public void RecordWriteError(Exception e, DocumentDatabase database, int count = 1, DateTime? newErrorTime = null)
			WriteErrorCount += count;

			if (WriteErrorCount < 100)

			if (WriteErrorCount <= SuccessCount)
			if (newErrorTime != null)
				LastErrorTime = newErrorTime.Value;

			database.AddAlert(LastAlert = new Alert
				AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
				CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
				Message = "Could not tolerate write error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this,
				Title = "Sql Replication write error hit ratio too high",
				Exception = e.ToString(),
				UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Write Error Ratio: " + name

			throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not tolerate write error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this, e);
		public void MarkScriptAsInvalid(DocumentDatabase database, string script)
			ScriptErrorCount = int.MaxValue;
			LastErrorTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
			database.AddAlert(LastAlert = new Alert
				AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
				CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
				Message = string.Format("Could not parse script for {0} " + Environment.NewLine + "Script: {1}", name, script),
				Title = "Could not parse Script",
				UniqueKey = "Script Parse Error: " + name
Example #3
		public AlertProxy(Alert alert)
			Alert = alert;
			Title = alert.Title;
			CreatedAt = alert.CreatedAt;
			Observed = new Observable<bool> {Value = alert.Observed};
			Message = alert.Message;
			AlertLevel = alert.AlertLevel;

			Observed.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) =>
				Alert.Observed = Observed.Value;
Example #4
        public static void AddAlert(this DocumentDatabase self, Alert alert)
            while (true)
                using (self.TransactionalStorage.DisableBatchNesting())
                using (var putSerialLock = self.DocumentLock.TryLock(25))
                    if (putSerialLock == null)

                    AlertsDocument alertsDocument;
                    var alertsDoc = self.Documents.Get(Constants.RavenAlerts, null);
                    RavenJObject metadata;
                    Etag etag;
                    if (alertsDoc == null)
                        etag = Etag.Empty;
                        alertsDocument = new AlertsDocument();
                        metadata = new RavenJObject();
                        etag = alertsDoc.Etag;
                        alertsDocument = alertsDoc.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<AlertsDocument>() ?? new AlertsDocument();
                        metadata = alertsDoc.Metadata;

                    var withSameUniqe = alertsDocument.Alerts.FirstOrDefault(alert1 => alert1.UniqueKey == alert.UniqueKey);
                    if (withSameUniqe != null)
                        // copy information about observed
                        alert.LastDismissedAt = withSameUniqe.LastDismissedAt;

                    var document = RavenJObject.FromObject(alertsDocument);
                        self.Documents.Put(Constants.RavenAlerts, etag, document, metadata, null);
                    catch (ConcurrencyException)
                        //try again...
		public void RecordWriteError(Exception e, DocumentDatabase database, int count = 1, DateTime? suspendUntil = null)
			WriteErrorCount += count;

		    LastErrorTime = SystemTime.UtcNow;

            LastAlert = new Alert
				AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
				CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
				Message = "Last SQL eplication operation for " + name + " was failed",
				Title = "SQL replication error",
				Exception = e.ToString(),
				UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Error: " + name

			if (WriteErrorCount < 100)

			if (WriteErrorCount <= SuccessCount)
            if (suspendUntil != null)
                SuspendUntil = suspendUntil.Value;

		    LastAlert = new Alert
		        AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
		        CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
		        Message = "Could not tolerate write error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this,
		        Title = "Sql Replication write error hit ratio too high",
		        Exception = e.ToString(),
		        UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Write Error Ratio: " + name

		    if (reportToDatabaseAlerts)

		    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not tolerate write error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this, e);
Example #6
		public void AddAlert(Alert alert)
			lock (putSerialLock)
				AlertsDocument alertsDocument;
				var alertsDoc = Get(Constants.RavenAlerts, null);
				RavenJObject metadata;
				if (alertsDoc == null)
					alertsDocument = new AlertsDocument();
					metadata = new RavenJObject();
					alertsDocument = alertsDoc.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<AlertsDocument>() ?? new AlertsDocument();
					metadata = alertsDoc.Metadata;

				var withSameUniqe = alertsDocument.Alerts.FirstOrDefault(alert1 => alert1.UniqueKey == alert.UniqueKey);
				if (withSameUniqe != null)

				var document = RavenJObject.FromObject(alertsDocument);
				Put(Constants.RavenAlerts, null, document, metadata, null);
Example #7
		public RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary[] SimulateSqlReplicationSqlQueries(string strDocumentId, SqlReplicationConfig sqlReplication, bool performRolledbackTransaction, out Alert alert)
			RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary[] resutls = null;

				var stats = new SqlReplicationStatistics(sqlReplication.Name, false);

				var jsonDocument = Database.Documents.Get(strDocumentId, null);
				var doc = jsonDocument.ToJson();
				doc[Constants.DocumentIdFieldName] = jsonDocument.Key;

				var docs = new List<ReplicatedDoc>
	                           new ReplicatedDoc
		                           Document = doc,
								   Etag = jsonDocument.Etag,
								   Key = jsonDocument.Key,
								   SerializedSizeOnDisk = jsonDocument.SerializedSizeOnDisk
				var scriptResult = ApplyConversionScript(sqlReplication, docs, stats);

				var connectionsDoc = Database.Documents.Get(Constants.RavenSqlReplicationConnectionsDocumentName, null);
				var sqlReplicationConnections = connectionsDoc != null ? connectionsDoc.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<SqlReplicationConnections>() : new SqlReplicationConnections();

				if (PrepareSqlReplicationConfig(sqlReplication, sqlReplication.Name, stats, sqlReplicationConnections, false, false))
					if (performRolledbackTransaction)
						using (var writer = new RelationalDatabaseWriter(Database, sqlReplication, stats))
							resutls = writer.RolledBackExecute(scriptResult).ToArray();
						var simulatedwriter = new RelationalDatabaseWriterSimulator(Database, sqlReplication, stats);
						resutls = new List<RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary>
                            new RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary
                                Commands = simulatedwriter.SimulateExecuteCommandText(scriptResult)
                                    .Select(x => new RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary.CommandData
                                        CommandText = x


				alert = stats.LastAlert;
			catch (Exception e)
				alert = new Alert
					AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
					CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
					Message = "Last SQL replication operation for " + sqlReplication.Name + " was failed",
					Title = "SQL replication error",
					Exception = e.ToString(),
					UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Error: " + sqlReplication.Name
			return resutls;
		public void RecordScriptError(DocumentDatabase database)

			if (ScriptErrorCount < 100)

			if (ScriptErrorCount <= ScriptSuccessCount)

			database.AddAlert(LastAlert = new Alert
				AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
				CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
				Message = "Could not tolerate script error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this,
				Title = "Sql Replication script error hit ratio too high",
				UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Script Error Ratio: " + name

			throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not tolerate script error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this);
Example #9
		public void AddAlert(Alert alert)
			AlertsDocument alertsDocument;
			var alertsDoc = Get(Constants.RavenAlerts, null);
			if (alertsDoc == null)
				alertsDocument = new AlertsDocument();
				alertsDocument = alertsDoc.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<AlertsDocument>() ?? new AlertsDocument();

		public void RecordScriptError(DocumentDatabase database, Exception e)

		    LastErrorTime = SystemTime.UtcNow;

            LastAlert = new Alert
                AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
                CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
                Message = "Replication script for " + name + " was failed",
                Title = "SQL replication error",
                Exception = e.ToString(),
                UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Error: " + name

			if (ScriptErrorCount < 100)

			if (ScriptErrorCount <= ScriptSuccessCount)

		    LastAlert = new Alert
		        AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
		        CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
		        Message = "Could not tolerate script error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this,
		        Title = "Sql Replication script error hit ratio too high",
		        UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Script Error Ratio: " + name
            if (reportToDatabaseAlerts)

			throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not tolerate script error ratio and stopped current replication cycle for " + name + Environment.NewLine + this);
Example #11
        public RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary[] SimulateSqlReplicationSQLQueries(string strDocumentId, SqlReplicationConfig sqlReplication, bool performRolledbackTransaction, out Alert alert)
            alert = null;
            RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary[] resutls = null;
                var stats = new SqlReplicationStatistics(sqlReplication.Name);
                var docs = new List<JsonDocument>() { Database.Documents.Get(strDocumentId, null) };
                var scriptResult = ApplyConversionScript(sqlReplication, docs);

                var connectionsDoc = Database.Documents.Get(connectionsDocumentName, null);
                var sqlReplicationConnections = connectionsDoc.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<SqlReplicationConnections>();

                if (PrepareSqlReplicationConfig( sqlReplication, sqlReplication.Name,  stats, sqlReplicationConnections, false,false))
                    if (performRolledbackTransaction)
                        using (var writer = new RelationalDatabaseWriter(Database, sqlReplication, stats))
                            resutls = writer.RolledBackExecute(scriptResult).ToArray();
                        var simulatedwriter = new RelationalDatabaseWriterSimulator(Database, sqlReplication, stats);
                        resutls = new List<RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary>()
                            new RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary()
                                Commands = simulatedwriter.SimulateExecuteCommandText(scriptResult)
                                    .Select(x => new RelationalDatabaseWriter.TableQuerySummary.CommandData()
                                        CommandText = x


                alert = stats.LastAlert;
            catch (Exception e)
                alert = new Alert()
                    AlertLevel = AlertLevel.Error,
                    CreatedAt = SystemTime.UtcNow,
                    Message = "Last SQL replication operation for " + sqlReplication.Name + " was failed",
                    Title = "SQL replication error",
                    Exception = e.ToString(),
                    UniqueKey = "Sql Replication Error: " + sqlReplication.Name
            return resutls;