Example #1
        // Initializes a new instance of the KeyValueStore.
        public KeyValueStore(string baseFileName, RazorCache cache)
            if (!Directory.Exists (baseFileName))
                Directory.CreateDirectory (baseFileName);
            _manifest = new Manifest (baseFileName);
            _manifest.Logger = RazorDBx.C5.Logger.Log;

            int memTableVersion = _manifest.CurrentVersion (0);

            CheckForIncompleteJournalRotation (baseFileName, memTableVersion); // Check for a previously aborted journal rotation.

            _currentJournaledMemTable = new JournaledMemTable (_manifest.BaseFileName, memTableVersion); // Create new journal for this run (and potentially load from disk, if there was data loaded previously).
            _cache = cache == null ? new RazorCache () : cache;
Example #2
 void CheckForIncompleteJournalRotation(string baseFileName, int currentMemTableVersion)
     int previousMemTableVersion = currentMemTableVersion - 1;
     if (File.Exists (Config.JournalFile (baseFileName, previousMemTableVersion))) { // Is there a left-over journal from a previous rotation that was aborted while in rotation?
         var memTable = new JournaledMemTable (baseFileName, previousMemTableVersion);
         memTable.WriteToSortedBlockTable (_manifest);
         memTable.Close ();
Example #3
        // Rotates the mem table.
        public void RotateMemTable()
            lock (memTableRotationLock) {
                if (_currentJournaledMemTable.Full) { // Double check the flag in case we have multiple threads that make it into this routine.
                    _rotationSemaphore.WaitOne (); // Wait for the rotation gate to be open, and automatically reset once a single thread gets through.
                    _rotatedJournaledMemTable = Interlocked.Exchange<JournaledMemTable> (ref _currentJournaledMemTable, new JournaledMemTable (_manifest.BaseFileName, _manifest.NextVersion (0)));

                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem ((o) => {
                        try {
                            _rotatedJournaledMemTable.WriteToSortedBlockTable (_manifest);
                            _rotatedJournaledMemTable = null;
                        } finally {
                            _rotationSemaphore.Release (); // Open the gate for the next rotation.
Example #4
        // Truncates a current database.
        public void Truncate()
            _currentJournaledMemTable.Close ();
            TableManager.Default.Close (this);
            foreach (var pair in _secondaryIndexes)
                pair.Value.Close (FastClose);

            string basePath = Path.GetFullPath (Manifest.BaseFileName);
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                File.Delete (file);
            foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(basePath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                Directory.Delete (dir, true);

            _manifest = new Manifest (basePath);
            _currentJournaledMemTable = new JournaledMemTable (_manifest.BaseFileName, _manifest.CurrentVersion (0));
            _cache = new RazorCache ();
            _secondaryIndexes = new Dictionary<string, KeyValueStore> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            Manifest.LogMessage ("Database Truncated.");
Example #5
        // Close a specified value.
        public void Close(bool fast = false)
            // Make sure any inflight rotations have occurred before shutting down.
            if (!_rotationSemaphore.WaitOne (30000))
                throw new TimeoutException ("Timed out waiting for table rotation to complete.");
            _rotationSemaphore.Release (); // Release again in case another thread tries to close it again.

            if (!finalizing && !fast)
                TableManager.Default.Close (this);
            if (_currentJournaledMemTable != null) {
                _currentJournaledMemTable.Close ();
                _currentJournaledMemTable = null;

            if (_secondaryIndexes != null)
                foreach (var idx in _secondaryIndexes)
                    idx.Value.Close (fast);

            GC.SuppressFinalize (this); // Don't finalize since we already closed it.