public void AddJoinToBuilder(AggregateConfiguration user, IColumn usersExtractionIdentifier, AggregateBuilder builder, QueryBuilderArgs args)
            var    joinableTableAlias = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinTableAlias();
            string joinDirection      = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinDirectionSQL();

            IHasRuntimeName joinOn = null;

            if (args.JoinedTo.Catalogue.IsApiCall(out IPluginCohortCompiler plugin))
                if (plugin == null)
                    throw new Exception($"No IPluginCohortCompiler was found that supports API cohort set '{args.JoinedTo}'");

                joinOn = plugin.GetJoinColumnForPatientIndexTable(args.JoinedTo);
                joinOn = args.JoinedTo.AggregateDimensions.SingleOrDefault(d => d.IsExtractionIdentifier);

            if (joinOn == null)
                throw new QueryBuildingException(
                          $"AggregateConfiguration {user} uses a join aggregate (patient index aggregate) of {args.JoinedTo} but that AggregateConfiguration does not have an IsExtractionIdentifier dimension so how are we supposed to join these tables on the patient identifier?");

            // will end up with something like this where 51 is the ID of the joinTable:
            // LEFT Join (***INCEPTION QUERY***)ix51 on ["+TestDatabaseNames.Prefix+@"ScratchArea]..[BulkData].[patientIdentifier] = ix51.patientIdentifier

                $" {joinDirection} Join ({Environment.NewLine}{TabIn(args.JoinSql.Sql, 1)}{Environment.NewLine}){joinableTableAlias}{Environment.NewLine}on {usersExtractionIdentifier.SelectSQL} = {joinableTableAlias}.{joinOn.GetRuntimeName()}", QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin);
Example #2
        public void AddJoinablesToBuilder(AggregateBuilder builder, AggregateConfiguration aggregate, int tabDepth)
            var users = aggregate.Repository.GetAllObjectsWithParent <JoinableCohortAggregateConfigurationUse>(aggregate);

            foreach (var use in users)
                var joinableTableAlias = use.GetJoinTableAlias();

                var joinAggregate = use.JoinableCohortAggregateConfiguration.AggregateConfiguration;

                var identifierCol = aggregate.AggregateDimensions.Single();
                var identifierColInJoinAggregate = joinAggregate.AggregateDimensions.SingleOrDefault(d => d.IsExtractionIdentifier);

                if (identifierColInJoinAggregate == null)
                    throw new QueryBuildingException("AggregateConfiguration " + aggregate + " uses a join aggregate (patient index aggregate) of " + joinAggregate + " but that AggregateConfiguration does not have an IsExtractionIdentifier dimension so how are we supposed to join these tables on the patient identifier?");

                var joinSQL = GetSQLForAggregate(joinAggregate, tabDepth + 1, true);

                string joinDirection = use.GetJoinDirectionSQL();

                // will end up with something like this where 51 is the ID of the joinTable:
                // LEFT Join (***INCEPTION QUERY***)ix51 on ["+TestDatabaseNames.Prefix+@"ScratchArea]..[BulkData].[patientIdentifier] = ix51.patientIdentifier

                builder.AddCustomLine(" " + joinDirection + " Join (" + Environment.NewLine + joinSQL + Environment.NewLine + ")" + joinableTableAlias + Environment.NewLine + "on " + identifierCol.SelectSQL + " = " + joinableTableAlias + "." + identifierColInJoinAggregate.GetRuntimeName(), QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin);
Example #3
        public void AddJoinToBuilder(AggregateConfiguration user, IColumn usersExtractionIdentifier, AggregateBuilder builder, QueryBuilderArgs args)
            var    joinableTableAlias = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinTableAlias();
            string joinDirection      = args.JoinIfAny.GetJoinDirectionSQL();

            var joinOn = args.JoinedTo.AggregateDimensions.SingleOrDefault(d => d.IsExtractionIdentifier);

            if (joinOn == null)
                throw new QueryBuildingException("AggregateConfiguration " + user + " uses a join aggregate (patient index aggregate) of " + args.JoinedTo + " but that AggregateConfiguration does not have an IsExtractionIdentifier dimension so how are we supposed to join these tables on the patient identifier?");

            // will end up with something like this where 51 is the ID of the joinTable:
            // LEFT Join (***INCEPTION QUERY***)ix51 on ["+TestDatabaseNames.Prefix+@"ScratchArea]..[BulkData].[patientIdentifier] = ix51.patientIdentifier

            builder.AddCustomLine(" " + joinDirection + " Join (" + Environment.NewLine + TabIn(args.JoinSql.Sql, 1) + Environment.NewLine + ")" + joinableTableAlias + Environment.NewLine + "on " + usersExtractionIdentifier.SelectSQL + " = " + joinableTableAlias + "." + joinOn.GetRuntimeName(), QueryComponent.JoinInfoJoin);