public Dictionary <string, Guid> FillLocations(SaveData someData, FillOptions options, Inventory startingInventory, Random random) { var pool = new ItemPool(); pool.CreatePool(); return(FillLocations(someData, options, pool, startingInventory, random)); }
public Dictionary <string, Guid> FillLocations(SaveData someData, FillOptions options, Dictionary <string, Guid> itemMap) { var pool = new ItemPool(); pool.CreatePool(); return(FillLocations(someData, options, pool, itemMap)); }
private void FillRandomly(List <Guid> restrictedItems, Inventory inventory, FillOptions options, Dictionary <string, Guid> itemMap, ItemPool pool, Random random, LogLayer log) { var fillLog = log.AddChild("Random Fill"); fillLog.AddChild("Restricted Items", restrictedItems.Select(key => KeyManager.GetKeyName(key))); var reachableNodes = new List <NodeBase>(); var localSearcher = new FillSearcher(); // Fill all still reachable random nodes int stepCount = 1; while (true) { var stepLog = new LogLayer($"Step {stepCount++}"); stepLog.AddChild(inventory.GetKeyLog()); reachableNodes.RemoveAll(node => inventory.myNodes.Contains(node)); reachableNodes.AddRange(localSearcher.ContinueSearch(startNode, inventory, node => (node is KeyNode) && !inventory.myNodes.Contains(node))); stepLog.AddChild(new LogLayer("Reachable Nodes", reachableNodes.Select(node => node.Name()))); var retracableKeys = reachableNodes.AsParallel().Where(node => node == endNode || NodeTraverser.PathExists(node, startNode, node is EventKeyNode ? inventory.Expand(node) : inventory)).ToList(); // Find all reachable events that are also possible to get back from var retracableEvents = retracableKeys.Where(node => node is EventKeyNode); // If any events can be reached, add to inventory and update search before continuing if (retracableEvents.Any()) { stepLog.AddChild("Retracable events", retracableEvents.Select(node => node.Name())); fillLog.AddChild(stepLog); inventory.myNodes.AddRange(retracableEvents); continue; } var fillNodes = retracableKeys.Any() ? retracableKeys : reachableNodes; var fillRandomKeyNodes = fillNodes.Where(node => node is RandomKeyNode).Select(node => node as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(x =>; var addedNodes = FillRandomly(fillRandomKeyNodes, restrictedItems, inventory, options, itemMap, pool, random, stepLog); if (!addedNodes) { break; } fillLog.AddChild(stepLog); } }
private bool FillRandomly(IOrderedEnumerable <RandomKeyNode> locations, List <Guid> restrictedItems, Inventory inventory, FillOptions options, Dictionary <string, Guid> itemMap, ItemPool pool, Random random, LogLayer log) { var addedNodes = false; var locationsLog = log.AddChild("Locations to fill"); foreach (var node in locations) { var locationLog = locationsLog.AddChild(node.Name()); if (itemMap.ContainsKey(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier)) { locationLog.AddChild($"Location already filled with: {KeyManager.GetKeyName(itemMap[node.myRandomKeyIdentifier])}"); inventory.myNodes.Add(node); addedNodes = true; } else { // Add all items that cannot be in this location to restrictedItems var locationRestrictedItems = restrictedItems.Union(pool.AvailableItems().Where(key => !KeyAllowedInLocation(key, options, itemMap, pool, node))); locationLog.AddChild(new LogLayer("Location Restricted Items", locationRestrictedItems.Select(key => KeyManager.GetKeyName(key)))); if (!pool.AvailableItems().Except(locationRestrictedItems).Any()) { locationLog.Message += $" : Skipped"; locationLog.AddChild("No available item is allowed to be placed"); continue; } var selectedKey = pool.PullExcept(locationRestrictedItems, random); if (selectedKey != Guid.Empty) { locationLog.Message += $" : {KeyManager.GetKeyName(selectedKey)}"; locationLog.AddChild($"Selected Key: {KeyManager.GetKeyName(selectedKey)}"); itemMap.Add(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier, selectedKey); inventory.myNodes.Add(node); addedNodes = true; } UpdateLocationRestrictions(inventory, itemMap, pool, random, locationLog); } } return(addedNodes); }
public Dictionary <string, Guid> FillLocations(SaveData someData, FillOptions options, ItemPool pool, Inventory startingInventory) { var random = new Random(); return(FillLocations(someData, options, pool, startingInventory, random)); }
public Dictionary <string, Guid> FillLocations(SaveData someData, FillOptions options, ItemPool pool, Dictionary <string, Guid> itemMap) { var startingInventory = new Inventory(); return(FillLocations(someData, options, pool, startingInventory, itemMap)); }
private Guid FindRelevantKey(Inventory inventory, FillSearcher aSearcher, FillOptions options, IEnumerable <RandomKeyNode> availableLocations, IEnumerable <NodeBase> unRetracableKeys, IEnumerable <Guid> restrictedItems, IEnumerable <Guid> prioritizedItems, ItemPool pool, Dictionary <string, Guid> itemMap, Random random, LogLayer log) { var relevantKeyLog = log.AddChild("Relevant Key"); var relevantKeys = new Dictionary <Guid, List <NodeBase> >(); foreach (var item in pool.AvailableItems().Distinct().Where(key => !restrictedItems.Contains(key))) { var testInventory = inventory.Expand(KeyManager.GetKey(item)); var tempSearcher = new FillSearcher(aSearcher); var currentKeyLog = relevantKeyLog.AddChild(KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)); var reachableKeys = new List <NodeBase>(); bool searchAgain; do { // Find all nodes that can be reached with current inventory reachableKeys.RemoveAll(node => testInventory.myNodes.Contains(node)); reachableKeys.AddRange(tempSearcher.ContinueSearch(testInventory, node => (node is KeyNode) && !testInventory.myNodes.Contains(node))); var combinedReachableKeys = unRetracableKeys.Where(key => !testInventory.myNodes.Contains(key)).Union(reachableKeys); searchAgain = false; var retracableKeys = combinedReachableKeys.AsParallel().Where(node => node == endNode || NodeTraverser.PathExists(node, startNode, node is EventKeyNode ? testInventory.Expand(node) : testInventory)).ToList(); if (retracableKeys.Any()) { // If any events can be reached, add to inventory and update search before continuing var retracableEvents = retracableKeys.Where(node => node is EventKeyNode).ToList(); if (retracableEvents.Any()) { currentKeyLog.AddChild("Retracable events", retracableEvents.Select(node => node.Name())); testInventory.myNodes.AddRange(retracableEvents); // Prioritize item that will let you beat the game if (retracableEvents.Any(node => node == endNode)) { relevantKeyLog.Message += $" : {KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)}"; return(item); } searchAgain = true; continue; } var randomizedLocations = retracableKeys.Where(key => key is RandomKeyNode randomNode).Select(key => key as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(x =>; // Pick up any items already filled in on the map and update search before placing any items var preFilledLocations = randomizedLocations.Where(loc => itemMap.ContainsKey(loc.myRandomKeyIdentifier)); if (preFilledLocations.Any()) { currentKeyLog.AddChild("Prefilled locations", preFilledLocations.Select(node => $"{node.Name()} - {node.GetKeyName()}")); testInventory.myNodes.AddRange(preFilledLocations); searchAgain = true; continue; } currentKeyLog.AddChild($"Locations", retracableKeys.Select(key => key.Name())); relevantKeys.Add(item, retracableKeys); } } while (searchAgain); } // Filter out any keys that by rules cannot be placed in any available location var filteredKeys = relevantKeys.Where(key => availableLocations.Any(location => KeyAllowedInLocation(key.Key, options, itemMap, pool, location))).ToDictionary(key => key.Key, key => key.Value); relevantKeyLog.AddChild("Filtered Keys", filteredKeys.Select(key => $"{KeyManager.GetKeyName(key.Key)}")); if (!filteredKeys.Any()) { return(Guid.Empty); } // Correlate prioritized and relevant keys var prioritizedRelevantKeys = filteredKeys.Where(key => prioritizedItems.Contains(key.Key)); if (prioritizedRelevantKeys.Any()) { filteredKeys = prioritizedRelevantKeys.ToDictionary(key => key.Key, key => key.Value); } relevantKeyLog.AddChild("Prioritized Relevant Keys", filteredKeys.Select(key => $"{KeyManager.GetKeyName(key.Key)}")); // Prioritize items that open up major location for local swaps if (options.majorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool || options.minorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool) { var keysWithMajorLocation = filteredKeys.Where(key => key.Value.Any(location => StaticKeys.IsMajorLocation(location))); if (keysWithMajorLocation.Any()) { filteredKeys = keysWithMajorLocation.ToDictionary(key => key.Key, key => key.Value); } } // Avoid sprawl calculation bias if value is not set or there is only one item to choose from if (options.SprawlFactor == 0 || filteredKeys.Count < 2) { var item = pool.PeekAmong(filteredKeys.Keys, random); relevantKeyLog.Message += $" : {KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)}"; relevantKeyLog.AddChild($"Item pulled from pool: {KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)}"); return(item); } relevantKeyLog.AddChild($"Sprawl factor: {options.SprawlFactor}"); // Translate sprawl factor to a decimal var sprawl = ((double)options.SprawlFactor) / 10; // Weight is numberOfLocationsUnlocked ^ sprawl var keysGroupedByWeight = filteredKeys.ToLookup(key => key.Value.Count, key => key.Key).Select(group => new KeyValuePair <double, List <Guid> >(Math.Pow(group.Key, sprawl), group.ToList())).OrderBy(pair => pair.Key); relevantKeyLog.AddChild("Keys with weights", keysGroupedByWeight.SelectMany(group => group.Value.Select(key => $"{KeyManager.GetKeyName(key)} - {group.Key}"))); // Sum of all weights var weightSum = keysGroupedByWeight.Select(pair => pair.Key).Sum(); relevantKeyLog.AddChild($"Sum of Weights: {weightSum}"); // Pick random number between 0 and weightSum var weightRandom = random.NextDouble() * weightSum; relevantKeyLog.AddChild($"Weight Random: {weightRandom}"); // Remove weight from random value until it goes below zero then pick that key foreach (var key in keysGroupedByWeight) { weightRandom -= key.Key; if (weightRandom < 0) { relevantKeyLog.AddChild($"Chosen weight: {key.Key}"); var item = pool.PeekAmong(key.Value, random); relevantKeyLog.Message += $" : {KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)}"; relevantKeyLog.AddChild($"Selected Key: {KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)}"); return(item); } } relevantKeyLog.AddChild($"No Key Selected"); return(Guid.Empty); }
private bool KeyAllowedInLocation(Guid key, FillOptions options, Dictionary <string, Guid> itemMap, ItemPool pool, RandomKeyNode location) { if (itemBlockedLocationRules.ContainsKey(key) && itemBlockedLocationRules[key].Contains(location.myRandomKeyIdentifier)) { // Blocked from being placed here return(false); } if ((StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(key) && options.majorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.Unchanged) || (StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(key) && options.minorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.Unchanged)) { if (key != location.myOriginalKeyId) { return(false); } } if (options.majorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool && StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(key) && !StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(location.myOriginalKeyId)) { return(false); } if (options.minorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool && StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(key) && !StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(location.myOriginalKeyId)) { return(false); } if (options.majorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool && !StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(key) && StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(location.myOriginalKeyId)) { var allRandomKeyNodes = keyNodes.Where(node => node is RandomKeyNode randomNode).Select(node => node as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(node =>; var openMajorRandomKeyNodes = allRandomKeyNodes.Count(node => !itemMap.ContainsKey(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier) && StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(node.myOriginalKeyId)); var poolCount = pool.AvailableItems().Count(item => StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(item)); if (openMajorRandomKeyNodes <= poolCount) { return(false); } } if (options.minorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool && !StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(key) && StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(location.myOriginalKeyId)) { var allRandomKeyNodes = keyNodes.Where(node => node is RandomKeyNode randomNode).Select(node => node as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(node =>; var openMinorRandomKeyNodes = allRandomKeyNodes.Count(node => !itemMap.ContainsKey(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier) && StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(node.myOriginalKeyId)); var poolCount = pool.AvailableItems().Count(item => StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(item)); if (openMinorRandomKeyNodes <= poolCount) { return(false); } } var hasRequirementForLocation = false; var requirementFulfilled = true; if (itemRequiredLocationRules.ContainsKey(key)) { requirementFulfilled = itemMap.Any(loc => itemRequiredLocationRules[key].Contains(loc.Key) && loc.Value == key); hasRequirementForLocation = itemRequiredLocationRules[key].Contains(location.myRandomKeyIdentifier); } if (!requirementFulfilled && pool.CountKey(key) == 1 && !hasRequirementForLocation) { // Has requirement to be placed somewhere else and placing it here would not leave any item to place in that location return(false); } if (restrictedLocations.Contains(location.myRandomKeyIdentifier) && (requirementFulfilled || !hasRequirementForLocation)) { // Location is restricted and this key is not one of the items with a requirement to be here return(false); } return(true); }
public Dictionary <string, Guid> FillLocations(SaveData someData, FillOptions options, ItemPool pool, Inventory startingInventory, Random random, Dictionary <string, Guid> originalItemMap) { Log = new LogLayer("Item Placement"); var inventory = new Inventory(startingInventory); var nodeCollection = new NodeCollection(); nodeCollection.InitializeNodes(someData); keyNodes = nodeCollection.myNodes.Where(node => node is KeyNode).ToList(); var eventNodes = keyNodes.Where(node => node is EventKeyNode).Select(node => node as EventKeyNode); startNode = eventNodes.FirstOrDefault(node => node.myKeyId == StaticKeys.GameStart); endNode = eventNodes.FirstOrDefault(node => node.myKeyId == StaticKeys.GameFinish); charlieNode = eventNodes.FirstOrDefault(node => node.myKeyId == StaticKeys.CharlieDefeated); // Generate Item map var itemMap = new Dictionary <string, Guid>(originalItemMap); if (options.majorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.Unchanged || options.minorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.Unchanged) { var allRandomKeyNodes = keyNodes.Where(node => node is RandomKeyNode randomNode).Select(node => node as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(node =>; var openRandomKeyNodes = allRandomKeyNodes.Where(node => !itemMap.ContainsKey(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier)); foreach (var keyNode in openRandomKeyNodes) { var item = keyNode.GetOriginalKey(); if (item == null) { continue; } if ((StaticKeys.IsMajorItem(item.Id) && options.majorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.Unchanged) || (StaticKeys.IsMinorItem(item.Id) && options.minorSwap == FillOptions.ItemSwap.Unchanged)) { var pulled = pool.Pull(item.Id); if (pulled) { itemMap.Add(keyNode.myRandomKeyIdentifier, item.Id); } } } } KeyManager.SetRandomKeyMap(itemMap); // Set up location rules itemRequiredLocationRules = ItemRuleUtility.GetRequiredLocationRules(options.itemRules); itemBlockedLocationRules = ItemRuleUtility.GetBlockedLocationRules(options.itemRules); restrictedLocations = new HashSet <string>(); if (itemRequiredLocationRules.Any()) { Log.AddChild("RequiredLocationRules", itemRequiredLocationRules.Select(group => new LogLayer(KeyManager.GetKeyName(group.Key), group.Value))); } if (itemBlockedLocationRules.Any()) { Log.AddChild("BlockedLocationRules", itemBlockedLocationRules.Select(group => new LogLayer(KeyManager.GetKeyName(group.Key), group.Value))); } UpdateLocationRestrictions(inventory, itemMap, pool, random, Log); // Initialize search terms searcher = new FillSearcher(); var reachableKeys = new List <NodeBase>(); var retracableKeys = new List <NodeBase>(); var restrictedItems = new List <Guid>(); var searchDepth = 0; var stepCount = 1; if (options.gameCompletion == FillOptions.GameCompletion.NoLogic) { Log.AddChild("Game Completion has No Logic - Skipping standard steps"); } else { var logSteps = Log.AddChild("Standard Steps"); while (true) { var logCurrentStep = logSteps.AddChild($"Step {stepCount++}, depth {searchDepth}"); logCurrentStep.AddChild(inventory.GetKeyLog()); // Beatable conditional if (options.gameCompletion == FillOptions.GameCompletion.Beatable && inventory.myNodes.Contains(endNode)) { logCurrentStep.AddChild($"EndNode reached"); break; } // Do not place any power bombs until obtaining powered suit restrictedItems.Clear(); if (options.noEarlyPbs && !inventory.ContainsKey(StaticKeys.CharlieDefeated)) { restrictedItems.Add(StaticKeys.PowerBombs); } var itemDepthRestrictions = options.itemRules.Where(rest => rest is ItemRuleRestrictedBeforeDepth depthRest && depthRest.SearchDepth > searchDepth); if (itemDepthRestrictions.Any()) { restrictedItems.AddRange(itemDepthRestrictions.Select(rest => rest.ItemId)); } if (restrictedItems.Any()) { logCurrentStep.AddChild("Restricted Items", restrictedItems.Select(key => KeyManager.GetKeyName(key))); } // Find all nodes that can be reached with current inventory reachableKeys.RemoveAll(node => inventory.myNodes.Contains(node)); reachableKeys.AddRange(searcher.ContinueSearch(startNode, inventory, node => (node is KeyNode) && !inventory.myNodes.Contains(node))); logCurrentStep.AddChild("Reachable keys", reachableKeys.Select(node => node.Name())); // Find all reachable keys that are also possible to get back from // (End node is always considered retracable, since being able to reach it at all is just akin to "being in go mode") retracableKeys.RemoveAll(node => inventory.myNodes.Contains(node)); var notRetracable = reachableKeys.Except(retracableKeys); retracableKeys.AddRange(notRetracable.AsParallel().Where(node => node == endNode || NodeTraverser.PathExists(node, startNode, node is EventKeyNode ? inventory.Expand(node) : inventory)).ToList()); logCurrentStep.AddChild("Retracable keys", retracableKeys.Select(node => node.Name())); if (!retracableKeys.Any()) { break; } // If any events can be reached, add to inventory and update search before continuing var retracableEvents = retracableKeys.Where(node => node is EventKeyNode).ToList(); if (retracableEvents.Any()) { logCurrentStep.AddChild("Retracable events", retracableEvents.Select(node => node.Name())); inventory.myNodes.AddRange(retracableEvents); continue; } var randomizedLocations = retracableKeys.Where(key => key is RandomKeyNode randomNode).Select(key => key as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(x =>; // Pick up any items already filled in on the map and update search before placing any items var preFilledLocations = randomizedLocations.Where(loc => itemMap.ContainsKey(loc.myRandomKeyIdentifier)); if (preFilledLocations.Any()) { logCurrentStep.AddChild("Prefilled locations", preFilledLocations.Select(node => $"{node.Name()} - {node.GetKeyName()}")); inventory.myNodes.AddRange(preFilledLocations); continue; } // Get items that are prioritized according to item rules var prioritizedItems = options.itemRules.Where(rest => rest is ItemRulePrioritizedAfterDepth depthRest && depthRest.SearchDepth <= searchDepth) .Select(rest => rest.ItemId) .Where(item => !restrictedItems.Contains(item) && !inventory.ContainsKey(item)) .ToList(); logCurrentStep.AddChild("Prioritized Items", prioritizedItems.Select(key => KeyManager.GetKeyName(key))); var selectedRelevantKey = FindRelevantKey(inventory, searcher, options, randomizedLocations, reachableKeys.Except(retracableKeys), restrictedItems, prioritizedItems, pool, itemMap, random, logCurrentStep); // Special case to handle how chozodia area is built // Specifically can't get out of it without power bombs, which creates awkward dynamics regarding the placements of said power bombs) // Special case triggers on reaching charlie when no early pbs is enabled if (reachableKeys.Any(key => key is EventKeyNode eventKey && eventKey.myKeyId == StaticKeys.CharlieDefeated) && options.noEarlyPbs && (NodeTraverser.PathExists(charlieNode, endNode, inventory.Expand(charlieNode)) || selectedRelevantKey == Guid.Empty)) { FillRandomly(restrictedItems, inventory, options, itemMap, pool, random, logCurrentStep.AddChild("Charlie random fill")); if (!inventory.ContainsKey(StaticKeys.CharlieDefeated)) { // Unless Charlie was for some reason reached during fill, start new search with Charlie as new start node startNode = charlieNode; inventory.myNodes.Add(startNode); searcher = new FillSearcher(); } continue; } if (selectedRelevantKey == Guid.Empty) { break; } // Filter out available locations where selected key cannot be placed var filteredLocations = randomizedLocations.Where(location => KeyAllowedInLocation(selectedRelevantKey, options, itemMap, pool, location)).OrderBy(x =>; logCurrentStep.AddChild("Filtered Locations", filteredLocations.Select(node => node.Name())); if (!filteredLocations.Any()) { break; } pool.Pull(selectedRelevantKey); // Pick out one random accessible location, place the selected key there and add that item to inventory var selectedLocation = filteredLocations.ElementAt(random.Next(filteredLocations.Count)); randomizedLocations.Remove(selectedLocation); itemMap.Add(selectedLocation.myRandomKeyIdentifier, selectedRelevantKey); inventory.myNodes.Add(selectedLocation); logCurrentStep.AddChild($"Selected Location: {selectedLocation.Name()}"); prioritizedItems.Remove(selectedRelevantKey); // Only increase searchDepth if an actual item is placed (debatable if this is the correct approach) searchDepth++; UpdateLocationRestrictions(inventory, itemMap, pool, random, logCurrentStep); // Fill remaining accessible locations with random items if (options.majorSwap != FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool && options.minorSwap != FillOptions.ItemSwap.LocalPool) { var randomizedLocationLog = logCurrentStep.AddChild("Randomized Locations"); foreach (var node in randomizedLocations) { var locationLog = randomizedLocationLog.AddChild(node.Name()); // This is possible through Required Location Rules if (itemMap.ContainsKey(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier)) { locationLog.AddChild($"Already filled with: {node.GetKeyName()}"); inventory.myNodes.Add(node); continue; } var filteredPrioritizedItems = prioritizedItems.Where(key => KeyAllowedInLocation(key, options, itemMap, pool, node)); if (filteredPrioritizedItems.Any()) { locationLog.AddChild("Filtered Prioritized Items", filteredPrioritizedItems.Select(key => KeyManager.GetKeyName(key))); var randomKey = pool.PullAmong(filteredPrioritizedItems, random); prioritizedItems.Remove(randomKey); itemMap.Add(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier, randomKey); inventory.myNodes.Add(node); locationLog.Message += $" : {KeyManager.GetKeyName(randomKey)}"; locationLog.AddChild($"Prioritized Key placed: {KeyManager.GetKeyName(randomKey)}"); } else { // Add all items that cannot be in this location to restrictedItems var locationRestrictedItems = restrictedItems.Union(pool.AvailableItems().Where(key => !KeyAllowedInLocation(key, options, itemMap, pool, node))); locationLog.AddChild("Location Restricted Items", locationRestrictedItems.Select(key => KeyManager.GetKeyName(key))); var selectedKey = pool.PullExcept(locationRestrictedItems, random); if (selectedKey != Guid.Empty) { itemMap.Add(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier, selectedKey); inventory.myNodes.Add(node); locationLog.Message += $" : {KeyManager.GetKeyName(selectedKey)}"; locationLog.AddChild($"Selected Key placed: {KeyManager.GetKeyName(selectedKey)}"); } } UpdateLocationRestrictions(inventory, itemMap, pool, random, locationLog); } } // Go back to start of loop to continue search with updated inventory } } var postFillLog = Log.AddChild("Post fill"); // POST-FILL: // Reachable if seed is beatable or if it ran out of possible relevant keys // Fill in remaining locations as well as possible without breaking any restrictions // Do not place any power bombs until obtaining powered suit restrictedItems.Clear(); if (options.noEarlyPbs && !inventory.ContainsKey(StaticKeys.CharlieDefeated)) { restrictedItems.Add(StaticKeys.PowerBombs); } postFillLog.AddChild("Restricted Items", restrictedItems.Select(key => KeyManager.GetKeyName(key))); if (options.gameCompletion == FillOptions.GameCompletion.AllItems) { var nonEmptyLog = postFillLog.AddChild("Add non-empty items"); // Prioritize filling in non-empty items var restrictedAndEmpty = new List <Guid>(restrictedItems); restrictedAndEmpty.Add(StaticKeys.Nothing); FillRandomly(restrictedAndEmpty, inventory, options, itemMap, pool, random, nonEmptyLog); } var reachableLog = postFillLog.AddChild("Fill remaining reachable locations"); // Fill remaining reachable nodes randomly FillRandomly(restrictedItems, inventory, options, itemMap, pool, random, reachableLog); restrictedItems.Clear(); // Fill all remaining (unreachable) locations with any remaining items var remainingNodes = keyNodes.Where(node => node is RandomKeyNode randomNode && !itemMap.ContainsKey(randomNode.myRandomKeyIdentifier)).Select(key => key as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(x =>; if (remainingNodes.Any()) { var respectableLog = postFillLog.AddChild("Fill unreachable locations"); FillRandomly(remainingNodes, restrictedItems, inventory, options, itemMap, pool, random, respectableLog); } // Fill final locations with blanks var finalEmptyLocations = keyNodes.Where(node => node is RandomKeyNode randomNode && !itemMap.ContainsKey(randomNode.myRandomKeyIdentifier)).Select(key => key as RandomKeyNode).OrderBy(x =>; if (finalEmptyLocations.Any()) { var finalFill = postFillLog.AddChild("Final fill"); foreach (var node in finalEmptyLocations) { if (itemMap.ContainsKey(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier)) { continue; } var locationLog = finalFill.AddChild(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier); var item = StaticKeys.Nothing; locationLog.Message += $" : {KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)}"; locationLog.AddChild($"Selected item: {KeyManager.GetKeyName(item)}"); itemMap.Add(node.myRandomKeyIdentifier, item); UpdateLocationRestrictions(inventory, itemMap, pool, random, locationLog); } } return(itemMap); }
public Dictionary <string, Guid> FillLocations(SaveData someData, FillOptions options, ItemPool pool, Inventory startingInventory, Random random) { var itemMap = new Dictionary <string, Guid>(); return(FillLocations(someData, options, pool, startingInventory, random, itemMap)); }