject(senior); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Club Members"); Console.WriteLine("============"); foreach (var member in context.Members) { bool printPhone = true; string str = string.Empty; if (member is Teen) { str = " a Teen"; printPhone = false; } else if (member is Adult) { str = "an Adult"; } else if (member is Senior) { str = "a Senior"; } Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} member, phone: {2}", member.Name, str, printPhone ? member.Phone : "unavailable"); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var w1 = new WebProduct { Name = "Camping Tent", Description = "Family Camping Tent, Color Green" }; var w2 = new WebProduct { Name = "Chemical Light" }; var w3 = new WebProduct { Name = "Ground Cover", Description = "Blue ground cover" }; context.WebProducts.AddObject(w1); context.WebProducts.AddObject(w2); context.WebProducts.AddObject(w3); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Query using eSql..."); var esql = @"select value EFRecipesModel.Store.ISNULL(p.Description,p.Name) from EFRecipesEntities.WebProducts as p"; var prods = context.CreateQuery <string>(esql); foreach (var prod in prods) { Console.WriteLine("Product Description: {0}", prod); } } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Query using LINQ..."); var prods = from p in context.WebProducts select BuiltinFunctions.ISNULL(p.Description, p.Name); foreach (var prod in prods) { Console.WriteLine(prod); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var name1 = new Name { FirstName = "Robin", LastName = "Rosen" }; var name2 = new Name { FirstName = "Alex", LastName = "St. James" }; var address1 = new Address { AddressLine1 = "510 N. Grant", AddressLine2 = "Apt. 8", City = "Raytown", State = "MO", ZIPCode = "64133" }; var address2 = new Address { AddressLine1 = "222 Baker St.", AddressLine2 = "Apt.22B", City = "Raytown", State = "MO", ZIPCode = "64133" }; context.Agents.AddObject(new Agent { Name = name1, Address = address1 }); context.Agents.AddObject(new Agent { Name = name2, Address = address2 }); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Agents"); foreach (var agent in context.Agents) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", agent.Name.FirstName, agent.Name.LastName); Console.WriteLine("{0}", agent.Address.AddressLine1); Console.WriteLine("{0}", agent.Address.AddressLine2); Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1} {2}", agent.Address.City, agent.Address.State, agent.Address.ZIPCode); Console.WriteLine(); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var client1 = new Client { Name = "Karen Standfield", ClientId = 1 }; var invoice1 = new Invoice { InvoiceDate = DateTime.Parse("4/1/10"), Amount = 29.95M }; var invoice2 = new Invoice { InvoiceDate = DateTime.Parse("4/2/10"), Amount = 49.95M }; var invoice3 = new Invoice { InvoiceDate = DateTime.Parse("4/3/10"), Amount = 102.95M }; var invoice4 = new Invoice { InvoiceDate = DateTime.Parse("4/4/10"), Amount = 45.99M }; // add the invoice // to the client's collection client1.Invoices.Add(invoice1); // assign the foreign key // directly invoice2.ClientId = 1; // Attach() and existing // row using a "fake" entity context.ExecuteStoreCommand("insert into chapter5.client values (2, 'Phil Marlowe')"); var client2 = new Client { ClientId = 2 }; context.Clients.Attach(client2); invoice3.Client = client2; // using the ClientReference invoice4.ClientReference.Value = client1; // save the changes context.Clients.AddObject(client1); context.Invoices.AddObject(invoice2); context.Invoices.AddObject(invoice3); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { foreach (var client in context.Clients) { Console.WriteLine("Client: {0}", client.Name); foreach (var invoice in client.Invoices) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0} for {1}", invoice.InvoiceDate.ToShortDateString(), invoice.Amount.ToString("C")); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var doc1 = new Doctor { Name = "Joan Meyers" }; var doc2 = new Doctor { Name = "Steven Mills" }; var pat1 = new Patient { Name = "Bill Rivers" }; var pat2 = new Patient { Name = "Susan Stevenson" }; var pat3 = new Patient { Name = "Roland Marcy" }; var app1 = new Appointment { Date = DateTime.Today, Doctor = doc1, Fee = 109.92M, Patient = pat1, Reason = "Checkup" }; var app2 = new Appointment { Date = DateTime.Today, Doctor = doc2, Fee = 129.87M, Patient = pat2, Reason = "Arm Pain" }; var app3 = new Appointment { Date = DateTime.Today, Doctor = doc1, Fee = 99.23M, Patient = pat3, Reason = "Back Pain" }; context.Appointments.Add(app1); context.Appointments.Add(app2); context.Appointments.Add(app3); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { // disable lazy-loading feature as we are explicitly loading // child entities context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers"); if (!context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded) { context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load(); Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0}'s appointments were explicitly loaded.", doctorJoan.Name); } Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointment(s).", doctorJoan.Name, doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); foreach (var appointment in context.Appointments) { if (!context.Entry(appointment).Reference(x => x.Doctor).IsLoaded) { context.Entry(appointment).Reference(x => x.Doctor).Load(); Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} was explicitly loaded.", appointment.Doctor.Name); } else { Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} was already loaded.", appointment.Doctor.Name); } } Console.WriteLine("There are {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(), doctorJoan.Name); doctorJoan.Appointments.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Collection clear()'ed"); Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(), doctorJoan.Name); context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load(); Console.WriteLine("Collection loaded()'ed"); Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", doctorJoan.Appointments.Count().ToString(), doctorJoan.Name); // Currently, there isn't an easy way to refresh entities with the DbContext API. // Instead, drop-down into the ObjectContext and perform the following actions var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext; var objectSet = objectContext.CreateObjectSet <Appointment>(); objectSet.MergeOption = MergeOption.OverwriteChanges; objectSet.Load(); Console.WriteLine("Collection loaded()'ed with MergeOption.OverwriteChanges"); Console.WriteLine("There are now {0} appointments for Dr. {1}", doctorJoan.Appointments.Count(), doctorJoan.Name); } // Demonstrating loading part of the collection then Load()'ing the rest using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { // disable lazy-loading feature as we are explicitly loading // child entities context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; // Load the first doctor and attach just the first appointment var doctorJoan = context.Doctors.First(o => o.Name == "Joan Meyers"); context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Query().Take(1).Load(); // note that IsLoaded returns false here since all related data has not been loaded into the context var appointmentsLoaded = context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).IsLoaded; Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.", doctorJoan.Name, doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); // When we need all of the remaining appointments, simply Load() them context.Entry(doctorJoan).Collection(x => x.Appointments).Load(); Console.WriteLine("Dr. {0} has {1} appointments loaded.", doctorJoan.Name, doctorJoan.Appointments.Count()); } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var p1 = new Product { Name = "Trailrunner Backpack" }; var p2 = new Product { Name = "Green River Tent", TopSelling = new TopSelling { Rating = 3 } }; var p3 = new Product { Name = "Prairie Home Dutch Oven", TopSelling = new TopSelling { Rating = 4 } }; var p4 = new Product { Name = "QuickFire Fire Starter", TopSelling = new TopSelling { Rating = 2 } }; context.Products.AddObject(p1); context.Products.AddObject(p2); context.Products.AddObject(p3); context.Products.AddObject(p4); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var products = from p in context.Products orderby p.TopSelling.Rating descending select p; Console.WriteLine("Top selling products sorted by rating"); foreach (var product in products) { if (product.TopSelling != null) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0} [rating: {1}]", product.Name, product.TopSelling.Rating.ToString()); } } } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var products = from p in context.Products join t in context.TopSellings on p.ProductId equals t.ProductId into g from tps in g.DefaultIfEmpty() orderby tps.Rating descending select new { Name = p.Name, Rating = tps.Rating == null ? 0 : tps.Rating }; Console.WriteLine("\nTop selling products sorted by rating"); foreach (var product in products) { if (product.Rating != 0) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0} [rating: {1}]", product.Name, product.Rating.ToString()); } } } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var esql = @"select value p from products as p order by case when p.TopSelling is null then 0 else p.TopSelling.Rating end desc"; var products = context.CreateQuery <Product>(esql); Console.WriteLine("\nTop selling products sorted by rating"); foreach (var product in products) { if (product.TopSelling != null) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0} [rating: {1}]", product.Name, product.TopSelling.Rating.ToString()); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { // bad order date using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var customer = new Customer { Name = "Phil Marlowe" }; var order = new SalesOrder { OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("3/12/18"), Amount = 19.95M, Status = "Approved", ShippingCharge = 3.95M, Customer = customer }; context.Customers.AddObject(customer); try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } // order shipped before it was ordered using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var customer = new Customer { Name = "Phil Marlowe" }; var order = new SalesOrder { OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("3/12/10"), Amount = 19.95M, Status = "Approved", ShippingCharge = 3.95M, Customer = customer }; context.Customers.AddObject(customer); context.SaveChanges(); try { order.Shipped = true; order.ShippedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/10/10"); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } // order shipped, but not approved using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var customer = new Customer { Name = "Phil Marlowe" }; var order = new SalesOrder { OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("3/12/10"), Amount = 19.95M, Status = "Pending", ShippingCharge = 3.95M, Customer = customer }; context.Customers.AddObject(customer); context.SaveChanges(); try { order.Shipped = true; order.ShippedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/13/10"); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } // order over $5,000 and shipping not free using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var customer = new Customer { Name = "Phil Marlowe" }; var order = new SalesOrder { OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("3/12/10"), Amount = 6200M, Status = "Approved", ShippingCharge = 59.95M, Customer = customer }; context.Customers.AddObject(customer); context.SaveChanges(); try { order.Shipped = true; order.ShippedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/13/10"); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } // order deleted after it was shipped using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var customer = new Customer { Name = "Phil Marlowe" }; var order = new SalesOrder { OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("3/12/10"), Amount = 19.95M, Status = "Approved", ShippingCharge = 3.95M, Customer = customer }; context.Customers.AddObject(customer); context.SaveChanges(); order.Shipped = true; order.ShippedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/13/10"); context.SaveChanges(); try { context.DeleteObject(order); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }