Example #1
        private void Update()
            if (_wingsuitActionMap == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("No actionmap found");

            var wingsuitInput  = PollWingsuitInput(_wingsuitActionMap.ActionMap);
            var prevMouseInput = _mouseWingsuitInput;

            _mouseWingsuitInput = PollWingsuitMouseInput(_wingsuitActionMap.ActionMap);
            var mouseWingsuitInput = ApplyWingsuitMouseState(_gameClock.DeltaTime, _mouseGravity, _mouseCancelPower, _mouseBufferStrength, prevMouseInput, _mouseWingsuitInput);

            _wingsuitInput = wingsuitInput.Merge(mouseWingsuitInput);
            _cameraInput   = PollCameraInput(_wingsuitActionMap.ActionMap);

            if (_parachuteActionMap == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("No parachute actionmap assigned");

            _parachuteInput = _parachuteActionMap.V.Input;
Example #2
        private static CharacterInput ApplyStallPrevention(CharacterInput input, FlightStatistics target, float stallLimitStrength, float rollLimitStrength)
            // Disable stall prevention if super-maneuvre inputs are active
            stallLimitStrength *= 1f - input.Cannonball;
            rollLimitStrength  *= 1f - input.Cannonball;
            rollLimitStrength  *= 1f - Mathf.Max(input.CloseLeftArm, input.CloseRightArm);

            // Limit both positive and negative pitch motion to keep body from stalling
            if (input.Pitch > 0f)
                float multiplier = 1f - Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, -20f, target.AngleOfAttack) * stallLimitStrength;
                input.Pitch *= multiplier;
                float multiplier = 1f - Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, 20f, target.AngleOfAttack) * stallLimitStrength;
                input.Pitch *= multiplier;

            // Limit roll rate
            if (input.Roll > 0f)
                float multiplier = 1f - Mathf.Clamp01((-target.LocalAngularVelocity.y - 1f) * 1f) * rollLimitStrength;
                input.Roll *= multiplier;
                float multiplier = 1f - Mathf.Clamp01((target.LocalAngularVelocity.y - 1f) * 1f) * rollLimitStrength;
                input.Roll *= multiplier;

Example #3
 public void Clear()
     _wingsuitInput     = CharacterInput.Zero;
     _localLookRotation = _state == PilotAnimatorState.Wingsuit
         ? _target.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(-45f, 0f, 0f)
         : _target.transform.rotation;
Example #4
 private static CharacterInput ApplyStabilityOverride(CharacterInput input, StabilityOverride stabilityOverride)
     input.Pitch = input.Pitch * stabilityOverride.Pitch;
     input.Roll  = input.Roll * stabilityOverride.Roll;
     input.Yaw   = input.Yaw * stabilityOverride.Yaw;
Example #5
        public CharacterInput ApplyStabilization(CharacterInput input, FlightStatistics target, float deltaTime)
            input = ApplyStallPrevention(input, target, _userConfig.StallLimiterStrength, _userConfig.RollLimiterStrength);

            var stabilityInput = CharacterInput.Zero;

            // Update gyroscopic stability
            var error = GetGyroError(deltaTime, target, _lastGyroError, _c.ErrorSmoothingSpeed);

            _lastGyroError = error;
            var pids           = GetGyroPidOutputs(error);
            var gyroCorrection = PidOutputToCharacterInput(pids);

            gyroCorrection      = CharacterInput.Lerp(_lastGyroCorrection, gyroCorrection, _c.StabilityCorrectionSpeed * deltaTime);
            _lastGyroCorrection = gyroCorrection;
            stabilityInput     += gyroCorrection;

            // Apply stability overrides (Player input cancels out stabilization effects)
            var stabilityOverride = GetStabilityOverrides(input, _c.MaxStabilityOverride);

            stabilityInput = ApplyStabilityOverride(stabilityInput, stabilityOverride);

            input += stabilityInput;

            // Apply speed scaling to summed inputs
            float normalizedSpeed = Mathf.Clamp01(target.RelativeVelocity.magnitude / _c.MaxSpeed);

            return(ApplySpeedScaling(input, normalizedSpeed, _userConfig.InputSpeedScaling, 1.5f));
Example #6
        private static StabilityOverride GetStabilityOverrides(CharacterInput playerInput, float maxOverrideFactor)
            Func <float, float, float> overrideFactor = (input, maxOverride) => 1f - Mathf.Abs(input) * maxOverride; //Todo: Cache this func?

            return(new StabilityOverride {
                Pitch = overrideFactor(playerInput.Pitch, maxOverrideFactor),
                Roll = overrideFactor(playerInput.Roll, maxOverrideFactor),
                Yaw = overrideFactor(playerInput.Yaw, maxOverrideFactor),
Example #7
 public CharacterInput Merge(CharacterInput c)
     return(new CharacterInput {
         Pitch = Adapters.MergeAxes(Pitch, c.Pitch),
         Roll = Adapters.MergeAxes(Roll, c.Roll),
         Yaw = Adapters.MergeAxes(Yaw, c.Yaw),
         Cannonball = Adapters.MergeAxes(Cannonball, c.Cannonball),
         CloseLeftArm = Adapters.MergeAxes(CloseLeftArm, c.CloseLeftArm),
         CloseRightArm = Adapters.MergeAxes(CloseRightArm, c.CloseRightArm),
Example #8
 public static CharacterInput Lerp(CharacterInput c1, CharacterInput c2, float lerp)
     return(new CharacterInput()
         Pitch = Mathf.Lerp(c1.Pitch, c2.Pitch, lerp),
         Roll = Mathf.Lerp(c1.Roll, c2.Roll, lerp),
         Yaw = Mathf.Lerp(c1.Yaw, c2.Yaw, lerp),
         Cannonball = Mathf.Lerp(c1.Cannonball, c2.Cannonball, lerp),
         CloseLeftArm = Mathf.Lerp(c1.CloseLeftArm, c2.CloseLeftArm, lerp),
         CloseRightArm = Mathf.Lerp(c1.CloseRightArm, c2.CloseRightArm, lerp),
Example #9
        private static CharacterInput ApplySpeedScaling(CharacterInput input, float normalizedAirspeed, float speedScaling, float speedScalingPower)
            float scale = Mathf.Max(0.2f, 1f - Mathf.Pow(normalizedAirspeed, speedScalingPower) * speedScaling);

            return(new CharacterInput {
                Pitch = input.Pitch * scale,
                Roll = input.Roll * scale,
                Yaw = input.Yaw * scale,
                Cannonball = input.Cannonball,
                CloseLeftArm = input.CloseLeftArm,
                CloseRightArm = input.CloseRightArm
Example #10
 public void Clear()
     _wingsuitInput  = CharacterInput.Zero;
     _parachuteInput = ParachuteInput.Zero;
Example #11
        private static CharacterInput ApplyWingsuitMouseState(float deltaTime, float gravity, float cancelPower, float inputBufferStrength, CharacterInput prevInput, CharacterInput input)
            /* Todo:
             * Mouse control should be mode-less. This click 'n hold business is too complex, but simple input = output mapping is not good enough either
             * What we certainly want to avoid: multiple mouse drags for longer maneuvers.
             * We want to make mouse input 'sticky' in some situations, but not in others. The stickiness should be fluid, and automatic.
             * By sticky, I mean we want some input to stay active over time.
             * We might be able to use mouse input magnitude to determine how muc
            var adjustedInput = input;


            adjustedInput.Pitch = prevInput.Pitch + input.Pitch * inputBufferStrength;
            adjustedInput.Roll  = prevInput.Roll + input.Roll * inputBufferStrength;

            adjustedInput.Pitch = Mathf.Lerp(adjustedInput.Pitch, 0, deltaTime * gravity);
            adjustedInput.Roll  = Mathf.Lerp(adjustedInput.Roll, 0, deltaTime * gravity);

            if (Mathf.Abs(input.Pitch) > 0f)
                adjustedInput.Pitch = Mathf.Sign(input.Pitch) != Mathf.Sign(prevInput.Pitch) ? Mathf.Lerp(adjustedInput.Pitch, input.Pitch, cancelPower * deltaTime) : adjustedInput.Pitch;
            if (Mathf.Abs(input.Roll) > 0f)
                adjustedInput.Roll = Mathf.Sign(input.Roll) != Mathf.Sign(prevInput.Roll) ? Mathf.Lerp(adjustedInput.Roll, input.Roll, cancelPower * deltaTime) : adjustedInput.Roll;

            adjustedInput.Pitch = Mathf.Clamp(adjustedInput.Pitch, -1f, 1f);
            adjustedInput.Roll  = Mathf.Clamp(adjustedInput.Roll, -1f, 1f);

Example #12
 public void SetInput(CharacterInput wingsuitInput, ParachuteInput parachuteInput, CameraInput cameraInput)
     _wingsuitInput  = wingsuitInput;
     _parachuteInput = parachuteInput;
     _cameraInput    = cameraInput;
Example #13
 public CharacterInput SmoothInput(CharacterInput input, float deltaTime)
     _smoothPlayerInput = CharacterInput.Lerp(_smoothPlayerInput, input, _c.InputSmoothingSpeed * deltaTime);
Example #14
        private void AnimateWingsuit(CharacterInput input, CharacterMuscleLimits limits, CharacterParts parts)
            PlayerPose.Lerp(ref _currentPose, _defaultPose, _curledPose, input.Cannonball);

            float normalizedSpeed = Mathf.Clamp01(_target.RelativeVelocity.magnitude / _wingsuitStabilizerConfig.MaxSpeed);

            input.CloseLeftArm  += Mathf.Pow(normalizedSpeed, 1.5f) * 0.25f;
            input.CloseRightArm += Mathf.Pow(normalizedSpeed, 1.5f) * 0.25f;

            float pitchUp   = Mathf.Min(0f, input.Pitch);
            float pitchDown = Mathf.Min(0f, -input.Pitch);

            CharacterMuscleOutput o = new CharacterMuscleOutput();

            /* Transform user input into joint angle modifications. (still in unit values) */
            o.ShoulderLPitch = input.Pitch + input.Roll - input.CloseLeftArm;
            o.ShoulderRPitch = input.Pitch - input.Roll - input.CloseRightArm;
            o.ArmLUpperPitch = input.Roll * 0.3f + pitchDown * 0f - input.CloseLeftArm * 0.5f;
            o.ArmRUpperPitch = -input.Roll * 0.3f + pitchDown * 0f - input.CloseRightArm * 0.5f;
            o.ArmLUpperRoll  = -input.Pitch;
            o.ArmRUpperRoll  = input.Pitch;
            o.ArmLLowerPitch = -input.Pitch * 1f + -input.Roll * 0.5f + input.CloseLeftArm * 0.0f;
            o.ArmRLowerPitch = -input.Pitch * 1f + input.Roll * 0.5f + input.CloseRightArm * 0.0f;
            o.ArmLClose      = -input.CloseLeftArm * 1f + pitchDown * 1f + input.Roll * (input.Roll < 0f ? 1f : 0f);
            o.ArmRClose      = input.CloseRightArm * 1f - pitchDown * 1f + input.Roll * (input.Roll > 0f ? 1f : 0f);
            o.LegLUpperPitch = pitchUp * 1.0f + Mathf.Pow(pitchDown, 2f) * 0.5f + input.Yaw * 0.25f;
            o.LegRUpperPitch = pitchUp * 1.0f + Mathf.Pow(pitchDown, 2f) * 0.5f - input.Yaw * 0.25f;
            o.LegLUpperRoll  = input.Roll;
            o.LegRUpperRoll  = input.Roll;
            o.LegLLowerPitch = pitchUp * 1f + Mathf.Pow(pitchDown, 2f) + input.Yaw * 1f;
            o.LegRLowerPitch = pitchUp * 1f + Mathf.Pow(pitchDown, 2f) - input.Yaw * 1f;
            o.TorsoPitch     = pitchUp * 0.5f;
            o.TorsoRoll      = input.Roll * 1f + input.Yaw * 1f;
            o.TorsoYaw       = input.Yaw * 0.5f;

            CharacterMuscleOutput.Clamp(ref o);
            CharacterMuscleOutput.ScaleToLimits(ref o, limits);
            CharacterMuscleOutput.ApplyPose(ref o, _currentPose);

            /* Apply a specific stability effect to just the arms (Todo: move this elsewhere, make configurable) */

            float armUpperPitchHeadingStability = 10f * Mathf.InverseLerp(15f, -5f, _target.AngleOfAttack);

            o.ArmLUpperPitch += armUpperPitchHeadingStability;
            o.ArmRUpperPitch += armUpperPitchHeadingStability;

            float armLowerPitchHeadingStability = 15f * Mathf.InverseLerp(20f, -5f, _target.AngleOfAttack);

            o.ArmLLowerPitch += armLowerPitchHeadingStability;
            o.ArmRLowerPitch += armLowerPitchHeadingStability;

            /* Apply user-configured pitch attitude offset */

            o.TorsoPitch     += limits.PitchAttitudeTorsoMax * _userConfig.PitchAttitude;
            o.LegLUpperPitch += limits.PitchAttitudeLegsMax * _userConfig.PitchAttitude;
            o.LegRUpperPitch += limits.PitchAttitudeLegsMax * _userConfig.PitchAttitude;

            /* Send new targets to all the joints */

            CharacterMuscleOutput.Output(ref o, parts);