Example #1
 protected void Initialize(Character character, Base.StatsWarrior stats, CombatFactors cf, BossOptions bo,
     Skills.Ability ability, bool ismh, bool usespellhit, bool userangedhit, bool alwaysHit)
     Char = character;
     StatS = stats;
     bossOpts = bo;
     combatFactors = cf;
     Abil = ability;
     isWhite = (Abil == null);
     isMH = ismh;
     useSpellHit = usespellhit;
     useRangedHit = userangedhit;
     // Start a calc
Example #2
 protected void Initialize(Character character, Base.StatsWarrior stats, CombatFactors cf, BossOptions bo,
                           Skills.Ability ability, bool ismh, bool usespellhit, bool userangedhit, bool alwaysHit)
     Char          = character;
     StatS         = stats;
     bossOpts      = bo;
     combatFactors = cf;
     Abil          = ability;
     isWhite       = (Abil == null);
     isMH          = ismh;
     useSpellHit   = usespellhit;
     useRangedHit  = userangedhit;
     // Start a calc
Example #3
        protected void Initialize(Character character, Stats stats, CombatFactors cf, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo,
                                  Skills.Ability ability, bool ismh, bool useSpellHit, bool alwaysHit)
            Char             = character;
            StatS            = stats;
            calcOpts         = co;
            bossOpts         = bo;
            combatFactors    = cf;
            Abil             = ability;
            isWhite          = (Abil == null);
            isMH             = ismh;
            this.useSpellHit = useSpellHit;

            /*// Defaults
             * Miss
             * Dodge
             * Parry
             * Block
             * Glance
             * Critical
             * Hit*/
            // Start a calc
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Your Bloodthirst hits have a 30% chance of making your next Slam instant and free for 10 sec.
 /// <para>DPSWarrChar.Talents: Bloodsurge (Requires Talent) [(10*Pts)% chance]</para>
 /// <para>Glyphs: none</para>
 /// <para>Sets: none</para>
 /// </summary>
 public BloodSurge(DPSWarrCharacter dpswarrchar,
     Ability slam, Ability bloodthirst)
     DPSWarrChar = dpswarrchar;
     AbilIterater = (int)Maintenance.Bloodsurge;
     ReqTalent = true;
     Talent2ChksValue = DPSWarrChar.Talents.Bloodsurge;
     ReqMeleeWeap = ReqMeleeRange = true;
     Duration = 10f; // In Seconds
     RageCost = -1f;
     StanceOkFury = true;
     SwingsOffHand = true;
     _slamInfo = slam;
     _btInfo = bloodthirst;
     UseReact = true;
Example #5
 public AbilityWrapper(Skills.Ability ability)
     Ability     = ability;
     _isDamaging = Ability.DamageOverride + Ability.DamageOnUseOverride > 0f;
Example #6
 public AttackTable(Character character, Stats stats, CombatFactors cf, CalculationOptionsDPSWarr co, BossOptions bo, Skills.Ability ability, bool ismh, bool useSpellHit, bool alwaysHit)
     Initialize(character, stats, cf, co, bo, ability, ismh, useSpellHit, alwaysHit);
Example #7
 public AttackTable(Character character, Base.StatsWarrior stats, CombatFactors cf, BossOptions bo, Skills.Ability ability, bool ismh, bool useSpellHit, bool useRangedHit, bool alwaysHit)
     Initialize(character, stats, cf, bo, ability, ismh, useSpellHit, useRangedHit, alwaysHit);