Example #1
        public void AddOptions(Screen screen, string[] newMenuOptions)
            //Add all the options to the menu
            foreach (string s in newMenuOptions)
                //measure the current string to find the largest string (we use this as the size of the buttons)
                Vector2 measure = ((SpriteFont)screen.ScreenManager.AssetsManager.GetAsset(fontKey)).MeasureString(s.ToUpper());

                if (measure.X > optionsBound.Width)
                    optionsBound.Width = (int)Math.Ceiling(measure.X);
                if (measure.Y > optionsBound.Height)
                    optionsBound.Height = (int)Math.Ceiling(measure.Y);

                //add to option list
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace a screen with another one. Useful when there is only one screen active and the screens contain the same assets.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReplaceScreen(Screen screen)
            //remove old screen

            //start loading the new screen
            screen.ScreenManager = this;
            if (screen.RendertargetWidth == 0 && screen.RendertargetHeight == 0)
                screen.RendertargetWidth = ScreenBounds.Width;
                screen.RendertargetHeight = ScreenBounds.Height;
            screen.RenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(this.GraphicsDevice, screen.RendertargetWidth, screen.RendertargetHeight);
            Screens.Insert(0, screen);

            //remove the old screens assets

Example #3
        public void Draw(Screen screen)
            //Reset button state
            optionPressed = null;

            //Update every button and see if any is pressed
            for (int s = 0; s < optionsMenu.Count; s++)
                Rectangle bound = optionsBound;
                Vector2 position = new Vector2((startPosition.X) - bound.Width / 2f, startPosition.Y + (s * (optionsBound.Height * spacing)));
                bound.X = (int)position.X;
                bound.Y = (int)position.Y;

                //Check what alignment we want on the button text
                float orginX;
                switch (align)
                    case MenuAlign.Center:
                        orginX = ((SpriteFont)screen.ScreenManager.AssetsManager.GetAsset(fontKey)).MeasureString(optionsMenu[s]).X / 2 - bound.Width / 2f;
                    case MenuAlign.Right:
                        orginX = ((SpriteFont)screen.ScreenManager.AssetsManager.GetAsset(fontKey)).MeasureString(optionsMenu[s]).X - bound.Width;
                        orginX = 0;

                //Add a draw of the button
                screen.AddText(fontKey, optionsMenu[s], position, new Vector2(orginX, 0), Vector2.One, 0, Color.White, 0);

                //check if any button was pressed
                if (Touch == null)

                foreach (TouchLocation t in Touch)
                    if (bound.Contains(t.Position))
                        optionPressed = optionsMenu[s];
                    if (optionPressed != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a screen from the screen manager.
 /// </summary>
 public void RemoveScreen(Screen screen)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new screen to the screen manager.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddScreen(Screen screen)
            screen.ScreenManager = this;
            if (screen.RendertargetWidth == 0 && screen.RendertargetHeight == 0)
                screen.RendertargetWidth = ScreenBounds.Width;
                screen.RendertargetHeight = ScreenBounds.Height;
            screen.RenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(this.GraphicsDevice, screen.RendertargetWidth, screen.RendertargetHeight);
            Screens.Insert(0, screen);

Example #6
 public void Draw(Screen screen, GameTime time)
     DrawTextfields(screen, time);
     for (int y = 2; y < _r.GetLength(0); y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < _r.GetLength(1); x++)
             DrawButton(x, y,  screen);
Example #7
        private void DrawTextfields(Screen screen, GameTime time)
            //Draw field background
            int buttonW = (int)(_buttonWidth * 0.2f);
            Rectangle left = new Rectangle(_r[1, 0].X, _r[1, 0].Y, buttonW, _r[1, 0].Height);
            Rectangle center = new Rectangle(_r[1, 0].X + buttonW, _r[1, 0].Y, (_r[1, 0].Width * (_r.GetLength(1) + 1)) - (buttonW * 2), _r[1, 0].Height);
            Rectangle right = new Rectangle(_r[1, 0].X + center.Width + buttonW, _r[1, 0].Y, buttonW, _r[1, 0].Height);

            screen.AddSprite(true, _textureKeys[3], left, Vector2.Zero, 0, Color.White, 1, null, false);
            screen.AddSprite(true, _textureKeys[4], center, Vector2.Zero, 0, Color.White, 1, null, false);
            screen.AddSprite(true, _textureKeys[5], right, Vector2.Zero, 0, Color.White, 1, null, false);

            screen.AddText(_fontKey, _descriptionText, new Vector2(
                                                     _r[0, 0].X + buttonW,
                                                     (_r[0, 0].Y + (_textfield.Height / 2)) -
                                                     ((SpriteFont)screen.ScreenManager.AssetsManager.GetAsset(_fontKey)).MeasureString(_descriptionText).Y / 2),
                                                     Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One,
                                                     0, Color.White, 0);

            //this is the input string that is drawn
            //its the same as _inputText but with a few modifications
            string drawString = _inputText;
            //do the password thing
            if (_passwordMode)
                int stars = drawString.Length - 0; if (stars < 0) stars = 0;
                string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < stars; i++) s += "*";
            //add the flashing indicator
            if (time.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds / 500 % 2 == 0) drawString += "|";
            //format the string so its not to long for the textfield
            while (((SpriteFont)screen.ScreenManager.AssetsManager.GetAsset(_fontKey)).MeasureString(drawString).X > center.Width) drawString = drawString.Remove(0, 1);

            screen.AddText(_fontKey, drawString, new Vector2(
                                                     _r[1, 0].X + buttonW,
                                                     (_r[1, 0].Y + (_textfield.Height / 2)) -
                                                     ((SpriteFont)screen.ScreenManager.AssetsManager.GetAsset(_fontKey)).MeasureString(drawString).Y / 2),
                                                     Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One,
                                                     0, Color.White, 0);
Example #8
        private void DrawButton(int x, int y, Screen screen)
            int buttonW = (int)(_buttonWidth * 0.2f);
            Rectangle left = new Rectangle(
                _r[y, x].Y,
                _r[y, x].Height);

            Rectangle center = new Rectangle(
                _r[y, x].X + buttonW,
                _r[y, x].Y,
                _r[y, x].Width - (buttonW * 2),
                _r[y, x].Height);

            Rectangle right = new Rectangle(
                _r[y, x].X + _r[y, x].Width - buttonW,
                _r[y, x].Y,
                _r[y, x].Height);

            screen.AddSprite(true, _textureKeys[0], left, Vector2.Zero, 0, Color.White, 1, null, false);
            screen.AddSprite(true, _textureKeys[1], center, Vector2.Zero, 0, Color.White, 1, null, false);
            screen.AddSprite(true, _textureKeys[2], right, Vector2.Zero, 0, Color.White, 1, null, false);
            screen.AddText(_fontKey, _c[y, x], new Vector2(
                                              (_r[y, x].X + (_r[y, x].Width / 2)) -
                                                  MeasureString(_c[y, x]).X / 2,
                                              (_r[y, x].Y + (_r[y, x].Height / 2)) -
                                                  MeasureString(_c[y, x]).Y / 2),
                           Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One,
                           0, Color.White, 0);