public CmsEnvelopedDataOutputStream(
				CmsEnvelopedGenerator	outer,
				CipherStream			outStream,
				BerSequenceGenerator	cGen,
				BerSequenceGenerator	envGen,
				BerSequenceGenerator	eiGen)
				_outer = outer;
				_out = outStream;
				_cGen = cGen;
				_envGen = envGen;
				_eiGen = eiGen;
		private Stream Open(
			Stream				outStream,
			AlgorithmIdentifier	encAlgID,
			ICipherParameters	cipherParameters,
			Asn1EncodableVector	recipientInfos)
				// ContentInfo
				BerSequenceGenerator cGen = new BerSequenceGenerator(outStream);


				// Encrypted Data
				BerSequenceGenerator envGen = new BerSequenceGenerator(
					cGen.GetRawOutputStream(), 0, true);


				Stream envRaw = envGen.GetRawOutputStream();
				Asn1Generator recipGen = _berEncodeRecipientSet
					?	(Asn1Generator) new BerSetGenerator(envRaw)
					:	new DerSetGenerator(envRaw);

				foreach (Asn1Encodable ae in recipientInfos)


				BerSequenceGenerator eiGen = new BerSequenceGenerator(envRaw);

				Stream octetOutputStream = CmsUtilities.CreateBerOctetOutputStream(
					eiGen.GetRawOutputStream(), 0, false, _bufferSize);

				IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(encAlgID.ObjectID);
				cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(cipherParameters, rand));
				CipherStream cOut = new CipherStream(octetOutputStream, null, cipher);

				return new CmsEnvelopedDataOutputStream(this, cOut, cGen, envGen, eiGen);
			catch (SecurityUtilityException e)
				throw new CmsException("couldn't create cipher.", e);
			catch (InvalidKeyException e)
				throw new CmsException("key invalid in message.", e);
			catch (IOException e)
				throw new CmsException("exception decoding algorithm parameters.", e);
		/// <summary>
		/// <p>
		/// Close off the encrypted object - this is equivalent to calling Close() on the stream
		/// returned by the Open() method.
		/// </p>
		/// <p>
		/// <b>Note</b>: This does not close the underlying output stream, only the stream on top of
		/// it created by the Open() method.
		/// </p>
		/// </summary>
        public void Close()
            if (cOut != null)
				// TODO Should this all be under the try/catch block?
                if (digestOut != null)
                    // hand code a mod detection packet
                    BcpgOutputStream bOut = new BcpgOutputStream(
						digestOut, PacketTag.ModificationDetectionCode, 20);


					// TODO
					byte[] dig = DigestUtilities.DoFinal(digestOut.WriteDigest());
					cOut.Write(dig, 0, dig.Length);


                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IOException(e.Message, e);

				cOut = null;
				pOut = null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Generate an enveloped object that contains a CMS Enveloped Data
		/// object using the passed in key generator.
		/// </summary>
        private CmsEnvelopedData Generate(
            CmsProcessable		content,
            string				encryptionOid,
            CipherKeyGenerator	keyGen)
            AlgorithmIdentifier encAlgId = null;
			KeyParameter encKey;
            Asn1OctetString encContent;

				byte[] encKeyBytes = keyGen.GenerateKey();
				encKey = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter(encryptionOid, encKeyBytes);

				Asn1Encodable asn1Params = GenerateAsn1Parameters(encryptionOid, encKeyBytes);

				ICipherParameters cipherParameters;
				encAlgId = GetAlgorithmIdentifier(
					encryptionOid, encKey, asn1Params, out cipherParameters);

				IBufferedCipher cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(encryptionOid);
				cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(cipherParameters, rand));

				MemoryStream bOut = new MemoryStream();
				CipherStream cOut = new CipherStream(bOut, null, cipher);



				encContent = new BerOctetString(bOut.ToArray());
			catch (SecurityUtilityException e)
				throw new CmsException("couldn't create cipher.", e);
			catch (InvalidKeyException e)
				throw new CmsException("key invalid in message.", e);
			catch (IOException e)
				throw new CmsException("exception decoding algorithm parameters.", e);

			Asn1EncodableVector recipientInfos = new Asn1EncodableVector();

            foreach (RecipientInfoGenerator rig in recipientInfoGenerators)
                    recipientInfos.Add(rig.Generate(encKey, rand));
                catch (InvalidKeyException e)
                    throw new CmsException("key inappropriate for algorithm.", e);
                catch (GeneralSecurityException e)
                    throw new CmsException("error making encrypted content.", e);

            EncryptedContentInfo eci = new EncryptedContentInfo(

			Asn1Set unprotectedAttrSet = null;
            if (unprotectedAttributeGenerator != null)
                Asn1.Cms.AttributeTable attrTable = unprotectedAttributeGenerator.GetAttributes(Platform.CreateHashtable());

                unprotectedAttrSet = new BerSet(attrTable.ToAsn1EncodableVector());

			ContentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo(
                new EnvelopedData(null, new DerSet(recipientInfos), eci, unprotectedAttrSet));

            return new CmsEnvelopedData(contentInfo);
		/// <summary>
		/// <p>
		/// If buffer is non null stream assumed to be partial, otherwise the length will be used
		/// to output a fixed length packet.
		/// </p>
		/// <p>
		/// The stream created can be closed off by either calling Close()
		/// on the stream or Close() on the generator. Closing the returned
		/// stream does not close off the Stream parameter <c>outStr</c>.
		/// </p>
		/// </summary>
        private Stream Open(
            Stream	outStr,
            long	length,
            byte[]	buffer)
			if (cOut != null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("generator already in open state");
			if (methods.Count == 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("No encryption methods specified");
			if (outStr == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("outStr");

			pOut = new BcpgOutputStream(outStr);

			KeyParameter key;

			if (methods.Count == 1)
                if (methods[0] is PbeMethod)
                    PbeMethod m = (PbeMethod)methods[0];

					key = m.GetKey();
                    key = PgpUtilities.MakeRandomKey(defAlgorithm, rand);

					byte[] sessionInfo = CreateSessionInfo(defAlgorithm, key);
                    PubMethod m = (PubMethod)methods[0];

                        m.AddSessionInfo(sessionInfo, rand);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new PgpException("exception encrypting session key", e);

            else // multiple methods
                key = PgpUtilities.MakeRandomKey(defAlgorithm, rand);
				byte[] sessionInfo = CreateSessionInfo(defAlgorithm, key);

				for (int i = 0; i != methods.Count; i++)
                    EncMethod m = (EncMethod)methods[i];

                        m.AddSessionInfo(sessionInfo, rand);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new PgpException("exception encrypting session key", e);


            string cName = PgpUtilities.GetSymmetricCipherName(defAlgorithm);
			if (cName == null)
                throw new PgpException("null cipher specified");

                if (withIntegrityPacket)
                    cName += "/CFB/NoPadding";
                    cName += "/OpenPGPCFB/NoPadding";

                c = CipherUtilities.GetCipher(cName);

				// TODO Confirm the IV should be all zero bytes (not inLineIv - see below)
				byte[] iv = new byte[c.GetBlockSize()];
                c.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(new ParametersWithIV(key, iv), rand));

                if (buffer == null)
                    // we have to Add block size + 2 for the Generated IV and + 1 + 22 if integrity protected
                    if (withIntegrityPacket)
                        pOut = new BcpgOutputStream(outStr, PacketTag.SymmetricEncryptedIntegrityProtected, length + c.GetBlockSize() + 2 + 1 + 22);
                        pOut.WriteByte(1);        // version number
                        pOut = new BcpgOutputStream(outStr, PacketTag.SymmetricKeyEncrypted, length + c.GetBlockSize() + 2, oldFormat);
                    if (withIntegrityPacket)
                        pOut = new BcpgOutputStream(outStr, PacketTag.SymmetricEncryptedIntegrityProtected, buffer);
                        pOut.WriteByte(1);        // version number
                        pOut = new BcpgOutputStream(outStr, PacketTag.SymmetricKeyEncrypted, buffer);

				int blockSize = c.GetBlockSize();
				byte[] inLineIv = new byte[blockSize + 2];
                rand.NextBytes(inLineIv, 0, blockSize);
				Array.Copy(inLineIv, inLineIv.Length - 4, inLineIv, inLineIv.Length - 2, 2);

				Stream myOut = cOut = new CipherStream(pOut, null, c);

				if (withIntegrityPacket)
					string digestName = PgpUtilities.GetDigestName(HashAlgorithmTag.Sha1);
					IDigest digest = DigestUtilities.GetDigest(digestName);
					myOut = digestOut = new DigestStream(myOut, null, digest);

				myOut.Write(inLineIv, 0, inLineIv.Length);

				return new WrappedGeneratorStream(this, myOut);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new PgpException("Exception creating cipher", e);