Example #1
        //Creating a List with TaxRules from CSV File
        public static void Importer(string _filepath)
            var    taxRuleList = new List <TaxRule>();
            string csvLine;

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(_filepath))
                int line = 0;
                // Read the stream as a string, and write the string to the console.
                while ((csvLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    TaxRule taxrule = ReadTaxRuleFromCSVLine(csvLine, line);
                    if (!taxrule.Error)//Checks if TaxRule has any Errors before attempting to add it to the List
            bool Continue = true;

            foreach (TaxRule _taxrule in taxRuleList)
                if (!_taxrule.Error)                                                                                                                              //Makes absolutely sure there are no errors before attempting to add the TaxRule
                    if (!(Continue = AddTaxToDb.AddTax(_taxrule.StartDate, _taxrule.Type, _taxrule.TaxRate, _taxrule.MunicipalityId, _taxrule.MunicipalityName))) //Adds info to DB and break out of foreach loop if method returns false eg. if user selects Cancel in a dublicate warning
Example #2
        private void btnAddTax_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)                                //Add Tax Button
            string   SelectedTaxType   = lstTaxType.SelectedItem.ToString();                    //Sets selected tax type from list
            string   taxType           = SelectedTaxType.First().ToString();                    //Selects only First letter to make it combatible with DB
            DateTime selectedStartDate = dateTimePickerAddTax.Value.Date;                       //Finds selected date
            string   taxRate           = txtBoxAddNewTax.Text;                                  //Finds entered taxRate
            int      municipalityId    = int.Parse(lstMunicipalities.SelectedValue.ToString()); //Gets the Id of the selected municipality
            string   municipalityName  = lstMunicipalities.Text;

            if (ReplaceDublicate.SelectedValue == false)
                MessageBox.Show("Can't add the new tax\n'Replace existing' is set to: 'Ignore All'\nChange to 'Replace All' or 'Always Ask'", "Ignore All Selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            else if (Validater.TaxRate(taxRate) && ReplaceDublicate.SelectedValue != false)               //Validates correct TaxRate
                AddTaxToDb.AddTax(selectedStartDate, taxType, taxRate, municipalityId, municipalityName); //Sends info to AddTax method
            taxsearch();                                                                                  //Refreshes TaxSearcher