private void connect() { Console.WriteLine("Connecting thread running..."); while (!node_should_stop_) { for (int i = 0; i < ExClusterNodeList_.Count; ++i) { ClusterNodeSocket tmp = ExClusterNodeList_[i]; if (tmp.transport.IsOpen) { continue; } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Connecting to {0}:{1}...", OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Address.ToString(), OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Port)); try { tmp.transport.Open(); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("success: Connecting to {0}:{1}", OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Address.ToString(), OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Port)); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Failed: Connecting to {0}:{1} {2}", OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Address.ToString(), OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Port, ex.Message)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Failed: Connecting to {0}:{1} {2}", OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Address.ToString(), OriginalIPEndPointList_[i].Port, ex.Message)); tmp.transport = new TSocket(tmp.IPPort.Address.ToString(), tmp.IPPort.Port, Config.Heartbeat_interval * 2); //timeout ms TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(tmp.transport); tmp.client = new ClusterNodeRPC.Client(protocol); } } //Thread.Sleep(500); } Console.WriteLine("{0} Connecting thread exited...",; }
// we can't statistic acks got in one round to judge whether commit, because leader // may send different log to others public void leader_heartbeat_sender() { while (!leader_should_stop_) { int alive = 0; int bigger_than_commitIndex_num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ExClusterNodeList_.Count; ++i) { ClusterNodeSocket node = ExClusterNodeList_[i]; //heartbeatSenderDelegate del = new heartbeatSenderDelegate(heartbeatSender); //IAsyncResult res = del.BeginInvoke(new HeartbeatSenderWrapper(node, ""),null,Object()); if (node.transport.IsOpen) { ++alive; try { string send_content = ""; if (nextIndex_[i] < log_.Count) { send_content = log_[nextIndex_[i]].data; } // send heartbeat or log entry // if nextIndex_[i] - 1 == -1, the server will process it correctly no matter what value the getLogTermAt is bool res = node.client.heartbeat(id, term, nextIndex_[i] - 1, getLogTermAt(nextIndex_[i] - 1), send_content, commitIndex_); if (send_content != "") { if (res) { ++matchIndex_[i]; ++nextIndex_[i]; if (matchIndex_[i] > commitIndex_) { ++bigger_than_commitIndex_num; } } else { --nextIndex_[i]; } } else { //do nothing for heaartbeat } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG(String.Format("heartbeat error {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.Data)); } } } LOG(String.Format("One round({0}) heartbeat sent done", term)); // if commitIndex + 1 > log's last index, than first condition would not meet if ((ExClusterNodeList_.Count == 0 && commitIndex_ < log_.Count - 1) || (bigger_than_commitIndex_num > alive / 2 && commitIndex_ + 1 < log_.Count && log_[commitIndex_ + 1].term == term) ) { ++commitIndex_; } Thread.Sleep(Config.Heartbeat_interval); } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Leard heartbeat sender thread exit", id)); }
public HeartbeatSenderWrapper(ClusterNodeSocket _node, string _data) { node = _node; data = _data; }