record() public static method

public static record ( string message ) : void
message string
return void
Example #1
        /** Note Handling  **/

        // Screenshots:
        // Saves all screenshots in files, sets the last one to be added to the next note
        private void ScreenShot_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Logger.record("[ScreenShot_Click]: Capturing screen", "SMWidget", "info");
            bool edit = false;

            if (System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys == System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Shift)
                edit = true;
            if (edit)
                this.WindowState = System.Windows.WindowState.Minimized;                // <--\
            ScreenShot ss = new ScreenShot();                                           //     )

            AddScreenshot2Note(ss.CaptureScreenShot());                                 //    (
            Logger.record("[ScreenShot_Click]: Captured " + screenshotName + ", edit: " + edit.ToString(), "SMWidget", "info");
            if (edit)                                                                   //    (
            {                                                                           //     )
                Process paint = new Process();                                          //    (
                paint.StartInfo.FileName  = "mspaint.exe";                              //     )
                paint.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + currentSession.workingDir + screenshotName + "\"";
                paint.Start();                                                          //     )
                this.WindowState = System.Windows.WindowState.Normal;                   // <--/
Example #2
 // ProgressTimer
 // Makes the progress bar progress, according to the time chosen
 private void ProgressTimer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Logger.record("[ProgressTimer_Click]: Time to end: " + sender.ToString(), "SMWidget", "info");
     if (sender.ToString().Contains("1 min"))
     if (sender.ToString().Contains("3 min"))
     if (sender.ToString().Contains("60 min"))
     if (sender.ToString().Contains("90 min"))
     if (sender.ToString().Contains("120 min"))
     if (sender.ToString().Contains("Stop"))
Example #3
        // Adding attached screenshot have dedicated functions that deal with the visual
        //  clues as well
        private void AddScreenshot2Note(Bitmap bitmap)
            Logger.record("[AddScreenshot2Note]: Saving screen to file", "SMWidget", "info");
            bool exDrRetry = false;

            // Name the screenshot, save to disk
            screenshotName = currentScreenshot++.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".jpg";
                exDrRetry = false;
                    bitmap.Save(currentSession.workingDir + screenshotName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("[AddScreenshot2Note]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Note file could not be saved (" + screenshotName + ")", "SMWidget", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "SaveToSessionNotes", screenshotName);
            } while (exDrRetry);

            // Put a visual effect to remember the tester there's an image on the attachment barrel
            BevelBitmapEffect effect = new BevelBitmapEffect();

            effect.BevelWidth       = 2; effect.EdgeProfile = EdgeProfile.BulgedUp;
            ScreenShot.BitmapEffect = effect;
Example #4
 private void ChangeAccount_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) // #ADDED CODE#________________---------------CHANGE ACCOUNT---------------------_________________________
     Logger.record("[ChangeAccount_Click]: Change Account", "SMWidget", "info");
     // string url = flickr.AuthCalcWebUrl(AuthLevel.Write);
     FlickrInlogg.Text = "Account: offline";
Example #5
 // Sets the progress bar to null (stopped, not seen), and hides clock icon
 private void StopTimers()
     Logger.record("[StopTimers]: Stopping timer (setting to null)", "SMWidget", "info");
     ProgressBackground.BeginAnimation(System.Windows.Controls.ProgressBar.ValueProperty, null);
     Logger.record("[StopTimers]: Hiding clock icon", "SMWidget", "info");
     timeralarm.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
Example #6
        // Start Session and Close Session prepare/finalize the log file
        public void StartSession()
            Logger.record("[StartSession]: Session configuration starting", "Session", "info");

            startingTime    = DateTime.Now;                                                                   // The time the session started is used for many things, like knowing the session file name
            sessionFile     = startingTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "_" + FlickrAddon.hashcode + ".csv"; //HASCODE VARIABLE ADDED__________<-------######
            sessionFileFull = workingDir + sessionFile;                                                       // All files should be written to a working directory -- be it current or not.
            SaveToSessionNotes(columnHeaders + "\n");                                                         // Headers of the notes table

            UpdateNotes("(Rapid Reporter version)", System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductVersion);

            // Writing hash code to log file.
            UpdateNotes("Hash Code", FlickrAddon.hashcode);

            // Writing the Twitter account name to log file if Twitter is enabled.
            if (TwitterAddon.ScreenName != null)
                UpdateNotes("Twitter Account", TwitterAddon.ScreenName);

            UpdateNotes("Session Reporter", tester);
            UpdateNotes("Hashcode", FlickrAddon.hashcode);  //HASCODE VARIABLE ADDED__________<-------#######
            UpdateNotes("Session Charter", charter);

            // Writing Twitter Link to log file if Twitter is enabled.
            if (TwitterAddon.twitter)
                UpdateNotes("Twitter Link", "!/search?q=%23" + FlickrAddon.hashcode);
Example #7
 // RTFNote:
 // Show or hide the enhanced notes window.
 // We don't change the note between toggles, we just ide it. Tester can continue to type later.
 private void RTFNote_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Logger.record("[RTFNote_Click]: Will toggle RTF note screen", "SMWidget", "info");
     // The RTF Note button is a toggle button - it has two states: show the note area and hide the note area
     if (RTFNoteBtn.IsChecked.Equals(true)) // Show the note are
         Logger.record("\t[RTFNote_Click]: Repositioning the RTF window", "SMWidget", "info");
         // Position is either on top or bottom of SM Widget, with same width as the Widget
         rtf.Left  = this.Left;
         rtf.Width = this.Width;
         if (this.Top > rtf.Height + 10)
             rtf.Top = this.Top - (rtf.Height + 10);
             rtf.Top = (this.Top + this.Height) + 10;
         Logger.record("\t[RTFNote_Click]: Reposition:" + rtf.Top + "," + rtf.Left + "," + rtf.Width + ",", "SMWidget", "info");
     else // Hide the note area
         Logger.record("\t[RTFNote_Click]: Hiding the RTF window", "SMWidget", "info");
Example #8
        // AboutBox
        // Shows About dialog box with software info, contacts and credits
        private void AboutBox_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Logger.record("[AboutBox_Click]: About box invoked", "SMWidget", "info");
            AboutDlg about = new AboutDlg();

            about.Owner = this;
Example #9
        // timeralarm_MouseLeftButtonDown:
        // We'll check when the progress bar reaches the end, to trigger the time's up notification
        private void timeralarm_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Logger.record("[timeralarm_MouseLeftButtonDown]: Time's Up timer acknowledged by user", "SMWidget", "info");
            t0.IsChecked  = true;
            t60.IsChecked = false; t90.IsChecked = false; t120.IsChecked = false;

Example #10
 // timer_Checked, gets timing commands from the context menu
 private void timer_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Logger.record("[timer_Checked]: Timer context menu command: " + sender.ToString(), "SMWidget", "info");
     t0.IsChecked   = t0.Equals(sender);
     t60.IsChecked  = t60.Equals(sender);
     t90.IsChecked  = t90.Equals(sender);
     t120.IsChecked = t120.Equals(sender);
Example #11
        public string workingDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\"; // The directory to save files

        // Initialization, and setting focus to the richtextnote area
        public RTFNote()
            Logger.record("[RTFNote]: RTF Note window initializing", "RTFNote", "info");
            // With the code below we control when to close the window or hide it.
            //  Didn't use a normal 'EventHandler' because we needed the Cancel option to close the window when appropriate.
            this.Closing += new CancelEventHandler(this.RTFNoteDialog_Close);
            Logger.record("[RTFNote]: RTF Note window initialized, including CancelEventHandler", "RTFNote", "info");
Example #12
 // TimerEventProcessor
 // The actions in this fuction will happen every time the timer expires.
 private void TimerEventProcessor(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs)
     Logger.record("[TimerEventProcessor]: Will perform recurring tasks", "SMWidget", "info");
     if (100 <= ProgressBackground.Value)
         Logger.record("[TimerEventProcessor]: Time's Up! Showing timer icon", "SMWidget", "info");
         timeralarm.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Example #13
 // Constructor
 //  We set the application name, version, and dialog title.
 public AboutDlg()
     Logger.record("[AboutDlg]: Starting About Dialog. Initializing component.", "AboutDlg", "info");
     this.Title           = System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductName + " - Help";
     this.appName.Content = System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductName;
     this.appVers.Content = System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductVersion;
Example #14
        public Bitmap CaptureScreenShot()
            Logger.record("[CaptureScreenshot]: Will take a screenshot of the monitor.", "ScreenShot", "info");
            Rectangle fullBounds = new Rectangle();
            int       minX = 0, minY = 0, maxX = 0, maxY = 0;

             * Composite desktop calculations for multiple monitors
             *  A, B            E, B                     ||                  E, B
             +--------------+                       ||   *              +---------------+ D, B
             |              |E, G                   ||                  |               |
             |              +---------------+ D, G  ||   +--------------+ E, C          |
             |              |               |       ||   |A, C          |               |
             |              |               |       ||   |              |               |
             |              |               |       ||   |              |               |
             +--------------+ E, C          |       ||   |              +---------------+ D, G
             |  A, C             |               |       ||   |              |E, G
             +---------------+ D, F  ||   +--------------+               *
             |                  E, F                     ||   A, F           E, F
             * We capture from "A, B" to "D, F".
             *   That is, we look for the minimum X,Y coordinate first.
             *   Then we look for the largest width,height.

            foreach (Screen oneScreen in Screen.AllScreens)
                Logger.record("\t[CaptureScreenshot]: AllScreens[]: " + oneScreen.Bounds.ToString(), "ScreenShot", "info");
                minX = Math.Min(minX, oneScreen.Bounds.Left);
                minY = Math.Min(minY, oneScreen.Bounds.Top);
                maxX = Math.Max(maxX, oneScreen.Bounds.Width + oneScreen.Bounds.X);
                maxY = Math.Max(maxY, oneScreen.Bounds.Height + oneScreen.Bounds.Y);
            fullBounds = new Rectangle(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
            Logger.record("[CaptureScreenshot]: fullScreen[]: " + fullBounds.ToString(), "ScreenShot", "info");

            IntPtr hDesk = GetDesktopWindow();
            IntPtr hSrce = GetWindowDC(hDesk);
            IntPtr hDest = CreateCompatibleDC(hSrce);
            // Our bitmap will have the size of the composite screenshot
            IntPtr hBmp    = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hSrce, fullBounds.Width, fullBounds.Height);
            IntPtr hOldBmp = SelectObject(hDest, hBmp);
            // We write on coordinate 0,0 of the bitmap buffer, of course. But we write the the fullBoundsX,Y pixels.
            bool   b   = BitBlt(hDest, 0, 0, fullBounds.Width, fullBounds.Height, hSrce, fullBounds.X, fullBounds.Y, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy | CopyPixelOperation.CaptureBlt);
            Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(hBmp);

            SelectObject(hDest, hOldBmp);
            ReleaseDC(hDesk, hSrce);
            Logger.record("[CaptureScreenshot]: BMP object ready, returning it to calling function", "ScreenShot", "info");
Example #15
 // The dialog is generic.
 // We load a different text every time, and two functions are provided: One to load the text from the pre-defined list of messages,
 //  and one to load a short text, on demand. Both simply write to "this.helpApp.Text".
 public void LoadText(int helpType)
     Logger.record("[LoadText i]: Loading text by type, #" + helpType.ToString(), "HelpDlg", "info");
     // Help is:
     // 0 - Normal help inside application
     // 1 - -help help
     // 2 - -report help
     // 3 - -tohtml help
     this.helpApp.Text = longstrings.helpstrings.helpstring[helpType];
Example #16
 // Change Working Dir
 // Changes the working Directory for the session
 private void SetWorkingDir(string newPath)
     Logger.record("[SetWorkingDir] Setting directory to " + newDir, "SMWidget", "info");
     if (!newPath.EndsWith(@"\"))
         newPath += @"\";                                     // Add the trailing 'slash' to the directory
     rtf.workingDir    = currentSession.workingDir = newPath; // the workingDir needs to be the same for all files!
     FolderName.Header = (50 < currentSession.workingDir.Length) ? "..." + currentSession.workingDir.Substring(currentSession.workingDir.Length - 47) : currentSession.workingDir;
Example #17
        public void UpdateNotes(string type, string note, string screenshot = "", string RTFNote = "")
            if (type != "(Rapid Reporter version)" && type != "Session End. Duration" && type != "WebUrl")
                m_strTags += "#" + type + " " + note + ",";

            sessionNote = DateTime.Now + "," + tester + "," + type + ",\"" + note + "\"," + screenshot + "," + RTFNote + "\n";
            Logger.record("[UpdateNotes ss]: Note added to session log (" + screenshot + ", " + RTFNote + ")", "Session", "info");
Example #18
        public void ShowHelp(string helpText)
            Logger.record("\t\t[ShowHelp s]: Showing help dialog >" + helpText, "SMWidget", "info");

            Help help = new Help();


            help.ShowInTaskbar = true; // In this cases we don't show the main window, so at least we show this one
Example #19
        // Popping the Help Dialog
        //  Some of the lines below are duplicated in the About dialog code
        public void ShowHelp(int helpType)
            Logger.record("\t\t[ShowHelp i]: Showing help dialog #" + helpType.ToString(), "SMWidget", "info");

            // Help is:
            // 0 - Normal help inside application
            // 1 - -help help
            // 2 - -report help
            // 3 - -tohtml help
Example #20
        public sessionStartingStage currentStage = sessionStartingStage.tester; // This is used only in the beginning, in order to receive the tester name and charter text

        /** Sessions **/

        // Start Session and Close Session prepare/finalize the log file
        public void StartSession()
            Logger.record("[StartSession]: Session configuration starting", "Session", "info");

            startingTime    = DateTime.Now;             // The time the session started is used for many things, like knowing the session file name
            sessionFile     = startingTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".csv";
            sessionFileFull = workingDir + sessionFile; // All files should be written to a working directory -- be it current or not.
            SaveToSessionNotes(columnHeaders + "\n");   // Headers of the notes table
            UpdateNotes("(Rapid Reporter version)", System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductVersion);
            UpdateNotes("Session Reporter", tester);
            UpdateNotes("Session Charter", charter);
Example #21
        RTFNote rtf            = new RTFNote();     // The enhanced note window

        /** Starting Process **/
        /// The application starts by asking for tester and charter information. Only then the session starts

        // Default constructor, everything is empty/default values
        public SMWidget()
            Logger.record("[SMWidget]: App constructor. Initializing.", "SMWidget", "info");
   = this;

            Logger.record("[SMWidget]: App constructor initialized and CLI executed.", "SMWidget", "info");
Example #22
        // The function below will change the visuals of the application at the different stages (tester/charter/notes state based behavior)
        private void StateMove(sessionStartingStage newStage)
            Logger.record("[StateMove]: Session Stage now: " + currentStage.ToString(), "SMWidget", "info");
            currentStage = newStage;
            switch (currentStage)
            case sessionStartingStage.tester:

                NoteType.Text     = "Reporter:"; prevType.Text = ""; nextType.Text = ""; FlickrInlogg.Text = "";
                prevNoteType      = 1; nextNoteType = currentSession.noteTypes.Length - 1;
                OpenFolder.Header = "Change working folder...";
                Logger.record("\t[StateMove]: Session Stage moving -> Tester", "SMWidget", "info");

            case sessionStartingStage.charter:
                NoteType.Text = "Charter:";
                Logger.record("\t[StateMove]: Session Stage moving -> Charter", "SMWidget", "info");

            case sessionStartingStage.notes:
                NoteContent.ToolTip = (100 < currentSession.charter.Length) ? currentSession.charter.Remove(100) + "..." : currentSession.charter;
                NoteType.Text       = currentSession.noteTypes[currentNoteType] + ":";
                prevType.Text       = "↓ " + currentSession.noteTypes[prevNoteType] + ":";
                nextType.Text       = "↑ " + currentSession.noteTypes[nextNoteType] + ":";

                if (m_flickrLoggedIn)                                            // #ADDED CODE#________________---------------This If and Else displays if you are logged in our not in rapid reporter---------------------______________
                    FlickrInlogg.Text = "Account: " + m_flickr.GetCurrentUser(); //currentSession.noteTypes[ReporterNoteName]
                    FlickrInlogg.Text = "Offline";
                currentSession.StartSession(); ProgressGo(90); t90.IsChecked = true;
                ScreenShot.IsEnabled = true; RTFNoteBtn.IsEnabled = true;  ToggleUploadIcon.IsEnabled = true;

                // Change the icon of the image of the buttons, to NOT appear disabled.
                ScreenShotIcon.Source   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("iconshot.png", UriKind.Relative));
                RTFNoteBtnIcon.Source   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("iconnotes.png", UriKind.Relative));
                TimerMenu.IsEnabled     = true;
                ChangeAccount.IsEnabled = true;

                OpenFolder.Header = "Open working folder...";
                Logger.record("\t\t[StateMove]: Session Stage moving -> Notes", "SMWidget", "info");

                Logger.record("\t[StateMove]: Session Stage moving -> NULL", "SMWidget", "error");
Example #23
        // ClearNote:
        // Makes space for a new note
        private void ClearNote()
            Logger.record("[ClearNote]: Will delete note content and attachments indication", "SMWidget", "info");
            NoteContent.Text = "";  // New note
            screenshotName   = "";  // New pic attachment
            rtfNoteName      = "";  // New note attachment (RTF note area content is left intact!)
            // Clear visual effects (screenshots are all always saved anyway)
            BevelBitmapEffect effect = new BevelBitmapEffect();

            effect.BevelWidth       = 0; effect.EdgeProfile = EdgeProfile.BulgedUp;
            ScreenShot.BitmapEffect = effect;
            RTFNoteBtn.BitmapEffect = effect;
Example #24
 // Before closing the window, we have to close the session and the RTF note
 private void ExitApp()
     // Session
     Logger.record("[ExitApp]: Closing Session...", "SMWidget", "info");
     // RTF Note
     Logger.record("[ExitApp]: Closing RTF Note (force = true)...", "SMWidget", "info");
     rtf.forceClose = true; // We keep the RTF open (hidden), so we have to force it out
     Logger.record("[ExitApp]: Closing RTF Note...", "SMWidget", "info");
     // This form
     Logger.record("[ExitApp]: End of application!", "SMWidget", "info");
Example #25
        // Prepare the session report log (adds the notes types, for example)
        private void SMWidgetForm_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Logger.record("[SMWidgetForm_Loaded]: Form loading to windows", "SMWidget", "info");
            SMWidgetForm.Title = System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductName;

            // Some of the actions in the tool are recurrent. We do them every 30 seconds.
            recurrenceTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(TimerEventProcessor); // this is the function called everytime the timer expires
            recurrenceTimer.Interval = 90 * 1000;                             // 30 times 1 second (1000 milliseconds)

Example #26
        // When the note is 'saved', it get's saved into an RTF file, and marked for being attached to a session note.
        private void save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Logger.record("[save_Click]: RTF Note to be saved", "RTFNote", "info");
            bool exDrRetry = false;

            TextRange tr = new TextRange(richTextNote.Document.ContentStart, richTextNote.Document.ContentEnd);

            // How do we kow the '3' minimum? By trial and error. Any character entered in the area makes it go 3+. Empty area is 0<=x<=2
            if (3 <= tr.Text.Length)
                Logger.record("\t[save_Click]: RTF Note not empty, will save", "RTFNote", "info");
                // Name the note, save to file
                sm.rtfNoteName = currentRTFNote++.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".rtf";
                    exDrRetry = false;
                        // Process is:
                        //  1. Save the file
                        //  2. Change the visual cue
                        //  3. Add an autogenerated line to the session CSV

                        // Saves the file
                        FileStream fs  = new FileStream(workingDir + sm.rtfNoteName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
                        TextRange  RTF = new TextRange(richTextNote.Document.ContentStart, richTextNote.Document.ContentEnd);
                        RTF.Save(fs, System.Windows.DataFormats.Rtf);

                        // Set the visual effect to clue the tester there's a note attached
                        BevelBitmapEffect effect = new BevelBitmapEffect();
                        effect.BevelWidth          = 2; effect.EdgeProfile = EdgeProfile.BulgedUp;
                        sm.RTFNoteBtn.BitmapEffect = effect;

                        // Adds an 'autogenerated' line to the session CSV
                        Logger.record("\t\t[save_Click]: RTF Note saved: " + sm.rtfNoteName, "RTFNote", "info");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.record("\t\t[save_Click]: EXCEPTION reached - RTF Note file could not be saved (" + sm.rtfNoteName + ")", "RTFNote", "error");
                        exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "save_Click", sm.rtfNoteName);
                } while (exDrRetry);
            Logger.record("[save_Click]: RTF Note saving mechanism done. Will close (hide).", "RTFNote", "info");
            // We not really 'close' the window. Close function deals with whether hiding or closing it.
            Logger.record("[save_Click]: RTF Note saving mechanism done. Closed (hidden).", "RTFNote", "info");
Example #27
        /** Reporting **/

        // General note on writign the reports to disk:
        //  Some bug reports seem to indicate that we are holding the file while trying to write to it.
        //  This is the reason of adding 150 milliseconds of delay between writes.
        //  I'll only know how dumb an idea is it after continuing (or not) to receive exception reports from users.

        // When a report collection is requested:
        public void CollectReport()
            Logger.record("[CollectReport]: Report building", "Session", "info");

            bool   exDrRetry      = false;
            string report_prefix  = "report_";
            string reportFile     = report_prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".csv";
            string reportFileFull = workingDir + reportFile;

            String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(workingDir, "*.csv");

                exDrRetry = false;
                    File.AppendAllText(reportFileFull, columnHeaders + "\n"); Thread.Sleep(150);
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        // Skip over other report files
                        if (file.Contains(report_prefix))
                        // Skip over files that don't end like ########_######.csv.
                        if (!(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(file, ".*\\d{8}_\\d{6}.csv$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)))

                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file);
                        sr.ReadLine(); // We skip the first line (with the headers);

                        string oneFile = sr.ReadToEnd();
                        File.AppendAllText(reportFileFull, oneFile); Thread.Sleep(150);
                        Logger.record("\t[CollectReport]: Another file concatenated into a report: " + file, "Session", "info");
                        // TODO: Remove the Thread.Sleep(150) parts?
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("[CollectReport]: EXCEPTION reached - Session Report file could not be saved (" + reportFile + ")", "Session", "error");
                    exDrRetry = Logger.FileErrorMessage(ex, "CollectReport", reportFile);
            } while (exDrRetry);
            Logger.record("[CollectReport]: Report built, done.", "Session", "info");
            MessageBox.Show("Rapid Reporter has finished the report consolidation process.\nFile generated: " + reportFile, "Rapid Reporter -report consolidation", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Example #28
        // Always hide the window. Unless the app is being closed completely, then close too.
        //  When hidding the window, toggle the button status on the main Widget.
        private void RTFNoteDialog_Close(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            Logger.record("[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Close function called with force flag = " + forceClose.ToString(), "RTFNote", "info");

            Logger.record("[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Toggling button state", "RTFNote", "info");
            sm.RTFNoteBtn.IsChecked = false;

            // The only way I found to control on how to cancel the closing or not, was by using an external flag.
            if (forceClose != true)
                // Apparently, there is an exception in some machines when closing the app and/or RTF
                //  we try to catch it here.
                //  Bug report: [94adb64c91]
                    Logger.record("\t[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Hiding RTF Note window", "RTFNote", "info");
                    Logger.record("\t[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Hiding RTF Note window - Step 1: _isClosing = false...", "RTFNote", "info");
                    typeof(Window).GetField("_isClosing", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(this, false);
                    Logger.record("\t[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Hiding RTF Note window - Step 2: e.Cancel = true...", "RTFNote", "info");
                    e.Cancel = true; // Abort the close event
                    Logger.record("\t[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Hiding RTF Note window - Step 3: this.Hide...", "RTFNote", "info");
                    this.Hide();     // Hide is throwing an exception:
                    // "Cannot set visibility or call show, showdialog, close, or hide while window is closing"
                    //  Step 1 is supposed to overcome this exception. Hopefully.

                    Logger.record("\t[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Hiding RTF Note window - Step 3: this.Hide finished", "RTFNote", "info");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.record("\t[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: EXCEPTION reached - RTF Note closing could not be cancelled", "RTFNote", "error");
                        "Hi! An error occured when trying to hide the rich text extended note window.\n" +
                        "Although this does not happen often, it was seen a few times and is under investigation.\n" +
                        "This is a very annoying bug. Meanwhile, let me suggest a way to bypass the problem:\n" +
                        " -- Instead of closing the extended note window (by Alt-F4 or clicking 'X'),\n" +
                        " --    try hiding it by pressing the 'N' button again in the main (golden) window.\n\n" +
                        "Your feedback is very important, please contact us and report the problem if you can/want.\n\n" +
                        "Exception details:\n" +
                        "Framework Error: RTFNote_Closed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            else // forceClose == true;
                // Let the window close normally
                Logger.record("\t[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Closing RTF Note window completely", "RTFNote", "info");
            Logger.record("[RTFNoteDialog_Close]: Close function finished", "RTFNote", "info");
Example #29
        /** Notes **/
        // Notes are always saved on file, not only when program exists (so no data loss in case of crash)

        // UpdateNotes: There are two overloads: One receives all strings (custom messages), the other an int (typed messages)
        public void UpdateNotes(int type, string note, string screenshot, string RTFNote)
            UpdateNotes(noteTypes[type], note, screenshot, RTFNote);
            Logger.record("[UpdateNotes isss]: Note added to session log. Attachments: (" + (screenshot.Length > 0).ToString() + " | " + (RTFNote.Length > 0).ToString() + ")", "Session", "info");

            // Truncate if necessary and post on Twitter if Twitter is enabled.
            if (TwitterAddon.twitter)
                TwitterAddon.tempNote      = note;
                TwitterAddon.tempType      = type;
                TwitterAddon.tempTester    = tester;
                TwitterAddon.tempCharter   = charter;
                TwitterAddon.tempNoteTypes = noteTypes;
Example #30
        public void CloseSession() // Not closing directly, we first finalize the session
            Logger.record("[CloseSession]: Session closing...", "Session", "info");

            // Why this if? We will only add the 'end session' note if we were past the charter step.
            if (!String.Equals(charter, ""))
                TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - startingTime;
                UpdateNotes("Session End. Duration",
                            duration.Hours.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + duration.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + duration.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
            // This condition possibly could have been done by: if (currentStage == sessionStartingStage.notes).
            // I wonder why I did it the wrong way?
            // TODO: Use the second, more elegant comparison. Make a few tests to make sure it's making sense.

            Logger.record("[CloseSession]: ...Session closed", "Session", "info");