Example #1
        static void DumpFile(string baseDir, int level, int version)
            RazorCache cache = new RazorCache ();
            var tablefile = new SortedBlockTable (cache, baseDir, level, version);

            try {
                tablefile.DumpContents (msg => Console.WriteLine (msg));
            } finally {
                tablefile.Close ();
Example #2
        public void LevelMergeDuplicateValuesTest()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath ("TestData\\LevelMergeDuplicateValuesTest");
            if (!Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.CreateDirectory (path);
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(path)) File.Delete (file);

            int num_tables_to_merge = 4;
            int items_per_table = 2500;
            int totalData = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < num_tables_to_merge; i++) {
                var mt = new MemTable ();
                for (int j = 0; j < items_per_table; j++) {
                    int numToStore = j % 100;
                    var key = new Key (new ByteArray (BitConverter.GetBytes (numToStore)));
                    var value = new Value (BitConverter.GetBytes (j));
                    mt.Add (key, value);
                mt.WriteToSortedBlockTable ("TestData\\LevelMergeDuplicateValuesTest", 0, i);
                totalData += mt.Size;

            var cache = new RazorCache ();
            var timer = new Stopwatch ();
            timer.Start ();

            Manifest mf = new Manifest ("TestData\\LevelMergeDuplicateValuesTest");
            SortedBlockTable.MergeTables (cache, mf, 1, new List<PageRef> {
                new PageRef { Level = 0, Version = 0},
                new PageRef { Level = 0, Version = 1},
                new PageRef { Level = 0, Version = 2},
                new PageRef { Level = 0, Version = 3}
            }, ExceptionHandling.ThrowAll, null);
            timer.Stop ();

            // Open the block table and scan it to check the stored values
            var sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, mf.BaseFileName, 1, 1);
            try {
                var pairs = sbt.Enumerate ().ToList ();
                Assert.AreEqual (100, pairs.Count ());
                Assert.AreEqual (2400, BitConverter.ToInt32 (pairs.First ().Value.ValueBytes, 0));
            } finally {
                sbt.Close ();

            Console.WriteLine ("Wrote a multilevel merge with duplicates at a throughput of {0} MB/s", (double)totalData / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
Example #3
        public static bool Lookup(string baseFileName, int level, int version, RazorCache cache, Key key, out Value value, ExceptionHandling exceptionHandling, Action <string> logger)
            SortedBlockTable sbt = new SortedBlockTable(cache, baseFileName, level, version);

            try {
                int dataBlockNum = FindBlockForKey(baseFileName, level, version, cache, key);
                if (dataBlockNum >= 0 && dataBlockNum < sbt._dataBlocks)
                    byte[] block = sbt.ReadBlock(LocalThreadAllocatedBlock(), dataBlockNum);
                    return(SearchBlockForKey(block, key, out value));
            } finally {
            value = Value.Empty;
Example #4
        public void EnumerateFromKeys()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath ("TestData\\EnumerateFromKeys");
            if (!Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.CreateDirectory (path);

            List<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>> items = new List<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>> ();

            int num_items = 10000;
            var mt = new MemTable ();
            for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
                var k0 = Key.Random (40);
                var v0 = Value.Random (200);
                mt.Add (k0, v0);

                items.Add (new KeyValuePair<Key, Value> (k0, v0));

            mt.WriteToSortedBlockTable ("TestData\\EnumerateFromKeys", 10, 10);

            var cache = new RazorCache ();
            var sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, "TestData\\EnumerateFromKeys", 10, 10);

            try {
                var indexCache = new RazorCache ();

                var timer = new Stopwatch ();
                timer.Start ();
                Assert.AreEqual (10000, sbt.EnumerateFromKey (indexCache, new Key (new byte[] { 0 }, 0)).Count ());
                timer.Stop ();
                Console.WriteLine ("Counted from beginning at a throughput of {0} MB/s", (double)mt.Size / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0));

                items = items.OrderBy ((a) => a.Key).ToList ();

                timer.Reset ();
                timer.Start ();
                Assert.AreEqual (5000, sbt.EnumerateFromKey (indexCache, items [5000].Key).Count ());
                timer.Stop ();
                Console.WriteLine ("Counted from halfway at a throughput of {0} MB/s", (double)mt.Size / 2 / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0));

                Assert.AreEqual (0, sbt.EnumerateFromKey (indexCache, new Key (new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, 0xFF)).Count ());
            } finally {
                sbt.Close ();
Example #5
        static void CheckBlockTableFiles(string baseDir)
            Console.WriteLine ("Checking Block Table Files '{0}'", baseDir);

            RazorCache cache = new RazorCache ();
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(baseDir, "*.sbt", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) {
                var fileparts = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file).Split ('-');
                int level = int.Parse (fileparts [0]);
                int version = int.Parse (fileparts [1]);
                var tablefile = new SortedBlockTable (cache, baseDir, level, version);

                Console.WriteLine ("Level: {0} Version: {1}", level, version);

                try {
                    tablefile.ScanCheck ();
                } finally {
                    tablefile.Close ();
Example #6
        public Key[] GetBlockTableIndex(string baseName, int level, int version)
            string fileName = Config.SortedBlockTableFile(baseName, level, version);

            Key[] index;

            if (_blockIndexCache.TryGetValue(fileName, out index))

            var sbt = new SortedBlockTable(null, baseName, level, version);

            try {
                index = sbt.GetIndex();
                _blockIndexCache.Set(fileName, index);
            } finally {
Example #7
        Value InternalGet(Key lookupKey)
            Value output = Value.Empty;

            var rotatedMemTable = _rotatedJournaledMemTable;             // Capture copy of the rotated table if there is one.

            if (_currentJournaledMemTable.Lookup(lookupKey, out output))
                return(output);                // Check the current memtable.
            if (rotatedMemTable != null)
                if (rotatedMemTable.Lookup(lookupKey, out output))
                    return(output);            // Check the table in rotation.
            using (var manifest = _manifest.GetLatestManifest()) {             // Check the files on disk.
                // Must check all pages on level 0.
                var zeroPages = manifest.GetPagesAtLevel(0).OrderByDescending((page) => page.Version);
                foreach (var page in zeroPages)
                    if (SortedBlockTable.Lookup(_manifest.BaseFileName, page.Level, page.Version, _cache, lookupKey, out output, _exceptionHandling, _manifest.Logger))
                // If not found, must check pages on the higher levels, but we can use the page index to make the search quicker.
                for (int level = 1; level < manifest.NumLevels; level++)
                    var page = manifest.FindPageForKey(level, lookupKey);
                    if (page != null && SortedBlockTable.Lookup(_manifest.BaseFileName, page.Level, page.Version, _cache, lookupKey, out output, _exceptionHandling, _manifest.Logger))
            return(Value.Empty);            // Returns null.
Example #8
        public void LevelMergeReadTest()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath ("TestData\\LevelMergeReadTest");
            if (!Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.CreateDirectory (path);

            int num_tables_to_merge = 4;
            int items_per_table = 2500;
            int totalData = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < num_tables_to_merge; i++) {
                var mt = new MemTable ();
                for (int j = 0; j < items_per_table; j++) {
                    var randKey = Key.Random (40);
                    var randVal = Value.Random (512);
                    mt.Add (randKey, randVal);
                mt.WriteToSortedBlockTable ("TestData\\LevelMergeReadTest", 0, i);
                totalData += mt.Size;
            var tables = new List<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>>> ();
            var sbts = new List<SortedBlockTable> ();
            var cache = new RazorCache ();
            for (int j = 0; j < num_tables_to_merge; j++) {
                var sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, "TestData\\LevelMergeReadTest", 0, j);
                tables.Add (sbt.Enumerate ());
                sbts.Add (sbt);

            int ct = 0;
            Key key = Key.FromBytes (new byte[] { 0, 0 });
            var timer = new Stopwatch ();
            timer.Start ();
            foreach (var pair in MergeEnumerator.Merge(tables, p => p.Key)) {
                Assert.True (key.CompareTo (pair.Key) < 0);
                key = pair.Key;
            timer.Stop ();
            sbts.ForEach (s => s.Close ());

            Console.WriteLine ("Scanned through a multilevel merge at a throughput of {0} MB/s", (double)totalData / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
Example #9
        public void RandomizedLookups()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath ("TestData\\RandomizedKeys");
            if (!Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.CreateDirectory (path);

            List<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>> items = new List<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>> ();

            int num_items = 10000;
            var mt = new MemTable ();
            for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
                var k0 = Key.Random (40);
                var v0 = Value.Random (200);
                mt.Add (k0, v0);

                items.Add (new KeyValuePair<Key, Value> (k0, v0));

            mt.WriteToSortedBlockTable ("TestData\\RandomizedKeys", 10, 10);

            var cache = new RazorCache ();
            var sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, "TestData\\RandomizedKeys", 10, 10);

            var indexCache = new RazorCache ();

            var timer = new Stopwatch ();
            timer.Start ();
            foreach (var pair in items) {
                Value value;
                Assert.IsTrue (SortedBlockTable.Lookup ("TestData\\RandomizedKeys", 10, 10, indexCache, pair.Key, out value, ExceptionHandling.ThrowAll, null));
                Assert.AreEqual (pair.Value, value);
            timer.Stop ();

            Value randomValue;
            Assert.IsFalse (SortedBlockTable.Lookup ("TestData\\RandomizedKeys", 10, 10, indexCache, Key.Random (40), out randomValue, ExceptionHandling.ThrowAll, null));

            Console.WriteLine ("Randomized read sbt table at a throughput of {0} MB/s (avg {1} ms per lookup)", (double)mt.Size / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0), (double)timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (double)num_items);

            sbt.Close ();
Example #10
        public void TestFileOpenSpeed()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath ("TestData\\TestFileOpenSpeed");
            if (!Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.CreateDirectory (path);

            var mt = new MemTable ();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                var k0 = Key.Random (40);
                var v0 = Value.Random (200);
                mt.Add (k0, v0);

            mt.WriteToSortedBlockTable ("TestData\\TestFileOpenSpeed", 0, 10);

            var openTables = new List<SortedBlockTable> ();

            var cache = new RazorCache ();
            var timer = new Stopwatch ();
            timer.Start ();
            for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
                var sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, "TestData\\TestFileOpenSpeed", 0, 10);
                openTables.Add (sbt);
            timer.Stop ();

            Console.WriteLine ("Open block table {0} ms", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 10000);

            timer.Reset ();
            timer.Start ();
            for (int k = 0; k < 10000; k++) {
                openTables [k].Close ();
            timer.Stop ();

            Console.WriteLine ("Close block table {0} ms", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 10000);
Example #11
        public void ReadKeys()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath ("TestData\\ReadKeys");
            if (!Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.CreateDirectory (path);

            var mt = new MemTable ();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                var k0 = Key.Random (40);
                var v0 = Value.Random (200);
                mt.Add (k0, v0);

            mt.WriteToSortedBlockTable ("TestData\\ReadKeys", 0, 10);

            var cache = new RazorCache ();
            var sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, "TestData\\ReadKeys", 0, 10);

            var timer = new Stopwatch ();
            timer.Start ();
            Assert.AreEqual (10000, sbt.Enumerate ().Count ());
            timer.Stop ();
            Console.WriteLine ("Counted sorted table at a throughput of {0} MB/s", (double)mt.Size / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0));

            // Confirm that the items are sorted.
            Key lastKey = Key.Empty;
            timer.Reset ();
            timer.Start ();
            foreach (var pair in sbt.Enumerate()) {
                Assert.IsTrue (lastKey.CompareTo (pair.Key) < 0);
                lastKey = pair.Key;
            timer.Stop ();
            Console.WriteLine ("Read & verify sorted table at a throughput of {0} MB/s", (double)mt.Size / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0));

            sbt.Close ();
Example #12
        public void RandomizedThreadedLookups()
            string path = Path.GetFullPath ("TestData\\RandomizedThreadedLookups");
            if (!Directory.Exists (path)) Directory.CreateDirectory (path);

            List<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>> items = new List<KeyValuePair<Key, Value>> ();

            int num_items = 10000;
            var mt = new MemTable ();
            for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
                var k0 = Key.Random (40);
                var v0 = Value.Random (200);
                mt.Add (k0, v0);

                items.Add (new KeyValuePair<Key, Value> (k0, v0));

            mt.WriteToSortedBlockTable ("TestData\\RandomizedThreadedLookups", 10, 10);

            var cache = new RazorCache ();
            var sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, "TestData\\RandomizedThreadedLookups", 10, 10);
            var indexCache = new RazorCache ();

            List<Thread> threads = new List<Thread> ();
            for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
                threads.Add (new Thread ((num) => {
                    for (int k = 0; k < num_items / 10; k++) {
                        var pair = items [k * (int)num];
                        Value value;
                        Assert.IsTrue (SortedBlockTable.Lookup ("TestData\\RandomizedThreadedLookups", 10, 10, indexCache, pair.Key, out value, ExceptionHandling.ThrowAll, null));
                        Assert.AreEqual (pair.Value, value);

            var timer = new Stopwatch ();
            timer.Start ();
            int threadNum = 0;
            threads.ForEach ((t) => t.Start (threadNum++));
            threads.ForEach ((t) => t.Join ());
            timer.Stop ();

            Console.WriteLine ("Randomized (threaded) read sbt table at a throughput of {0} MB/s (avg {1} ms per lookup)", (double)mt.Size / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (1024.0 * 1024.0), (double)timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds / (double)num_items);

            sbt.Close ();
Example #13
 public static bool Lookup(string baseFileName, int level, int version, RazorCache cache, Key key, out Value value, ExceptionHandling exceptionHandling, Action<string> logger)
     SortedBlockTable sbt = new SortedBlockTable (cache, baseFileName, level, version);
     try {
         int dataBlockNum = FindBlockForKey (baseFileName, level, version, cache, key);
         if (dataBlockNum >= 0 && dataBlockNum < sbt._dataBlocks) {
             byte[] block = sbt.ReadBlock (LocalThreadAllocatedBlock (), dataBlockNum);
             return SearchBlockForKey (block, key, out value);
     } finally {
         sbt.Close ();
     value = Value.Empty;
     return false;
Example #14
        public static void RunTableMergePass(KeyValueStore kvStore)
            try {
                Interlocked.Increment(ref kvStore.mergeCount);

                lock (kvStore.mergeLock) {
                    RazorCache cache    = kvStore.Cache;
                    Manifest   manifest = kvStore.Manifest;

                    while (true)
                        bool mergedDuringLastPass = false;
                        using (var manifestInst = kvStore.Manifest.GetLatestManifest()) {
                            if (manifestInst.GetNumPagesAtLevel(0) >= Config.MaxPagesOnLevel(0))                                 // Handle level 0 (merge all pages)
                                mergedDuringLastPass = true;
                                int Level0PagesToTake = Config.MaxPagesOnLevel(0) * 2;                                  // Grab more pages if they are available (this happens during heavy write pressure)
                                var inputPageRecords  = manifestInst.GetPagesAtLevel(0).OrderBy(p => p.Version).Take(Level0PagesToTake).ToList();
                                var startKey          = inputPageRecords.Min(p => p.FirstKey);
                                var endKey            = inputPageRecords.Max(p => p.LastKey);
                                var mergePages        = manifestInst.FindPagesForKeyRange(1, startKey, endKey).AsPageRefs().ToList();
                                var allInputPages     = inputPageRecords.AsPageRefs().Concat(mergePages).ToList();

                                var outputPages = SortedBlockTable.MergeTables(cache, manifest, 1, allInputPages, ExceptionHandling.ThrowAll, null).ToList();
                                manifest.ModifyPages(outputPages, allInputPages);

                                manifest.LogMessage("Merge Level 0 => InputPages: {0} OutputPages:{1}",
                                                    string.Join(",", allInputPages.Select(p => string.Format("{0}-{1}", p.Level, p.Version)).ToArray()),
                                                    string.Join(",", outputPages.Select(p => string.Format("{0}-{1}", p.Level, p.Version)).ToArray())

                            for (int level = 1; level < manifestInst.NumLevels - 1; level++)                               // handle the rest of the levels (merge only one page upwards)
                                if (manifestInst.GetNumPagesAtLevel(level) >= Config.MaxPagesOnLevel(level))
                                    mergedDuringLastPass = true;
                                    var inputPage        = manifest.NextMergePage(level);
                                    var mergePages       = manifestInst.FindPagesForKeyRange(level + 1, inputPage.FirstKey, inputPage.LastKey).ToList();
                                    var inputPageRecords = mergePages.Concat(new PageRecord[] { inputPage });
                                    var allInputPages    = inputPageRecords.AsPageRefs().ToList();
                                    var outputPages      = SortedBlockTable.MergeTables(cache, manifest, level + 1, allInputPages, ExceptionHandling.ThrowAll, null);

                                    // Notify if a merge happened, implemented for testing primarily
                                    if (kvStore.MergeCallback != null)
                                        kvStore.MergeCallback(level, inputPageRecords, outputPages);
                                    manifest.ModifyPages(outputPages, allInputPages);

                                    manifest.LogMessage("Merge Level >0 => InputPages: {0} OutputPages:{1}",
                                                        string.Join(",", allInputPages.Select(p => string.Format("{0}-{1}", p.Level, p.Version)).ToArray()),
                                                        string.Join(",", outputPages.Select(p => string.Format("{0}-{1}", p.Level, p.Version)).ToArray())

                        if (!mergedDuringLastPass)
                            return;                             // No more merging is needed, we are finished with this pass
            } finally {
                Interlocked.Decrement(ref kvStore.mergeCount);