Example #1
        static Color GetRefractionColor(Surface surf, Vector pos, Vector norm, Vector rd, double refr, Scene scene, int depth)
            var ray = new Ray {
                Refraction = refr, Start = pos + 0.001 * rd, Dir = rd

            return(surf.Reflect(pos) * TraceRay(ray, scene, depth - 1));
Example #2
        public ColourRGBA Trace(Ray r, Surface[] quads, Light[] lights, float c, ref float coef, ref Vector result, ref bool hitLight)
            if (c < Config.Ray.MaxBounce)
                Surface closest     = null;
                Vector  normal      = new Vector();
                float   dist        = 0;
                float   closestDist = 0;
                foreach (Surface quad in quads)
                    if (quad.Intersect(r, ref dist))
                        if (closest == null)
                            if (dist > 0)
                                closestDist = dist;
                                closest     = quad;
                            if (dist > 0 && dist < closestDist)
                                closestDist = dist;
                                closest     = quad;

                if (closest != null)
                    //return closest.GetMat().GetColour();
                        //Bounce off the surface then just f**k off
                        //TODO: This is shit bro.
                        closest.m_dist    = closestDist;
                        closest.m_lastRay = r;

                        normal = closest.CalculateSurfaceNormal();

                        //This is just some error check for when im adding things to the tracer.
                        if (normal == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("This can't calculate the surface normal!");

                        Ray ray = closest.Reflect(r.orgin, closest.CalculateSurfaceNormal(), closestDist, r);

                        if (ray == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("This can not reflect!");

                        Ray lsr = null;
                        //for each light we need to check if there is anything in the way the new ray orgin and the light.
                        //check to see if this position has a visable light.
                        foreach (Light ls in lights)
                            bool lightBlocker = false;
                            //check if anything is in the way
                            foreach (Surface s in quads)
                                float  ld = 0;
                                Vector sl = (ls.pos - ray.orgin).Normalize();
                                lsr = new Ray(ray.orgin, sl);
                                if (s.Intersect(lsr, ref ld))
                                    if (ld > 0.01)
                                        lightBlocker = true;
                            //check if there was a light blocker and if not add lighting to the ray point.
                            if (!lightBlocker)
                                //Get the distance to the light so we know if its hitting us.
                                //float lightPointDist = (float)SurfaceFunc.Vec3Distance(ray.orgin, ls.pos);

                                 * if (lightPointDist < 1000)
                                 * {
                                 *  float lambert = 0;
                                 *  if (lsr != null)
                                 *  {
                                 *      lambert = lsr.dir.DotProduct(closest.CalculateSurfaceNormal()) * coef;
                                 *  }
                                 *  else
                                 *  {
                                 *      //TODO Error
                                 *  }
                                 *  //Lambert disfuseion
                                 *  result.m_x += lambert * ls.intesity.r * closest.GetMat().disfuse.r;
                                 *  result.m_y += lambert * ls.intesity.g * closest.GetMat().disfuse.g;
                                 *  result.m_z += lambert * ls.intesity.b * closest.GetMat().disfuse.b;
                                 * }

                                float lambert = lsr.dir.DotProduct(closest.CalculateSurfaceNormal()) * coef;
                                //float lambert = 1.0f;
                                //Lambert disfuseion
                                result.m_x += lambert * ls.intesity.r * closest.GetMat().disfuse.r;
                                result.m_y += lambert * ls.intesity.g * closest.GetMat().disfuse.g;
                                result.m_z += lambert * ls.intesity.b * closest.GetMat().disfuse.b;

                            coef *= closest.GetMat().reflect;
                            if (coef < 0.0f)
                        ray.Trace(ray, quads, lights, c + 1, ref coef, ref result, ref hitLight);
                        return(new ColourRGBA(result, 255));
                    return(new ColourRGBA(result, 255));
Example #3
 static Color GetReflectionColor(Surface surf, Vector pos, Vector norm, Vector rd, Scene scene, int depth)
     return(surf.Reflect(pos) * TraceRay(new Ray {
         Refraction = 1, Start = pos, Dir = rd
     }, scene, depth - 1));