public static void Initialize() { FileIO.checkver(); File.Delete(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\test.exe"); Console.Title = "Realm: " + Interface.GetTitle(); Interface.type(Main.version, ConsoleColor.White); Map.gencave(); Achievement.LoadAchievements(); if (!Save.LoadGame()) { Interface.type("\"Greetings. Before we begin, I must know your name.\""); Interface.type("Please enter your name. "); = Interface.readinput(true); if (Main.devmode) { Console.Clear(); Main.Player.race = Interface.readinput(); Main.Player.pclass = Interface.readinput(); } Main.ach.Get("name"); Main.Tutorial(); } else { Main.MainLoop(); } }
public static void Tutorial() { List <string> racelist = new List <string> { "human", "elf", "rockman", "giant", "zephyr", "shade" }; List <string> classlist = new List <string> { "warrior", "paladin", "mage", "thief" }; List <string> secret = new List <string>(); if (achieve["100slimes"]) { secret.Add("Slime"); } if (achieve["100goblins"]) { secret.Add("Goblin"); } if (achieve["100bandits"]) { secret.Add("Bandit"); } if (achieve["100drakes"]) { secret.Add("Drake"); } is_typing = true; Interface.type("Welcome, "); Interface.typeOnSameLine(, ConsoleColor.White); Interface.typeOnSameLine(", to Realm."); if (achieve["finalboss"]) { Player.backpack.Add(new nightbringer()); } if (!devmode) { Interface.type("Skip the tutorial? (y/n)"); if (Interface.readkey().KeyChar == 'n') { Interface.type("To do anything in Realm, simply press one of the listed commands."); Interface.type("If at any time, you wish to you view you stats, press 'v'"); Interface.type("Make sure to visit every library! They offer many valuable abilities as well as experience."); Interface.type("When in combat, select an availible move. All damage is randomized. Mana is refilled after each fight."); Interface.type("While in the backpack, simply select a number corresponding to an item. You may swap this item in or out. Make sure to equip an item once you pick it up!"); Interface.type("At any specified time, you may press x, then y. This will cause you to commit suicide."); Interface.type("At any specified time, you may press #. Doing so will save the game."); } Interface.type("In Realm, every player selects a race. Each race gives its own bonuses. You may choose from Human, Elf, Rockman, Giant, Zephyr, or Shade."); if (achieve["100slimes"] || achieve["100goblins"] || achieve["100bandits"] || achieve["100drakes"]) { Interface.type("Secret Races: ", ConsoleColor.Yellow); for (int i = 0; i < secret.Count; i++) { if (i > 1) { Interface.typeOnSameLine(", ", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } Interface.type(secret[i], ConsoleColor.Yellow); } foreach (string s in secret) { racelist.Add(s); } } Interface.type("Please enter a race. "); is_typing = false; string race = Interface.readinput(); while (!racelist.Contains(race)) { Interface.type("Invalid. Please try again. "); race = Interface.readinput(); } Player.race = race; Interface.type("You have selected " + Interface.ToUpperFirstLetter(Player.race) + ".", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Interface.type("Each player also has a class. You may choose from Warrior, Paladin, Mage, or Thief."); Interface.type("Please enter a class. "); string pclass = Interface.readinput(); while (!classlist.Contains(pclass)) { Interface.type("Invalid. Please try again. "); pclass = Interface.readinput(); } Player.pclass = pclass; Interface.type("You have selected " + Interface.ToUpperFirstLetter(Player.pclass) + ".", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Interface.type("You are now ready to play Realm. Good luck!"); Interface.type("Press any key to continue.", ConsoleColor.White); Interface.readkey(); Map.PlayerPosition.x = 0; Map.PlayerPosition.y = 6; if (Player.race == "giant") { Player.hp = 15; } } MainLoop(); }
public static void CaveLoop() { caveplace currPlace = new caveplace(); Main.Player.applybonus(); while (Main.Player.hp > 0) { Enemy enemy = new Enemy(); Main.Player.levelup(); currPlace = Map.cavemap[Map.CavePosition]; if (Main.Player.hp > Main.Player.maxhp) { Main.Player.hp = Main.Player.maxhp; } if (Combat.CheckBattle() && currPlace.getEnemyList() != null) { enemy = currPlace.getEnemyList(); Combat.BattleLoop(enemy); } if (!Main.devmode) { Main.Player.applybonus(); } else { Main.Player.applydevbonus(); } if (!Main.devmode) { Interface.type("-------------------------------------"); Interface.type( + "(" + Main.Player.race + ")," + " Level " + Main.Player.level + " " + Main.Player.pclass + ":"); Interface.type("HP: " + Main.Player.hp + "/" + Main.Player.maxhp); Interface.type("Attack: " + Main.Player.atk + " / Defense: " + Main.Player.def + " / Speed: " + Main.spdbuff + " / Intelligence: " + Main.Player.intl); Interface.type("Mana: " + (1 + (Main.Player.intl / 10))); Interface.type("Gold: " + Main.Player.g + " / Exp to Level: " + (Main.Player.xp_next - Main.Player.xp)); Interface.type("-------------------------------------"); } if (!Main.devmode) { Interface.type(currPlace.Description); } else { Interface.type(currPlace.ToString()); } ConsoleKeyInfo command = Interface.readkey(); if (command.KeyChar == 'x') { Interface.type("\r\nAre you sure?"); char surecommand = Interface.readkey().KeyChar; if (surecommand == 'y') { End.GameOver(); } } else if (command.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { Environment.Exit(0); } else if (command.KeyChar == '-' && Main.devmode) { string input = Interface.readinput(); if (input == "e") { End.Endgame(); } else if (input == "c") { string combat_input = Interface.readinput(); Type etype = Type.GetType("Realm." + combat_input); Enemy e = (Enemy)Activator.CreateInstance(etype); Combat.BattleLoop(e); } else if (input == "n") { = Interface.readinput(); } else if (input == "a") { string add_input = Interface.readinput(); Type atype = Type.GetType("Realm." + add_input); Item i = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(atype); if (Main.Player.backpack.Count <= 10) { Main.Player.backpack.Add(i); } else { Interface.type("Not enough space."); } Interface.type("Obtained '" + + "'!"); } else if (input == "p") { string p_input = Interface.readinput(); Type atype = Type.GetType("Realm." + p_input); Item i = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(atype); Main.Player.primary = i; } else if (input == "t") { string place_input = Interface.readinput(); Type ptype = Type.GetType("Realm." + place_input); Place p = (Place)Activator.CreateInstance(ptype); } } else { currPlace.handleInput(command.KeyChar); } Main.loop_number++; } }
public static void MainLoop() { game_state = 0; Place currPlace; while (Player.hp > 0) { if (slimecounter == 100) { ach.Get("100slimes"); } if (goblincounter == 100) { ach.Get("100goblins"); } if (banditcounter == 100) { ach.Get("100bandits"); } if (drakecounter == 100) { ach.Get("100drakes"); } Tuple <int, int> xy = Map.CoordinatesOf(typeof(Nomad));[xy.Item1, xy.Item2] = new Place(); Tuple <int, int> nextNomad = Map.getRandomBlankTile();[nextNomad.Item1, nextNomad.Item2] = new Nomad(); foreach (Place p in { if (p.GetType() == typeof(Place)) { p.is_npc_active = false; } } Tuple <int, int> randomTile = Map.getRandomBlankTile(); if (rand.NextDouble() <= .1) {[randomTile.Item1, randomTile.Item2].is_npc_active = true; } if (devmode) { Interface.type("Dev Powers!", ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta); Player.primary = new phantasmal_claymore(); Player.secondary = new spectral_bulwark(); Player.armor = new illusory_plate(); Player.accessory = new void_cloak(); hasmap = true; } Player.applybonus(); Enemy enemy = new Enemy(); Player.levelup(); currPlace =[Map.PlayerPosition.x, Map.PlayerPosition.y]; if (Player.hp > Player.maxhp) { Player.hp = Player.maxhp; } if (loop_number >= 1) { if (Combat.CheckBattle() && currPlace.getEnemyList() != null && !devmode) { enemy = currPlace.getEnemyList(); Combat.BattleLoop(enemy); } } Item pc = new phantasmal_claymore(); Item sb = new spectral_bulwark(); Item ip = new illusory_plate(); Item vc = new void_cloak(); if ((Player.backpack.Contains(pc) && Player.backpack.Contains(sb) && Player.backpack.Contains(ip) && Player.backpack.Contains(vc)) || devmode) { if (!Player.abilities.commandChars.Contains('*')) { Player.abilities.AddCommand(new Combat.EndtheIllusion("End the Illusion", '*')); } ach.Get("set"); } if (devmode) { Interface.type(Map.PlayerPosition.x + " " + Map.PlayerPosition.y); } if (!devmode) { Player.applybonus(); } else { Player.applydevbonus(); } if (gbooks >= 3 && !Player.abilities.commandChars.Contains('@')) { Interface.type("Having read all of the Ramsay books, you are enlightened in the ways of Gordon Ramsay."); Player.abilities.AddCommand(new Combat.HellsKitchen("Hell's Kitchen", '@')); } if (!devmode) { Interface.type(currPlace.Description); } else { Interface.type(currPlace.ToString()); } char[] currcommands = currPlace.getAvailableCommands(); Interface.typeOnSameLine("\r\nYour current commands are x", ConsoleColor.Cyan); foreach (char c in currcommands) { Interface.typeOnSameLine(", " + c, ConsoleColor.Cyan); } Interface.type(""); ConsoleKeyInfo command = Interface.readkey(); if (command.KeyChar == 'x') { Interface.type("\r\nAre you sure?", ConsoleColor.Red); char surecommand = Interface.readkey().KeyChar; if (surecommand == 'y') { End.GameOver(); } } else if (command.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { Environment.Exit(0); } else if (command.KeyChar == '-' && devmode) { string input = Interface.readinput(); if (input == "end") { End.Endgame(); } else if (input == "combat") { string combat_input = Interface.readinput(); Type etype = Type.GetType("Realm." + combat_input); try { Enemy e = (Enemy)Activator.CreateInstance(etype); Combat.BattleLoop(e); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Interface.type("Invalid Enemy."); } } else if (input == "name") { = Interface.readinput(); } else if (input == "additem") { string add_input = Interface.readinput(); Type atype = Type.GetType("Realm." + add_input); try { Item i = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(atype); if (Player.backpack.Count <= 10) { Player.backpack.Add(i); Interface.type("Obtained '" + + "'!"); } else { Interface.type("Not enough space."); } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Interface.type("Invalid Item."); } } else if (input == "droploot") { if (Main.rand.NextDouble() <= .1d) { Main.Player.backpack.Add(MainItemList[Main.rand.Next(0, MainItemList.Count - 1)]); Interface.type("Obtained " + MainItemList[Main.rand.Next(0, MainItemList.Count - 1)].name + "!", ConsoleColor.Green); } else { Interface.type("Nothing dropped."); } } else if (input == "teleport") { int xcoord = Int32.Parse(Interface.readinput()); int ycoord = Int32.Parse(Interface.readinput()); Map.PlayerPosition.x = xcoord; Map.PlayerPosition.y = ycoord; } else if (input == "level") { Main.Player.level = Convert.ToInt32(Interface.readinput()); } else if (input == "levelup") { Main.Player.xp += Main.Player.xp_next; } else if (input == "getach") { ach.Get(Interface.readinput()); } else if (input == "suicide") { End.GameOver(); } } else { currPlace.handleInput(command.KeyChar); } loop_number++; } }